Exemple #1
        public HSE_Animation(string file_name)
            using (FileStream strm = new FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Open))
                EndianBinaryReader reader = new EndianBinaryReader(strm, Endian.Little);

                int test = reader.PeekReadInt32();

                if (reader.PeekReadInt32() == 5397068)
                    reader = LZR.Decompress(reader);

Exemple #2
        public TIM(string file_name)
            // Load a png. Simple!
            if (Path.GetExtension(file_name) == ".png")
                m_Image = new Bitmap(file_name);

            // Need to load a TIM.
            using (FileStream strm = new FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Open))
                EndianBinaryReader reader = new EndianBinaryReader(strm, Endian.Little);

                int test = reader.PeekReadInt32();

                if (reader.PeekReadInt32() == 5397068)
                    reader = LZR.Decompress(reader);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a RCO file.
        /// See description of an RCO file structure in
        /// https://github.com/kakaroto/RCOMage/blob/master/src/rcofile.h
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> true  RCO file is valid
        ///         false RCO file is invalid </returns>
        private bool read()
            int magic = endianSwap32(read32());

            if (magic != RCO_MAGIC)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Invalid RCO magic 0x{0:X8}", magic));
            int version = read32();

            //if (log.DebugEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RCO version 0x{0:X}", version));

            skip32();             // null
            int compression       = read32();
            int umdFlag           = compression & 0x0F;
            int headerCompression = (compression & 0xF0) >> 4;
            //if (log.DebugEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("umdFlag=0x{0:X}, headerCompression=0x{1:X}", umdFlag, headerCompression));

            int pMainTable = read32();

            pVSMXTable = read32();
            int pTextTable  = read32();
            int pSoundTable = read32();
            int pModelTable = read32();
            int pImgTable   = read32();

            skip32();             // pUnknown
            int pFontTable = read32();
            int pObjTable  = read32();
            int pAnimTable = read32();

            pTextData  = read32();
            lTextData  = read32();
            pLabelData = read32();
            lLabelData = read32();
            int pEventData = read32();
            int lEventData = read32();
            int pTextPtrs  = read32();
            int lTextPtrs  = read32();
            int pImgPtrs   = read32();
            int lImgPtrs   = read32();
            int pModelPtrs = read32();
            int lModelPtrs = read32();
            int pSoundPtrs = read32();
            int lSoundPtrs = read32();
            int pObjPtrs   = read32();
            int lObjPtrs   = read32();
            int pAnimPtrs  = read32();
            int lAnimPtrs  = read32();

            pImgData = read32();
            lImgData = read32();
            int pSoundData = read32();
            int lSoundData = read32();
            int pModelData = read32();
            int lModelData = read32();

            skip32();             // Always 0xFFFFFFFF
            skip32();             // Always 0xFFFFFFFF
            skip32();             // Always 0xFFFFFFFF

            //if (log.DebugEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("pMainTable=0x{0:X}, pVSMXTable=0x{1:X}, pTextTable=0x{2:X}, pSoundTable=0x{3:X}, pModelTable=0x{4:X}, pImgTable=0x{5:X}, pFontTable=0x{6:X}, pObjTable=0x{7:X}, pAnimTable=0x{8:X}", pMainTable, pVSMXTable, pTextTable, pSoundTable, pModelTable, pImgTable, pFontTable, pObjTable, pAnimTable));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("TextData=0x{0:X}[0x{1:X}], LabelData=0x{2:X}[0x{3:X}], EventData=0x{4:X}[0x{5:X}]", pTextData, lTextData, pLabelData, lLabelData, pEventData, lEventData));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("TextPtrs=0x{0:X}[0x{1:X}], ImgPtrs=0x{2:X}[0x{3:X}], ModelPtrs=0x{4:X}[0x{5:X}], SoundPtrs=0x{6:X}[0x{7:X}], ObjPtrs=0x{8:X}[0x{9:X}], AnimPtrs=0x{10:X}[0x{11:X}]", pTextPtrs, lTextPtrs, pImgPtrs, lImgPtrs, pModelPtrs, lModelPtrs, pSoundPtrs, lSoundPtrs, pObjPtrs, lObjPtrs, pAnimPtrs, lAnimPtrs));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ImgData=0x{0:X}[0x{1:X}], SoundData=0x{2:X}[0x{3:X}], ModelData=0x{4:X}[0x{5:X}]", pImgData, lImgData, pSoundData, lSoundData, pModelData, lModelData));

            if (headerCompression != 0)
                int     lenPacked      = read32();
                int     lenUnpacked    = read32();
                int     lenLongestText = read32();
                sbyte[] packedBuffer   = readBytes(lenPacked);
                sbyte[] unpackedBuffer = new sbyte[lenUnpacked];
                int     result;

                if (headerCompression == RCO_DATA_COMPRESSION_RLZ)
                    result = LZR.decompress(unpackedBuffer, lenUnpacked, packedBuffer);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Unimplemented compression {0:D}", headerCompression));
                    result = -1;

                if (log.TraceEnabled)
                    log.trace(string.Format("Unpack header longestText=0x{0:X}, result=0x{1:X}: {2}", lenLongestText, result, Utilities.getMemoryDump(unpackedBuffer, 0, lenUnpacked)));

                if (pTextData != RCO_NULL_PTR && lTextData > 0)
                    int nextOffset;
                        int textLang = read16();
                        nextOffset = read32();
                        int textLenPacked   = read32();
                        int textLenUnpacked = read32();

                        sbyte[] textPackedBuffer   = readBytes(textLenPacked);
                        sbyte[] textUnpackedBuffer = new sbyte[textLenUnpacked];

                        if (headerCompression == RCO_DATA_COMPRESSION_RLZ)
                            result = LZR.decompress(textUnpackedBuffer, textLenUnpacked, textPackedBuffer);
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Unimplemented compression {0:D}", headerCompression));
                            result = -1;

                        if (log.TraceEnabled)
                            log.trace(string.Format("Unpack text lang={0:D}, result=0x{1:X}: {2}", textLang, result, Utilities.getMemoryDump(textUnpackedBuffer, 0, textLenUnpacked)));

                        if (result >= 0)
                            compressedTextDataOffset           = extend(compressedTextDataOffset, textLang + 1);
                            compressedTextDataOffset[textLang] = unpackedBuffer.Length + RCO_HEADER_SIZE;
                            unpackedBuffer = append(unpackedBuffer, textUnpackedBuffer);

                        if (nextOffset == 0)
                        skip(nextOffset - 16 - textLenPacked);
                    } while (nextOffset != 0);

                if (result >= 0)
                    buffer = append(buffer, RCO_HEADER_SIZE, unpackedBuffer);

            events = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            if (pEventData != RCO_NULL_PTR && lEventData > 0)
                while (tell() < pEventData + lEventData)
                    int    index = tell() - pEventData;
                    string s     = readString();
                    if (!string.ReferenceEquals(s, null) && s.Length > 0)
                        events[index] = s;

            entries = new Dictionary <int, RCO.RCOEntry>();
            images  = new Dictionary <int, System.Drawing.Bitmap>();
            objects = new Dictionary <int, BaseObject>();

            mainTable = readRCOEntry(pMainTable);
            //if (log.DebugEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("mainTable: {0}", mainTable));

            if (pObjPtrs != RCO_NULL_PTR)
                for (int i = 0; i < lObjPtrs; i += 4)
                    int objPtr = read32();
                    if (objPtr != 0 && !objects.ContainsKey(objPtr))
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Object 0x{0:X} not read", objPtr));

            if (pImgPtrs != RCO_NULL_PTR)
                for (int i = 0; i < lImgPtrs; i += 4)
                    int imgPtr = read32();
                    if (imgPtr != 0 && !images.ContainsKey(imgPtr))
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Image 0x{0:X} not read", imgPtr));

            RCOContext context = new RCOContext(null, 0, events, images, objects);

            foreach (BaseObject @object in objects.Values)