internal async Task <bool> CheckLicenceAsync(bool increment = true) { #region SEE IF NEEDS TO CHECK ONLINE string iO = getValue(false); Cn = CreateMD5(Environment.MachineName); if (iO.Length < 2) { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; return(false); } Licence licence = GetLicence(); bool checkOn = false; if (licence == null) { checkOn = true; if (VirtualMachineDetector.Assert()) { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; return(false); } } #endregion #region CHECK ONLINE if (checkOn) { try { Dictionary <string, Object> datax = new Dictionary <string, Object>(); datax["user"] = tobase64(iO); datax["ruser"] = tobase64(Cn); datax["computer"] = tobase64(Iu.MotherBoard); string datapost = tobase64(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(datax)); string url = URL + "?par=" + datapost; string json = await GetResponse(url).ConfigureAwait(false); if (json != null) { Dictionary <string, Object> dataen = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json); var keyper = dataen["value"].ToString(); var iv = "45287112549354892144548565451985"; var key = "hexdiez822443idx"; string ms = DecryptRJ256(FromBase64String(keyper), key, iv); Dictionary <string, object> response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(ms); string dkey = response["u"].ToString(); LicenceName = response["x"].ToString(); bool isNew = bool.Parse(response["b"].ToString()); LicenceManager.TimeLeft = int.Parse(response["a"].ToString()); bool a = LicenceManager.TimeLeft > 0; int max = int.Parse(response["r"].ToString()); if (response["z"].ToString() == "PERMANENT") { type = LICENCETYPE.PERMANENT; a = true; } else if (response["z"].ToString() == "ADMIN") { type = LICENCETYPE.ADMIN; a = true; } else { type = LICENCETYPE.TIMED; } LicenceManager.message = response["m"].ToString(); isActivated = iO.Equals(dkey) && a; if (!File.Exists(Xp)) { File.WriteAllText(Xp, iO.Substring(0, iO.Length - 5) + "%"); } if (isActivated) { Products = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(frombase64(response["p"].ToString())); Licence Licence = new Licence { LicenceName = LicenceName, HardwereHash = iO, HardwereName = Cn, Products = Products, MaxTimes = max, OpenTimes = 0, Msg = LicenceManager.message, Type = (int)type }; if (a) { Licence.RecheckTime = Time.timeStampMilisecond + ONE_MINUTE_MILISECOND * 60; //1 hour SaveLicence(Licence); status = LICSTATUS.READY; return(true); } else { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; } return(true); } else { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; } } else { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; } return(false); } catch { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; return(false); } } #endregion #region OFFLINE else { if (licence == null) { status = LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED; return(false); } else { isActivated = true; Products = licence.Products; LicenceManager.message = licence.Msg; LicenceName = licence.LicenceName; type = (LICENCETYPE)licence.Type; if (increment) { licence.OpenTimes++; //Increment OpenTimes } SaveLicence(licence); status = LICSTATUS.READY; return(true); } } #endregion }
private async void SplashScreen_Shown() { #if !COMMUNITYEDITION await LicenceManager.Instance.CheckLicenceAsync(); while (LicenceManager.Instance.status == LICSTATUS.INITIATING) { Thread.Sleep(100); } #else PWDataEditorPaied.Classes.Licence Licence = new PWDataEditorPaied.Classes.Licence { LicenceName = "CM", HardwereHash = "AAAA", HardwereName = "BBBB", Products = new int[] { 0, //Profile Editor 0, //Admin Editor 1, //Element Editor 1, //Task Editor 1, //Shop Editor 1, //NPC Editor 0, //Policy Editor 1, //Pck Editor 0, //Domain Editor 0, //Region Editor 0, //Precinct Editor 0, //DynTask Editor 0, //DynObject Editor 0, //Fashion Rip 1, //SkinChanger 0, //WorldTargetsev 0, //ExtraDropSev 0 //AdminTool }, MaxTimes = 999, OpenTimes = 0, Msg = "Your licence will never expire, but you can get a lot more futures if for just 10 Euro/Month contact me (Skype or Gmail): [email protected]", Type = 2 }; LicenceManager.Instance.status = LICSTATUS.READY; LicenceManager.Instance.LicenceName = "CM"; LicenceManager.Products = Licence.Products; LicenceManager.message = Licence.Msg; LicenceManager.Instance.SaveLicence(Licence); #endif switch (LicenceManager.Instance.status) { case LICSTATUS.READY: Thread th = new Thread(() => { DatabaseManager.Instance.LoadDefault(); }) { IsBackground = true }; th.Start(); break; case LICSTATUS.UNACTIVATED: File.WriteAllText(LicenceManager.Instance.Xp, LicenceManager.Instance.Cn); Environment.Exit(0); Application.Exit(); break; } if (LicenceManager.type == LICENCETYPE.TIMED && UpdateManager.instance.isNewUpdate()) { this.Hide(); DownloadForm download = new DownloadForm(UpdateManager.server_verion); download.ShowDialog(this); } if (LicenceManager.Instance.status == LICSTATUS.READY) { LICENCETYPE lictype = LicenceManager.type; Preferences pref = PreferencesManager.Instance.Get(); lictype = LicenceManager.type; pref = PreferencesManager.Instance.Get(); Program.SHOWMINIMIZEBUTTON = pref.DisplayMinimize; Program.HIDEINTASKBAR = pref.HideFormCompleatlyOnClose; mainForm = new MainProgram(); bool load_elementsEditor = true; bool load_gameShopEditor = false; bool load_taskEditor = false; bool load_npcEditor = false; bool load_aiPolicyEditor = false; bool load_domainEditor = false; bool load_packView = false; bool isShowMainForm = true; bool load_Precinct_Editor = false; bool load_Region_Editor = false; bool load_WorldTargets_Editor = false; bool load_extraDrop_Editor = false; bool load_DynObjects_Editor = false; string start = ""; string path = ""; SplashScreen.args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (SplashScreen.args != null && SplashScreen.args.Length > 0) { int id = -2; for (int r = 0; r < SplashScreen.args.Length; r++) { string[] split = SplashScreen.args[r].Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { if (split[i] == "-start") { start = split[i + 1]; } if (split[i] == "-path") { path = split[i + 1]; } } } if (start.Length > 0) { bool isInt = int.TryParse(start, out id); if (isInt) { try { load_elementsEditor = load_gameShopEditor = load_taskEditor = load_npcEditor = load_aiPolicyEditor = load_domainEditor = load_packView = false; bool canShow = true; EditorsColors editor = EditorsColors.Elements_Editor; if (1985 != id) { editor = (EditorsColors)id; switch (editor) { case EditorsColors.Elements_Editor: load_elementsEditor = true; break; case EditorsColors.Domain_Editor: load_domainEditor = true; break; case EditorsColors.NPC_Editor: load_npcEditor = true; break; case EditorsColors.Pck_Editor: load_packView = true; break; case EditorsColors.Policy_Editor: load_aiPolicyEditor = true; break; case EditorsColors.Shop_Editor: load_gameShopEditor = true; break; case EditorsColors.Tasks_Editor: load_taskEditor = true; break; case EditorsColors.Precinct_Editor: load_Precinct_Editor = true; break; case EditorsColors.Region_Editor: load_Region_Editor = true; break; case EditorsColors.WorldTargets_Editor: load_WorldTargets_Editor = true; break; case EditorsColors.DynObjects_Editor: load_DynObjects_Editor = true; break; default: canShow = false; break; } } else { if (path != null && path.Length > 0) { if (id == 1985) { string file = Path.GetFileName(path); if (file.ToLower().Contains("element")) { canShow = load_elementsEditor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Elements_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("task")) { canShow = load_taskEditor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Tasks_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("npcge")) { canShow = load_npcEditor = true; editor = EditorsColors.NPC_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("shop")) { canShow = load_gameShopEditor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Shop_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("policy")) { canShow = load_aiPolicyEditor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Policy_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("domain")) { canShow = load_domainEditor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Domain_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("dynamicobjects")) { canShow = load_DynObjects_Editor = true; editor = EditorsColors.DynObjects_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("region")) { canShow = load_Region_Editor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Region_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("precinct")) { canShow = load_Precinct_Editor = true; editor = EditorsColors.Precinct_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("world_targets")) { canShow = load_WorldTargets_Editor = true; editor = EditorsColors.WorldTargets_Editor; } else if (file.ToLower().Contains("extra_drops")) { canShow = load_extraDrop_Editor = true; editor = EditorsColors.ExtraDropSev; } } } } if (canShow) { isShowMainForm = false; mainForm.BecomeVisible = isShowMainForm; mainForm.callonShow = editor; } else { isShowMainForm = load_WorldTargets_Editor = load_Precinct_Editor = load_Region_Editor = load_DynObjects_Editor = load_elementsEditor = load_gameShopEditor = load_taskEditor = load_npcEditor = load_aiPolicyEditor = load_domainEditor = load_packView = true; } } catch { isShowMainForm = load_WorldTargets_Editor = load_Precinct_Editor = load_Region_Editor = load_DynObjects_Editor = load_elementsEditor = load_gameShopEditor = load_taskEditor = load_npcEditor = load_aiPolicyEditor = load_domainEditor = load_packView = true; } } } } if (!isShowMainForm) { Program.StandAlone = true; } else { Program.StandAlone = false; } if (load_extraDrop_Editor) { SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor = new ExtraDropSave(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".sev")) { SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.ExtraDropSev], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.ExtraDropSev], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.ExtraDropEditor); })); }); } if (load_DynObjects_Editor) { SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor = new DynObjectsEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.DynObjects_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.DynObjects_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.dynObjectsEditor); })); }); } if (load_WorldTargets_Editor) { SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor = new WorldTargetsEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".txt")) { SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.WorldTargets_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.WorldTargets_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.worldTargetsEditor); })); }); } if (load_Region_Editor) { SplashScreen.regionEditor = new RegionEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path)) { SplashScreen.regionEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.regionEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.regionEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.regionEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.regionEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.regionEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.regionEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.regionEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.regionEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Region_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Region_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.regionEditor); })); }); } if (load_Precinct_Editor) { SplashScreen.precinctEditor = new PrecinctEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path)) { SplashScreen.precinctEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.precinctEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.precinctEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.precinctEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.precinctEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.precinctEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.precinctEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.precinctEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.precinctEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Precinct_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Precinct_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.precinctEditor); })); }); } if (load_elementsEditor) { SplashScreen.elementsEditor = new ElementsEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.elementsEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.elementsEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.elementsEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.elementsEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.elementsEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.elementsEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.elementsEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.elementsEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.elementsEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Elements_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Elements_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.elementsEditor); })); }); } if (load_gameShopEditor) { SplashScreen.gameShopEditor = new GameShopEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.gameShopEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Shop_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Shop_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.gameShopEditor); })); }); } if (load_taskEditor) { SplashScreen.taskEditor = new TaskEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.taskEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.taskEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.taskEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.taskEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.taskEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.taskEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.taskEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.taskEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.taskEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Tasks_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Tasks_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.taskEditor); })); }); } if (load_npcEditor) { SplashScreen.npcEditor = new NpcEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.npcEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.npcEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.npcEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.npcEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.npcEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.npcEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.npcEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.npcEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.npcEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.NPC_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.NPC_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.npcEditor); })); }); } if (load_aiPolicyEditor) { SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor = new AiPolicyEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Policy_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Policy_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.aiPolicyEditor); })); }); } if (load_domainEditor) { SplashScreen.domainEditor = new DomainEditor(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".data")) { SplashScreen.domainEditor.isAutoOpen = true; SplashScreen.domainEditor.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.domainEditor.Show(); SplashScreen.domainEditor.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.domainEditor.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.domainEditor.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.domainEditor.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.domainEditor.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.domainEditor.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Domain_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Domain_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.domainEditor); })); }); } if (load_packView) { SplashScreen.packView = new PackView(); if (path != null && path.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path) && Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower().Equals(".pck")) { SplashScreen.packView.autoLoad = true; SplashScreen.packView.autoOpenPath = path; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { SplashScreen.packView.Show(); SplashScreen.packView.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; SplashScreen.packView.ShowInTaskbar = SplashScreen.packView.ShowIcon = true; SplashScreen.packView.Opacity = 100; SplashScreen.packView.progress_bar2 += mainForm.progress_bar; SplashScreen.packView.SetStyle(pref.color[(int)EditorsColors.Pck_Editor], pref.teme[(int)EditorsColors.Pck_Editor], 255); GC.KeepAlive(SplashScreen.packView); })); }); } while (!DatabaseManager.Loaded) { } mainForm.CustomThing += Form1_FormClosing; new JAnimate().FadeOutForm(this, 20, showMainMenu); } else { this.Hide(); } }
public Preferences Get(LICENCETYPE type = LICENCETYPE.TIMED) { DATA_FILENAME = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "preferences.pwde"; if (File.Exists(DATA_FILENAME)) { try { string file = File.ReadAllText(DATA_FILENAME, Encoding.ASCII); this.Data2 = file; } catch { try { File.WriteAllText(DATA_FILENAME, "", Encoding.ASCII); //ZERO THE FILE } catch { } } } //LIGHT SKIN JThemeStyle[] teme = new JThemeStyle[] { JThemeStyle.Dark, //Profile Editor JThemeStyle.Dark, //Admin Editor JThemeStyle.Dark, //Element Editor JThemeStyle.Dark, //Task Editor JThemeStyle.Dark, //DOmain Editor JThemeStyle.Dark, //AI JThemeStyle.Dark, //PK EDITOR JThemeStyle.Dark, //REGION JThemeStyle.Dark, //PRE JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark, //World JThemeStyle.Dark //Dyin }; JColorStyle[] color = new JColorStyle[] { JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White, //EL EDITOR JColorStyle.White }; if (Data2 != null && Data2.Length > 0) { try { var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); string keyper = frombase64(Data2); var iv = Iu.IV; var key = "hexdiez822443idx"; PK pk = new PK(encoding.GetBytes(iv)); string ms = pk.Deside(keyper, key); Preferences prefx = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Preferences>(ms); if (prefx.teme.Length != teme.Length) { prefx.teme = teme; } if (prefx.color.Length != color.Length) { prefx.color = color; } return(prefx); } catch { } } return(new Preferences(2)); }