Exemple #1
    // Use Awake() to initialize field variables.
    public void Awake()
        //It is assumed that all the necessary components are already attached to CommHub gameObject, which  is referred to by
        // gameObject field of this object, the current instance of the current Class.

        m_displayController          = this.gameObject.GetComponent <DisplayScriptTreeOfVoice>();
        m_actionPlanController       = this.gameObject.GetComponent <ActionPlanController>();
        m_actionPlanUpdateController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <ActionPlanUpdateController>();
        m_boidsController            = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SimpleBoidsTreeOfVoice>();
        m_boidsRenderer = this.gameObject.GetComponent <BoidRendererTreeOfVoice>();

        m_actionPlanFileManager = this.gameObject.GetComponent <ActionPlanFileManager>();

        m_LEDColorGenController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LEDColorGenController>(); // compute Shader use

        if (m_LEDColorGenController == null)
            Debug.LogError("The component LEDColorGenController  should be added to CommHub");
            // Application.Quit();

        m_pointerEventsController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <PointerEventsController>();
        // this  gets the reference  to the instance of  class PointerEventsController
        // The instance is automatically created (by new  PointerEventsController() ) when the component is added to the gameObject
        // The gameboject will has the reference to that instance.

        m_IRSensorMasterController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <IRSensorMasterController>();
        m_LEDMasterController      = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LEDMasterController>();
        m_neuroHeadSetController   = this.gameObject.GetComponent <NeuroHeadSetController>();
Exemple #2
    private void Awake()
        m_LEDColorGenController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LEDColorGenController>();
        m_boids = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SimpleBoidsTreeOfVoice>();

        if (m_boidLEDInstanceMaterial == null)
            Debug.LogError("The global Variable m_boidLEDInstanceMaterial is not  defined in Inspector");
            // EditorApplication.Exit(0);

        m_instanceMeshCircle = new CircleMesh(m_unitRadius);

        // m_instanceMeshCylinder =  new CylinderMesh(m_unitHeight, m_cylinderRadiusScale, nbSides, nbHeightSeg);

        //m_boidInstanceMesh = m_instanceMeshCylinder.m_mesh;

        m_boidInstanceMesh  = m_instanceMeshCircle.m_mesh;
        m_boidLEDArgsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(
            m_boidLEDArgs.Length * sizeof(uint),
    } // Awake()
Exemple #3
    // Use Awake() to initialize field variables.
    public void Awake()
        //ActionPlanController m_actionPlanController;
        //ActionPlanUpdateController m_actionPlanUpdateController;

        //SimpleBoidsTreeOfVoice m_boidsController;
        //BoidsRendererTreeOfVoice m_boidsRenderer;

        //DictManager m_dictManager;

        //LEDColorGenController m_ledColorGenController;

        //ButtonEventController m_buttonEventController;
        //PointerEventsController m_pointerEventsController;

        //IRSensorMasterController m_irSensorMasterController;
        //LEDMasterController m_ledMasterController;
        //NeuroHeadSetController m_neuroHeadSetController;

        //m_actionPlanController = gameObject.GetComponent<ActionPlanController>();
        m_actionPlanUpdateController = gameObject.GetComponent <ActionPlanUpdateController>();
        //m_boidsController = gameObject.GetComponent<SimpleBoidsTreeOfVoice>();
        // m_boidsRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<BoidsRendererTreeOfVoice>();

        m_dictManager           = gameObject.GetComponent <DictManager>();
        m_ledColorGenController = gameObject.GetComponent <LEDColorGenController>(); // compute Shader use

        m_pointerEventsController = gameObject.GetComponent <PointerEventsController>();

        // this  gets the reference  to the instance of  class PointerEventsController
        // The instance is automatically created (by new  PointerEventsController() ) when the component is added to the gameObject
        // The gameboject will has the reference to that instance.

        //m_irSensorMasterController = gameObject.GetComponent<IRSensorMasterController>();  //IRSensorMasterControlle component should be added to CommHub game object
        m_ledMasterController = gameObject.GetComponent <LEDMasterController>();  //LEDMasterController component should be added to CommHub game object
        //m_neuroHeadSetController = gameObject.GetComponent<NeuroHeadSetController>(); //NeuroHeadSetController component should be added to CommHub game object

        //In Start(): call actionPlanController.InitActionPlan
        //pointerEventController.onDrag += actionPlanController.ChangeActionTimes;
        //pointerEventController.onDrag += actionPlanController.RedrawActionPlan ==> NO, NO: all drawings are controlled by the Renderer Components such as
        // CanvasRenderer and LineRenderer. All you need to change is to change the locations and properties of the gameobjects involved.
        //pointerEventController.onPointerClick += actionPlanController.MergeOrSplitActionFields;;
        //                           two right mouse clicks merge or split the fields based on the position of the mouse within the field
        //inputField.onEndEdit += actionPlanController.ChangeActionValues
        //neuroHeadSetController.onReceived += boidsController.ChangeColorOfElectrodeBoids
        //irsensorMasterController.onReceived += boidsController.ChangeBrightnessOfInnerCircleBoids;
        // In Update call boidsController.SampleColorsAtLEDPoints
        // In Update call ledMasterController.SendLEDData
        // uiMenuController.onLoadActionPlan += actionPlanController.LoadActionPlan
        // uiMenuController.onSaveActionPlan += actionPlanController.SaveActionPlan
Exemple #4
    //That is most likely because you only read the first byte. 
    //Serial ports are extremely slow and you need to keep checking whether there is any data ready to read,
    //you cannot assume that you will get the complete message on your first attempt.

    //int MyInt = 1;

    //byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(MyInt);
    void Start()
        //m_ledColorGenController.m_ledSenderHandler += UpdateLEDArray; // THis is moved to CommHub.cs

        // public delegate LEDSenderHandler (byte[] LEDArray); defined in LEDColorGenController
        // public event LEDSenderHandler m_ledSenderHandler;

        m_LEDColorGenController = this.gameObject.GetComponent<LEDColorGenController>();

        //m_LEDCount = m_LEDColorGenController.m_totalNumOfLEDs + 2;
        m_LEDCount = m_LEDColorGenController.m_totalNumOfLEDs;
    void Start()
        //m_ledColorGenController = gameObject.GetComponent<LEDColorGenController>();
        ////It is assumed that all the necessary components are already attached to CommHub gameObject, which  is referred to by
        //// gameObject field variable. gameObject.GetComponent<LEDColorGenController>() == this.gameObject.GetComponent<LEDColorGenController>();
        //if (m_ledColorGenController == null)
        //    Debug.LogError("The global Variable  m_ledColorGenController is not  defined");
        //    Application.Quit();

        //m_ledColorGenController.m_ledSenderHandler += UpdateLEDArray; // THis is moved to CommHub.cs

        // public delegate LEDSenderHandler (byte[] LEDArray); defined in LEDColorGenController
        // public event LEDSenderHandler m_ledSenderHandler;

        m_LEDColorGenController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LEDColorGenController>();
        m_LEDCount = m_LEDColorGenController.m_totalNumOfLEDs;

        m_LEDArray = new byte[m_LEDCount * 3]; // 280*3 = 840 < 1024

        // define an action
        m_updateArduino = () => {
            //Debug.Log("Thread Run Test");
            //Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);
            // for debugging, comment out:

                m_serialPort.Write(m_LEDArray, 0, m_LEDArray.Length);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Error:" + ex.ToString());

            // The WriteBufferSize of the Serial Port is 1024, whereas that of Arduino is 64; m_LEDArray is 200 * 3 = 600 bytes less than
            // the Serial Port size.

        m_Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(m_updateArduino)); // ThreadStart() is a delegate (pointer type)
        // Thread state = unstarted
    //That is most likely because you only read the first byte.
    //Serial ports are extremely slow and you need to keep checking whether there is any data ready to read,
    //you cannot assume that you will get the complete message on your first attempt.

    //int MyInt = 1;

    //byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(MyInt);
    void Start()
        //m_ledColorGenController.m_ledSenderHandler += UpdateLEDArray; // THis is moved to CommHub.cs

        // public delegate LEDSenderHandler (byte[] LEDArray); defined in LEDColorGenController
        // public event LEDSenderHandler m_ledSenderHandler;

        m_LEDColorGenController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LEDColorGenController>();

        //m_LEDCount = m_LEDColorGenController.m_totalNumOfLEDs + 2;
        m_LEDCount = m_LEDColorGenController.m_totalNumOfLEDs;

        m_LEDArray = new byte[m_LEDCount * 3]; // 186*3 < 1024

        // define an action
        m_updateArduino = () => {
            { //https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/93583332-d307-4552-bd61-9a2adfcf2480/serial-port-write-method-is-blocking-execution?forum=vbgeneral
              //Yes, the Write methods do block , until all data have been passed from the serial port driver to the UART FIFO.
              //Usually, this is not a problem.It will not block "forever," just for as long as it takes.
              //For example, if you were to send a 2K byte string, at 9600 bps, the write method would take about 2 seconds to return.

                //Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);
                m_serialPort.Write(m_startByte, 0, 1);
                m_serialPort.Write(m_LEDArray, 0, m_LEDArray.Length);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Error:" + ex.ToString());

            // The WriteBufferSize of the Serial Port is 1024, whereas that of Arduino is 64; m_LEDArray is 200 * 3 = 600 bytes less than
            // the Serial Port size.

        // m_Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(m_updateArduino)); // ThreadStart() is a delegate (pointer type)
        // Thread state = unstarted
    }// void Start()
Exemple #7
    private void Start()
        if (m_actionPlanController == null)
            Debug.LogError(" m_actionPlanController should be set before use");

        m_actionPlan          = m_actionPlanController.m_actionPlan;
        m_inputFieldContainer = m_actionPlanController.m_inputFieldContainer;

        // In Start(): call actionPlanController.InitActionPlan
        m_pointerEventsController.onDrag += m_actionPlanUpdateController.ChangeActionTime;

        //pointerEventController.onDrag += actionPlanController.RedrawActionPlan ==> NO, NO: all drawings are controlled by the Renderer Components such as
        // CanvasRenderer and LineRenderer. All you need to change is to change the locations and properties of the gameobjects involved.

        m_pointerEventsController.onPointerClick += m_actionPlanUpdateController.MergeOrSplitActionField;
        //two right mouse clicks merge or split the fields based on the position of the mouse within the field

        // inputField.onEndEdit += actionPlanController.ChangeActionValues ==> This will be done within actionPlanController.initActionPlan

        //m_neuroHeadSetController.onAverageSignalReceived += m_ledColorGenController.UpdateLEDResponseParameter;
        //m_irSensorMasterController.onAverageSignalReceived += m_ledColorGenController.UpdateColorBrightnessParameter;

        //In Update call  m_boidsController.SampleColorsAtLEDPoints
        //In Update call ledMasterController.SendLEDData

        // m_actionPlanController.loadButton.onClick.AddListener(m_dictManager.LoadActionPlan ) ;

        //m_actionPlanController.saveButton.onClick.AddListener( m_dictManager.SaveActionPlan) ;

        m_ledColorGenController = gameObject.GetComponent <LEDColorGenController>();
        //It is assumed that all the necessary components are already attached to CommHub gameObject, which  is referred to by
        // gameObject field variable. gameObject.GetComponent<LEDColorGenController>() == this.gameObject.GetComponent<LEDColorGenController>();
        if (m_ledColorGenController == null)
            Debug.LogError("The global Variable  m_ledColorGenController is not  defined");

        m_ledColorGenController.m_ledSenderHandler += m_ledMasterController.UpdateLEDArray;

        // Define Event Handlers for InputField Event

        for (int i = 0; i < m_actionPlan.Count; i++)
            KeyValuePair <string, List <SimpleBoidsTreeOfVoice.Action> > dictItem = m_actionPlan.ElementAt(i);

            for (int j = 0; j < dictItem.Value.Count; j++)
                //  Get the reference to m_inputFieldContainer[i][j].GetComponent<InputField>()
                InputField _inputField = m_inputFieldContainer[i][j].GetComponent <InputField>();

                int indexToTimedAction = j;

                m_inputFieldContainer[i][j].GetComponent <InputField>().onEndEdit.AddListener

                    val =>
                    //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter))
                    // {
                    //      Debug.Log("End edit on enter");

                    OnValueInput(m_actionPlan, dictItem.Key, indexToTimedAction, _inputField);

                    //  }
            } // for j
        }     // for i
    }    //Start()