private bool MoveFile(int nFileId, int nFolderId, out string err)
        string strResultInfo = string.Empty;

        err = string.Empty;

        string sProspectStatus = LoansManager.GetProspectStatusInfo(nFileId);
        string sFileName       = LoansManager.GetProspectFileNameInfo(nFileId); //bug 878

        if (sFileName == "")
            err = "The selected lead does not have a Point file.";

        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();

        using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
            MoveFileRequest req = new MoveFileRequest();
            req.FileId      = nFileId;
            req.NewFolderId = nFolderId;
            req.hdr         = new ReqHdr();
            req.hdr.UserId  = CurrUser.iUserID;

            MoveFileResponse response = client.MoveFile(req);
            if (response.hdr.Successful)

            // LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("Failed to move file:{0}", response.hdr.StatusInfo));
            //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, response.hdr.StatusInfo);
            err = response.hdr.StatusInfo;
Exemple #2
    private void ReassignProspect()
        if (!AllowReassignProspect())
            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();

            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                ReassignProspectRequest rpq = new ReassignProspectRequest();
                rpq.hdr    = new ReqHdr();
                rpq.FileId = new int[1] {
                rpq.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                rpq.hdr.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;
                rpq.FromUser          = int.Parse(hfLoanOfficer.Value);
                rpq.ToUser            = int.Parse(ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue);
                rpq.ContactId         = null;
                rpq.UserId            = null;
                ReassignProspectResponse rpp = null;
                rpp = service.ReassignProspect(rpq);

                if (!rpp.hdr.Successful)
                    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, rpp.hdr.StatusInfo);
        catch (Exception ex)
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, ex.Message);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// update Point file and move it to the closed loan/archived loan folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bComplete">true or false</param>
        /// <param name="sCompletedDate">if bComplete=true, sCompletedDate=DateTime.ToString() else string.Empty</param>
        /// <param name="iLoanID"></param>
        /// <param name="iLoginUserID"></param>
        /// <param name="sLoanStage"></param>
        /// <returns>error, if success, error=string.Empty</returns>
        public static string CloseLoan(int iLoanID, int iLoginUserID, int iFolderId)
            string sError = string.Empty;

                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    DisposeLoanRequest req = new DisposeLoanRequest();
                    req.FileId      = iLoanID;
                    req.LoanStatus  = "Closed";
                    req.NewFolderId = iFolderId;
                    req.hdr         = new ReqHdr();
                    req.hdr.UserId  = iLoginUserID;
                    req.StatusDate  = DateTime.Now;

                    DisposeLoanResponse response = client.DisposeLoan(req);
                    if (response.hdr.Successful)
                        return("Moved the Point file to the selected folder successfully.");
                        return("Failed to move the Point file to the selected folder, reason:" + response.hdr.StatusInfo);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                return("Failed to move the Point file, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                return("Failed to move the Point file, reason:" + ex.Message);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // json示例
        // {"ExecResult":"Success"}
        // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"unknown errors."}

        #region 接收参数

        // WorkflowTemplateID
        bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "WorkflowTemplateID", QueryStringType.ID);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Lose required query string.\"}");
        string sWorkflowTemplateID = this.Request.QueryString["WorkflowTemplateID"];
        int    iWorkflowTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(sWorkflowTemplateID);


        #region 加载Workflow Template信息

        LPWeb.BLL.Template_Workflow WorkflowTemplateManager = new LPWeb.BLL.Template_Workflow();
        DataTable WorkflowTemplateInfo = WorkflowTemplateManager.GetWorkflowTemplateInfo(iWorkflowTemplateID);
        if (WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows.Count == 0)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Invalid workflow template id.\"}");

        string sWorkflowType = WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["WorkflowType"].ToString();


        #region 加载Loan List

        string    sSql     = "select * from LoanWflTempl a inner join Loans b on a.FileId=b.FileId WHERE a.WflTemplId=" + sWorkflowTemplateID + " and b.Status='" + sWorkflowType + "'";
        DataTable LoanList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);

        bool bAllSuccess = true;
            foreach (DataRow LoanRow in LoanList.Rows)
                int iFileID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanRow["FileId"]);
                // workflow api
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    GenerateWorkflowRequest req = new GenerateWorkflowRequest();
                    req.FileId            = iFileID;
                    req.WorkflowTemplId   = iWorkflowTemplateID;
                    req.hdr               = new ReqHdr();
                    req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                    req.hdr.UserId        = this.CurrUser.iUserID;

                    GenerateWorkflowResponse respone = service.GenerateWorkflow(req);

                    if (respone.hdr.Successful == false)
                        bAllSuccess = false;
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Exception happened when regenerate workflows: Point Manager is not running.\"}");
        catch (Exception)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Unknown exception happened when regenerate workflows.\"}");

        if (bAllSuccess == true)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Failed to regenerate workflows.\"}");
        protected void lbtnSuspend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string err = "Failed to ";

                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    if (this.lbtnSuspend.Text.ToLower().IndexOf("suspend") >= 0)
                        err += "suspend ";
                        StopPointImportRequest req = new StopPointImportRequest();
                        req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
                        req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                        req.hdr.UserId        = 5;               //todo:check dummy data
                        StopPointImportResponse respone = null;
                            respone = service.StopPointImportService(req);
                            if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                                this.lbtnSuspend.Text = "Resume Sync";
                                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Suspend sync successfully.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Suspend sync failed, reason: " + respone.hdr.StatusInfo, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to Suspend sync, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            err = "Failed to suspend sync, reason: " + exception.Message;
                            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, err, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                    else if (this.lbtnSuspend.Text.ToLower().IndexOf("resume") >= 0)
                        err += "resume ";
                        StartPointImportRequest req = new StartPointImportRequest();
                        req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
                        req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                        req.hdr.UserId        = 5;               //todo:check dummy data
                        StartPointImportResponse respone = null;

                            respone = service.StartPointImportService(req);

                            if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                                this.lbtnSuspend.Text = "Suspend Sync";
                                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Resume sync successfully.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Resume sync failed.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                            err = "Failed to suspend sync, reason: " + ee.Message;
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to Resume sync, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            err = "Failed to suspend sync, reason: " + exception.Message;
                            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, err, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (Exception ex)
                err += "sync, reason: " + ex.Message;
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, err);
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, err, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
Exemple #6
    protected int CreateContactAndProspect(string sFirstName, string sLastName, string sEmail, string sType, string sPhone, string sDOB, string sSSN, int iUserID, string Purpose)
        #region create new contact

        LPWeb.Model.Contacts ContactsModel = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts();
        ContactsModel.ContactId = 0;
        ContactsModel.FirstName = sFirstName;
        ContactsModel.LastName  = sLastName;
        ContactsModel.Email     = sEmail;

        if (sType == "Cell Phone")
            ContactsModel.CellPhone     = sPhone;
            ContactsModel.HomePhone     = string.Empty;
            ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = string.Empty;
        else if (sType == "Home Phone")
            ContactsModel.CellPhone     = string.Empty;
            ContactsModel.HomePhone     = sPhone;
            ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = string.Empty;
        else if (sType == "Work Phone")
            ContactsModel.CellPhone     = string.Empty;
            ContactsModel.HomePhone     = string.Empty;
            ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = sPhone;

        if (sDOB == string.Empty)
            ContactsModel.DOB = null;
            ContactsModel.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(sDOB);

        ContactsModel.SSN = sSSN;

        ContactsModel.MiddleName     = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.NickName       = txtFirstName.Text.Trim();
        ContactsModel.Title          = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.GenerationCode = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.Fax            = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.MailingAddr    = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.MailingCity    = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.MailingState   = string.Empty;
        ContactsModel.MailingZip     = string.Empty;


        #region create new prospect

        LPWeb.Model.Prospect ProspectModel = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect();

        ProspectModel.PreferredContact = sType;

        ProspectModel.Contactid  = 0;
        ProspectModel.Created    = DateTime.Now;
        ProspectModel.CreatedBy  = iUserID;
        ProspectModel.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0" ? "" : this.ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text;

        string sLoanOfficerID = ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue;
        iLoanOfficerID = 0;
        if (sLoanOfficerID == "-1" || sLoanOfficerID == "-2")
        else if (sLoanOfficerID == "0")
            //Lead Routing Engine
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    //invoke the WCF API GetNextLoanOfficer
                    LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq();
                    req.LeadSource           = ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text;
                    req.Purpose              = Purpose;
                    req.ReqHdr               = new ReqHdr();
                    req.ReqHdr.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken";
                    LR_GetNextLoanOfficerResp response = client.LeadRouting_GetNextLoanofficer(req);
                    if (response.RespHdr.Successful)
                        iLoanOfficerID = response.NextLoanOfficerID;
                        Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr     = new Company_Lead_Sources();
                        DataTable            SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0];
                        if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0)
                            iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr     = new Company_Lead_Sources();
                DataTable            SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0];
                if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0)
                    iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]);
            iLoanOfficerID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanOfficerID);

        ProspectModel.Loanofficer   = iLoanOfficerID;
        ProspectModel.ReferenceCode = string.Empty;
        ProspectModel.Status        = "Active";
        ProspectModel.CreditRanking = string.Empty;
        ProspectModel.Referral      = null;

        Prospect ProspectManager = new Prospect();

        int iContactId = ProspectManager.CreateContactAndProspect(ContactsModel, ProspectModel);


Exemple #7
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.CurrentFileId == 0)
        ServiceManager sm          = new ServiceManager();
        bool           bSuccessful = false;

        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
            ReassignLoanRequest req = new ReassignLoanRequest();
            req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
            req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
            req.hdr.UserId        = CurrentUser.iUserID;
            ReassignUserInfo uInfo = new ReassignUserInfo();

            uInfo.FileId = this.CurrentFileId;
            uInfo.RoleId = int.Parse(ddlRole.SelectedValue);
            if (ddlUsers.SelectedValue != "")
                uInfo.NewUserId = int.Parse(ddlUsers.SelectedValue);
                uInfo.NewUserId = 0;
            List <ReassignUserInfo> uList = new List <ReassignUserInfo>();
            req.reassignUsers = uList.ToArray();
            ReassignLoanResponse respone = null;

                respone = service.ReassignLoan(req);

                if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                    LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam lcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam();
                    lcModel.FileId = CurrentFileId;
                    lcModel.RoleId = uInfo.RoleId;
                    lcModel.UserId = uInfo.NewUserId;

                    LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam oldlcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam();
                    oldlcModel.FileId = CurrentFileId;
                    oldlcModel.RoleId = oldRoleID;
                    oldlcModel.UserId = oldUserID;

                    LPWeb.BLL.LoanTeam lc = new LoanTeam();

                    //lc.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, req.hdr.UserId, ddlRole.SelectedItem.Text, ddlUsers.SelectedItem.Text);
                    lc.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, req.hdr.UserId);

                    bSuccessful = true;
                    bSuccessful = false;
                if (bSuccessful)
                    PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Reassigned loan successfully", "window.parent.RefreshPage();" + this.hdnCloseDialogCodes.Value);
                    PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, string.Format("Failed to reassign loan, reason:{0}.", respone.hdr.StatusInfo), PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ex)
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to reassign loan, reason: Point Manager is not running.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (Exception exception)
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, string.Format("Failed to reassign loan, reason:{0}.", exception.Message), PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
Exemple #8
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void btnDispose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int nFileId = -1;

        if (!int.TryParse(this.hiSelectedLoan.Value, out nFileId))
            nFileId = -1;
        if (nFileId == -1)
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Invalid file Id: " + this.hiSelectedLoan.Value);

        int nFolderId = -1;

        if (!int.TryParse(this.hiSelectedFolderId.Value, out nFolderId))
            nFolderId = -1;
        if (nFolderId == -1)
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Invalid folder Id: " + this.hiSelectedFolderId.Value);

            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
            using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                DisposeLoanRequest req = new DisposeLoanRequest();
                req.FileId      = nFileId;
                req.LoanStatus  = this.hiSelectedDisposal.Value;
                req.NewFolderId = nFolderId;
                req.hdr         = new ReqHdr();
                req.hdr.UserId  = CurrUser.iUserID;
                req.StatusDate  = DateTime.Now;

                DisposeLoanResponse response = client.DisposeLoan(req);
                if (response.hdr.Successful)
                    if (WorkflowManager.UpdateLoanStatus(nFileId, this.hiSelectedDisposal.Value, CurrUser.iUserID))
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Loginfo, string.Format("Successfully update loan status, LoanId:{0}, to Status:{1}. ",
                                                                        nFileId, this.hiSelectedDisposal.Value));
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to update loan status.");
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("Failed to update loan status, LoanId:{0}, to Status:{1}.",
                                                                         nFileId, this.hiSelectedDisposal.Value));
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("Failed to move file:{0}", response.hdr.StatusInfo));
                    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, response.hdr.StatusInfo);
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("Faield to move file:{0}", ee.Message));
            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to move the Point file, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("Faield to move file:{0}", ex.Message));
            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, ex.Message);
Exemple #9
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //string sError_Lost = "Lost required query string.";
        //if (this.Request.QueryString["TextBody"] == null)
        //    this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sError_Lost + "\"}");
        //    this.Response.End();
        //string sHtmlBody = this.Request.QueryString["TextBody"];
        //this.ltLSRBody.Text = sHtmlBody;

        // json示例
        // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":""}
        // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"Failed to do sth."}

        #region 校验页面参数

        string sErrorJs = "alert('Missing required query string.');window.close();";

        if (this.Request.QueryString["FileId"] == null)
            this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing3", sErrorJs, true);
        string sFileId = this.Request.QueryString["FileId"];

        if (PageCommon.IsID(sFileId) == false)
            this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing1", sErrorJs, true);
        int    iFileId    = Convert.ToInt32(sFileId);
        string sContactId = this.Request.QueryString["ContactId"];
        string sUserId    = this.Request.QueryString["UserId"];

        if (PageCommon.IsID(sContactId) == false || PageCommon.IsID(sUserId) == false)
            this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing1", sErrorJs, true);
        int    iContactId = 0;
        int    iUserId    = 0;
        string sLSRBody   = "LSR content";


        #region Invoke WCF

        string sErrorMsg = string.Empty;

        PreviewLSRRequest  req  = new PreviewLSRRequest();
        PreviewLSRResponse resp = new PreviewLSRResponse();

        //this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Waiting", "ShowWaitingDialog3(\"Preview report...\");", true);
            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                req.FileId    = iFileId;
                req.hdr       = new ReqHdr();
                req.ContactId = (Int32.TryParse(sContactId, out iContactId) == true ? iContactId : 0);
                req.UserId    = (Int32.TryParse(sUserId, out iUserId) == true ? iUserId : 0);

                resp = service.PreviewLSR(req);

                if (resp == null || resp.hdr == null)
                    PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "", "CloseWaitingDialog3()");
                    this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_FailedGetHtml", "alert('Failed to preview report!');window.close();", true);
                int iBranchID   = 0;
                int first_check = 0;
                int icon_check  = 1;

                string sSql = string.Format("select BranchID from Loans where FileId={0}", iFileId);
                iBranchID = (int)LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(sSql);

                sErrorMsg = resp.hdr.StatusInfo;

                if (resp.hdr.Successful == true)
                    sLSRBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resp.ReportContent);
                    String strPathAndQuery = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
                    String strUrl          = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(strPathAndQuery, "/");

                    int    first    = 0;
                    string b_str    = "";
                    string m_str    = "";
                    int    end      = 0;
                    string e_str    = "";
                    string left_str = "";

                    first_check = sLSRBody.IndexOf("width:330px; height:64px");
                    if (first_check > 0)
                        first    = sLSRBody.IndexOf("cid:");
                        b_str    = sLSRBody.Substring(0, first - 12);
                        m_str    = "<img src=\"" + strUrl + "_layouts/LPWeb/Settings/GetPreviewBranchLogo.aspx?BranchID=" + iBranchID.ToString() + "&ss=" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
                        end      = sLSRBody.IndexOf("width:330px; height:64px");
                        e_str    = sLSRBody.Substring(end - 8, sLSRBody.Length - end + 8);
                        sLSRBody = b_str + m_str + e_str;

                    first_check = sLSRBody.IndexOf("width:96px; height:13px");
                    if (first_check > 0)
                        first = sLSRBody.IndexOf("cid:");
                        b_str = sLSRBody.Substring(0, first - 12);
                        end   = sLSRBody.IndexOf("width:96px; height:13px");
                        e_str = sLSRBody.Substring(end - 8, sLSRBody.Length - end + 8);
                        string p_str_buf = sLSRBody.Substring(first, sLSRBody.Length - first);
                        int    p_first   = p_str_buf.IndexOf("data=");
                        p_str_buf = p_str_buf.Substring(p_first + 6, p_str_buf.Length - p_first - 6);
                        int    p_end = p_str_buf.IndexOf("\"");
                        string p_str = p_str_buf.Substring(0, p_end);
                        int    len8  = p_str.Length;
                        m_str    = "<img src=\"" + strUrl + string.Format("_layouts/LPWeb/Settings/GetLoanProgressPicture.aspx?Image={0}", p_str);
                        sLSRBody = b_str + m_str + e_str;

                    first_check = sLSRBody.IndexOf("height:77px");
                    if (first_check > 0)
                        first    = sLSRBody.IndexOf("cid:");
                        b_str    = sLSRBody.Substring(0, first - 12);
                        m_str    = "<img src=\"" + strUrl + string.Format("_layouts/LPWeb/Settings/GetPreviewUserPicture.aspx?uid={0}&t={1}", this.CurrUser.iUserID.ToString(), DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                        end      = sLSRBody.IndexOf("height:77px");
                        e_str    = sLSRBody.Substring(end - 20, sLSRBody.Length - end + 20);
                        sLSRBody = b_str + m_str + e_str;

                    icon_check = sLSRBody.IndexOf("width:16px; height:16px");

                    while (icon_check > 0)
                        first = sLSRBody.IndexOf("cid:");
                        if (first > 0)
                            b_str    = sLSRBody.Substring(0, first - 10);
                            left_str = sLSRBody.Substring(first - 9, sLSRBody.Length - (first - 9));
                            end      = left_str.IndexOf("width:16px; height:16px");
                            if (end > 0)
                                e_str = left_str.Substring(end - 8, left_str.Length - end + 8);
                                string p_str_buf = sLSRBody.Substring(first, sLSRBody.Length - first);
                                int    p_first   = p_str_buf.IndexOf("data=");
                                p_str_buf = p_str_buf.Substring(p_first + 6, p_str_buf.Length - p_first - 6);
                                int    p_end = p_str_buf.IndexOf("\"");
                                string p_str = p_str_buf.Substring(0, p_end);
                                int    len8  = p_str.Length;
                                m_str    = "<img src=\"" + strUrl + string.Format("_layouts/LPWeb/Settings/GetLoanProgressPicture.aspx?Image={0}", p_str);
                                sLSRBody = b_str + m_str + e_str;
                                icon_check = -1;
                            icon_check = -1;
                    this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_FailedGetHtml", "alert('Failed to preview report: " + resp.hdr.StatusInfo + "');window.close();", true);
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to preview report,  Report Manager is not running, error: " + ee.ToString());
        catch (Exception ex)
            //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to preview report,  Report Manager is not running, error: " + ex.ToString());
            this.ltLSRBody.Text = sLSRBody;

        //this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Waiting", "CloseWaitingDialog3();",true);
Exemple #10
    /// <summary>
    /// 完成 自定义task后 发送邮件 //gdc CR40
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="modelcmpAlerts"></param>
    /// <param name="taskID"></param>
    public void SaveOKAndSendEmail(LPWeb.Model.Company_Alerts modelcmpAlerts, int taskID)
        LoginUser CurrentUser = new LoginUser();

        int[]    ToUserIDArray    = null;
        int[]    ToContactIDArray = null;
        string[] ToEmailAddrArray = null;

        int[]    CCUserIDArray    = null;
        int[]    CCContactIDArray = null;
        string[] CCEmailAddrArray = null;

        #region use To and CC of email template

        #region 获取Email Template的Recipient(s)

        Template_Email EmailTemplateManager = new Template_Email();
        DataTable      RecipientList        = EmailTemplateManager.GetRecipientList(modelcmpAlerts.CustomTaskEmailTemplId);


        #region 获取Loan Team

        string    sSql         = "select * from LoanTeam where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
        DataTable LoanTeamList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);


        #region 获取Contacts

        string    sSql2       = "select * from LoanContacts where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
        DataTable ContactList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2);


        Collection <Int32>  ToUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <Int32>  ToContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <String> ToEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

        Collection <Int32>  CCUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <Int32>  CCContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <String> CCEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

        #region To

        DataRow[] ToRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='To'");
        if (ToRecipient.Length > 0)
            string sEmailList_To    = ToRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
            string sContactList_To  = ToRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
            string sUserRoleList_To = ToRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();
            string sTaskOwner       = ToRecipient[0]["TaskOwner"].ToString();

            #region Emails

            if (sEmailList_To != string.Empty)
                string[] EmailArray_To = sEmailList_To.Split(';');
                foreach (string sEmailTo in EmailArray_To)


            #region User IDs

            if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty)
                string[] UserRoleArray_To = sUserRoleList_To.Split(';');
                foreach (string sUserRoleIDTo in UserRoleArray_To)
                    int iUserRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDTo);

                    DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDTo);
                    foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                        int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


            #region Contact IDs

            if (sContactList_To != string.Empty)
                string[] ContactArray_To = sContactList_To.Split(';');
                foreach (string sContactIDTo in ContactArray_To)
                    int iContactRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDTo);

                    DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDTo);
                    foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                        int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);


            #region TaskOwner

            if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null))
                if (sTaskOwner == "True")
                    string    sSql_LoanTasks = "select Owner from LoanTasks where LoanTaskId=" + taskID;
                    DataTable LoanTasks_List = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_LoanTasks);

                    string sOwnerId = LoanTasks_List.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString();

                    if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null))
                        int       iOwnerId           = Convert.ToInt32(sOwnerId);
                        string    sSql_Users         = "select EmailAddress, LastName, FirstName from Users where UserId=" + iOwnerId;
                        DataTable Users_List         = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_Users);
                        string    Owner_EmailAddress = Users_List.Rows[0]["EmailAddress"].ToString();
                        if ((Owner_EmailAddress != string.Empty) && (Owner_EmailAddress != null))



        #region CC

        DataRow[] CCRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='CC'");
        if (CCRecipient.Length > 0)
            string sEmailList_CC    = CCRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
            string sContactList_CC  = CCRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
            string sUserRoleList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();

            #region Emails

            if (sEmailList_CC != string.Empty)
                string[] EmailArray_CC = sEmailList_CC.Split(';');
                foreach (string sEmailCC in EmailArray_CC)


            #region User IDs

            if (sUserRoleList_CC != string.Empty)
                string[] UserRoleArray_CC = sUserRoleList_CC.Split(';');
                foreach (string sUserRoleIDCC in UserRoleArray_CC)
                    int iUserRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDCC);

                    DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDCC);
                    foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                        int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


            #region Contact IDs

            if (sContactList_CC != string.Empty)
                string[] ContactArray_CC = sContactList_CC.Split(';');
                foreach (string sContactIDCC in ContactArray_CC)
                    int iContactRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDCC);

                    DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDCC);
                    foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                        int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);



        ToUserIDArray    = new int[ToUserIDs.Count];
        ToContactIDArray = new int[ToContactIDs.Count];
        ToEmailAddrArray = new string[ToEmailList.Count];

        CCUserIDArray    = new int[CCUserIDs.Count];
        CCContactIDArray = new int[CCContactIDs.Count];
        CCEmailAddrArray = new string[CCEmailList.Count];

        ToUserIDs.CopyTo(ToUserIDArray, 0);
        ToContactIDs.CopyTo(ToContactIDArray, 0);
        ToEmailList.CopyTo(ToEmailAddrArray, 0);

        CCUserIDs.CopyTo(CCUserIDArray, 0);
        CCContactIDs.CopyTo(CCContactIDArray, 0);
        CCEmailList.CopyTo(CCEmailAddrArray, 0);


        #region 调用API

        SendEmailResponse response = null;

            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
                req.EmailTemplId = modelcmpAlerts.CustomTaskEmailTemplId;
                req.FileId       = this.iLoanID;
                req.UserId       = CurrentUser.iUserID;
                req.ToEmails     = ToEmailAddrArray;
                req.ToUserIds    = ToUserIDArray;
                req.ToContactIds = ToContactIDArray;
                req.CCEmails     = CCEmailAddrArray;
                req.CCUserIds    = CCUserIDArray;
                req.CCContactIds = CCContactIDArray;
                req.hdr          = new ReqHdr();

                response = service.SendEmail(req);
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
            string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send the email, reason: Email Manager is not running.");
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
            //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
        catch (Exception ex)
            string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, error: {0}", ex.Message);
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
            //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");

        private bool SaveLoanNotes()
            if (NoteSaved)
            string err  = "";
            string Note = Request.Form["tbxNote"].ToString().Trim();
            bool   cbExternalViewing = true;

            if (Request.Form["cbExternalViewing"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["cbExternalViewing"].ToString()))
                cbExternalViewing = false;
                cbExternalViewing = Request.Form["cbExternalViewing"].ToString().ToUpper() == "ON" ? true : false;
                if (Note == "")
                    //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Please input the note!");
                    //ErrorMsg("Please input the note!");
                    return(true); //gdc CR43  为空时不添加Note ,需要在调用前综合判定  Note 和 Attachment
                //if (Note.Length > 500)
                //    //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The note length must be less than 500 characters!");
                //    ErrorMsg("The note length must be less than 500 characters!");
                //    return false;
                int    fileId     = iLoanID;
                var    curUser    = new LoginUser();
                string senderName = curUser.sFirstName + " " + curUser.sLastName;

                DateTime dtNow = Convert.ToDateTime(sLocalTime);

                var req = new AddNoteRequest
                    FileId   = fileId,
                    Created  = dtNow,//DateTime.Now,
                    NoteTime = dtNow,
                    Note     = Note,
                    Sender   = senderName,
                    hdr      = new ReqHdr
                        UserId = curUser.iUserID
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    AddNoteResponse res      = client.AddNote(req);
                    bool            exported = res.hdr.Successful;
                    var             model    = new Model.LoanNotes
                        Note            = Note,
                        FileId          = fileId,
                        Created         = dtNow,//DateTime.Now,
                        Sender          = senderName,
                        Exported        = exported,
                        ExternalViewing = cbExternalViewing

                    var bllLoanNotes = new LoanNotes();
                    NoteSaved = true;
                    if (!exported)
                        //PageCommon.WriteJs(this, res.hdr.StatusInfo, "parent.ClosePopupWindow();");
                        //PageCommon.WriteJs(this, "Add note successfully.", "parent.ClosePopupWindow();");
                        //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Add note Failed.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to add note, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
                ErrorMsg("Failed to add note, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
            catch (Exception exception)
                err = "Failed to add note, reason:" + exception.Message + " LocalTime:" + sLocalTime;
                // PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, err, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Save user info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Model.Users newUser = null;
            if ("0" == Mode)
                newUser = new Model.Users();
                if (GetValue(ref newUser))
                    //set the new user's default loans per page(50)
                    newUser.LoansPerPage = 50;

                    if (!CheckBeforeSave(newUser))

                    int?nSourceUID = null;
                    int nTemp      = 0;
                    if (null != ViewState["SourceUID"])
                        if (int.TryParse(ViewState["SourceUID"].ToString(), out nTemp))
                            nSourceUID = nTemp;

                        // save the new added user info, nSourceUID is null or not indicated to clone or not
                        UserId = UsersManager.AddUserInfo(newUser, this.hiCurrLoanRep.Value, this.hiCurrGroup.Value, nSourceUID);
                        Mode   = "1";
                        this.btnDelete.Enabled = true;
                        this.btnClone.Enabled  = true;

                            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                                UpdateADUserRequest uReq = new UpdateADUserRequest();
                                ReqHdr hdr = new ReqHdr();
                                hdr.UserId             = UserId.Value;
                                uReq.hdr               = hdr;
                                uReq.AD_OU_Filter      = this.lbPrefix.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User           = new LP_Service.User();
                                uReq.AD_User.Username  = this.tbUserName.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Firstname = this.tbFirstName.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Lastname  = this.tbLastName.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Email     = this.tbEmail.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Enabled   = this.ckbEnabled.Checked;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbPWD.Text.Trim()))
                                    uReq.AD_User.Password = this.tbPWD.Text.Trim();
                                    uReq.AD_User.Password = string.Empty;
                                uReq.Command = UserMgrCommandType.CreateUser;

                                UpdateADUserResponse uResponse;
                                uResponse = service.UpdateADUser(uReq);
                                if (!uResponse.hdr.Successful)
                                    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user info in AD.");
                                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to save user info in AD. UserID: " + UserId.ToString() + ", Error: " + uResponse.hdr.StatusInfo);
                        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user info in AD, reason: User Manager is not running.");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user info in AD, reason:" + ex.Message);
                            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Error occured when save user info in AD: " + ex.Message);

                        CallClientFn("ShowMsg('saveSuccss', '', true, true);");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user info, reason:" + ex.Message);
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Error occured when save user info: " + ex.Message);
                    CallClientFn("ShowMsg('invalidInput', '', false);");
            else if ("1" == Mode)
                newUser = UsersManager.GetModel(UserId.Value);
                bool changePwd = false;
                if ((newUser.Password != tbPWD.Text.Trim()) &&
                    changePwd = true;
                if (GetValue(ref newUser))
                    if (!CheckBeforeSave(newUser))
                        // update current user info, without personalization info
                        UsersManager.UpdateUserInfo(newUser, this.hiCurrLoanRep.Value, this.hiCurrGroup.Value);

                            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                                UpdateADUserRequest uReq = new UpdateADUserRequest();
                                ReqHdr hdr = new ReqHdr();
                                hdr.UserId             = UserId.Value;
                                uReq.hdr               = hdr;
                                uReq.AD_OU_Filter      = this.lbPrefix.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User           = new LP_Service.User();
                                uReq.AD_User.Username  = this.tbUserName.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Firstname = this.tbFirstName.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Lastname  = this.tbLastName.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Email     = this.tbEmail.Text;
                                uReq.AD_User.Enabled   = this.ckbEnabled.Checked;
                                if (changePwd)
                                    uReq.AD_User.Password = this.tbPWD.Text;
                                    uReq.AD_User.Password = string.Empty;
                                uReq.Command = UserMgrCommandType.UpdateUser;

                                UpdateADUserResponse uResponse;
                                uResponse = service.UpdateADUser(uReq);
                                if (!uResponse.hdr.Successful)
                                    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to update user info in AD, reason: " + uResponse.hdr.StatusInfo);
                                    CallClientFn("closeBox(true, false);");
                                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to update user info to AD. UserID: " + UserId.ToString() + ", Error: " + uResponse.hdr.StatusInfo);
                        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                            CallClientFn("closeBox(true, false);");
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to update user info in AD, reason: User Manager is not running.");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to update user info in AD, reason: " + ex.Message);
                            CallClientFn("closeBox(true, false);");
                            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Error occured when update user info to AD: " + ex.Message);

                        CallClientFn("ShowMsg('saveSuccss', '', true, true, false);");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user info, reason: " + ex.Message);
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to save user info: " + ex.Message);
                    CallClientFn("ShowMsg('invalidInput', '', false);");
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete all user info when click "Delete" button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool           bRessignSuccess = false;
            ServiceManager sm1             = new ServiceManager();

            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm1.StartServiceClient())
                ReassignLoanRequest req = new ReassignLoanRequest();
                req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
                req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                req.hdr.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;

                // get all loans assigned to this user
                DataSet dsUserLoan      = LoanTeamManager.GetUserLoan(UserId.Value);
                int     nReassignUserId = 0;
                if (!int.TryParse(this.hiReassignUserId.Value, out nReassignUserId))
                    nReassignUserId = 0;
                if (null != dsUserLoan && dsUserLoan.Tables.Count > 0 && dsUserLoan.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <ReassignUserInfo> uList = new List <ReassignUserInfo>();

                    Model.Users      userToDelete = UsersManager.GetModel(UserId.Value);
                    ReassignUserInfo uInfo        = null;
                    foreach (DataRow drUserLoan in dsUserLoan.Tables[0].Rows)
                        uInfo           = new ReassignUserInfo();
                        uInfo.FileId    = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}", drUserLoan["FileId"]));
                        uInfo.RoleId    = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}", drUserLoan["RoleId"]));
                        uInfo.NewUserId = nReassignUserId;

                    req.reassignUsers = uList.ToArray();
                    ReassignLoanResponse respone = null;
                        respone = service.ReassignLoan(req);
                        if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                            bool st = true;

                            int fileId    = 0;
                            int newUserId = 0;
                            int roleId    = 0;
                            int requester = req.hdr.UserId;

                            foreach (ReassignUserInfo u in req.reassignUsers)
                                fileId    = u.FileId;
                                newUserId = u.NewUserId;
                                roleId    = u.RoleId;

                                st = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.ReassignLoan(fileId, newUserId, UserId.Value, roleId, requester);
                            bRessignSuccess = true;
                            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to reassign loan, reason:" + respone.hdr.StatusInfo);
                            CloseMe(true, true);
                    catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to reassign loan, reason: User Manager is not running.");
                        CloseMe(true, true);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, string.Format("Failed to reassign loan, reason:{0}.", exception.Message));
                        CloseMe(true, true);
                    bRessignSuccess = true;

                if (bRessignSuccess)
                    UsersManager.DeleteUserInfo(UserId.Value, null, null, CurrUser.iUserID, nReassignUserId);
                    LPLog.LogMessage(string.Format("User {0} deleted successfully.", this.tbUserName.Text));
                    CloseMe(true, true);

                        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                        using (LP2ServiceClient service2 = sm.StartServiceClient())
                            UpdateADUserRequest uReq = new UpdateADUserRequest();
                            ReqHdr hdr = new ReqHdr();
                            hdr.UserId             = UserId.Value;
                            uReq.hdr               = hdr;
                            uReq.Command           = UserMgrCommandType.DeleteUser;
                            uReq.AD_OU_Filter      = this.lbPrefix.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User           = new LP_Service.User();
                            uReq.AD_User.Username  = this.tbUserName.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User.Firstname = this.tbFirstName.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User.Lastname  = this.tbLastName.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User.Email     = this.tbEmail.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User.Enabled   = this.ckbEnabled.Checked;

                            UpdateADUserResponse uResponse;
                            uResponse = service2.UpdateADUser(uReq);
                            if (!uResponse.hdr.Successful)
                                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to delete user in AD, reason:" + uResponse.hdr.StatusInfo);
                                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to delete user in AD. UserID: " + UserId.ToString());
                    catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to delete user in AD, reason: User Manager is not running.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to delete user in AD, reason: " + ex.Message);
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Error occured while trying to delete user in AD: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #14
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Model.Users userInfo = UsersManager.GetModel(CurrUser.iUserID);

                if (null == userInfo)
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("User Personalization - Settings: User with id {0} does not exist.", CurrUser.iUserID));
                    ClientFun("unknowerrmsg2", "alert('User does not exists, unknow error.');");
                if (!GetUserInfo(ref userInfo))
                    ClientFun("invalidinputmsg", "alert('Invalid input!');");

                if (this.FileUpload1.HasFile)
                    string strMsg   = "";
                    bool   bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateUpload(this, this.FileUpload1, 1024 * 1024 * 15, out strMsg, ".jpg", ".bmp", ".png", ".gif");
                    if (!bIsValid)
                        ClientFun("userPicInvalid", string.Format("alert('{0}');", strMsg));

                string phone = this.txbPhone.Text.Trim();
                userInfo.Phone            = phone;
                userInfo.Fax              = this.txbFax.Text.Trim();
                userInfo.Cell             = this.txbCell.Text.Trim();
                userInfo.LicenseNumber    = this.txbLicense.Text.Trim();
                userInfo.NMLS             = this.txbNMLS.Text.Trim();
                userInfo.ExchangePassword = this.txbExchangPwd.Text.Trim();
                if (userInfo.ExchangePassword == "" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbPWD.Text))
                    userInfo.ExchangePassword = this.tbPWD.Text.Trim();


                #region Save as UserLicense    gdc CR43

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hidLicenseNumberList.Value.Trim()))
                        List <Model.UserLicenses> ulList = new List <Model.UserLicenses>();
                        foreach (var item in hidLicenseNumberList.Value.Split(','))
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))

                            Model.UserLicenses model = new Model.UserLicenses();

                            model.LicenseNumber = item;
                            model.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;


                        BLL.UserLicenses ulBll = new BLL.UserLicenses();


                    catch (Exception ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to Save User Licenses:" + ex.Message);


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbPWD.Text))
                        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                            ReqHdr hdr;
                            UpdateADUserRequest uReq = new UpdateADUserRequest();
                            hdr                    = new ReqHdr();
                            hdr.UserId             = CurrUser.iUserID;
                            uReq.hdr               = hdr;
                            uReq.Command           = UserMgrCommandType.ChangePassword;
                            uReq.AD_OU_Filter      = this.hiPrefix.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User           = new LP_Service.User();
                            uReq.AD_User.Password  = this.tbPWD.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User.Username  = this.hiUsername.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User.Firstname = this.hiFirstName.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User.Lastname  = this.hiLastName.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User.Email     = this.lbEmail.Text;

                            UpdateADUserResponse uResponse;
                            uResponse = service.UpdateADUser(uReq);
                            if (!uResponse.hdr.Successful)
                                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to update your password. Please make sure your new password meets the password policy requirements.");
                                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to change password in AD, username="******"Failed to change password in AD, reason: User Manager is not running.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to change password in AD, exception info: " + ex.Message);
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to change password in AD, username="******", Exception:" + ex.Message);

                ClientFun("sucsmsg", "alert('Saved!');");
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user Personalization - Settings info, reason:" + ex.Message);
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to save user Personalization - Settings info: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #15
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #region 获取用户输入

        string sMandatoryPricePoint  = this.txtMandatory_Points.Text.Trim();
        string sBestEffortPricePoint = this.txtBestEffortPrice_Points.Text.Trim();

        //string sCommissionTotal = this.txtCommissionTotal_Amount.Text.Trim();
        //string sCommissionTotal_Points = this.txtCommissionTotal_Points.Text.Trim();
        string sCommissionTotal        = Request.Form["txtCommissionTotal_Amount"].Trim();
        string sCommissionTotal_Points = Request.Form["txtCommissionTotal_Points"].Trim();

        string sLenderCredit       = Request.Form["txtLenderCredit_Amount"].Trim();
        string sLenderCreditAmount = this.txtLenderCredit_Amount.Text.Trim();
        string sLenderCreditPoint  = this.txtLenderCredit_Points.Text.Trim();

        string sLPMIPoint = Request.Form["txtLPMI_Points"].Trim();

        string sBestEffortPriceToLOPoint = Request.Form["txtBestEffortPriceToLO_Points"].Trim();

        string sHedgeCostPoint  = Request.Form["txtHedgeCost_Points"].Trim();
        string sCostOnSalePoint = Request.Form["txtCostOnSale_Points"].Trim();
        string sOriginationPts  = Request.Form["txtOriginationPts_Points"].Trim();
        string sDiscountPts     = Request.Form["txtDiscountPts_Points"].Trim();
        string sExtension1Point = this.txtExtension1_Points.Text.Trim();
        string sExtension2Point = this.txtExtension2_Points.Text.Trim();

        string sCompensationPlan  = this.ddlCompensationPlan.SelectedValue;
        string sLockOption        = this.ddlLockOption.SelectedItem.Text;
        string sMIOption          = this.ddlMIOption.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
        string sFirsTimeHomebuyer = this.ddlFirsTimeHomebuyer.SelectedValue;
        string sEscrowTaxes       = this.ddlEscrowTaxes.SelectedValue;
        string sEscrowInsurance   = this.ddlEscrowInsurance.SelectedValue;
        string sPrice             = this.txtPrice.Text.Trim();

        #region LoanProfit fields: Price, Lender Credit and Compensation Plan
        decimal                tempDecimal    = 0;
        LoanProfit             LoanProfitMgr  = new LoanProfit();
        LPWeb.Model.LoanProfit loanProfitInfo = LoanProfitMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId);
        bool insert = false;
        if (loanProfitInfo == null)
            loanProfitInfo = new LPWeb.Model.LoanProfit();
            insert         = true;
        loanProfitInfo.FileId           = this.iFileId;
        loanProfitInfo.CompensationPlan = sCompensationPlan;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLenderCredit))
            decimal.TryParse(sLenderCredit, out tempDecimal);
        loanProfitInfo.LenderCredit = tempDecimal;
        tempDecimal = 0;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPrice))
            decimal.TryParse(sPrice, out tempDecimal);
        loanProfitInfo.Price = tempDecimal;
        if (insert)

        #region Mandatory/Final Price

        LoanPointFields LoanPointFieldsMgr = new LoanPointFields();
        DataTable       PointFieldInfo     = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 11604);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 11604, sMandatoryPricePoint);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 11604, sMandatoryPricePoint);



        #region Best Effort Price

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12492);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12492, sBestEffortPricePoint);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12492, sBestEffortPricePoint);



        #region Commission Total

        // 保存Commission Total %,不再保存Commission Total $
        // LW 08/30/2013 Changed Commission Total % 14153 --> 6177
        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 6177);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 6177, sCommissionTotal_Points);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 6177, sCommissionTotal_Points);



        #region Lender Credit
        // LW 08/30/2013 Changed Lender Credit 2284 --> 812
        DataTable LenderCreditInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 812);
        if (LenderCreditInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 812, sLenderCreditAmount);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 812, sLenderCreditAmount);



        #region LPMI

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12973);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12973, sLPMIPoint);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12973, sLPMIPoint);



        #region Best Effort Price to LO

        // only update Best Effort Price to LO %, not Best Effort Price to LO $
        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12495);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12495, sBestEffortPriceToLOPoint);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12495, sBestEffortPriceToLOPoint);



        #region Hedge Cost

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12974);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12974, sHedgeCostPoint);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12974, sHedgeCostPoint);



        #region Cost on sale

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12975);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12975, sCostOnSalePoint);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12975, sCostOnSalePoint);



        #region Origination Pts

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 11243);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 11243, sOriginationPts);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 11243, sOriginationPts);



        #region Discount Pts

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 11241);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 11241, sDiscountPts);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 11241, sDiscountPts);



        #region Extension1

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12976);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12976, sExtension1Point);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12976, sExtension1Point);



        #region Extension2

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12977);
        if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 12977, sExtension2Point);

            #region insert

            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, 12977, sExtension2Point);



        #region Lock Option

        LoanLocks LoanLocksMgr = new LoanLocks();

        if (this.LoanLocksInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
            #region update

            LoanLocksMgr.UpdateLockOption(this.iFileId, sLockOption);

            #region insert

            #region Build Model

            LPWeb.Model.LoanLocks LoanLocksModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanLocks();

            LoanLocksModel.FileId = this.iFileId;

            LoanLocksModel.LockOption = sLockOption;



        // delete all the options first then add the one that's selected
        LoanPointFieldsMgr.DeletePointFields(this.iFileId, " PointFieldId in (6100, 6101, 11438, 12545)");
        int iPointFieldId = 0;
        int.TryParse(ddlLockOption.SelectedValue, out iPointFieldId);
        if (iPointFieldId > 0)
            this.AddLoanPointField(this.iFileId, iPointFieldId, "X");

        #region MI Option

        Loans LoansMgr = new Loans();
        LoansMgr.UpdateMIOption(this.iFileId, sMIOption);
        //LoanPointFieldsMgr.DeletePointFields(this.iFileId, " PointFieldId=4018");
        //this.AddLoanPointField(iFileId, 4018, sMIOption);
        LoanPointFieldsMgr.UpdatePointFieldValue(this.iFileId, 4018, sMIOption);


        #region Firs Time Homebuyer

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFirsTimeHomebuyer))
            if (sFirsTimeHomebuyer.ToUpper().Contains("Y"))
                LoansMgr.UpdateFirstTimeHomeBuyer(this.iFileId, true);
            LoansMgr.UpdateFirstTimeHomeBuyer(this.iFileId, false);
        LoanPointFieldsMgr.DeletePointFields(this.iFileId, " PointFieldId=7505");
        string s7505_FirstTimeHomeBuyer = "X";
        this.AddLoanPointField(iFileId, 7505, s7505_FirstTimeHomeBuyer);

        #region Escrow Taxes

        PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 4003);
        LoanPointFieldsMgr.DeletePointFields(this.iFileId, " PointFieldId=4003");
        if (sEscrowTaxes.Trim().ToUpper() == "Y")
            this.AddLoanPointField(iFileId, 4003, "X");


        #region Escrow Insurance
        LoanPointFieldsMgr.DeletePointFields(this.iFileId, " PointFieldId=4004");
        if (sEscrowInsurance.Trim().ToUpper() == "Y")
            this.AddLoanPointField(iFileId, 4004, "X");

        #region Call WCF UpdateLockInfo

        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
            UpdateLockInfoRequest req = new UpdateLockInfoRequest();
            req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
            req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
            req.hdr.UserId        = this.CurrUser.iUserID;
            req.FileId            = this.iFileId;

            UpdateLockInfoResponse respone = null;
                respone = service.UpdateLockInfo(req);

                if (respone.hdr.Successful == false)
                    PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Save successfully, but failed to invoke UpdateLockInfo wcf service, reason:" + respone.hdr.StatusInfo, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Save successfully, but exception happened when Sync Point File (FileID={0}): {1}", this.iFileId, "Point Manager is not running.");
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);

                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Save successfully, but exception happened when Sync Point File (FileID={0}): {1}", this.iFileId, ex.Message);
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);

                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        // success
        PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Save successfully.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载card信息
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadInfo()
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();

                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    #region No use
                    //var creditCardInfo = new LP_Service.GetCreditCardRequest();
                    //creditCardInfo.hdr = new LP_Service.ReqHdr();
                    //creditCardInfo.hdr.UserId = loginUser.iUserID;

                    //var rsp = client.GetCreditCard(ref creditCardInfo);

                    //if (rsp.hdr.Successful)
                    //    hfCardID.Value = creditCardInfo.Card_ID;
                    //    txbCardNumber.Text = creditCardInfo.Card_Number;
                    //    txbNameonCard.Text = creditCardInfo.Card_First_Name + " " + creditCardInfo.Card_Last_Name;
                    //    txbCardExpiration.Text = creditCardInfo.Card_Exp_Month.ToString() + "/" + creditCardInfo.Card_Exp_Year;

                    //    if (creditCardInfo.Card_SIC != "***")
                    //    {
                    //        txbCardCSCcode.Text = creditCardInfo.Card_SIC;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    txbCardCSCcode.Text = "";
                    //ddlCardType.SelectedValue = creditCardInfo.Card_Type.ToString();

                    //switch (creditCardInfo.Card_Type)
                    //    case CreditCardType.VISA:
                    //        ddlCardType.SelectedValue = "0";
                    //        break;
                    //    case CreditCardType.MasterCard:
                    //        ddlCardType.SelectedValue = "1";
                    //        break;
                    //    case CreditCardType.Amex:
                    //        ddlCardType.SelectedValue = "2";
                    //        break;
                    //    case CreditCardType.Discover:
                    //        ddlCardType.SelectedValue = "3";
                    //        break;
                    //    default: ddlCardType.SelectedValue = "";
                    //        break;

                    txbCardCSCcode.Text   = "";
                    btnAddBalance.Enabled = true;

                    var reqBalance = new LP_Service.GetUserAccountBalanceRequest();
                    reqBalance.hdr        = new LP_Service.ReqHdr();
                    reqBalance.hdr.UserId = loginUser.iUserID;
                    var rspBalance = client.GetUserAccountBalance(reqBalance);

                    if (rspBalance.hdr.Successful)
                        txbBalance.Text = rspBalance.Balance.ToString("N2");

                    #region No use
                    //    btnAddBalance.Enabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Load error:" + ex.Message);
Exemple #17
    private string SendLSREmail(int ContactID, string ContactEmail, string ContactName, int UserID, string UserEmail, string UserName, bool External, Dictionary <string, byte[]> Attachments)
        string         ReturnMessage = string.Empty;
        ServiceManager sm            = new ServiceManager();

        LPWeb.BLL.Loans _bLoan = new LPWeb.BLL.Loans();
        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
            SendLSRRequest req = new SendLSRRequest();
            req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
            req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
            req.hdr.UserId        = this.CurrUser.iUserID;
            req.FileId            = iLoanID;
            req.TemplReportId     = GetTemplReportId();
            req.External          = External;
            req.Attachments       = Attachments;

            if (ContactID > 0)
                req.ToContactId       = ContactID;
                req.ToContactEmail    = ContactEmail;
                req.ToContactUserName = ContactName;
            if (UserID > 0)
                req.ToUserId       = UserID;
                req.ToUserEmail    = UserEmail;
                req.ToUserUserName = UserName;

            req.LoanAutoEmailid = SaveLoanAutoEmailid(req.FileId, req.TemplReportId, req.ToContactId, req.ToUserId, req.External);

            SendLSRResponse respone = null;
                respone = service.SendLSR(req);

                if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                    ReturnMessage = string.Empty;
                    ReturnMessage = respone.hdr.StatusInfo;
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, reason: Email Manager is not running.");
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
                ReturnMessage = sExMsg;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, error: {0}", ex.Message);
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
                ReturnMessage = sExMsg;

Exemple #18
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string err = "";

                if (tbxNote.Text.Trim() == "")
                    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Please input the note!");
                //if (tbxNote.Text.Trim().Length > 500)
                //    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The note length must be less than 500 characters!");
                //    return;
                int    contactId  = int.Parse(hfdContactId.Value);
                var    curUser    = new LoginUser();
                string senderName = curUser.sFirstName + " " + curUser.sLastName;

                var req = new AddNoteRequest
                    FileId  = contactId,
                    Created = DateTime.Now,
                    Note    = tbxNote.Text.Trim(),
                    Sender  = senderName,
                    hdr     = new ReqHdr
                        UserId = curUser.iUserID
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    //AddNoteResponse res = client.AddNote(req);
                    //bool exported = !res.hdr.Successful ? false : true;
                    bool exported = true;
                    var  model    = new Model.ProspectNotes
                        Note      = tbxNote.Text,
                        ContactId = contactId,
                        Created   = DateTime.Now,
                        Sender    = senderName,
                        Exported  = exported

                    var bllProspectNotes = new ProspectNotes();

                    //if (!exported)
                    //    PageCommon.WriteJs(this, res.hdr.StatusInfo, "parent.ClosePopupWindow();");
                    PageCommon.WriteJs(this, "Add note successfully.", "parent.ClosePopupWindow();");
                    //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Add note Failed.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to add note, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
            catch (Exception exception)
                err = "Failed to add note, reason:" + exception.Message;
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, err, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
Exemple #19
        private string ImportLoansAndSubmitLoan(int iLoanID, string sProgram, string sType)
            string         ReturnMessage = string.Empty;
            ServiceManager sm            = new ServiceManager();

            int[] FileIDs = new int[1];
            FileIDs.SetValue(iLoanID, 0);
            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                ImportLoansRequest req = new ImportLoansRequest();
                req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
                req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                req.hdr.UserId        = this.CurrUser.iUserID;
                req.FileIds           = FileIDs;

                ImportLoansResponse respone = null;
                    respone = service.ImportLoans(req);

                    if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                        ReturnMessage = string.Empty;
                        ReturnMessage = respone.hdr.StatusInfo;
                catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
                    string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to ImportLoans, reason: ImportLoans Manager is not running.");
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed toImportLoans, error: {0}", ex.Message);
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);


                DT_SubmitLoanRequest reqDT = new DT_SubmitLoanRequest();
                reqDT.hdr = new ReqHdr();
                reqDT.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                reqDT.hdr.UserId        = this.CurrUser.iUserID;
                reqDT.FileId            = iLoanID;
                reqDT.Loan_Program      = sProgram;
                reqDT.Originator_Type   = sType;

                DT_SubmitLoanResponse responeDT = null;
                    responeDT = service.DTSubmitLoan(reqDT);

                    if (responeDT.hdr.Successful)
                        ReturnMessage = string.Empty;
                        ReturnMessage = responeDT.hdr.StatusInfo;
                catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
                    string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to ImportLoans, reason: ImportLoans Manager is not running.");
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to ImportLoans, error: {0}", ex.Message);
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);


                    LoanActivities       _bLoanActivities = new LoanActivities();
                    Model.LoanActivities _mLoanActivities = new Model.LoanActivities();
                    _mLoanActivities.FileId       = iLoanID;
                    _mLoanActivities.UserId       = this.CurrUser.iUserID;
                    _mLoanActivities.ActivityName = "The loan has been submitted to DataTrac by " + this.CurrUser.sFullName;
                    _mLoanActivities.ActivityTime = DateTime.Now;
                    int iNew = _bLoanActivities.Add(_mLoanActivities);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to Update LoanActivities, error: {0}", ex.Message);
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);


    /// <summary>
    /// 发送邮件(旧发送方式)
    /// </summary>
    public void SendEmailOld()
        LoginUser CurrentUser = new LoginUser();
        string    Token       = Request.QueryString["Token"] != null ? Request.QueryString["Token"].ToString() : "";

        LPWeb.BLL.Email_AttachmentsTemp bllEmailAttachTemp = new Email_AttachmentsTemp();
        var errMsg = string.Empty;

        //遍历所有模板 发送邮件
        foreach (var iEmailTemplateID in iEmailTemplateIDList)
            string   sEmailTemplateName = string.Empty;
            int[]    ToUserIDArray      = null;
            int[]    ToContactIDArray   = null;
            string[] ToEmailAddrArray   = null;

            int[]    CCUserIDArray    = null;
            int[]    CCContactIDArray = null;
            string[] CCEmailAddrArray = null;

            Dictionary <string, byte[]> Attachments = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();

            #region Attachments

            var ds = bllEmailAttachTemp.GetListWithFileImage(iEmailTemplateID, Token);

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        Attachments.Add(item["Name"].ToString() + "." + item["FileType"].ToString(), (byte[])item["FileImage"]);
                    catch { }


            #region use To and CC of email template

            #region 获取Email Template的Recipient(s)

            Template_Email EmailTemplateManager = new Template_Email();
            DataTable      RecipientList        = EmailTemplateManager.GetRecipientList(iEmailTemplateID);
            var            emailTemplatemodel   = EmailTemplateManager.GetModel(iEmailTemplateID);
            if (emailTemplatemodel != null)
                sEmailTemplateName = emailTemplatemodel.Name;

            #region 获取Loan Team

            string    sSql         = "select * from LoanTeam where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
            DataTable LoanTeamList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);


            #region 获取Contacts

            string    sSql2       = "select * from LoanContacts where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
            DataTable ContactList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2);


            Collection <Int32>  ToUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32>  ToContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <String> ToEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

            Collection <Int32>  CCUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32>  CCContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <String> CCEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

            #region To

            DataRow[] ToRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='To'");
            if (ToRecipient.Length > 0)
                string sEmailList_To    = ToRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
                string sContactList_To  = ToRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
                string sUserRoleList_To = ToRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();
                string sTaskOwner       = ToRecipient[0]["TaskOwner"].ToString();

                #region Emails

                if (sEmailList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] EmailArray_To = sEmailList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sEmailTo in EmailArray_To)


                #region User IDs

                if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] UserRoleArray_To = sUserRoleList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sUserRoleIDTo in UserRoleArray_To)
                        int iUserRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDTo);

                        DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDTo);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                            int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


                #region Contact IDs

                if (sContactList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] ContactArray_To = sContactList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sContactIDTo in ContactArray_To)
                        int iContactRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDTo);

                        DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDTo);
                        foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                            int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);


                #region TaskOwner

                if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null))
                    if (sTaskOwner == "True")
                        string    sSql_LoanTasks = "select Owner from LoanTasks where LoanTaskId=" + this.iTaskID;
                        DataTable LoanTasks_List = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_LoanTasks);

                        string sOwnerId = LoanTasks_List.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString();

                        if ((sOwnerId != string.Empty) && (sOwnerId != null))
                            int       iOwnerId           = Convert.ToInt32(sOwnerId);
                            string    sSql_Users         = "select EmailAddress, LastName, FirstName from Users where UserId=" + iOwnerId;
                            DataTable Users_List         = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_Users);
                            string    Owner_EmailAddress = Users_List.Rows[0]["EmailAddress"].ToString();
                            if ((Owner_EmailAddress != string.Empty) && (Owner_EmailAddress != null))



            #region CC

            DataRow[] CCRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='CC'");
            if (CCRecipient.Length > 0)
                string sEmailList_CC    = CCRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
                string sContactList_CC  = CCRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
                string sUserRoleList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();

                #region Emails

                if (sEmailList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] EmailArray_CC = sEmailList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sEmailCC in EmailArray_CC)


                #region User IDs

                if (sUserRoleList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] UserRoleArray_CC = sUserRoleList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sUserRoleIDCC in UserRoleArray_CC)
                        int iUserRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDCC);

                        DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDCC);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                            int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


                #region Contact IDs

                if (sContactList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] ContactArray_CC = sContactList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sContactIDCC in ContactArray_CC)
                        int iContactRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDCC);

                        DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDCC);
                        foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                            int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);



            if (ToUserIDs.Count == 0 && ToEmailList.Count == 0 && ToContactIDs.Count == 0 &&
                CCUserIDs.Count == 0 && CCContactIDs.Count == 0 && CCEmailList.Count == 0)
                errMsg = "No email recipient !   email template: " + sEmailTemplateName;

            ToUserIDArray    = new int[ToUserIDs.Count];
            ToContactIDArray = new int[ToContactIDs.Count];
            ToEmailAddrArray = new string[ToEmailList.Count];

            CCUserIDArray    = new int[CCUserIDs.Count];
            CCContactIDArray = new int[CCContactIDs.Count];
            CCEmailAddrArray = new string[CCEmailList.Count];

            ToUserIDs.CopyTo(ToUserIDArray, 0);
            ToContactIDs.CopyTo(ToContactIDArray, 0);
            ToEmailList.CopyTo(ToEmailAddrArray, 0);

            CCUserIDs.CopyTo(CCUserIDArray, 0);
            CCContactIDs.CopyTo(CCContactIDArray, 0);
            CCEmailList.CopyTo(CCEmailAddrArray, 0);


            #region 调用API

            SendEmailResponse response = null;

                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
                    req.EmailTemplId = iEmailTemplateID;
                    req.FileId       = this.iLoanID;
                    //req.UserId = CurrentUser.iUserID;
                    req.UserId       = 0;
                    req.ToEmails     = ToEmailAddrArray;
                    req.ToUserIds    = ToUserIDArray;
                    req.ToContactIds = ToContactIDArray;
                    req.CCEmails     = CCEmailAddrArray;
                    req.CCUserIds    = CCUserIDArray;
                    req.CCContactIds = CCContactIDArray;
                    req.hdr          = new ReqHdr();
                    #region add Attachments

                    req.Attachments = Attachments;

                    response = service.SendEmail(req);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send the email, reason: Email Manager is not running.");
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
                //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
                response = new SendEmailResponse()
                    resp = new RespHdr()
                        Successful = false, StatusInfo = sExMsg
            catch (Exception ex)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, error: {0}", ex.Message);
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
                //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
                response = new SendEmailResponse()
                    resp = new RespHdr()
                        Successful = false, StatusInfo = sExMsg


            if (response.resp.Successful != true)
                //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to send completion email: " + response.resp.StatusInfo.Replace("'", "\'"), "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
                errMsg = response.resp.StatusInfo.Replace("'", "\'");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
            catch { }
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + errMsg + "\"}");
Exemple #21
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Model.Users userInfo = UsersManager.GetModel(CurrUser.iUserID);
            Model.UserPipelineColumns userPipelineCols = UserPipelineColsManager.GetModel(CurrUser.iUserID);
            Model.UserProspectColumns userProspectCols = UserProspectColsManager.GetModel(CurrUser.iUserID);
            Model.UserHomePref        userHomePref     = UserHomePrefManager.GetModel(CurrUser.iUserID);

                if (null == userInfo)
                    LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, string.Format("User Personalization: User with id {0} does not exist.", CurrUser.iUserID));
                    ClientFun("unknowerrmsg2", "ShowMsg('unknowerror');");
                if (!GetUserInfo(ref userInfo))
                    ClientFun("invalidinputmsg", "ShowMsg('invalidInput');");

                if (null == userPipelineCols)
                    userPipelineCols        = new Model.UserPipelineColumns();
                    userPipelineCols.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    GetUserPipelineColumnsInfo(ref userPipelineCols);
                    GetUserPipelineColumnsInfo(ref userPipelineCols);

                if (null == userProspectCols)
                    userProspectCols        = new Model.UserProspectColumns();
                    userProspectCols.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    GetUserProspectColumnsInfo(ref userProspectCols);
                    GetUserProspectColumnsInfo(ref userProspectCols);

                if (null == userHomePref)
                    userHomePref        = new Model.UserHomePref();
                    userHomePref.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    GetUserHomePrefInfo(ref userHomePref);
                    GetUserHomePrefInfo(ref userHomePref);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbPWD.Text))
                        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                            ReqHdr hdr;
                            UpdateADUserRequest uReq = new UpdateADUserRequest();
                            hdr                    = new ReqHdr();
                            hdr.UserId             = CurrUser.iUserID;
                            uReq.hdr               = hdr;
                            uReq.Command           = UserMgrCommandType.ChangePassword;
                            uReq.AD_OU_Filter      = this.hiPrefix.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User           = new LP_Service.User();
                            uReq.AD_User.Password  = this.tbPWD.Text;
                            uReq.AD_User.Username  = this.hiUsername.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User.Firstname = this.hiFirstName.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User.Lastname  = this.hiLastName.Value;
                            uReq.AD_User.Email     = this.lbEmail.Text;

                            UpdateADUserResponse uResponse;
                            uResponse = service.UpdateADUser(uReq);
                            if (!uResponse.hdr.Successful)
                                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to change password in AD, error info: " + uResponse.hdr.StatusInfo);
                                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to change password in AD, username="******"Failed to change password in AD, reason: User Manager is not running.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to change password in AD, exception info: " + ex.Message);
                        LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to change password in AD, username="******", Exception:" + ex.Message);

                ClientFun("sucsmsg", "ShowMsg('savesuccess');");
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save user personalization info, reason:" + ex.Message);
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to save user personalization info: " + ex.Message);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // json示例
        // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":""}
        // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"错误信息"}

        int iFileID        = 0;
        int iContactID     = 0;
        int iContactRoleID = 0;

        int iCurrrentUserID = this.CurrUser.iUserID;

        #region 校验页面参数

        bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "FileID", QueryStringType.ID);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}");
        string sFileID = this.Request.QueryString["FileID"];
        iFileID = Convert.ToInt32(sFileID);

        bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactID", QueryStringType.ID);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}");
        string sContactID = this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"];
        iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(sContactID);

        bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactRoleID", QueryStringType.ID);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}");
        string sContactRoleID = this.Request.QueryString["ContactRoleID"];
        iContactRoleID = Convert.ToInt32(sContactRoleID);


        #region 调用ReassignContact

        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
            #region Build ReassignContactRequest

            ReassignContactRequest req = new ReassignContactRequest();
            req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
            req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
            req.hdr.UserId        = this.CurrUser.iUserID;

            List <ReassignContactInfo> ContactList = new List <ReassignContactInfo>();

            ReassignContactInfo ContactInfo = new ReassignContactInfo();
            ContactInfo.FileId        = iFileID;
            ContactInfo.ContactRoleId = iContactRoleID;
            ContactInfo.NewContactId  = iContactID;

            req.reassignContacts = ContactList.ToArray();


            #region invoke ReassignContact

            bool   bSuccess = false;
            string sError   = string.Empty;
                ReassignContactResponse respone = service.ReassignContact(req);
                bSuccess = respone.hdr.Successful;

                if (bSuccess == false)
                    sError = "Failed to assign contact, reason:" + respone.hdr.StatusInfo;
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ex)
                bSuccess = false;
                sError   = "Failed to assign contact: Point Manager is not running.";

            catch (Exception exception)
                bSuccess = false;
                sError   = "Failed to assign contact. Exception: " + exception.Message;

                if (bSuccess == false)
                    this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sError + "\"}");



        #region Reassign Loan Contact

        LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts lcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts();
        lcModel.FileId        = iFileID;
        lcModel.ContactRoleId = iContactRoleID;
        lcModel.ContactId     = iContactID;

        LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts oldlcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts();
        oldlcModel.FileId        = iFileID;
        oldlcModel.ContactRoleId = 0;
        oldlcModel.ContactId     = 0;

        LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts LoanContacts1 = new LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts();
        LoanContacts1.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, iCurrrentUserID);


Exemple #23
    protected int CreateLoan(int iContactId, decimal LoanAmount, string Purpose)
        int iFolderId = 0;

        LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails LoanDetailsModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails();

        LoanDetailsModel.FileId             = 0;
        LoanDetailsModel.FolderId           = iFolderId;
        LoanDetailsModel.Status             = "Prospect";
        LoanDetailsModel.ProspectLoanStatus = "Active";

        LoanDetailsModel.BoID   = iContactId;
        LoanDetailsModel.CoBoID = 0;

        LoanDetailsModel.Created    = DateTime.Now;
        LoanDetailsModel.CreatedBy  = CurrUser.iUserID;
        LoanDetailsModel.Modifed    = DateTime.Now;
        LoanDetailsModel.ModifiedBy = CurrUser.iUserID;

        LoanDetailsModel.LoanAmount   = LoanAmount;
        LoanDetailsModel.EstCloseDate = null;
        LoanDetailsModel.Ranking      = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.UserId       = CurrUser.iUserID;

        string sLoanOfficerID = ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue;

        iLoanOfficerID = 0;
        if (sLoanOfficerID == "-1" || sLoanOfficerID == "-2")
        else if (sLoanOfficerID == "0")
            //Lead Routing Engine
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    //invoke the WCF API GetNextLoanOfficer
                    LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq();
                    req.LeadSource           = ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text;
                    req.Purpose              = Purpose;
                    req.ReqHdr               = new ReqHdr();
                    req.ReqHdr.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken";
                    LR_GetNextLoanOfficerResp response = client.LeadRouting_GetNextLoanofficer(req);
                    if (response.RespHdr.Successful)
                        iLoanOfficerID = response.NextLoanOfficerID;
                        Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr     = new Company_Lead_Sources();
                        DataTable            SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0];
                        if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0)
                            iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr     = new Company_Lead_Sources();
                DataTable            SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0];
                if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0)
                    iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]);
            iLoanOfficerID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanOfficerID);

        LoanDetailsModel.LoanOfficerId = iLoanOfficerID;
        LoanDetailsModel.Rate          = null;
        LoanDetailsModel.Program       = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.Purpose       = Purpose;
        LoanDetailsModel.Lien          = string.Empty;

        LoanDetailsModel.PropertyAddr  = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.PropertyCity  = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.PropertyState = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.PropertyZip   = string.Empty;

        LoanDetailsModel.FileName       = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.PropertyType   = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.HousingStatus  = string.Empty;
        LoanDetailsModel.IncludeEscrows = false;
        LoanDetailsModel.InterestOnly   = false;
        LoanDetailsModel.RentAmount     = 0;
        LoanDetailsModel.CoborrowerType = string.Empty;

        Loans LoansMgr = new Loans();

        int iFileID = LoansMgr.LoanDetailSaveFileId(LoanDetailsModel);

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #region 接收参数

        bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}");

        string sLoanID = this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"].ToString();

        bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "NewDate", QueryStringType.Date);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}");

        string sNewDate = this.Request.QueryString["NewDate"].ToString();

        bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoginUserID", QueryStringType.ID);
        if (bIsValid == false)
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"Missing required query string.\"}");

        string sLoginUserID = this.Request.QueryString["LoginUserID"].ToString();


        // json示例
        // {"ExecResult":"Success","ErrorMsg":""}
        // {"ExecResult":"Failed","ErrorMsg":"执行数据库脚本时发生错误。"}
        string sExecResult = string.Empty;
        string sErrorMsg   = string.Empty;

        #region 调用LP2Service

            // workflow api
            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                UpdateEstCloseDateRequest req = new UpdateEstCloseDateRequest();
                req.FileId     = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanID);
                req.NewDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(sNewDate);
                req.hdr        = new ReqHdr();
                req.hdr.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(sLoginUserID);
                UpdateEstCloseDateResponse respone = service.UpdateEstCloseDate(req);

                if (respone.hdr.Successful == true)
                    sExecResult = "Success";
                    sErrorMsg   = "";
                    sExecResult = "Failed";
                    sErrorMsg   = "Failed to change est. close date: " + respone.hdr.StatusInfo + ".";
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
            sExecResult = "Failed";
            sErrorMsg   = "Failed to change est. close date.";
            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to change est. close date, reason: Point Manager is not running.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            sExecResult = "Failed";
            sErrorMsg   = "Failed to change est. close date.";



        sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg.Replace(@"\", @"\\");

        this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"" + sExecResult + "\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + sErrorMsg + "\"}");
Exemple #25
    private bool Save()
        #region get user input

        string sFirstName = this.txtFirstName.Text.Trim();
        string sLastName  = this.txtLastName.Text.Trim();
        string sEmail     = this.txtEmail.Text.Trim();
        string sPhone     = this.txtPhone.Text.Trim();
        string sType      = this.ddlType.SelectedValue;

        string sDOB = this.txtBirthday.Text.Trim();
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDOB))
            DateTime DOB;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(sDOB, out DOB) == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Date of Birth is not a invalid date format.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Date of Birth is not a invalid date format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
        string sSSN       = this.txtSSN.Text.Trim();
        string sWorkflow  = this.ddlWorkflow.SelectedValue;
        int    iWflTempID = 0;
        int.TryParse(sWorkflow, out iWflTempID);
        string sMarketing = this.ddlMarketing.SelectedValue;    // MailChimpList ID

        // Task Name
        string sTaskName = string.Empty;
        if (this.radTaskList.Checked == true)
            if (this.ddlTaskList.SelectedValue == "-- select --")
                sTaskName = string.Empty;
                sTaskName = this.ddlTaskList.SelectedValue;
            sTaskName = this.txtTaskName.Text.Trim();

        // Due Date
        string   sDueDate = this.txtDueDate.Text.Trim();
        DateTime DueDate;
        if (sDueDate != string.Empty)
            if (DateTime.TryParse(sDueDate, out DueDate) == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Due Date is not a invalid date format.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Due Date is not a invalid date format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);

            DueDate = DateTime.Parse(sDueDate);

        // Due Time
        string   sDueTime      = ddlDueTime_hour.Text + ":" + ddlDueTime_min.Text; //this.txtDueTime.Text.Trim();
        DateTime DTN           = DateTime.Now;
        string   sDueTime_Span = null;
        TimeSpan DueTime       = new TimeSpan();

        if (sDueTime != string.Empty)
            if (DateTime.TryParse(sDueTime, out DTN) == true)
                sDueTime_Span = DTN.ToString("HH:mm");
                if (TimeSpan.TryParse(sDueTime_Span, out DueTime) == false)
                    //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Invalid Due Time format.");
                    PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid Due Time format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Invalid Due Time format.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid Due Time format.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);

        string sReminderUser     = string.Empty;
        string sReminderUserID   = string.Empty;
        int    iReminderUserID   = 0;
        string sReminderInterval = string.Empty;
        if (this.chkReminder.Checked == true)
            sReminderUser     = this.txtReminderUser.Text.Trim();
            sReminderUserID   = this.hdnReminderUserID.Value;
            iReminderUserID   = Convert.ToInt32(sReminderUserID);
            sReminderInterval = this.ddlReminderInterval.SelectedValue;

        decimal loanAmount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLoanAmount.Text) ? 0M : Convert.ToDecimal(txtLoanAmount.Text.Trim());

        string purpose = ddlPurpose.Text.Trim() == "- select -" ? "" : ddlPurpose.Text;


        #region create contact/prospect and loan

        int iContactId = 0;

            iContactId = this.CreateContactAndProspect(sFirstName, sLastName, sEmail, sType, sPhone, sDOB, sSSN, this.CurrUser.iUserID, purpose);
        catch (Exception ex)
            //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save contact and prospect.");
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to save contact and prospect." + ex.Message, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        #region create loan

        //int iFileID = 0;

            iFileID = this.CreateLoan(iContactId, loanAmount, purpose);
        catch (Exception ex)
            //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to save loan info.");
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to save loan info.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        #region Apply LoanWflTempl

        if (iWflTempID > 0)
                this.ApplyLoanWflTempl(iFileID, iWflTempID, this.CurrUser.iUserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to apply workflow template to loan.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to apply workflow template to loan.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        #region GenerateWorkflow and get iCurrentLoanStageId

        int iCurrentLoanStageId = 0;
        if (iWflTempID > 0)
            string sError;
            bool   bResult = this.GenerateWorkflow(iFileID, iWflTempID, this.CurrUser.iUserID, out sError);

            if (bResult == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to generate workflow template: " + sError);
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to generate workflow template: " + sError, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            // get current loan stage id
            iCurrentLoanStageId = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.GetCurrentLoanStageId(iFileID);
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTaskName))
            iWflTempID = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.GetDefaultWorkflowTemplate("Prospect");
            if (iWflTempID < 1)
                iCurrentLoanStageId = LPWeb.BLL.WorkflowManager.GenerateDefaultLoanStages(iFileID, "Prospect");


        #region Create Task and Reminder

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTaskName))
            #region create task
            if (iCurrentLoanStageId < 0)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "There is no loan stage available.");
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "There is no loan stage available.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            int iLoanTaskId = 0;
                iLoanTaskId = this.CreateLoanTask(iFileID, sTaskName, this.CurrUser.iUserID, sDueDate, sDueTime, iCurrentLoanStageId);
            catch (Exception ex)


            #region reminder

            if (this.chkReminder.Checked == true)
                string sReminderDueTime = string.Empty;
                if (sDueTime != string.Empty)
                    TimeSpan Interval = new TimeSpan();
                    if (sReminderInterval.Contains("minutes") == true)
                        string sMinutes = sReminderInterval.Replace(" minutes", "");
                        int    iMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(sMinutes);
                        Interval = new TimeSpan(0, iMinutes, 0);
                    else if (sReminderInterval.Contains("hours") == true)
                        string sHours = sReminderInterval.Replace(" hours", "");
                        int    iHours = Convert.ToInt32(sHours);
                        Interval = new TimeSpan(iHours, 0, 0);

                    TimeSpan ReminderDueTime = DueTime.Add(Interval);

                    sReminderDueTime = ReminderDueTime.ToString();

                string sReminderTaskName = sTaskName + " - Quick Lead Form - Reminder";

                if (iReminderUserID == this.CurrUser.iUserID && sDueDate == DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))


        #region API MailChimp_Subscribe

        if (sMarketing != string.Empty)
            string sError2  = string.Empty;
            bool   bResult2 = this.MailChimp_Subscribe(iContactId, sMarketing, out sError2);

            if (bResult2 == false)
                //PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to invoke API MailChimp_Subscribe: " + sError2);
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to invoke API MailChimp_Subscribe: " + sError2, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);


        if (ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue == "0")  //Lead Routing Engine
            #region  invoke the WCF API  LeadRouting_AssignLoanOfficer
                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    LR_AssignLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_AssignLoanOfficerReq();
                    req.LoanId               = iFileID;
                    req.LoanOfficerId        = iLoanOfficerID;
                    req.BorrowerContactId    = iContactId;
                    req.CoBorrowerContactId  = 0;
                    req.ReqHdr               = new ReqHdr();
                    req.ReqHdr.UserId        = CurrUser.iUserID;
                    req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken";
                    RespHdr resp = client.LeadRouting_AssignLoanOfficer(req);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Pulse Lead Manager is not running. Please select a Loan Officer from the list and save the lead.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);

Exemple #26
    protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LoginUser CurrentUser = new LoginUser();

        int[]    ToUserIDArray    = null;
        int[]    ToContactIDArray = null;
        string[] ToEmailAddrArray = null;

        int[]    CCUserIDArray    = null;
        int[]    CCContactIDArray = null;
        string[] CCEmailAddrArray = null;

        #region use To and CC of email template

        #region 获取Email Template的Recipient(s)

        Template_Email EmailTemplateManager = new Template_Email();
        DataTable      RecipientList        = EmailTemplateManager.GetRecipientList(this.iEmailTemplateID);


        #region 获取Loan Team

        string    sSql         = "select * from LoanTeam where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
        DataTable LoanTeamList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);


        #region 获取Contacts

        string    sSql2       = "select * from LoanContacts where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
        DataTable ContactList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2);


        #region 获取Prospect Loan Officer

        string    sSql3           = "SELECT dbo.Users.*  FROM dbo.Prospect INNER JOIN  dbo.ProspectTasks ON dbo.Prospect.Contactid = dbo.ProspectTasks.ContactId INNER JOIN dbo.Users ON dbo.Prospect.Loanofficer = dbo.Users.UserId WHERE  dbo.ProspectTasks.ProspectTaskId =" + this.iProspectID;
        DataTable LoanOfficerList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3);


        Collection <Int32>  ToUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <Int32>  ToContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <String> ToEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

        Collection <Int32>  CCUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <Int32>  CCContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
        Collection <String> CCEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

        #region To

        DataRow[] ToRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='To'");
        if (ToRecipient.Length > 0)
            string sEmailList_To    = ToRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
            string sContactList_To  = ToRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
            string sUserRoleList_To = ToRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();
            string sTaskOwner       = ToRecipient[0]["TaskOwner"].ToString();

            #region Emails

            if (sEmailList_To != string.Empty)
                string[] EmailArray_To = sEmailList_To.Split(';');
                foreach (string sEmailTo in EmailArray_To)


            #region User IDs

            if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty)
                string[] UserRoleArray_To = sUserRoleList_To.Split(';');
                foreach (string sUserRoleIDTo in UserRoleArray_To)
                    int iUserRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDTo);

                    DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDTo);
                    foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                        int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


            #region Contact IDs

            if (sContactList_To != string.Empty)
                string[] ContactArray_To = sContactList_To.Split(';');
                foreach (string sContactIDTo in ContactArray_To)
                    int iContactRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDTo);

                    DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDTo);
                    foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                        int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);


            #region Loan Officer User IDs

            if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty)
                foreach (DataRow LoanOfficerRow in LoanOfficerList.Rows)
                    int iLOUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanOfficerRow["UserId"]);

            #region TaskOwner

            if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null))
                if (sTaskOwner == "True")
                    string    sSql_LoanTasks = "select Owner from LoanTasks where LoanTaskId=" + this.iProspectID;
                    DataTable LoanTasks_List = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_LoanTasks);

                    string sOwnerId = LoanTasks_List.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString();

                    if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null))
                        int       iOwnerId           = Convert.ToInt32(sOwnerId);
                        string    sSql_Users         = "select EmailAddress, LastName, FirstName from Users where UserId=" + iOwnerId;
                        DataTable Users_List         = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_Users);
                        string    Owner_EmailAddress = Users_List.Rows[0]["EmailAddress"].ToString();
                        if ((Owner_EmailAddress != string.Empty) && (Owner_EmailAddress != null))



        #region CC

        DataRow[] CCRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='CC'");
        if (CCRecipient.Length > 0)
            string sEmailList_CC    = CCRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
            string sContactList_CC  = CCRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
            string sUserRoleList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();

            #region Emails

            if (sEmailList_CC != string.Empty)
                string[] EmailArray_CC = sEmailList_CC.Split(';');
                foreach (string sEmailCC in EmailArray_CC)


            #region User IDs

            if (sUserRoleList_CC != string.Empty)
                string[] UserRoleArray_CC = sUserRoleList_CC.Split(';');
                foreach (string sUserRoleIDCC in UserRoleArray_CC)
                    int iUserRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDCC);

                    DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDCC);
                    foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                        int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


            #region Contact IDs

            if (sContactList_CC != string.Empty)
                string[] ContactArray_CC = sContactList_CC.Split(';');
                foreach (string sContactIDCC in ContactArray_CC)
                    int iContactRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDCC);

                    DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDCC);
                    foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                        int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);



        ToUserIDArray    = new int[ToUserIDs.Count];
        ToContactIDArray = new int[ToContactIDs.Count];
        ToEmailAddrArray = new string[ToEmailList.Count];

        CCUserIDArray    = new int[CCUserIDs.Count];
        CCContactIDArray = new int[CCContactIDs.Count];
        CCEmailAddrArray = new string[CCEmailList.Count];

        ToUserIDs.CopyTo(ToUserIDArray, 0);
        ToContactIDs.CopyTo(ToContactIDArray, 0);
        ToEmailList.CopyTo(ToEmailAddrArray, 0);

        CCUserIDs.CopyTo(CCUserIDArray, 0);
        CCContactIDs.CopyTo(CCContactIDArray, 0);
        CCEmailList.CopyTo(CCEmailAddrArray, 0);


        #region 调用API

        bool successful_status = true;

            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
                req.EmailTemplId = this.iEmailTemplateID;
                req.FileId       = this.iProspectID;
                req.UserId       = CurrentUser.iUserID;
                req.ToEmails     = ToEmailAddrArray;
                req.ToUserIds    = ToUserIDArray;
                req.ToContactIds = ToContactIDArray;
                req.CCEmails     = CCEmailAddrArray;
                req.CCUserIds    = CCUserIDArray;
                req.CCContactIds = CCContactIDArray;
                req.hdr          = new ReqHdr();

                SendEmailResponse response = service.SendEmail(req);

                if (response.resp.Successful == false)
                    this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_FailedSend5", "alert('Failed to send completion email.');window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail()();", true);
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
            successful_status = false;
            PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to send completion email, reason: Email Manager is not running.");

        if (successful_status == true)
            PageCommon.WriteJs(this, "Send completion email successfully.", "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
        /// <summary>
        /// load dropdown list data
        /// </summary>
        private void DoInitData()
                int?   intRegionID   = null;
                int?   intDivisionID = null;
                string sRegionID     = "0";
                if (this.Request.QueryString["Region"] != null)
                    sRegionID   = this.Request.QueryString["Region"].ToString();
                    intRegionID = Convert.ToInt32(sRegionID);
                string sDivisionID = "0";
                if (this.Request.QueryString["Division"] != null)
                    sDivisionID   = this.Request.QueryString["Division"].ToString();
                    intDivisionID = Convert.ToInt32(sDivisionID);
                DataSet dsFilter = PageCommon.GetOrgStructureDataSourceByLoginUser(intRegionID, intDivisionID, true);
                this.ddlRegion.DataSource     = dsFilter.Tables[0];
                this.ddlRegion.DataValueField = "RegionId";
                this.ddlRegion.DataTextField  = "Name";
                this.ddlRegion.Attributes.Add("onchange", "send_request('Region')");
                //this.ddlDivision.DataSource = this.GetDivisionData(sRegionID);
                this.ddlDivision.DataSource     = dsFilter.Tables[1];
                this.ddlDivision.DataValueField = "DivisionId";
                this.ddlDivision.DataTextField  = "Name";
                this.ddlDivision.Attributes.Add("onchange", "send_request('Division')");

                //this.ddlBranch.DataSource = this.GetBranchData(sRegionID, sDivisionID);
                this.ddlBranch.DataSource     = dsFilter.Tables[2];
                this.ddlBranch.DataValueField = "BranchId";
                this.ddlBranch.DataTextField  = "Name";

                this.ddlRegion.SelectedIndex   = 0;
                this.ddlDivision.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.ddlBranch.SelectedIndex   = 0;

                #region set suspend text

                    ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                    using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                        GetPointMgrStatusRequest req = new GetPointMgrStatusRequest();

                        req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
                        req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
                        req.hdr.UserId        = 5;               //todo:check dummy data
                        GetPointMgrStatusResponse respone = null;

                        respone = service.GetPointManagerStatus(req);

                        if (respone.Running)
                            this.lbtnSuspend.Text = "Suspend Sync";
                            this.lbtnSuspend.Text = "Resume Sync";
                catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ee)
                    PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed reason: Point Manager is not running.");
                catch (Exception exception)
                    //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Import Point Folders Failed.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #28
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.CurrentFileId == 0)
        int ContactID = 0;

        LPWeb.Model.Contacts model = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts();
            ContactID = int.Parse(hfdContactID.Value);
            Contacts contact = new Contacts();
            model = contact.GetModel(ContactID);
        { }

        ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();

        using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
            ReassignContactRequest req = new ReassignContactRequest();
            req.hdr = new ReqHdr();
            req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data
            req.hdr.UserId        = CurrentUser.iUserID;
            ReassignContactInfo        cInfo = new ReassignContactInfo();
            List <ReassignContactInfo> cList = new List <ReassignContactInfo>();
            cInfo.FileId        = this.CurrentFileId;//todo:check dummy data
            cInfo.ContactRoleId = int.Parse(ddlContactRole.SelectedValue);
            cInfo.NewContactId  = ContactID;
            req.reassignContacts = cList.ToArray();
            ReassignContactResponse respone = null;
                respone = service.ReassignContact(req);
                if (respone.hdr.Successful)
                    LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts lcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts();
                    lcModel.FileId        = CurrentFileId;
                    lcModel.ContactRoleId = cInfo.ContactRoleId;
                    lcModel.ContactId     = ContactID;

                    LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts oldlcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts();
                    oldlcModel.FileId        = CurrentFileId;
                    oldlcModel.ContactRoleId = oldRoleID;
                    oldlcModel.ContactId     = oldContactID;

                    LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts lc = new LoanContacts();

                    lc.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, req.hdr.UserId);
                        PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Reassigned contact successfully", PageCommon.Js_RefreshParent);
                    { }
                        PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, String.Format("Failed to reassign contact: reason: {0}.", respone.hdr.StatusInfo), PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                    { }
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ex)
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to reassign contact: reason, Point Manager is not running. ", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
            catch (Exception exception)
                PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, String.Format("Failed to reassign contact, reason: {0}", exception.Message), PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
Exemple #29
    protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #region 准备接口数据

        string    sEmailTemplateID = this.ddlEmailTemplateList.SelectedValue;
        string    sToIDs           = this.hdnToIDs.Value;
        LoginUser CurrentUser      = this.CurrUser;
        string    Token            = hidToken.Value;
        Dictionary <string, byte[]> Attachments = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();

        #region Attachments

        //LPWeb.BLL.Template_Email_Attachments bllTempEmailattach = new Template_Email_Attachments();
        //var ds = bllTempEmailattach.GetList(" [Enabled] =1 AND TemplEmailId = " + sEmailTemplateID);

        LPWeb.BLL.Email_AttachmentsTemp bllEmailAttachTemp = new Email_AttachmentsTemp();

        var ds = bllEmailAttachTemp.GetListWithFileImage(Convert.ToInt32(sEmailTemplateID), Token);

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    Attachments.Add(item["Name"].ToString() + "." + item["FileType"].ToString(), (byte[])item["FileImage"]);
                catch { }


        int[]    ToUserIDArray    = null;
        int[]    ToContactIDArray = null;
        string[] ToEmailAddrArray = null;

        int EmailIndex = 0;

        int[]    CCUserIDArray    = null;
        int[]    CCContactIDArray = null;
        string[] CCEmailAddrArray = null;

        if (sToIDs == string.Empty)  // 如果未添加收件人,则以email template的To和CC为准发邮件
            #region use To and CC of email template

            #region 获取Email Template的Recipient(s)

            Template_Email EmailTemplateManager = new Template_Email();
            DataTable      RecipientList        = EmailTemplateManager.GetRecipientList(Convert.ToInt32(sEmailTemplateID));


            #region 获取Loan Team

            string    sSql         = "select * from LoanTeam where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
            DataTable LoanTeamList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);


            #region 获取Contacts

            string    sSql2       = "select * from LoanContacts where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
            DataTable ContactList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2);


            Collection <Int32>  ToUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32>  ToContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <String> ToEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

            Collection <Int32>  CCUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32>  CCContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <String> CCEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

            #region To

            DataRow[] ToRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='To'");
            if (ToRecipient.Length > 0)
                string sEmailList_To    = ToRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
                string sContactList_To  = ToRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
                string sUserRoleList_To = ToRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();

                #region Emails

                if (sEmailList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] EmailArray_To = sEmailList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sEmailTo in EmailArray_To)


                #region User IDs

                if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] UserRoleArray_To = sUserRoleList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sUserRoleIDTo in UserRoleArray_To)
                        int iUserRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDTo);

                        DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDTo);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                            int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


                #region Contact IDs

                if (sContactList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] ContactArray_To = sContactList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sContactIDTo in ContactArray_To)
                        int iContactRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDTo);

                        DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDTo);
                        foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                            int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);



            #region CC

            DataRow[] CCRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='CC'");
            if (CCRecipient.Length > 0)
                string sEmailList_CC    = CCRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
                string sContactList_CC  = CCRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
                string sUserRoleList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();

                #region Emails

                if (sEmailList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] EmailArray_CC = sEmailList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sEmailCC in EmailArray_CC)


                #region User IDs

                if (sUserRoleList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] UserRoleArray_CC = sUserRoleList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sUserRoleIDCC in UserRoleArray_CC)
                        int iUserRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDCC);

                        DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDCC);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                            int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


                #region Contact IDs

                if (sContactList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] ContactArray_CC = sContactList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sContactIDCC in ContactArray_CC)
                        int iContactRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDCC);

                        DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDCC);
                        foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                            int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);


            // if check me, add user's email to CC list
            if (this.chkCCMe.Checked == true && CurrentUser.sEmail != string.Empty)


            ToUserIDArray    = new int[ToUserIDs.Count];
            ToContactIDArray = new int[ToContactIDs.Count];
            ToEmailAddrArray = new string[ToEmailList.Count];

            CCUserIDArray    = new int[CCUserIDs.Count];
            CCContactIDArray = new int[CCContactIDs.Count];
            CCEmailAddrArray = new string[CCEmailList.Count];

            ToUserIDs.CopyTo(ToUserIDArray, 0);
            ToContactIDs.CopyTo(ToContactIDArray, 0);
            ToEmailList.CopyTo(ToEmailAddrArray, 0);

            CCUserIDs.CopyTo(CCUserIDArray, 0);
            CCContactIDs.CopyTo(CCContactIDArray, 0);
            CCEmailList.CopyTo(CCEmailAddrArray, 0);

        else // 如果添加收件人,则覆盖email template的To和CC
            #region build ToUserIDArray and ToContactIDArray

            Collection <Int32> ToUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32> ToContactIDs = new Collection <int>();

            string EmailAddress = "";
            string UserSql      = "";
            string ContactSql   = "";

            DataTable UserTable    = null;
            DataTable ContactTable = null;

            string[] ToIDArray = sToIDs.Split('$');
            ToEmailAddrArray = new string[ToIDArray.Length];
            foreach (string ToID in ToIDArray)
                if (ToID.Contains("User") == true)
                    int iToUserID = Convert.ToInt32(ToID.Replace("User", ""));
                    UserSql   = "select EmailAddress from Users where UserId = " + iToUserID;
                    UserTable = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(UserSql);
                    foreach (DataRow dr in UserTable.Rows)
                        if (dr["EmailAddress"] == DBNull.Value)
                            EmailAddress = "";
                            EmailAddress = dr["EmailAddress"].ToString().Trim();
                    ToEmailAddrArray[EmailIndex] = EmailAddress;
                    EmailIndex = EmailIndex + 1;
                    int iToContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ToID.Replace("Contact", ""));
                    ContactSql   = "select Email from Contacts where ContactId = " + iToContactID;
                    ContactTable = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(ContactSql);

                    foreach (DataRow dr in ContactTable.Rows)
                        if (dr["Email"] == DBNull.Value)
                            EmailAddress = "";
                            EmailAddress = dr["Email"].ToString().Trim();
                    ToEmailAddrArray[EmailIndex] = EmailAddress;
                    EmailIndex = EmailIndex + 1;

            ToUserIDArray    = new int[ToUserIDs.Count];
            ToContactIDArray = new int[ToContactIDs.Count];

            if (ToUserIDs.Count > 0)
                ToUserIDs.CopyTo(ToUserIDArray, 0);

            if (ToContactIDs.Count > 0)
                ToContactIDs.CopyTo(ToContactIDArray, 0);


            CCUserIDArray    = new int[0];
            CCContactIDArray = new int[0];
            if (this.chkCCMe.Checked == true && CurrentUser.sEmail != string.Empty)
                CCEmailAddrArray = new string[1];
                CCEmailAddrArray.SetValue(CurrentUser.sEmail, 0);
                CCEmailAddrArray = new string[0];


        #region 调用API

        string sCloseDialogCodes = this.GetCloseDialogJs();

        SendEmailResponse response = null;

            ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
            using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                #region SendEmailRequest

                SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
                if (this.chkUserEmailTemplate.Checked == true)
                    req.EmailTemplId           = Convert.ToInt32(sEmailTemplateID);
                    req.EmailSubject           = string.Empty;
                    req.EmailBody              = null;
                    req.AppendPictureSignature = false;
                    req.EmailTemplId           = 0;
                    req.EmailSubject           = this.txtSubject.Text.Trim();
                    req.EmailBody              = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.txtBody.Text.Trim());
                    req.AppendPictureSignature = this.chkAppendMyPic.Checked;

                if (this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"] != null)
                    req.FileId = this.iLoanID;
                else if (this.Request.QueryString["ProspectID"] != null)
                    req.ProspectId = this.iProspectID;
                else if (this.Request.QueryString["ProspectAlertID"] != null)
                    req.PropsectTaskId = this.iProspectAlertID;

                if ((this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"] == null) &&
                    (this.Request.QueryString["ProspectID"] != null))
                    string sSql = "select * from LoanContacts where ContactId=" + req.ProspectId + " and (ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetBorrowerRoleId() or ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetCoBorrowerRoleId())";

                    DataTable LoanList = null;
                        LoanList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanListRow in LoanList.Rows)
                            req.FileId = (int)LoanListRow["FileId"];

                    if (LoanList == null || LoanList.Rows.Count == 0)

                req.UserId       = CurrentUser.iUserID;
                req.ToEmails     = ToEmailAddrArray;
                req.ToUserIds    = ToUserIDArray;
                req.ToContactIds = ToContactIDArray;
                req.CCEmails     = CCEmailAddrArray;
                req.CCUserIds    = CCUserIDArray;
                req.CCContactIds = CCContactIDArray;
                req.hdr          = new ReqHdr();

                #region add Attachments

                req.Attachments = Attachments;



                response = service.SendEmail(req);
        catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
            string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, reason: Email Manager is not running.");
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, sCloseDialogCodes);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, error: {0}", ex.Message);
            LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, sCloseDialogCodes);


        // 提示调用结果
        if (response.resp.Successful == true)
            catch { }

            string RefreshParent = "window.parent.location.href=window.parent.location.href;";
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Sent email successfully.", RefreshParent + sCloseDialogCodes);
            PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to send email: " + response.resp.StatusInfo.Replace("'", "\'"), sCloseDialogCodes);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新 card信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnUpdateCard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region 检查
            if (ddlCardType.SelectedValue == "")
                PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "please select Card Type", "");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txbCardNumber.Text))
                PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "please input Card Number", "");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txbCardExpiration.Text))
                PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "please input Card Expiration", "");

            if (txbCardExpiration.Text.Trim().IndexOf('/') == -1)
                PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "the expiration in the format of mm/yy", "");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txbCardCSCcode.Text))
                PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "please input Card CSC code", "");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txbNameonCard.Text))
                PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "please input Name on Card", "");

                var creditCard = new LP_Service.UpdateCreditCardRequest();

                var exp = txbCardExpiration.Text.Trim().Split('/');

                int mm = Convert.ToInt32(exp[0]);
                if (mm >= 1 && mm <= 12)
                    creditCard.Card_Exp_Month = exp[0];
                    PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Card Expiration (mm/yy): mm should be a number between 1 and 12", "");
                if (Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + exp[1]) >= DateTime.Now.Year)
                    creditCard.Card_Exp_Year = exp[1];
                    PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Card Expiration (mm/yy): yy Should be more than equal to the current year", "");

                var name = txbNameonCard.Text.Split(' ').ToList();
                if (name.Count < 2)
                creditCard.Card_First_Name = name.FirstOrDefault();

                creditCard.Card_Last_Name = name.LastOrDefault();

                creditCard.Card_IsDefault = "True";

                creditCard.Card_Number = txbCardNumber.Text.Trim();
                creditCard.Card_SIC    = txbCardCSCcode.Text.Trim();
                creditCard.Card_Type   = (LP_Service.CreditCardType)Convert.ToInt32(ddlCardType.SelectedValue.Trim());

                //creditCard.ExtensionData =

                creditCard.Card_ID = hfCardID.Value.Trim();

                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    creditCard.hdr        = new LP_Service.ReqHdr();
                    creditCard.hdr.UserId = loginUser.iUserID;

                    var rq = client.UpdateCreditCard(creditCard);
                    if (rq.hdr.Successful)
                        //PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf);
                        PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Update Credit Card Successfully.", "");
                        PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, rq.hdr.StatusInfo, "");
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Error:" + ex.Message);