Exemple #1
        public static void UnregisterFileType(string fileType, bool unregMediaType)
            KnownFileTypeInfo info = new KnownFileTypeInfo(fileType, true, true);

            if (info.IsValid)
                if (unregMediaType)
                    // ==== Unregister media type ====
                    using (RegistryKey mediaTypeKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(info.MediaType))
                        if (mediaTypeKey != null)
                            mediaTypeKey.SetValue("", "");

                            // ==== Unregister icon ====
                            using (RegistryKey defaultIconKey = mediaTypeKey.CreateSubKey("DefaultIcon"))
                                if (defaultIconKey != null)
                                    defaultIconKey.SetValue("", "");

                            mediaTypeKey.DeleteSubKeyTree("shell", false);
Exemple #2
        public static void RegisterFileType(string fileType, bool regMediaType)
            KnownFileTypeInfo info = new KnownFileTypeInfo(fileType, true, false);

            if (info.IsValid)
                if (regMediaType)
                    // ==== Register media type ====
                    using (RegistryKey mediaTypeKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(info.MediaType))
                        if (mediaTypeKey != null)
                            mediaTypeKey.SetValue("", info.MediaType);

                        // ==== Register icon ====
                        using (RegistryKey defaultIconKey = mediaTypeKey.CreateSubKey("DefaultIcon"))
                            if (defaultIconKey != null)
                                string newValue = string.Format(@"{0}\Resources\{1}.ico", AppConfig.InstallationPath, info.KnownFileType);
                                defaultIconKey.SetValue("", newValue);

                        if (File.Exists(info.LaunchPath))
                            using (RegistryKey shellKey = mediaTypeKey.CreateSubKey("shell"))
                                if (shellKey != null)
                                    // ==== Change default action to OPEN ====
                                    shellKey.SetValue("", "open");

                                    // ==== Update OPEN action command ====
                                    using (RegistryKey key = shellKey.CreateSubKey("open\\command"))
                                        if (key != null)
                                            key.SetValue("", string.Format("\"{0}\" launch \"%L\"", info.LaunchPath));
                            mediaTypeKey.DeleteSubKeyTree("shell", false);
Exemple #3
        public static bool IsFileTypeRegistered(string fileType)
                KnownFileTypeInfo info = new KnownFileTypeInfo(fileType, false, false);

                string keyPath             = string.Format("{0}\\shell\\open\\command", info.MediaType);
                string expectedOpenCommand = string.Format("\"{0}\" launch \"%L\"", info.LaunchPath);

                using (RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(keyPath))
                    if (key != null)
                        string openCommand = key.GetValue("") as string;
                        return(openCommand == expectedOpenCommand);

        public static bool IsFileTypeRegistered(string fileType)
                KnownFileTypeInfo info = new KnownFileTypeInfo(fileType, false, false);

                string keyPath = string.Format("{0}\\shell\\open\\command", info.MediaType);
                string expectedOpenCommand = string.Format("\"{0}\" launch \"%L\"", info.LaunchPath);

                using (RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(keyPath))
                    if (key != null)
                        string openCommand = key.GetValue("") as string;
                        return (openCommand == expectedOpenCommand);

            return false;
        public static void UnregisterFileType(string fileType, bool unregMediaType)
            KnownFileTypeInfo info = new KnownFileTypeInfo(fileType, true, true);

            if (info.IsValid)
                if (unregMediaType)
                    // ==== Unregister media type ====
                    using (RegistryKey mediaTypeKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(info.MediaType))
                        if (mediaTypeKey != null)
                            mediaTypeKey.SetValue("", "");

                            // ==== Unregister icon ====
                            using (RegistryKey defaultIconKey = mediaTypeKey.CreateSubKey("DefaultIcon"))
                                if (defaultIconKey != null)
                                    defaultIconKey.SetValue("", "");

                            mediaTypeKey.DeleteSubKeyTree("shell", false);
        public static void RegisterFileType(string fileType, bool regMediaType)
            KnownFileTypeInfo info = new KnownFileTypeInfo(fileType, true, false);

            if (info.IsValid)
                if (regMediaType)
                    // ==== Register media type ====
                    using (RegistryKey mediaTypeKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(info.MediaType))
                        if (mediaTypeKey != null)
                            mediaTypeKey.SetValue("", info.MediaType);

                        // ==== Register icon ====
                        using (RegistryKey defaultIconKey = mediaTypeKey.CreateSubKey("DefaultIcon"))
                            if (defaultIconKey != null)
                                string newValue = string.Format(@"{0}\Resources\{1}.ico", AppConfig.InstallationPath, info.KnownFileType);
                                defaultIconKey.SetValue("", newValue);

                        if (File.Exists(info.LaunchPath))
                            using (RegistryKey shellKey = mediaTypeKey.CreateSubKey("shell"))
                                if (shellKey != null)
                                    // ==== Change default action to OPEN ====
                                    shellKey.SetValue("", "open");

                                    // ==== Update OPEN action command ====
                                    using (RegistryKey key = shellKey.CreateSubKey("open\\command"))
                                        if (key != null)
                                            key.SetValue("", string.Format("\"{0}\" launch \"%L\"", info.LaunchPath));
                            mediaTypeKey.DeleteSubKeyTree("shell", false);