public void ShowInfo(Vector3 a_pos) { if ( == a_pos) { return; } m_hideInfoTime = Time.time + 8f; int num = -1; int a_amount = 0; if (m_items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < m_items.Length; i++) { if (null != m_items[i] && a_pos == m_items[i].transform.position) { num = m_items[i].m_type; a_amount = m_items[i].m_amountOrCond; break; } } } if (num != -1) { ItemDef itemDef = Items.GetItemDef(num); m_guiInfoName.text = LNG.Get(itemDef.ident); m_guiInfoDesc.text = LNG.Get(itemDef.ident + "_DESC"); m_guiInfoStats.text = Items.GetStatsText(num, a_amount, true); m_guiItemInfo.SetActive(true); } else { m_guiItemInfo.SetActive(false); } }
public void SetParty(DatabasePlayer[] a_party) { this.m_txtDescription.text = ((a_party != null) ? string.Empty : LNG.Get("PARTY_DESCRIPTION")); this.m_txtNames.text = string.Empty; this.m_txtRanks.text = string.Empty; bool flag = false; int num = (a_party == null) ? 0 : Mathf.Min(a_party.Length, 5); string text = string.Empty; this.m_aid = ((num != 0) ? new ulong[num] : null); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { text = a_party[i].name; if (8 < text.Length) { text = text.Substring(0, 7) + "..."; } TextMesh txtNames = this.m_txtNames; txtNames.text = txtNames.text + text + "\n"; TextMesh txtRanks = this.m_txtRanks; txtRanks.text = txtRanks.text + ((a_party[i].partyRank != 1) ? "Member" : "Admin") + "\n"; this.m_aid[i] = a_party[i].aid; if (this.m_client.GetSteamId() == this.m_aid[i] && a_party[i].partyRank == 1) { flag = true; } } for (int j = 0; j < this.m_btnRank.Length; j++) { this.m_btnRank[j].SetActive(j < num && flag); this.m_btnKick[j].SetActive(j < num && (flag || this.m_client.GetSteamId() == this.m_aid[j])); } }
private void onPartyFeedback(NetIncomingMessage a_msg) { ePartyFeedback ePartyFeedback = (ePartyFeedback)a_msg.ReadByte(); string str = a_msg.ReadString(); switch (ePartyFeedback) { case ePartyFeedback.invite: m_popupIdInvite = m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_INVITED")); break; case ePartyFeedback.errorAlreadyInParty: m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_ALREADY_IN_PARTY")); break; case ePartyFeedback.kicked: m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_KICKED")); break; case ePartyFeedback.prodemoted: m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_PRODEMOTED")); break; case ePartyFeedback.partyFull: m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_FULL")); break; } DebugLogReadWriteMismatch(a_msg, "onPartyFeedback"); }
private void Start() { this.m_guimaster = (GUI3dMaster)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(GUI3dMaster)); this.m_inventory = (InventoryGUI)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(InventoryGUI)); this.m_client = (LidClient)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(LidClient)); this.m_craftableItems = new List <ItemDef> [this.m_btnPages.Length]; this.m_craftableItemTypes = new List <int> [this.m_btnPages.Length]; this.m_itemList = new string[this.m_btnPages.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_btnPages.Length; i++) { this.m_craftableItems[i] = new List <ItemDef>(); this.m_craftableItemTypes[i] = new List <int>(); this.m_itemList[i] = string.Empty; } this.m_txtItems.text = string.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < 254; j++) { ItemDef itemDef = Items.GetItemDef(j); if (Items.IsCraftable(j) && itemDef.ident != null) { this.m_craftableItems[itemDef.rankReq].Add(itemDef); this.m_craftableItemTypes[itemDef.rankReq].Add(j); string[] itemList = this.m_itemList; int rankReq = itemDef.rankReq; itemList[rankReq] = itemList[rankReq] + LNG.Get(itemDef.ident) + "\n"; } } this.ActivatePage(0); }
private void Start() { m_guimaster = (GUI3dMaster)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(GUI3dMaster)); m_inventory = (InventoryGUI)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(InventoryGUI)); m_client = (LidClient)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(LidClient)); m_craftableItems = new List <ItemDef> [m_btnPages.Length]; m_craftableItemTypes = new List <int> [m_btnPages.Length]; m_itemList = new string[m_btnPages.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_btnPages.Length; i++) { m_craftableItems[i] = new List <ItemDef>(); m_craftableItemTypes[i] = new List <int>(); m_itemList[i] = string.Empty; } m_txtItems.text = string.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < 254; j++) { ItemDef itemDef = Items.GetItemDef(j); if (Items.IsCraftable(j) && itemDef.ident != null) { m_craftableItems[itemDef.rankReq].Add(itemDef); m_craftableItemTypes[itemDef.rankReq].Add(j); string reference = m_itemList[itemDef.rankReq]; reference = reference + LNG.Get(itemDef.ident) + "\n"; } } ActivatePage(0); }
private void Update() { if (this.m_gui.activeSelf) { float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; if (this.m_curSpeed > 0.01f) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_displayItems.Length; i++) { Vector3 localPosition = this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition; this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition += Vector3.right * deltaTime * this.m_curSpeed; if (this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition.x > 0.085f) { this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition -= Vector3.right * 0.6f; int a_newDefId = 0; if (this.m_curSpeed < 0.2f && !this.m_setWinningItemFlag) { a_newDefId = this.m_itemDefToWin; this.m_setWinningItemFlag = true; } this.ChangeItem(i, a_newDefId); } if (localPosition.x < 0.015f && 0.015f < this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition.x && null != {; } } if (Time.time > this.m_timeToSlowdown) { this.m_curSpeed *= 1f - deltaTime * this.m_slowDownRate; } } else if (!this.m_btnClose.activeSelf) { JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(this.m_itemDefToWin); if (null != item) { this.m_newItemTxt.text = LNG.Get("STEAM_INV_NEW_ITEM") + "\n " + item["market_name"]; if (null != this.m_client) { this.m_client.SendChatMsg(":#~" + item["market_name"], false); } else { ComChatGUI comChatGUI = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <ComChatGUI>(); comChatGUI.AddString("Ethan The just opened a case and received: \n<color=\"red\">" + item["market_name"] + "</color>"); } } GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this.m_audioEffect); = this.m_successSound; = 0.4f;; this.m_btnClose.SetActive(true); } } if (Application.isEditor && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) { this.Showtime(20009, 1004); } }
public void ShowGui(bool a_show, int a_itemDefId = 0) { if (a_show) { JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(a_itemDefId); if (null != item && null != this.m_itemText && null != this.m_itemRenderer) { this.m_itemText.text = string.Concat(new string[] { "<color=#", item["name_color"], ">", item["market_name"], "</color>" }); this.m_itemRenderer.renderer.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture>("inventory_steam/inventory_s_" + a_itemDefId); }; } this.m_guiParent.SetActive(a_show); int @int = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("prefSteamDropCount", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("prefSteamDropCount", @int + 1); this.m_reviewText.text = LNG.Get((@int % 2 != 1) ? "STEAM_BLUE_ICON" : "STEAM_PLEASE_REVIEW"); }
private void onPartyFeedback(NetIncomingMessage a_msg) { ePartyFeedback ePartyFeedback = (ePartyFeedback)a_msg.ReadByte(); string str = a_msg.ReadString(); if (ePartyFeedback == ePartyFeedback.invite) { this.m_popupIdInvite = this.m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_INVITED")); } else if (ePartyFeedback == ePartyFeedback.errorAlreadyInParty) { this.m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_ALREADY_IN_PARTY")); } else if (ePartyFeedback == ePartyFeedback.kicked) { this.m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_KICKED")); } else if (ePartyFeedback == ePartyFeedback.prodemoted) { this.m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, str + LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_PRODEMOTED")); } else if (ePartyFeedback == ePartyFeedback.partyFull) { this.m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, LNG.Get("PARTY_POPUP_FULL")); } this.DebugLogReadWriteMismatch(a_msg, "onPartyFeedback"); }
private void Update() { if (null != this.m_label && null != this.m_client && Time.time > this.m_nextUpdateTime) { bool flag = (base.transform.position - this.m_client.GetPos()).sqrMagnitude < this.m_displayLabelDist * this.m_displayLabelDist; this.m_label.SetText((!flag) ? string.Empty : LNG.Get(this.m_lngKey), true); this.m_nextUpdateTime = Time.time + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f); } }
private void RedrawList() { m_txtServerNames.text = string.Empty; m_txtServerPlayers.text = string.Empty; m_serverIps.Clear(); string empty = string.Empty; string[] array = m_lastServerList.Split(';'); int num = -1; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length && !("STOP" == array[i]); i++) { if (-1 < num) { switch (num % 5) { case 0: m_serverIps.Add(array[i]); break; case 2: { empty = array[i]; if (empty.StartsWith(" ")) { empty = empty.Substring(1); } Text txtServerNames = m_txtServerNames; txtServerNames.text = txtServerNames.text + empty + "\n"; break; } case 3: { Text txtServerPlayers = m_txtServerPlayers; txtServerPlayers.text = txtServerPlayers.text + GetServerPopulationString(int.Parse(array[i])) + "\n"; break; } } num++; } if ("START" == array[i]) { num = 0; } } for (int j = 0; j < m_connectBtns.Length; j++) { m_connectBtns[j].SetActive(j < m_serverIps.Count); } if (string.Empty == m_txtServerNames.text) { m_txtServerNames.text = LNG.Get("NO_SERVERS_FOUND"); } }
private bool IsBattleLogging() { bool flag = m_cantLogoutTime > Time.time; if (flag && null != m_msgBar) { int num = (int)(m_cantLogoutTime - Time.time + 0.5f); m_msgBar.DisplayMessage(LNG.Get("CANT_LOGOUT_DURING_BATTLE").Replace("%1", num.ToString()), 1000); } return(flag); }
private void OnGUI() { m_isActive = m_chatText.gameObject.activeInHierarchy; if (!m_qmunicator.IsActive(false) || !m_isActive) { return; } if (m_unreadMsgIndicator.activeSelf) { m_unreadMessages = 0; m_unreadMsgIndicator.SetActive(false); m_unreadMsgIndicator2.SetActive(false); } GUI.SetNextControlName("chatInputCom"); m_chatString = GUI.TextField(m_chatRect, m_chatString, 100); if (Event.current.type != EventType.KeyUp) { return; } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter) { m_chatString = m_chatString.Replace("\\", string.Empty); if (m_chatString.Length > 0) { if (!IsSpam(m_chatString)) { if (null != m_client) { m_client.SendChatMsg(m_chatString, false); } else { AddString(m_chatString); } } else { AddString("System§ " + LNG.Get("ANTI_SPAM_CHAT")); } m_chatString = string.Empty; } else { GUI.FocusControl((!("chatInputCom" == GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl())) ? "chatInputCom" : string.Empty); } Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { GUI.FocusControl(string.Empty); m_chatString = string.Empty; Event.current.Use(); } }
private void Connect(string a_ip) { if (m_steamId != 0L) { if (m_isVerbrecherVersion) { m_txtMessage.text = LNG.Get("INVALID_IP"); return; } bool flag = m_client.Connect(m_playerName, m_pwHash, m_steamId, a_ip); m_txtMessage.text = ((!flag) ? LNG.Get("INVALID_IP") : LNG.Get("LOADING")); } }
private bool IsInteracting() { bool flag = false; if (Input.GetButtonDown("Interact") && !m_isMoving) { for (int i = 0; i < m_repairNpcs.Length; i++) { Vector3 position = m_repairNpcs[i].transform.position; Vector3 pos = m_client.GetPos(); if (!(Mathf.Abs(position.x - pos.x) < 1.4f) || !(Mathf.Abs(position.z - pos.z) < 1.4f)) { continue; } RemoteItem handItem = m_inventory.GetHandItem(); if (null != handItem) { if (Items.HasCondition(handItem.m_type) && handItem.m_amountOrCond < 100) { ItemDef itemDef = Items.GetItemDef(handItem.m_type); int num = (int)(1f + Items.GetValue(handItem.m_type, 100) * 0.01f * (float)(100 - handItem.m_amountOrCond)); num = (int)((float)num * m_repairNpcs[i].m_priceMultip + 0.5f); if (m_client.GetGoldCount() >= num) { string a_caption = LNG.Get("REPAIR") + "\n" + LNG.Get(itemDef.ident) + "\n" + handItem.m_amountOrCond + "%\nfor " + num + " " + LNG.Get("CURRENCY") + "?"; m_repairPopupSessionId = m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, a_caption); } else { string a_caption2 = LNG.Get("ITEMSHOP_TOO_LESS_GOLD") + "\n" + num + " " + LNG.Get("CURRENCY"); m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, a_caption2); } } else { m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, LNG.Get("REPAIR_NPC_NO_NEED")); } } else { m_popupGui.ShowGui(true, LNG.Get("REPAIR_NPC_HOWTO")); } flag = true; break; } if (flag) { } } return((Input.GetButton("Interact") && !flag) || m_forceInteractionTime > Time.time); }
private int GetClickedItemIndex(string a_clickedBtnName) { int result = -1; string[] array = a_clickedBtnName.Split(new char[] { '-' }); if (array != null && 1 < array.Length && "sii" == array[0]) { int num = -1; try { num = int.Parse(array[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning("SteamInventoryGUI.cs: " + ex.ToString()); } if (num > -1 && this.m_itemDetails != null && num < this.m_itemDetails.Count) { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); this.m_contextMenu.transform.position = ray.GetPoint(3.5f); this.m_contextMenu.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0.2f, -0.1f, 0f); int steamItemDef = this.m_itemDetails[num].m_iDefinition.m_SteamItemDef; string sKey = string.Empty; if (10000 > steamItemDef) { sKey = "STEAM_INV_OPEN_CASE"; } else { int lookItemDef = this.m_steamInventoryHandler.GetLookItemDef(); int skinItemDef = this.m_steamInventoryHandler.GetSkinItemDef(); bool flag = lookItemDef == steamItemDef || skinItemDef == steamItemDef; if (flag) { sKey = "STEAM_INV_UNEQUIP"; } else { sKey = "STEAM_INV_EQUIP"; } } this.m_txtEquipOpen.text = LNG.Get(sKey); result = num; this.m_contextMenu.SetActive(true); } } return(result); }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); this.m_textMesh = base.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); this.m_textMesh.renderer.material.color = this.m_color; if (this.m_LNGkey.Length > 0) { this.m_textMesh.text = LNG.Get(this.m_LNGkey); } if (this.m_dropShadow) { this.CreateShadow(); } }
private void ChooseItem(int a_index) { if (a_index < 0 || m_craftableItems[m_activePage].Count <= a_index) { return; } m_selectedItem = a_index; int num = m_craftableItemTypes[m_activePage][m_selectedItem]; TextMesh txtItem = m_txtItem; ItemDef itemDef = m_craftableItems[m_activePage][m_selectedItem]; txtItem.text = LNG.Get(itemDef.ident); SetCraftAmount(1); if (null != m_itemForDisplay) { Object.Destroy(m_itemForDisplay); } GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)Resources.Load("items/item_" + num); if (null != gameObject) { m_itemForDisplay = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(gameObject, m_itemDisplayParent.position, Quaternion.identity); m_itemForDisplay.transform.parent = m_itemDisplayParent; m_itemForDisplay.transform.localScale = * 2f; m_itemForDisplay.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; Renderer[] componentsInChildren = m_itemForDisplay.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren; foreach (Renderer renderer in array) { renderer.gameObject.layer = 17; } Transform transform = m_itemForDisplay.transform.FindChild("Particles"); if (null != transform) { transform.gameObject.SetActive(false); } Transform transform2 = m_itemForDisplay.transform.FindChild("Point light"); if (null != transform2) { transform2.gameObject.SetActive(false); } m_txtInfoStats.text = Items.GetStatsText(num, -1); ItemDef itemDef2 = Items.GetItemDef(num); if (itemDef2.ident != null && itemDef2.ident.Length > 0 && string.Empty == m_txtInfoStats.text) { m_txtInfoStats.text = LNG.Get(itemDef2.ident + "_DESC"); } } UpdateNeedHave(); }
public void Showtime(int a_itemDefToWin, int a_generatorDef) { this.m_gui.SetActive(true); this.m_btnClose.SetActive(false); this.m_itemDefToWin = a_itemDefToWin; this.m_timeToSlowdown = Time.time + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f); this.m_curSpeed = this.m_speed; this.m_newItemTxt.text = LNG.Get("STEAM_INV_NEW_ITEM") + "\n "; this.m_setWinningItemFlag = false; this.GetItemDefsFromGenerator(a_generatorDef); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_displayItems.Length; i++) { this.ChangeItem(i, 0); } }
private void Connect(string a_ip) { if (this.m_steamId != 0UL) { if (this.m_isVerbrecherVersion) { this.m_txtMessage.text = LNG.Get("INVALID_IP"); } else { bool flag = this.m_client.Connect(this.m_playerName, this.m_pwHash, this.m_steamId, a_ip); this.m_txtMessage.text = ((!flag) ? LNG.Get("INVALID_IP") : LNG.Get("LOADING")); } } }
public static string GetStatsText(int a_type, int a_amount, bool a_displayValue = false) { string text = string.Empty; ItemDef itemDef = GetItemDef(a_type); if (itemDef.ident != null && itemDef.ident.Length > 0) { if (a_amount > -1 && HasAmountOrCondition(a_type)) { text = ((!IsStackable(a_type)) ? LNG.Get("CONDITION") : LNG.Get("AMOUNT")) + ": " + a_amount + ((!IsStackable(a_type)) ? "%" : string.Empty) + "\n"; } if (a_displayValue) { string text2 = text; text = text2 + LNG.Get("VALUE") + ": " + (int)(GetValue(a_type, a_amount) + 0.5f) + " " + LNG.Get("CURRENCY") + "\n"; } if (itemDef.damage > 5f) { string text2 = text; text = text2 + LNG.Get("DAMAGE") + ": " + itemDef.damage + "\n"; if (itemDef.ammoItemType > 0) { string str = text; ItemDef itemDef2 = GetItemDef(itemDef.ammoItemType); text = str + LNG.Get(itemDef2.ident) + "\n"; } } else if (itemDef.healing > 0f) { if (IsShoes(a_type)) { string text2 = text; text = text2 + LNG.Get("SPEED") + ": +" + (int)(itemDef.healing * 100.0001f) + "%\n"; } else if (IsBody(a_type)) { string text2 = text; text = text2 + LNG.Get("ARMOR") + ": " + (int)((1f - itemDef.healing) * 100.0001f) + "%\n"; } else { string text2 = text; text = text2 + LNG.Get("ENERGY") + ": " + itemDef.healing + "\n"; } } } return(text); }
private void LateUpdate() { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 1f) { return; } if (null != this.m_guimaster) { string clickedButtonName = this.m_guimaster.GetClickedButtonName(); if (string.Empty != clickedButtonName) { if (this.IsActive(true)) { if (clickedButtonName.Length == 1) { try { this.ActivateGui((eActiveApp)int.Parse(clickedButtonName)); } catch (Exception message) { Debug.Log(message); } } else if (clickedButtonName.StartsWith("HELP_")) { this.m_helpText.text = LNG.Get(clickedButtonName + "_TEXT"); } else if (null != this.m_guiCloseBtn && == clickedButtonName) { this.SetVisible(false); } else if (null != this.m_guiQuitBtn && == clickedButtonName) { QuitGameGUI quitGameGUI = (QuitGameGUI)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(QuitGameGUI)); if (null != quitGameGUI) { quitGameGUI.ShowGui(true); } } } else if (null != this.m_guiComBtn && == clickedButtonName) { this.SetVisible(true); } } } }
public void TranslateText() { string text = LNG.Get(m_lngKey); Text component = GetComponent <Text>(); if (null != component) { component.text = text; return; } TextMesh component2 = GetComponent <TextMesh>(); if (null != component2) { component2.text = text; } }
public void TranslateText() { string text = LNG.Get(this.m_lngKey); Text component = base.GetComponent <Text>(); if (null != component) { component.text = text; } else { TextMesh component2 = base.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); if (null != component2) { component2.text = text; } } }
private void OnEnable() { this.m_page = 0; this.m_invitedSteamIds.Clear(); this.m_client = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <LidClient>(); if (null != this.m_client) { this.m_charData.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_client.m_playerData.Length; i++) { if (this.m_client.m_playerData[i].name != null && 1 < this.m_client.m_playerData[i].name.Length) { this.m_charData.Add(this.m_client.m_playerData[i]); } } } else if (this.m_charData.Count == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < 90; j++) { CharData item = default(CharData); = "Ethan " + j + " the very very great!"; item.aid = (ulong)((long)(1337 + j)); this.m_charData.Add(item); } } this.UpdateList(); if (null != this.m_pageText) { this.m_pageText.text = "Page: <color=\"white\">"; int num = (this.m_charData.Count - 1) / 36 + 1; for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) { TextMesh pageText = this.m_pageText; pageText.text = pageText.text + " " + (k + 1); } TextMesh pageText2 = this.m_pageText; pageText2.text += "</color>"; } this.m_descriptionText.text = ((!this.m_invitePartyMode) ? LNG.Get("PLAYERS_ONLINE_DESC") : LNG.Get("PLAYERS_INVITE_DESC")); }
public string GetMissionText(Mission a_mission) { string text = (a_mission.m_type != eMissiontype.eDestroy) ? LNG.Get("MISSION_PERSON_" + a_mission.m_objPerson.ToString("d")) : LNG.Get("MISSION_OBJECT_" + a_mission.m_objObject.ToString("d")); return(string.Concat(new string[] { LNG.Get("MISSION"), ":\n", LNG.Get("MISSION_TYPE_" + a_mission.m_type.ToString("d")), " ", text, "\n\n", LNG.Get("LOCATION"), ": ", LNG.Get("MISSION_LOCATION_" + a_mission.m_location.ToString("d")), "\n", LNG.Get("REWARD"), ": ", a_mission.m_xpReward.ToString("d"), " XP\n" })); }
private void LateUpdate() { if (null != this.m_guimaster) { string clickedButtonName = this.m_guimaster.GetClickedButtonName(); string rightClickedButtonName = this.m_guimaster.GetRightClickedButtonName(); string text = (!(string.Empty != clickedButtonName)) ? rightClickedButtonName : clickedButtonName; if (string.Empty != text) { if (text.StartsWith("btnpe_") && null != this.m_client) { ulong num = 0UL; try { num = ulong.Parse(text.Substring("btnpe_".Length)); } catch (Exception) { } if (0UL < num) { if (this.m_invitePartyMode) { if (!this.m_invitedSteamIds.Contains(num) && this.m_client.GetSteamId() != num) { this.m_client.SendPartyRequest(ePartyControl.invite, num); this.m_invitedSteamIds.Add(num); this.UpdateList(); this.m_descriptionText.text = LNG.Get("PARTY_SENT_INVITE"); } } else if (string.Empty != clickedButtonName) { if (Global.isSteamActive) { SteamFriends.ActivateGameOverlayToUser("steamid", new CSteamID(num)); } } else if (this.m_client.GetSteamId() != num) { if (this.m_mutedSteamIds.Contains(num)) { this.m_mutedSteamIds.Remove(num); } else { this.m_mutedSteamIds.Add(num); } this.UpdateList(); } } } else if (text.StartsWith("btn_page_")) { try { this.m_page = int.Parse(text.Substring("btn_page_".Length)) - 1; this.UpdateList(); } catch (Exception) { } } } } }
internal static void HandleChatCommand(string text, ServerPlayer player, NetIncomingMessage msg) { var server = (LidServer)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(LidServer)); var p_pos = player.GetPosition(); string[] commands = text.Split(' '); switch (commands[0]) { case "/tp-p": var re_name = server.GetPlayerByName(commands[1].ToString()).m_name.ToString(); var re_pos = server.GetPlayerByName(commands[1].ToString()).GetPosition(); if (player.m_isAdmin == true && re_name == commands[1]) { player.SetPosition(re_pos); server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal("Teleported to player: <color='#ffa500ff'>" + re_name.ToString() + "</color>.", player, msg); Debug.Log(player.m_name + " Teleported to: " + commands[1].ToString() + "!"); } else if (re_name == null) { server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal("Please Enter the name of the player/nto teleport to after '/tp-p'/n EG: '/tp=p UserName'", player, msg); } break; case "/tp-all": if (player.m_isAdmin == true) { for (int i = 0; i < server.m_players.Length; i++) { server.m_players[i].SetPosition(p_pos); } } break; case "/tp": if ("HomeTown" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc_ht = new Vector3(-909, 0, 612); player.SetPosition(loc_ht); } else if ("Terminus" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-925, 0, 869); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Garbage" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-646, 0, 1054); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Castle" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-267, 0, 178); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Area42" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-1030, 0, -274); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Fort-B" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-1043, 0, 14); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("GasTown" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-1054, 0, 310); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("West-Port" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(1113, 0, 109); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Madison" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-643, 0, -1033); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Venmore" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-407, 0, 647); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Valley" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-1004, 0, -1044); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Alexandria" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(341, 0, 161); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Riverside" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(430, 0, 735); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Tallahassee" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(94, 0, 1014); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Airport" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(-355, 0, 1053); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("PowePlant" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(1192, 0, 1184); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("GasRanch" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(681, 0, 1158); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("Riverside-SZ" == commands[1] && player.m_isAdmin == true) { var loc = new Vector3(628, 0, 631); player.SetPosition(loc); } else if ("/tp" == commands[0] && commands.Length > 2 && player.m_isAdmin == true) { int num9 = 0; int num10 = 0; string final_dest = "X:" + num9.ToString() + " Z:" + num10.ToString(); try { num9 = int.Parse(commands[1]); num10 = int.Parse(commands[2]); } catch (Exception) { if (num9 != 1 - 12000 && num10 != 1 - 12000) { server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal("Please use correctly EG: /tp 123 123", player, msg); } } if (num9 != 1 - 12000 && num10 != 1 - 12000) { server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal("Please use correctly EG: /tp 123 123", player, msg); } if (num9 != 0 && num10 != 0) { player.SetPosition(new Vector3(num9, 0f, num10)); num9.ToString(); num10.ToString(); server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal(LNG.Get("TO_POS").Replace("[dest]", num9.ToString() + " " + num10.ToString()), player, msg); } } break; case "/help-skin": server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal("Usage for /buff:/n/buff status 'Freezing, Bleeding, Clear' Note: /buff can only applied to YOUR char rn ", player, msg); break; default: break; } switch (commands[1]) { case "prefill": server.SendMessageToPlayerLocal("prefill2", player, msg); break; default: break; } }
private bool DisplayMessage(eMsg a_msg) { bool flag = false; int a_prio = 100; Vector3 pos = m_client.GetPos(); switch (a_msg) { case eMsg.eEatFood: flag = (m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && m_inventoryGui.HasFood()); break; case eMsg.eBuildBuilding: flag = (m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && m_inventoryGui.HasBuilding()); break; case eMsg.eBuildBuilding2: { int num; if (!m_inventoryGui.IsVisible()) { ItemDef itemDef = Items.GetItemDef(m_client.GetHandItem()); num = ((itemDef.buildingIndex > 0) ? 1 : 0); } else { num = 0; } flag = ((byte)num != 0); break; } case eMsg.eShovel: flag = (m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && m_inventoryGui.HasItemType(109)); break; case eMsg.eStarving: flag = (0f == m_client.GetEnergy()); a_prio = 110; break; case eMsg.ePickupItem: { RemoteItem nearestItem = m_client.GetNearestItem(pos); flag = (null != nearestItem && 25f > (nearestItem.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case eMsg.eGatherResource: { RemoteBuilding nearestResource = m_client.GetNearestResource(pos); flag = (null != nearestResource && 25f > (nearestResource.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case eMsg.eAttackEnemy: { RemoteCharacter nearestNpc = m_client.GetNearestNpc(pos); flag = (null != nearestNpc && 36f > (nearestNpc.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case eMsg.eDriveCar: { RemoteCharacter nearestCharacter2 = m_client.GetNearestCharacter(pos, true); flag = (null != nearestCharacter2 && 36f > (nearestCharacter2.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case eMsg.eChat: case eMsg.ePlayerProfile: { RemoteCharacter nearestCharacter = m_client.GetNearestCharacter(pos); flag = (null != nearestCharacter && 49f > (nearestCharacter.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } } if (flag) { m_msgBar.DisplayMessage(LNG.Get("TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_" + (int)a_msg), a_prio); } return flag; }
private void Start() { DisplayMessage(LNG.Get("PRESS_H_FOR_HELP")); }
private bool DisplayMessage(TutorialMessages.eMsg a_msg) { bool flag = false; int a_prio = 100; Vector3 pos = this.m_client.GetPos(); switch (a_msg) { case TutorialMessages.eMsg.ePickupItem: { RemoteItem nearestItem = this.m_client.GetNearestItem(pos); flag = (null != nearestItem && 25f > (nearestItem.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eEatFood: flag = (this.m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && this.m_inventoryGui.HasFood()); break; case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eDriveCar: { RemoteCharacter nearestCharacter = this.m_client.GetNearestCharacter(pos, true); flag = (null != nearestCharacter && 36f > (nearestCharacter.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eGatherResource: { RemoteBuilding nearestResource = this.m_client.GetNearestResource(pos); flag = (null != nearestResource && 25f > (nearestResource.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eAttackEnemy: { RemoteCharacter nearestNpc = this.m_client.GetNearestNpc(pos); flag = (null != nearestNpc && 36f > (nearestNpc.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eStarving: flag = (0f == this.m_client.GetEnergy()); a_prio = 110; break; case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eChat: case TutorialMessages.eMsg.ePlayerProfile: { RemoteCharacter nearestCharacter2 = this.m_client.GetNearestCharacter(pos, false); flag = (null != nearestCharacter2 && 49f > (nearestCharacter2.transform.position - pos).sqrMagnitude); break; } case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eBuildBuilding: flag = (this.m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && this.m_inventoryGui.HasBuilding()); break; case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eShovel: flag = (this.m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && this.m_inventoryGui.HasItemType(109)); break; case TutorialMessages.eMsg.eBuildBuilding2: flag = (!this.m_inventoryGui.IsVisible() && Items.GetItemDef(this.m_client.GetHandItem()).buildingIndex > 0); break; } if (flag) { this.m_msgBar.DisplayMessage(LNG.Get("TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_" + (int)a_msg), a_prio); } return(flag); }