private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { lstLANGUAGE.DataSource = SplendidCache.Languages(); lstLANGUAGE.DataBind(); lstLANGUAGE.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); Utils.SetValue(lstLANGUAGE, L10N.NormalizeCulture(L10n.NAME)); lstMODULE_NAME.DataSource = SplendidCache.Modules(); lstMODULE_NAME.DataBind(); lstMODULE_NAME.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); lstLIST_NAME.DataSource = SplendidCache.TerminologyPickLists(); lstLIST_NAME.DataBind(); lstLIST_NAME.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); } if (!chkINCLUDE_LISTS.Checked) { lstLIST_NAME.SelectedIndex = 0; } lstLIST_NAME.Enabled = chkINCLUDE_LISTS.Checked; if (chkGLOBAL_TERMS.Checked) { lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedIndex = 0; } lstMODULE_NAME.Enabled = !chkGLOBAL_TERMS.Checked; }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { // 06/09/2006 Paul. Remove data binding in the user controls. Binding is required, but only do so in the ASPX pages. //Page.DataBind(); if (!IsPostBack) { lstLANGUAGE.DataSource = SplendidCache.Languages(); lstLANGUAGE.DataBind(); lstTHEME.DataSource = SplendidCache.Themes(); lstTHEME.DataBind(); string sDefaultUserName = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.default_user_name"]); string sDefaultPassword = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.default_password"]); string sDefaultTheme = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.default_theme"]); string sDefaultLanguage = Sql.ToString(Application["CONFIG.default_language"]); txtUSER_NAME.Text = sDefaultUserName; txtPASSWORD.Text = sDefaultPassword; try { sDefaultTheme = Sql.IsEmptyString(sDefaultTheme) ? "Sugar" : sDefaultTheme; lstTHEME.SelectedValue = sDefaultTheme; } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message); } try { sDefaultLanguage = Sql.IsEmptyString(sDefaultLanguage) ? "en-US" : sDefaultLanguage; lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue = L10N.NormalizeCulture(sDefaultLanguage); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message); lblError.Text += ex.Message; } // 11/19/2005 Paul. Don't show the Login & Password if Windows Authentication. tblUser.Visible = !Security.IsWindowsAuthentication(); lblInstructions.Visible = tblUser.Visible; } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (lstDROPDOWN_OPTIONS.DataSource == null) { lstDROPDOWN_OPTIONS.DataSource = SplendidCache.TerminologyPickLists(); lstDROPDOWN_OPTIONS.DataBind(); } if (lstLANGUAGE_OPTIONS.DataSource == null) { lstLANGUAGE_OPTIONS.DataSource = SplendidCache.Languages(); lstLANGUAGE_OPTIONS.DataBind(); Utils.SetValue(lstLANGUAGE_OPTIONS, L10N.NormalizeCulture(L10n.NAME)); } } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // 06/09/2006 Paul. Remove data binding in the user controls. Binding is required, but only do so in the ASPX pages. //this.DataBind(); // Need to bind so that Text of the Button gets updated. reqNAME.ErrorMessage = L10n.Term(".ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS") + " " + L10n.Term("Terminology.LBL_LIST_NAME") + "<br>"; if (!IsPostBack) { // 01/12/2006 Paul. Language cannot be null. lstLANGUAGE.DataSource = SplendidCache.Languages(); lstLANGUAGE.DataBind(); DataTable dtModules = SplendidCache.Modules().Copy(); dtModules.Rows.InsertAt(dtModules.NewRow(), 0); lstMODULE_NAME.DataSource = dtModules; lstMODULE_NAME.DataBind(); // 01/12/2006 Paul. Insert is failing, but I don't know why. // It might be because the NewRecord control is loaded using LoadControl. // Very odd as the Search Control is not having a problem inserting a value. //lstMODULE_NAME.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); DataTable dtPickLists = SplendidCache.TerminologyPickLists().Copy(); dtPickLists.Rows.InsertAt(dtPickLists.NewRow(), 0); lstLIST_NAME.DataSource = dtPickLists; lstLIST_NAME.DataBind(); //lstLIST_NAME.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); try { // 01/12/2006 Paul. Set default value to current language. // 01/12/2006 Paul. This is not working. Use client-side script to select the default. lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue = L10N.NormalizeCulture(L10n.NAME); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex.Message); } //this.DataBind(); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList.Terminology")); // 06/04/2006 Paul. Visibility is already controlled by the ASPX page, but it is probably a good idea to skip the load. this.Visible = SplendidCRM.Security.IS_ADMIN; if (!this.Visible) { return; } try { gID = Sql.ToGuid(Request["ID"]); if (!IsPostBack) { lstLANGUAGE.DataSource = SplendidCache.Languages(); lstLANGUAGE.DataBind(); lstMODULE_NAME.DataSource = SplendidCache.Modules(); lstMODULE_NAME.DataBind(); lstMODULE_NAME.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); lstLIST_NAME.DataSource = SplendidCache.TerminologyPickLists(); lstLIST_NAME.DataBind(); lstLIST_NAME.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(L10n.Term(".LBL_NONE"), "")); Guid gDuplicateID = Sql.ToGuid(Request["DuplicateID"]); if (!Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gID) || !Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gDuplicateID)) { DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(); using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection()) { string sSQL; sSQL = "select * " + ControlChars.CrLf + " from vwTERMINOLOGY_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf + " where ID = @ID " + ControlChars.CrLf; using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sSQL; Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gID); con.Open(); if (bDebug) { RegisterClientScriptBlock("SQLCode", Sql.ClientScriptBlock(cmd)); } using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { if (rdr.Read()) { ctlModuleHeader.Title = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"]); SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList.Terminology") + " - " + ctlModuleHeader.Title); ViewState["ctlModuleHeader.Title"] = ctlModuleHeader.Title; // 01/20/2006 Paul. Don't allow the name to be changed. Require a new term. txtNAME.ReadOnly = true; txtNAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["NAME"]); txtDISPLAY_NAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["DISPLAY_NAME"]); if (Sql.ToInteger(rdr["LIST_ORDER"]) > 0) { txtLIST_ORDER.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["LIST_ORDER"]); } try { lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue = L10N.NormalizeCulture(Sql.ToString(rdr["LANG"])); } catch { } string sMODULE_NAME = Sql.ToString(rdr["MODULE_NAME"]); try { lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue = sMODULE_NAME; } catch { // 01/12/2006 Paul. If module does not exist in our table, then add it to prevent data loss. lstMODULE_NAME.Items.Add(sMODULE_NAME); lstMODULE_NAME.SelectedValue = sMODULE_NAME; } try { lstLIST_NAME.SelectedValue = Sql.ToString(rdr["LIST_NAME"]); } catch { } } } } } } } else { // 12/02/2005 Paul. When validation fails, the header title does not retain its value. Update manually. ctlModuleHeader.Title = Sql.ToString(ViewState["ctlModuleHeader.Title"]); SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList.Administration") + " - " + ctlModuleHeader.Title); } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); ctlEditButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList." + m_sMODULE)); // 06/04/2006 Paul. Visibility is already controlled by the ASPX page, but it is probably a good idea to skip the load. // 07/11/2006 Paul. Users must be able to view and edit their own settings. this.Visible = bMyAccount || SplendidCRM.Security.IS_ADMIN; //(SplendidCRM.Security.GetUserAccess(m_sMODULE, "view") >= 0); if (!this.Visible) { return; } try { gID = Sql.ToGuid(Request["ID"]); if (bMyAccount) { // 11/19/2005 Paul. SugarCRM 3.5.0 allows administrator to duplicate itself. btnDuplicate.Visible = Security.IS_ADMIN; gID = Security.USER_ID; } ctlAccessView.USER_ID = gID; // 12/06/2005 Paul. The password button is only visible if not windows authentication or Admin. // The reason to allow the admin to change a password is so that the admin can prepare to turn off windows authentication. btnChangePassword.Visible = !Security.IsWindowsAuthentication() || Security.IS_ADMIN; btnReset.Visible = Security.IS_ADMIN; if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(txtNEW_PASSWORD.Value)) { bool bValidOldPassword = false; if (!Security.IS_ADMIN) { DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(); using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection()) { string sSQL; // 07/17/2006 Paul. The USER_HASH has been removed from the main vwUSERS view to prevent its use in reports. sSQL = "select * " + ControlChars.CrLf + " from vwUSERS_Login " + ControlChars.CrLf + " where ID = @ID " + ControlChars.CrLf + " and USER_HASH = @USER_HASH" + ControlChars.CrLf; using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sSQL; Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gID); Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@USER_HASH", Security.HashPassword(txtOLD_PASSWORD.Value)); con.Open(); using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { if (rdr.Read()) { bValidOldPassword = true; } } } } if (!bValidOldPassword) { lblError.Text = L10n.Term("Users.ERR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD"); } } if (bValidOldPassword || Security.IS_ADMIN) { if (txtNEW_PASSWORD.Value == txtCONFIRM_PASSWORD.Value) { SqlProcs.spUSERS_PasswordUpdate(gID, Security.HashPassword(txtNEW_PASSWORD.Value)); if (bMyAccount) { Response.Redirect("MyAccount.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("view.aspx?ID=" + gID.ToString()); } } else { lblError.Text = L10n.Term("Users.ERR_REENTER_PASSWORDS"); } } } if (!IsPostBack) { // 05/09/2006 Paul. We need to always initialize the separators, just in case the user is new. txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.GroupSeparator(); txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.DecimalSeparator(); if (!Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gID)) { DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(); using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection()) { string sSQL; sSQL = "select * " + ControlChars.CrLf + " from vwUSERS_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf + " where ID = @ID " + ControlChars.CrLf; using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sSQL; Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gID); con.Open(); if (bDebug) { RegisterClientScriptBlock("SQLCode", Sql.ClientScriptBlock(cmd)); } using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { if (rdr.Read()) { ctlModuleHeader.Title = Sql.ToString(rdr["FULL_NAME"]) + " (" + Sql.ToString(rdr["USER_NAME"]) + ")"; SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList." + m_sMODULE) + " - " + ctlModuleHeader.Title); Utils.UpdateTracker(Page, m_sMODULE, gID, ctlModuleHeader.Title); // main txtNAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["FULL_NAME"]); txtUSER_NAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["USER_NAME"]); txtSTATUS.Text = Sql.ToString(L10n.Term(".user_status_dom.", rdr["STATUS"])); // user_settings chkIS_ADMIN.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["IS_ADMIN"]); chkPORTAL_ONLY.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["PORTAL_ONLY"]); chkRECEIVE_NOTIFICATIONS.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["RECEIVE_NOTIFICATIONS"]); this.AppendDetailViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".DetailView", tblMain, rdr); // 08/05/2006 Paul. MailOptions are populated manually. this.AppendDetailViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".MailOptions", tblMailOptions, null); // 01/20/2008 Paul. The mail options panel is manually populated. new DynamicControl(this, "EMAIL1").Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["EMAIL1"]); new DynamicControl(this, "EMAIL2").Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["EMAIL2"]); string sUSER_PREFERENCES = Sql.ToString(rdr["USER_PREFERENCES"]); if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sUSER_PREFERENCES)) { XmlDocument xml = SplendidInit.InitUserPreferences(sUSER_PREFERENCES); try { // user_settings txtLANGUAGE.Text = L10N.NormalizeCulture(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "culture")); try { DataView vwLanguages = new DataView(SplendidCache.Languages()); vwLanguages.RowFilter = "NAME = '" + txtLANGUAGE.Text + "'"; if (vwLanguages.Count > 0) { txtLANGUAGE.Text = Sql.ToString(vwLanguages[0]["NATIVE_NAME"]); } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } txtDATEFORMAT.Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "dateformat"); txtTIMEFORMAT.Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timeformat"); // 08/05/2006 Paul. Remove stub of unsupported code. Show Gridline is not supported at this time. //chkGRIDLINE .Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "gridline" )); // mail_options new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_FROMNAME").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_fromname"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_FROMADDRESS").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_fromaddress"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SENDTYPE").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_sendtype"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPSERVER").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpserver"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPPORT").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpport"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPAUTH_REQ").Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpauth_req")); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPUSER").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpuser"); // freebusy // 08/05/2006 Paul. Remove stub of unsupported code. Calendar Publish Key is not supported at this time. //txtCALENDAR_PUBLISH_KEY .Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "calendar_publish_key" ); //txtCALENDAR_PUBLISH_URL .Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "calendar_publish_url" ); //txtCALENDAR_SEARCH_URL .Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "calendar_search_url" ); // 05/09/2006 Paul. Initialize the numeric separators. txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "num_grp_sep"); txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "dec_sep"); // 05/09/2006 Paul. Check for empty strings as the user may have legacy data. if (Sql.IsEmptyString(txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text)) { txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.GroupSeparator(); } if (Sql.IsEmptyString(txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text)) { txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.DecimalSeparator(); } string sTIMEZONE = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timezone"); DataView vwTimezones = new DataView(SplendidCache.Timezones()); vwTimezones.RowFilter = "ID = '" + sTIMEZONE + "'"; if (vwTimezones.Count > 0) { txtTIMEZONE.Text = Sql.ToString(vwTimezones[0]["NAME"]); } string sCURRENCY = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "currency_id"); DataView vwCurrencies = new DataView(SplendidCache.Currencies()); vwCurrencies.RowFilter = "ID = '" + sCURRENCY + "'"; if (vwCurrencies.Count > 0) { txtCURRENCY.Text = Sql.ToString(vwCurrencies[0]["NAME_SYMBOL"]); } // 08/05/2006 Paul. Remove stub of unsupported code. Reminder is not supported at this time. /* * try * { * int nREMINDER_TIME = Sql.ToInteger(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "reminder_time")); * if ( nREMINDER_TIME > 0 ) * { * txtREMINDER_TIME.Text = L10n.Term(".reminder_time_options." + nREMINDER_TIME.ToString()); * chkREMINDER.Checked = true; * } * } * catch(Exception ex) * { * SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); * } */ } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } } //txtDESCRIPTION.Text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("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")); } } } } } } // 06/09/2006 Paul. Remove data binding in the user controls. Binding is required, but only do so in the ASPX pages. //Page.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList." + m_sMODULE)); // 06/04/2006 Paul. Visibility is already controlled by the ASPX page, but it is probably a good idea to skip the load. // 07/11/2006 Paul. Users must be able to view and edit their own settings. this.Visible = bMyAccount || SplendidCRM.Security.IS_ADMIN; //(SplendidCRM.Security.GetUserAccess(m_sMODULE, "edit") >= 0); if (!this.Visible) { return; } reqUSER_NAME.DataBind(); reqLAST_NAME.DataBind(); try { // 06/09/2006 Paul. Remove data binding in the user controls. Binding is required, but only do so in the ASPX pages. //Page.DataBind(); gID = Sql.ToGuid(Request["ID"]); if (bMyAccount) { gID = Security.USER_ID; } // 07/12/2006 Paul. Status can only be edited by an administrator. lstSTATUS.Enabled = false; // 12/06/2005 Paul. A user can only edit his own user name if Windows Authentication is off. if (Security.IS_ADMIN) { // 12/06/2005 Paul. An administrator can always edit the user name. This is to allow him to pre-add any NTLM users. txtUSER_NAME.Enabled = true; lstSTATUS.Enabled = true; } else if (gID == Security.USER_ID) { // 12/06/2005 Paul. If editing yourself, then you can only edit if not NTLM. // txtUSER_NAME.Enabled = !Security.IsWindowsAuthentication(); // 11/26/2006 Paul. A user cannot edit their own user name. This is a job for the admin. txtUSER_NAME.Enabled = false; } else { // 12/06/2005 Paul. If not an administrator and not editing yourself, then the name cannot be edited. txtUSER_NAME.Enabled = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { // 'date_formats' => array('Y-m-d'=>'2006-12-23', 'm-d-Y'=>'12-23-2006', 'Y/m/d'=>'2006/12/23', 'm/d/Y'=>'12/23/2006') // 'time_formats' => array('H:i'=>'23:00', 'h:ia'=>'11:00pm', 'h:iA'=>'11:00PM', 'H.i'=>'23.00', 'h.ia'=>'11.00pm', 'h.iA'=>'11.00PM' ) lstSTATUS.DataSource = SplendidCache.List("user_status_dom"); lstSTATUS.DataBind(); // 08/05/2006 Paul. Remove stub of unsupported code. Reminder is not supported at this time. //lstREMINDER_TIME .DataSource = SplendidCache.List("reminder_time_dom"); //lstREMINDER_TIME .DataBind(); lstTIMEZONE.DataSource = SplendidCache.TimezonesListbox(); lstTIMEZONE.DataBind(); lstCURRENCY.DataSource = SplendidCache.Currencies(); lstCURRENCY.DataBind(); // 05/09/2006 Paul. We need to always initialize the separators, just in case the user is new. txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.GroupSeparator(); txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.DecimalSeparator(); lstLANGUAGE.DataSource = SplendidCache.Languages(); lstLANGUAGE.DataBind(); lstLANGUAGE_Changed(null, null); lstTHEME.DataSource = SplendidCache.Themes(); lstTHEME.DataBind(); Guid gDuplicateID = Sql.ToGuid(Request["DuplicateID"]); if (!Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gID) || !Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gDuplicateID)) { DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(); using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection()) { string sSQL; sSQL = "select * " + ControlChars.CrLf + " from vwUSERS_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf + " where ID = @ID " + ControlChars.CrLf; using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sSQL; if (!Sql.IsEmptyGuid(gDuplicateID)) { Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gDuplicateID); gID = Guid.Empty; } else { Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gID); } con.Open(); if (bDebug) { RegisterClientScriptBlock("SQLCode", Sql.ClientScriptBlock(cmd)); } using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { if (rdr.Read()) { ctlModuleHeader.Title = Sql.ToString(rdr["FULL_NAME"]); SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList." + m_sMODULE) + " - " + ctlModuleHeader.Title + " (" + Sql.ToString(rdr["USER_NAME"]) + ")"); Utils.UpdateTracker(Page, m_sMODULE, gID, ctlModuleHeader.Title); ViewState["ctlModuleHeader.Title"] = ctlModuleHeader.Title; this.AppendEditViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".EditView", tblMain, rdr); this.AppendEditViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".EditAddress", tblAddress, rdr); // 08/05/2006 Paul. Use the dynamic grid to create the fields, but populate manually. this.AppendEditViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".EditMailOptions", tblMailOptions, null); // 01/20/2008 Paul. The mail options panel is manually populated. new DynamicControl(this, "EMAIL1").Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["EMAIL1"]); new DynamicControl(this, "EMAIL2").Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["EMAIL2"]); // main txtUSER_NAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["USER_NAME"]); txtFIRST_NAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["FIRST_NAME"]); txtLAST_NAME.Text = Sql.ToString(rdr["LAST_NAME"]); // user_settings chkIS_ADMIN.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["IS_ADMIN"]); chkPORTAL_ONLY.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["PORTAL_ONLY"]); chkRECEIVE_NOTIFICATIONS.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["RECEIVE_NOTIFICATIONS"]); // 12/04/2005 Paul. Only allow the admin flag to be changed if the current user is an admin. chkIS_ADMIN.Enabled = Security.IS_ADMIN; // 12/04/2005 Paul. Save admin flag in ViewState to prevent hacking. ViewState["IS_ADMIN"] = Sql.ToBoolean(rdr["IS_ADMIN"]); try { lstSTATUS.SelectedValue = Sql.ToString(rdr["STATUS"]); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } string sUSER_PREFERENCES = Sql.ToString(rdr["USER_PREFERENCES"]); if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sUSER_PREFERENCES)) { XmlDocument xml = SplendidInit.InitUserPreferences(sUSER_PREFERENCES); try { ViewState["USER_PREFERENCES"] = xml.OuterXml; // user_settings chkGRIDLINE.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "gridline")); try { lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue = L10N.NormalizeCulture(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "culture")); lstLANGUAGE_Changed(null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } try { lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "theme"); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } try { lstDATE_FORMAT.SelectedValue = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "dateformat"); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } try { lstTIME_FORMAT.SelectedValue = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timeformat"); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } try { lstTIMEZONE.SelectedValue = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "timezone"); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } try { lstCURRENCY.SelectedValue = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "currency_id"); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } // mail_options new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_FROMNAME").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_fromname"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_FROMADDRESS").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_fromaddress"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SENDTYPE").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_sendtype"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPSERVER").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpserver"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPPORT").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpport"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPAUTH_REQ").Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpauth_req")); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPUSER").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtpuser"); new DynamicControl(this, "MAIL_SMTPPASS").Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtppass"); ViewState["mail_smtppass"] = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "mail_smtppass"); // 08/06/2005 Paul. Never return password to user. TextBox txtMAIL_SMTPPASS = FindControl("MAIL_SMTPPASS") as TextBox; if (txtMAIL_SMTPPASS != null) { if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(txtMAIL_SMTPPASS.Text)) { txtMAIL_SMTPPASS.Text = sEMPTY_PASSWORD; } } // 05/09/2006 Paul. Initialize the numeric separators. txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "num_grp_sep"); txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "dec_sep"); // 05/09/2006 Paul. Check for empty strings as the user may have legacy data. if (Sql.IsEmptyString(txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text)) { txtGROUP_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.GroupSeparator(); } if (Sql.IsEmptyString(txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text)) { txtDECIMAL_SEPARATOR.Text = SplendidDefaults.DecimalSeparator(); } // freebusy // 08/05/2006 Paul. Remove stub of unsupported code. Calendar Publish Key is not supported at this time. //txtCALENDAR_PUBLISH_KEY .Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "calendar_publish_key" ); //txtCALENDAR_PUBLISH_URL .Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "calendar_publish_url" ); //txtCALENDAR_SEARCH_URL .Text = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "calendar_search_url" ); // 08/05/2006 Paul. Remove stub of unsupported code. Reminder is not supported at this time. /* * try * { * int nREMINDER_TIME = Sql.ToInteger(XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "reminder_time")); * if ( nREMINDER_TIME > 0 ) * { * lstREMINDER_TIME.SelectedValue = nREMINDER_TIME.ToString(); * chkSHOULD_REMIND.Checked = true; * } * } * catch(Exception ex) * { * SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); * } */ } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } } } } } } } else { this.AppendEditViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".EditView", tblMain, null); this.AppendEditViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".EditAddress", tblAddress, null); this.AppendEditViewFields(m_sMODULE + ".EditMailOptions", tblMailOptions, null); try { lstTHEME.SelectedValue = SplendidDefaults.Theme(); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } try { string sDefaultLanguage = Sql.ToString(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]); if (Sql.IsEmptyString(sDefaultLanguage)) { sDefaultLanguage = "en-US"; } lstLANGUAGE.SelectedValue = sDefaultLanguage; } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemWarning(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } lstLANGUAGE_Changed(null, null); } } else { // 12/02/2005 Paul. When validation fails, the header title does not retain its value. Update manually. ctlModuleHeader.Title = Sql.ToString(ViewState["ctlModuleHeader.Title"]); SetPageTitle(L10n.Term(".moduleList." + m_sMODULE) + " - " + ctlModuleHeader.Title); } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); ctlEditButtons.ErrorText = ex.Message; } }
public override void ClearForm() { lstLANGUAGE_OPTIONS.SelectedValue = L10N.NormalizeCulture("en-US"); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SetPageTitle(L10n.Term("Terminology.LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE")); // 06/04/2006 Paul. Visibility is already controlled by the ASPX page, but it is probably a good idea to skip the load. this.Visible = SplendidCRM.Security.IS_ADMIN; if (!this.Visible) { return; } try { DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(); using (IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection()) { string sSQL; sSQL = "select * " + ControlChars.CrLf + " from vwTERMINOLOGY_List" + ControlChars.CrLf + " where 1 = 1 " + ControlChars.CrLf; using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sSQL; // 01/12/2006 Paul. ctlSearch.LANGUAGE is not working. if (!IsPostBack) { Sql.AppendParameter(cmd, L10N.NormalizeCulture(L10n.NAME), 10, Sql.SqlFilterMode.Exact, "LANG"); //ctlSearch.LANGUAGE = L10n.NAME; } else { ctlSearch.SqlSearchClause(cmd); } if (ctlSearch.GLOBAL_TERMS) { cmd.CommandText += " and MODULE_NAME is null" + ControlChars.CrLf; } if (!ctlSearch.INCLUDE_LISTS) { cmd.CommandText += " and LIST_NAME is null" + ControlChars.CrLf; } if (bDebug) { RegisterClientScriptBlock("SQLCode", Sql.ClientScriptBlock(cmd)); } using (DbDataAdapter da = dbf.CreateDataAdapter()) { ((IDbDataAdapter)da).SelectCommand = cmd; using (DataTable dt = new DataTable()) { da.Fill(dt); vwMain = dt.DefaultView; grdMain.DataSource = vwMain; if (!IsPostBack) { // 12/14/2007 Paul. Only set the default sort if it is not already set. It may have been set by SearchView. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(grdMain.SortColumn)) { grdMain.SortColumn = "NAME"; grdMain.SortOrder = "asc"; } grdMain.ApplySort(); grdMain.DataBind(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } if (!IsPostBack) { // 06/09/2006 Paul. Remove data binding in the user controls. Binding is required, but only do so in the ASPX pages. //Page.DataBind(); } }