Exemple #1
        protected override bool CutLineHull(
            double centerOffset,
            double r2, double tolerance,
            out double tMin, out double tMax,
            out NearSegment hullStartNear,
            out NearSegment hullEndNear,
            out bool coincident)
            coincident = IsCoincident(tolerance, out hullStartNear, out hullEndNear);
            if (!coincident)
                Pnt offset = P0s;
                if (centerOffset != 0)
                    offset = P0s + centerOffset * L0Normal;

                bool cut = CutLineHull2D(offset, L0, P1s, L1, r2, out tMin, out tMax,
                                         out hullStartNear, out hullEndNear);


            tMin = -Math.Sqrt(r2 / L0.OrigDist2());
            tMax = 1 - tMin;
Exemple #2
 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if ((textBox7.Text == "") || (textBox8.Text == ""))
         dPoint dp = new dPoint();
         kPoint kp = new kPoint();
         dp.L = double.Parse(textBox1.Text);
         dp.B = double.Parse(textBox8.Text);
         int what = comboBox1.SelectedIndex;
         kp             = Gauss.Forsol(dp, what);
         textBox10.Text = kp.X.ToString("F6");
         textBox11.Text = kp.Y.ToString("F6");
         double L0;
         L0             = 6 * ((int)(dp.L / 6) + 1) - 3;
         textBox12.Text = L0.ToString();
Exemple #3
        protected override bool CutLineHull(
            double centerOffset, double r2, double tolerance,
            out double tMin, out double tMax,
            out NearSegment hullStartNear, out NearSegment hullEndNear, out bool coincident)
            if (centerOffset != 0)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Not yet implemented for centerOffset > 0");

            if (GeomUtils.Equals3D((Pnt3D)P0s, (Pnt3D)P1s, tolerance) &&
                GeomUtils.Equals3D((Pnt3D)P0e, (Pnt3D)P1e, tolerance))
                hullStartNear = NearSegment.NearStart;
                hullEndNear   = NearSegment.NearEnd;
            else if (GeomUtils.Equals3D((Pnt3D)P0s, (Pnt3D)P1e, tolerance) &&
                     GeomUtils.Equals3D((Pnt3D)P0e, (Pnt3D)P1s, tolerance))
                hullStartNear = NearSegment.NearEnd;
                hullEndNear   = NearSegment.NearStart;
                coincident = false;

                bool cut = CutLineHull3D((Pnt3D)P0s, (Pnt3D)L0, (Pnt3D)P1s, (Pnt3D)L1,
                                         r2, out tMin, out tMax,
                                         out hullStartNear, out hullEndNear);


            coincident = true;
            tMin       = -Math.Sqrt(r2 / L0.OrigDist2());
            tMax       = 1 - tMin;

Exemple #4
    public IEnumerator GetTable(string Id, string TabName)
        TabName = WWW.EscapeURL(TabName);
        WWW www = new WWW(URL + "?Id=" + Id + "&Name=" + TabName);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.error == null)          //一切正常完全沒任何錯誤
            StringDate = www.text;

        string[]      _mDate = StringDate.Split("\"" [0]);
        List <string> L0     = new List <string> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < _mDate.Length; i++)
            if (_mDate [i] != "" && _mDate [i] != ",")
                if (_mDate [i] == "\n")
                    L0 = new List <string> ();
                    L0.Add(_mDate [i]);

//		string[] _StringDate = StringDate.Split ("\n" [0]);
//		Date = new string[_StringDate.Length][];
//		for (int i = 0; i < _StringDate.Length; i++) {
//			Date[i] = _StringDate[i].Split(',');
//		}
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds freight invoice.
        /// Original from https://ps.extra.chrysler.com/sites/itb-ebus/Documents/210FreightPaymentInvoice.pdf
        /// </summary>
        static TS210 BuildFreightInvoice(string controlNumber)
            var result = new TS210();

            //  Transaction Set Identifier Code = “210”
            //  (Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice)
            //  Transaction Set Control Number = 00000001
            result.ST = new ST();
            result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "210";
            result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02  = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0');

            //  Invoice Number = 3410889
            //  Shipment Identification Number = 545930791T
            //  Shipment Method of Payment
            //  = “TP” (Third Party)
            //  Weight Unit Code = “L” (Pounds)
            //  Date = 10 / 31 / 2007
            //  Net Amount Due = 51.65
            //  Delivery Date = 10 / 29 / 2007
            //  Date / Time Qualifier = “035” (Delivered)
            //  Standard Carrier Alpha Code = NLMI
            result.B3 = new B3();
            result.B3.InvoiceNumber_02 = "3410889";
            result.B3.ShipmentIdentificationNumber_03 = "545930791T";
            result.B3.ShipmentMethodofPayment_04      = "TP";
            result.B3.WeightUnitCode_05           = "L";
            result.B3.Date_06                     = "20071031";
            result.B3.NetAmountDue_07             = "5165";
            result.B3.DeliveryDate_09             = "20071029";
            result.B3.DateTimeQualifier_10        = "035";
            result.B3.StandardCarrierAlphaCode_11 = "NLMI";

            //  Currency Code = USD (U.S.)
            result.C3 = new C3();
            result.C3.CurrencyCode_01 = "USD";

            //  Repeating N9
            result.N9 = new List <N9>();

            //  Reference Identification Qualifier = “AE”
            //  (Authorization for Expense<AFE> Number)
            //  Reference Identification = 260451
            var n91 = new N9();

            n91.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01 = "AE";
            n91.ReferenceIdentification_02          = "260451";

            //  Reference Identification Qualifier
            //  = “OP” (Original Purchase Order)
            //  Reference Identification = 3410889
            var n92 = new N9();

            n92.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01 = "OP";
            n92.ReferenceIdentification_02          = "3410889";

            //  Repeating G62
            result.G62 = new List <G62>();

            //  Date Qualifier = “86” (Actual Pickup Date)
            //  Date = 10 / 31 / 2007
            var g62 = new G62();

            g62.DateQualifier_01 = "86";
            g62.Date_02          = "20071031";

            //  Repeating R3
            result.R3 = new List <R3>();

            //  Standard Carrier Alpha Code = EXEM
            //  Routing Sequence Code
            //  = “B” (Origin / Delivery Carrier < Any Mode >)
            //  Transportation Method/ Type Code
            //  = “AE” (Air Express)
            //  Date = 10 / 31 / 2007
            //  Amount = 379.05
            var r3 = new R3();

            r3.StandardCarrierAlphaCode_01     = "EXEM";
            r3.RoutingSequenceCode_02          = "B";
            r3.TransportationMethodTypeCode_04 = "AE";
            r3.Date_07   = "20071031";
            r3.Amount_08 = "37905";

            //  Repeating N1 Loops
            result.N1Loop = new List <Loop_N1_210>();

            //  Begin N1 Loop 1
            var n1Loop1 = new Loop_N1_210();

            //  Entity Identifier Code = “SH” (Shipper)
            //  Name = SIEMENS VDO S A DE C V –
            //  SIEMENS AUTOMOTIVE
            //  Identification Code Qualifier
            //  = “94” (Code assigned by the organization that is
            //  the ultimate destination of the transaction set)
            //  Identification Code = 99999
            n1Loop1.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop1.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "SH";
            n1Loop1.N1.Name_02 = "SIEMENS VDO S A DE C V - SIEMENS AUTOMOTIVE";
            n1Loop1.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "94";
            n1Loop1.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "99999";

            //  Repeating N3
            n1Loop1.N3 = new List <N3>();

            //  Address Information
            //  = PERIFERICO SUR 7999D COMPLEJO IND
            var n31 = new N3();

            n31.AddressInformation_01 = "PERIFERICO SUR 7999D COMPLEJO IND";

            //  City Name = TLAQUEPAQUE
            //  State or Province Code = MX
            //  Postal Code = 99999
            //  Country Code = MX
            n1Loop1.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop1.N4.CityName_01            = "TLAQUEPAQUE";
            n1Loop1.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "MX";
            n1Loop1.N4.PostalCode_03          = "99999";
            n1Loop1.N4.CountryCode_04         = "MX";

            //  End N1 Loop 1

            //  Begin N1 Loop 2
            var n1Loop2 = new Loop_N1_210();

            //  Entity Identifier Code = “CN” (Consignee)
            //  Name = BRAMPTON ASSEMBLY – COLLINS
            //  AND AIKMAN
            //  Identification Code Qualifier
            //  = “94” (Code assigned by the organization that is
            //  the ultimate destination of the transaction set)
            //  Identification Code = 09126B
            n1Loop2.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop2.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "CN";
            n1Loop2.N1.Name_02 = "BRAMPTON ASSEMBLY - COLLINS AND AIKMAN";
            n1Loop2.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "94";
            n1Loop2.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "09126B";

            //  Repeating N3
            n1Loop2.N3 = new List <N3>();

            //  Address Information
            // = 500 LAIRD ROAD~GUELPH PRODUCTS
            var n32 = new N3();

            n32.AddressInformation_01 = "500 LAIRD ROAD";
            n32.AddressInformation_02 = "GUELPH PRODUCTS";

            //  City Name = GUELPH
            //  State or Province Code = ON
            //  Postal Code = 99999
            //  Country Code = CA
            n1Loop2.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop2.N4.CityName_01            = "GUELPH";
            n1Loop2.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "ON";
            n1Loop2.N4.PostalCode_03          = "99999";
            n1Loop2.N4.CountryCode_04         = "CA";

            //  End N1 Loop 2

            //  Begin N1 Loop 3
            var n1Loop3 = new Loop_N1_210();

            //  Entity Identifier Code = “BT” (Bill-to-Party)
            //  Name = BRAMPTON ASSEMBLY - MAIN
            //  Identification Code Qualifier
            //  = “94” (Code assigned by the organization that is
            //  the ultimate destination of the transaction set)
            //  Identification Code = 09126
            n1Loop3.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop3.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "BT";
            n1Loop3.N1.Name_02 = "BRAMPTON ASSEMBLY - MAIN";
            n1Loop3.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "94";
            n1Loop3.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "09126";

            //  Repeating N3
            n1Loop3.N3 = new List <N3>();

            //  Address Information
            //  = 2000 WILLIAMS PARKWAY EAST
            var n33 = new N3();

            n33.AddressInformation_01 = "2000 WILLIAMS PARKWAY EAST";

            //  City Name = BRAMPTON
            //  State or Province Code = ON
            //  Postal Code = 99999
            //  Country Code = CA
            n1Loop3.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop3.N4.CityName_01            = "BRAMPTON";
            n1Loop3.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "ON";
            n1Loop3.N4.PostalCode_03          = "99999";
            n1Loop3.N4.CountryCode_04         = "CA";

            //  End N1 Loop 3

            //  Begin N1 Loop 4
            var n1Loop4 = new Loop_N1_210();

            //  Entity Identifier Code = “CA” (Carrier)
            //  Name
            //  Identification Code Qualifier
            //  = “94” (Code assigned by the organization that is
            //  the ultimate destination of the transaction set)
            //  Identification Code = 45795
            n1Loop4.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop4.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "CA";
            n1Loop4.N1.Name_02 = "NATIONAL LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT";
            n1Loop4.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "94";
            n1Loop4.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "45795";

            //  Repeating N3
            n1Loop4.N3 = new List <N3>();

            //  Address Information = 14320 JOY RD.
            var n34 = new N3();

            n34.AddressInformation_01 = "14320 JOY RD.";

            //  City Name = DETROIT
            //  State or Province Code = MI
            //  Postal Code = 48228
            //  Country Code = US
            n1Loop4.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop4.N4.CityName_01            = "DETROIT";
            n1Loop4.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "MI";
            n1Loop4.N4.PostalCode_03          = "48228";
            n1Loop4.N4.CountryCode_04         = "US";

            //  End N1 Loop 4

            //  Begin N1 Loop 5
            var n1Loop5 = new Loop_N1_210();

            //  Entity Identifier Code = “ZZ” (Mutually Defined)
            //  Name = EXPEDITORS / EMERY WORLDWIDE
            //  Identification Code Qualifier
            //  = “94” (Code assigned by the organization that is
            //  the ultimate destination of the transaction set)
            //  Identification Code = 37905
            n1Loop5.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop5.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "ZZ";
            n1Loop5.N1.Name_02 = "EXPEDITORS/EMERY WORLDWIDE";
            n1Loop5.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "94";
            n1Loop5.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "37905";

            //  Repeating N3
            n1Loop5.N3 = new List <N3>();

            //  Address Information = 10881 LOWELL AVENUE
            var n35 = new N3();

            n35.AddressInformation_01 = "10881 LOWELL AVENUE";

            //  City Name = OVERLANDPARK
            //  State or Province Code = KS
            //  Postal Code = 66201
            //  Country Code = US
            n1Loop5.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop5.N4.CityName_01            = "OVERLANDPARK";
            n1Loop5.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "KS";
            n1Loop5.N4.PostalCode_03          = "66201";
            n1Loop5.N4.CountryCode_04         = "US";

            //  Repeating N9
            n1Loop5.N9 = new List <N9>();

            //  Reference Identification Qualifier
            //  = “IK” (Invoice Number)
            //  Reference Identification = 545930791T
            var n9 = new N9();

            n9.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01 = "IK";
            n9.ReferenceIdentification_02          = "545930791T";

            //  End N1 Loop 5

            //  Repeating N7 Loops
            result.N7Loop = new List <Loop_N7_210>();

            //  Begin N7 Loop
            var n7Loop1 = new Loop_N7_210();

            //  Equipment Number = 53456
            //  Equipment Description Code
            //  = “TL” (Trailer < not otherwise specified>)
            //  Equipment Length = 53 Feet
            //  Equipment Type
            //  = “53ST” (53 Foot Standard Trailer)
            n7Loop1.N7 = new N7();
            n7Loop1.N7.EquipmentNumber_02          = "53456";
            n7Loop1.N7.EquipmentDescriptionCode_11 = "TL";
            n7Loop1.N7.EquipmentLength_15          = "5300";
            n7Loop1.N7.EquipmentType_22            = "53ST";

            //  End N7 Loop

            //  Repeating LX Loops
            result.LXLoop = new List <Loop_LX_210>();

            //  Begin LX Loop
            var lxLoop1 = new Loop_LX_210();

            //  Assigned Number = 1
            lxLoop1.LX = new LX();
            lxLoop1.LX.AssignedNumber_01 = "1";

            //  Repeating L5
            lxLoop1.L5 = new List <L5>();

            //  Lading Line Item Number= 1
            //  Commodity Code = “2” (Auto Parts)
            //  Commodity Code Qualifier
            //  = “Z” (Mutually defined)
            var l5 = new L5();

            l5.LadingLineItemNumber_01   = "1";
            l5.CommodityCode_03          = "2";
            l5.CommodityCodeQualifier_04 = "Z";

            //  Repeating L0
            lxLoop1.L0 = new List <L0>();

            //  Lading Line Item Number = 1
            //  Billed / Rated -as Quantity = 1499
            //  Billed / Rated -as Qualifier = “FR” (Flat Rate)
            //  Weight = 1499
            //  Weight Qualifier = “G” (Gross)
            //  Weight Unit Code = “L” (Pounds)
            var l0 = new L0();

            l0.LadingLineItemNumber_01   = "1";
            l0.BilledRatedasQuantity_02  = "1499";
            l0.BilledRatedasQualifier_03 = "FR";
            l0.Weight_04          = "1499";
            l0.WeightQualifier_05 = "G";
            l0.WeightUnitCode_11  = "L";

            //  Repeating L0
            lxLoop1.L1 = new List <L1>();

            //  Lading Line Item Number = 1
            //  Freight Rate = 51.65
            //  Rate / Value Qualifier = “FR” (Flat Rate)
            //  Charge = 51.65
            //  Special Charge or Allowance Code
            //  = “400” (Freight)
            var l1 = new L1();

            l1.LadingLineItemNumber_01 = "1";
            l1.FreightRate_02          = "51.65";
            l1.RateValueQualifier_03   = "FR";
            l1.Charge_04 = "5165";
            l1.SpecialChargeorAllowanceCode_08 = "400";

            //  End LX Loop

            //  Weight = 2619
            //  Weight Qualifier = “G” (Gross Weight)
            //  Charge = 51.65
            result.L3                    = new L3();
            result.L3.Weight_01          = "2619";
            result.L3.WeightQualifier_02 = "G";
            result.L3.Charge_05          = "5165";

Exemple #6
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            double degreeL = 0, degreeB = 0;
            string dmsTextL, dmsTextB;

            if (radioButtonD.Checked)//若以°形式输入,显示即可
                if (BB.Text == "")
                if (LL.Text == "")

                degreeL = Convert.ToDouble(LL.Text);
                degreeB = Convert.ToDouble(BB.Text);

                dmsTextL = D2DMS(degreeL);
                dmsTextB = D2DMS(degreeB);

                LL2.Text = dmsTextL;
                BB2.Text = dmsTextB;
                if (BB2.Text == "")
                if (LL2.Text == "")

                dmsTextB = BB2.Text;
                dmsTextL = LL2.Text;

                string[] PrimiryStrB = new String[100];
                PrimiryStrB = dmsTextB.Split(',');
                string[] PrimiryStrL = new String[100];
                PrimiryStrL = dmsTextL.Split(',');

                degreeB = DMS2D(Convert.ToDouble(PrimiryStrB[0]), Convert.ToDouble(PrimiryStrB[1]), Convert.ToDouble(PrimiryStrB[2]));
                degreeL = DMS2D(Convert.ToDouble(PrimiryStrL[0]), Convert.ToDouble(PrimiryStrL[1]), Convert.ToDouble(PrimiryStrL[2]));

                LL.Text = degreeL.ToString();
                BB.Text = degreeB.ToString();

            double a  = Convert.ToDouble(longtextBox.Text);
            double aa = Convert.ToDouble(denominatorTextBox.Text);
            double b  = a * (1 - 1 / aa);
            double E  = Math.Sqrt(a * a - b * b) / a;
            double EE = Math.Sqrt(a * a - b * b) / b;//初始化各种数据

            double L = degreeL;
            double B = degreeB;    //单位为°

            B = B * Math.PI / 180; //化为弧度
            double t = Math.Tan(B);
            double n = Math.Sqrt(EE * EE * Math.Cos(B) * Math.Cos(B));
            double W = Math.Sqrt(1 - E * E * Math.Sin(B) * Math.Sin(B));
            double V = Math.Sqrt(1 + n * n);
            double N = a / W;

            double X;//由赤道开始到此点的子午线弧长
            double m0, m2, m4, m6, m8;

            m0 = a * (1 - E * E);
            m2 = 1.5 * E * E * m0;
            m4 = 1.25 * E * E * m2;
            m6 = 7 * E * E * m4 / 6;
            m8 = 9 * E * E * m6 / 8;
            double a0, a2, a4, a6, a8;

            a0 = m0 + m2 / 2 + 3 * m4 / 8 + 5 * m6 / 16 + 35 * m8 / 128;
            a2 = m2 / 2 + m4 / 2 + 15 * m6 / 32 + 7 * m8 / 16;
            a4 = m4 / 8 + 3 * m6 / 16 + 7 * m8 / 32;
            a6 = m6 / 32 + m8 / 16;
            a8 = m8 / 128;
            X  = a0 * B - a2 * Math.Sin(2 * B) / 2 + a4 * Math.Sin(4 * B) / 4 - a6 * Math.Sin(6 * B) / 6 + a8 * Math.Sin(8 * B) / 8;

            double l;  //此点经度与中央子午线的经度之差,在东为正,在西为负,单位″
            double L0;

            if (middleLongitude.Text != "")
                L0 = Convert.ToDouble(middleLongitude.Text);
                L0 = ComputeMid(L);
                middleLongitude.Text = L0.ToString();//输入至窗体

            l = (L - L0) * 60 * 60;//单位″

            double x, y;
            double SB = Math.Sin(B); double CB = Math.Cos(B);

            x = X + N * SB * CB * l * l / (2 * p * p) + N * SB * Math.Pow(CB, 3) * (5 - t * t + 9 * n * n + 4 * Math.Pow(n, 4)) * Math.Pow(l, 4) / (24 * Math.Pow(p, 4))
                + N * SB * Math.Pow(CB, 5) * (61 - 58 * t * t + Math.Pow(t, 4)) * Math.Pow(l, 6) / (720 * Math.Pow(p, 6));
            y = N * CB * l / p + N * Math.Pow(CB, 3) * (1 - t * t + n * n) * Math.Pow(l, 3) / (6 * Math.Pow(p, 3)) +
                N * Math.Pow(CB, 5) * (5 - 18 * t * t + Math.Pow(t, 4) + 14 * n * n - 58 * n * n * t * t) * Math.Pow(l, 5) / (120 * Math.Pow(p, 5));

             * double a0, a3, a4, a5, a6, NN;
             * NN = 6399698.902 - (21562.267 - (108.973 - 0.612 * CB * CB) * CB * CB) * CB * CB;
             * a0 = 32140.404 - (135.3302 - (0.7092 - 0.004 * CB * CB) * CB * CB) * CB * CB;
             * a4 = (0.25 + 0.00252 * CB * CB) * CB * CB - 0.04166;
             * a6 = (0.166 * CB * CB - 0.084) * CB * CB;
             * a3 = (0.3333333 + 0.001123 * CB * CB) * CB * CB - 0.16666667;
             * a5 = 0.0083 - (0.1667 - (0.1968 + 0.004 * CB * CB) * CB * CB) * CB * CB;
             * //下面的l单位为°
             * l = l / p;
             * x = 6367558.4969 * B - (a0 - (0.5 + (a4 + a6 * l * l) * l * l) * l * l * NN) * SB * CB;
             * y = (1 + (a3 + a5 * l * l) * l * l) * l * NN * CB;*/
            xx.Text = x.ToString();
            yy.Text = y.ToString();
        public When_comparing_nested_changes_with_display_string_attributes()
            var item1 = new L0
                Version = N.One,
                MinorVersion = null,
                L1Property = new L1
                    NameProperty = "test name",
                    L2Property = new L2
                        ValueProperty = 10,
                        Collection1Property = new[]
                            new V { XProperty = "x1" },
                            new V { XProperty = "x2" },
                        Collection2Property = new[]
                        Collection3Property = new[]

            var item2 = new L0
                Version = N.Two,
                MinorVersion = N.One,
                L1Property = new L1
                    NameProperty = "new test name",
                    L2Property = new L2
                        ValueProperty = 20,
                        Collection1Property = new[]
                            new V { XProperty = "x1" },
                            new V { XProperty = "x3" },
                        Collection2Property = new[]
                        Collection3Property = new[]

            result = new GraphComparer().Compare(item1, item2);