Exemple #1
 private static LNode ChangePath(LNode call, LNode path, IMacroContext context, Func <LNode, IMacroContext, LNode> change)
     foreach (var index in path.AsList(CodeSymbols.Tuple))
         // Check if index is an integer, a negated integer, or an
         // identifier matching the name of an argument of `call`...
         if (index.Value is int iArg ||
             index.Calls(S.Sub, 1) && index[0].Value is int negArg && ((iArg = -negArg) & 0) == 0 ||
             index.IsId &&
             (iArg = EnumerableExt.FirstIndexWhere <LNode>(call, n => n.Name == index.Name) ?? -1) != -1 &&
             ((iArg += call.Min) & 0) == 0)
             LNode arg = call.TryGet(iArg, null);
             if (arg == null)
                 context.Warning(path, "Index is out of range ({1})", iArg, call.Min <= call.Max
                                                 ? "expected {0} to {1}".Localized(call.Min, call.Max)
                                                 : "'{0}' has no children".Localized(LNode.Printer.Print(call, null, ParsingMode.Expressions)));
                 call = call.WithChildChanged(iArg, change(arg, context));