/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImportSection"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parseTree">The new import section context from the parse tree.</param>
        public ImportSection(LUFileParser.ImportSectionContext parseTree)
            if (parseTree == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parseTree));

            Errors      = new List <Error>();
            SectionType = SectionType.ImportSection;
            var result = ExtractDescriptionAndPath(parseTree);

            Description = result.description;
            Path        = result.path;
            string secTypeStr = $"{SectionType}";

            Id = $"{char.ToLowerInvariant(secTypeStr[0]) + secTypeStr.Substring(1)}_{Path}";
            var startPosition = new Position {
                Line = parseTree.Start.Line, Character = parseTree.Start.Column
            var stopPosition = new Position {
                Line = parseTree.Stop.Line, Character = parseTree.Stop.Column + parseTree.Stop.Text.Length

            Range = new Range {
                Start = startPosition, End = stopPosition
        public (string description, string path) ExtractDescriptionAndPath(LUFileParser.ImportSectionContext parseTree)
            var importStr = parseTree.importDefinition().IMPORT().GetText();

            string description = null;
            string path        = null;

            // TODO: check this regex correct logic
            var regMatch = Regex.Match(importStr, @"\[([^\]]*)\]\(([^\)]*)\)");

            if (regMatch.Success && regMatch.Groups.Count == 3)
                description = regMatch.Groups[1].ToString().Trim();
                path        = regMatch.Groups[2].ToString().Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    var errorMsg = $"LU file reference path is empty: \"{parseTree.GetText()}\"";
                    var error    = Diagnostic.BuildDiagnostic(message: errorMsg, context: parseTree);


            return(description, path);
 /// <summary>
 /// Visit a parse tree produced by <see cref="LUFileParser.importSection"/>.
 /// <para>
 /// The default implementation returns the result of calling <see cref="AbstractParseTreeVisitor{Result}.VisitChildren(IRuleNode)"/>
 /// on <paramref name="context"/>.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 /// <return>The visitor result.</return>
 public virtual Result VisitImportSection([NotNull] LUFileParser.ImportSectionContext context)
 /// <summary>
 /// Exit a parse tree produced by <see cref="LUFileParser.importSection"/>.
 /// <para>The default implementation does nothing.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 public virtual void ExitImportSection([NotNull] LUFileParser.ImportSectionContext context)