Exemple #1
        // sudoku.c (371, 1)
        // sudokuSolve(sud) as int
        // sudokuSolve(L_SUDOKU *) as l_int32
        ///  <summary>
        /// sudokuSolve()
        ///  </summary>
        ///  <remarks>
        ///  </remarks>
        ///  <include file="..\CHM_Help\IncludeComments.xml" path="Comments/sudokuSolve/*"/>
        ///  <param name="sud">[in] - l_sudoku starting in initial state</param>
        ///   <returns>1 on success, 0 on failure to solve note reversal of typical unix returns</returns>
        public static int sudokuSolve(
            L_Sudoku sud)
            if (sud == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sud cannot be Nothing");

            int _Result = Natives.sudokuSolve(sud.Pointer);

Exemple #2
        // sudoku.c (854, 1)
        // sudokuOutput(sud, arraytype) as int
        // sudokuOutput(L_SUDOKU *, l_int32) as l_int32
        ///  <summary>
        /// (1) Prints either the initial array or the current state
        /// of the solution.
        ///  </summary>
        ///  <remarks>
        ///  </remarks>
        ///  <include file="..\CHM_Help\IncludeComments.xml" path="Comments/sudokuOutput/*"/>
        ///  <param name="sud">[in] - l_sudoku at any stage</param>
        ///  <param name="arraytype">[in] - L_SUDOKU_INIT, L_SUDOKU_STATE</param>
        ///   <returns>void</returns>
        public static int sudokuOutput(
            L_Sudoku sud,
            int arraytype)
            if (sud == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sud cannot be Nothing");

            int _Result = Natives.sudokuOutput(sud.Pointer, arraytype);

Exemple #3
        // sudoku.c (337, 1)
        // sudokuDestroy(psud) as Object
        // sudokuDestroy(L_SUDOKU **) as void
        ///  <summary>
        /// sudokuDestroy()
        ///  </summary>
        ///  <remarks>
        ///  </remarks>
        ///  <include file="..\CHM_Help\IncludeComments.xml" path="Comments/sudokuDestroy/*"/>
        ///  <param name="psud">[in,out] - to be nulled</param>
        public static void sudokuDestroy(
            ref L_Sudoku psud)
            IntPtr psudPtr = IntPtr.Zero;   if (psud != null)

                psudPtr = psud.Pointer;

            Natives.sudokuDestroy(ref psudPtr);
            if (psudPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                psud = null;
                psud = new L_Sudoku(psudPtr);