Exemple #1
        public static string VerifyKPIMeasurements(int kpiId, DateTime date, string detalle, string categories)
            if (kpiId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("El ID del KPI no puede ser cero.");

            string listIds = "";

                KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter localAdapter = new KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter();
                KpiMeasurementDS.KpiMeasurementDataTable theTable = localAdapter.VerifyKpiMeasurements(kpiId, date, detalle, categories);
                if (theTable != null && theTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KpiMeasurementDS.KpiMeasurementRow theRow in theTable)
                        listIds = string.IsNullOrEmpty(listIds) ? theRow.measurmentID.ToString() : (listIds + ";" + theRow.measurmentID.ToString());
            catch (Exception exc)
                log.Error("Error en VerifyKPIMeasurements para kpiId: " + kpiId + ", date: " + date.ToString() + ", detalle: " + detalle + " y categories: " + categories, exc);
                throw exc;

Exemple #2
        public static List <KPIMeasurements> GetKPIMeasurementCategoriesTimeByKpiId(int kpiId, string categoryId, string categoryItemId)
            if (kpiId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ImportData.ZeroKpiId);

            List <KPIMeasurements> theList = new List <KPIMeasurements>();
            KPIMeasurements        theData = null;

                KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter localAdapter = new KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter();
                KpiMeasurementDS.KpiMeasurementDataTable theTable = localAdapter.GetKpiMeasurementCategoriesByKpiId(kpiId, categoryId, categoryItemId);
                if (theTable != null && theTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KpiMeasurementDS.KpiMeasurementRow theRow in theTable)
                        theData          = new KPIMeasurements(theRow.measurmentID, theRow.kpiID, theRow.date, theRow.measurement);
                        theData.Detalle  = theRow.IsdetalleNull() ? "" : theRow.detalle;
                        theData.DataTime = KPIDataTimeBLL.GetKPIDataTimeFromValue(theData.Measurement);
            catch (Exception exc)
                log.Error("Error en GetKPIMeasurementCategoriesByKpiId para kpiId: " + kpiId, exc);
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ImportData.GetKPIMeasurements);

Exemple #3
        public static List <KPIMeasurement> GetKpiMeasurementsByKpiOwner(int ownerId, string ownerType, string userName, ref decimal maxValue, ref decimal minValue)
            if (ownerId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("ownerId cannot be equals or less than zero");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ownerType))
                throw new ArgumentException("ownerType cannot be null or empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                throw new ArgumentException("userName cannot be null or empty");

            decimal?max = 0;
            decimal?min = 0;

            KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter adapter = new KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter();
            KpiMeasurementDS.KpiMeasurementDataTable table = adapter.GetKpiMeasurementsByKpiOwner(ownerId, ownerType, userName, ref min, ref max);
            maxValue = max == null ? 0 : max.Value;
            minValue = min == null ? 0 : min.Value;

            List <KPIMeasurement> list = new List <KPIMeasurement>();

            foreach (var row in table)
                list.Add(new KPIMeasurement()
                    KPIID       = row.kpiID,
                    Date        = row.date,
                    Measurement = row.measurement

Exemple #4
        public static List <KPIMeasurement> GetKpiMeasurementsByKpiId(int kpiId, string categoryId, string categoryItemId, string unit)
            if (kpiId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("KpiId cannot be equals or less than zero");

            KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter adapter = new KpiMeasurementDSTableAdapters.KpiMeasurementTableAdapter();
            KpiMeasurementDS.KpiMeasurementDataTable table = adapter.GetKpiMeasurements(kpiId, categoryId, categoryItemId);

            List <KPIMeasurement> list = new List <KPIMeasurement>();

            foreach (var row in table)
                list.Add(new KPIMeasurement()
                    KPIID       = row.kpiID,
                    Date        = row.date,
                    Measurement = row.measurement
