public CMTTestSheet(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string market, KnownCurve curve1, KnownCurve curve2)
            mStartDate = startDate;
            mEndDate = endDate;
            mMarket = market;
            mCurve1 = curve1;
            mCurve2 = curve2;

 protected Moniker CreateCurveMoniker(string close, string source, KnownCurve knownCurve, Type type)
   return new Moniker
     Close = close,
     Date = ValueDate,
     Name = KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(knownCurve),
     Source = source,
     Type = type.Name
 public static void BuildUSDSmooth(string quoteSource, DateTime valueDate, KnownCurve curve_ = KnownCurve.NotSet)
     new CalculationAgent(valueDate, quoteSource).BuildUSDSmoothSeries(curve_);
   catch (Exception ex)
     SLog.log.Error("Error calculating smooth curves for date " + valueDate.ToString(), ex);
Exemple #4
 public static string InferSnapCodeFromKnownCurve(KnownCurve curve_)
   switch (curve_)
     case KnownCurve.USD3mLibor:
     case KnownCurve.USD3mLiborOISD:
     case KnownCurve.USDFedFunds:
       return "NYK";
       return "LDN";
 protected Tuple<Moniker, string> CreateMonikerTuple(int series, decimal point, KnownCurve curve, string curveType)
     return new Tuple<Moniker, string>(BondSpread.CreateBondSpreadMoniker(mStartDate, "mlp", "mlp", mMarket, series, KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(curve), point), curveType);
    protected DiscountCurve CallCurveCalculator(ICalculator calculator, KnownCurve knownCurve, string marketSnapCode_, string quotesourceCode_, CarbonClient carbonClient_)
      DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
      SLog.log.InfoFormat("Calculation of {0} for {1} starting...", knownCurve.GetDescription(), ValueDate);

      // generate the table of constituents 
        var cp = String.Compare("mlp", quotesourceCode_, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0
          ? calculator.BuildConstituentsTable()
          : null;

        if (cp != null)
          var moniker = GenericTable.GenerateSwapCurveConstituentsMoniker(ValueDate, marketSnapCode_.ToLower(), quotesourceCode_.ToLower(), KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(knownCurve));
          SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(moniker, cp);

      if (mConstituentsOnly)
        return null;

      // this is the old way, which will invoke fincad...
      //var curves = calculator.Calculate();

      var curves = Symmetry.Interop.Carbon.OT.CurveRetriever
        .GetCurvesAsDictionary(knownCurve, ValueDate, carbonClient_, ThrowBehavior.DontThrow);

      foreach (var kvp in curves)
        if (kvp.Value != null)
          Type type = null;
          switch (kvp.Key)
            case "DiscountCurve":
              type = typeof(DiscountCurve);
            case "RateCurve":
              type = typeof(RateCurve);
            case "Parameters":
              type = typeof(SwapCurveParameters);
          if (type != null)
            var moniker = CreateCurveMoniker(marketSnapCode_.ToLower(), quotesourceCode_.ToLower(), knownCurve, type);
            SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(moniker, kvp.Value);
          else if (kvp.Key == "Constituents")
            // don't want to overwrite if mlp (will have been written above
            if (String.Compare("mlp", quotesourceCode_, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            var moniker = GenericTable.GenerateSwapCurveConstituentsMoniker(ValueDate, marketSnapCode_.ToLower(), quotesourceCode_.ToLower(), KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(knownCurve));
            SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(moniker, kvp.Value);

      SLog.log.InfoFormat("Calculation of {0} finished in {1} ms...", knownCurve.GetDescription(), (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds);
      if (curves.ContainsKey("DiscountCurve"))
        return (DiscountCurve)curves["DiscountCurve"];
      return null;
    public void BuildUSDSmoothSeries(KnownCurve curve_ = KnownCurve.NotSet)
      foreach (var sourceSet in SP.GetUSD(mQuoteSource))

        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        SLog.log.InfoFormat("Smooth Bond Curve calculation starting for USD.{0} {1}...", sourceSet.QS, ValueDate);

        if (curve_ == KnownCurve.NotSet || curve_ == KnownCurve.USD3mLibor)
          InternalBuildSmoothBondSeries(KnownCurve.USD3mLibor, new SmoothBondCurveCalculationParams
            SpotDelay = 2,
            SettleDelay = 1,
            HolidayCenter = "USA_FI",
            Close = sourceSet.MS,
            Source = sourceSet.QS,
            CurveStart = 1,
            CurveStep = 0.25M,
            YieldLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
            SpreadLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
            TrueSpreadLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
            CurveName = KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(KnownCurve.USD3mLibor),
            Markets = new string[] { "UST" },
            Currency = "USD",
            Maturities = new int[] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30 },
            SwapCurveType = SwapCurveType.USD3mLibor,
            Country = "UST",
            ShouldIncludeBondInTargetMaturityDelegate = (bond_, targetMaturity) => targetMaturity == 30 && bond_.Term.HasValue && bond_.Term.Value > 15

        if (curve_ == KnownCurve.NotSet || curve_ == KnownCurve.USDFedFunds)
          InternalBuildSmoothBondSeries(KnownCurve.USDFedFunds, new SmoothBondCurveCalculationParams
            SpotDelay = 2,
            SettleDelay = 1,
            HolidayCenter = "USA_FI",
            Close = sourceSet.MS,
            Source = sourceSet.QS,
            CurveStart = 1,
            CurveStep = 0.25M,
            YieldLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
            SpreadLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
            TrueSpreadLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
            CurveName = KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(KnownCurve.USDFedFunds),
            Markets = new string[] { "UST" },
            Currency = "USD",
            Maturities = new int[] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30 },
            SwapCurveType = SwapCurveType.USDOIS,
            Country = "UST",
            ShouldIncludeBondInTargetMaturityDelegate = (bond_, targetMaturity) => targetMaturity == 30 && bond_.Term.HasValue && bond_.Term.Value > 15

        //if (curve_ == KnownCurve.NotSet || curve_ == KnownCurve.USD3mLiborOISD)
        //  InternalBuildSmoothBondSeries(KnownCurve.USD3mLiborOISD, new SmoothBondCurveCalculationParams
        //  {
        //    SpotDelay = 2,
        //    SettleDelay = 1,
        //    HolidayCenter = "USA_FI",
        //    Close = sourceSet.MS,
        //    Source = sourceSet.QS,
        //    CurveStart = 1,
        //    CurveStep = 0.25M,
        //    YieldLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
        //    SpreadLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
        //    TrueSpreadLambdas = new Dictionary<int, double> { { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 5, 1 }, { 7, 1 }, { 10, 1 }, { 30, 0 } },
        //    CurveName = KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(KnownCurve.USD3mLiborOISD),
        //    Markets = new string[] { "UST" },
        //    Currency = "USD",
        //    Maturities = new int[] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 30 },
        //    SwapCurveType = SwapCurveType.USD3mLibor,
        //    Country = "UST",
        //    ShouldIncludeBondInTargetMaturityDelegate = (bond_, targetMaturity) => targetMaturity == 30 && bond_.Term.HasValue && bond_.Term.Value > 15
        //  });

        SLog.log.InfoFormat("Smooth Bond Curve calculation finished in {0} ms...", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
    protected void InternalBuildSmoothBondSeries(KnownCurve knownCurve, SmoothBondCurveCalculationParams parameters,
      bool buildCMT = true)
      if (mConstituentsOnly)

      var curve = SObjectManager.Instance().LoadSObject<DiscountCurve>(new Moniker
        Close = parameters.Close,
        Source = parameters.Source,
        Type = "DiscountCurve",
        Date = ValueDate,
        Name = KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(knownCurve)

      if (curve == null)
        SLog.log.ErrorFormat("Unable to load curve {0} for smooth series construction.", knownCurve.ToString());

      // delete the old data else might have residual stuff saved that confuses things
        SLog.log.Debug("Deleting any previous data from the database...");

        foreach (var ending in new[] { string.Empty, "%" })
            monikerDate_: ValueDate,
            monikerSource_: parameters.Source,
            likeMonikerName_: string.Format("{0}%{1}{2}", parameters.Country, parameters.CurveName, ending));

      SLog.log.DebugFormat("Building {0} smooth curve over {1} on {2}", parameters.Country, parameters.CurveName,

      IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, AnySObject>> allObjects = new Dictionary<string, AnySObject>();

      Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, RateCurve>> cmtGlobal =
        new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, RateCurve>>();

      foreach (var maturity in parameters.Maturities)
          var smoothCurves = new SmoothBondCurveCalculator(ValueDate, new SmoothBondCurveParameters
            SpotDelay = parameters.SpotDelay,
            SettleDelay = parameters.SettleDelay,
            HolidayCenter = parameters.HolidayCenter,
            Close = parameters.Close,
            Source = parameters.Source,
            CurveStart = parameters.CurveStart,
            CurveStep = parameters.CurveStep,
            YieldLambda = parameters.YieldLambdas[maturity],
            SpreadLambda = parameters.SpreadLambdas[maturity],
            TrueSpreadLambda = parameters.TrueSpreadLambdas[maturity],
            CurveName = parameters.CurveName,
            Markets = parameters.Markets,
            Currency = parameters.Currency,
            Country = parameters.Country,
            AnalyticsCountry = parameters.AnalyticsCountry,
            Maturity = maturity,
            SwapCurveType = parameters.SwapCurveType,
            TermDrift = parameters.BondTermDrift,
            ShouldIncludeDelegate = parameters.ShouldIncludeBondInTargetMaturityDelegate,
          }, curve).Calculate();

          if (smoothCurves.ContainsKey("Yield"))
            var yieldMoniker = RateCurve.CreateSmoothCurveMoniker(ValueDate, "yield", parameters.Country, maturity,
              parameters.Source, parameters.CurveName);
            SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(yieldMoniker, smoothCurves["Yield"]);

          if (smoothCurves.ContainsKey("Spread"))
            var spreadMoniker = RateCurve.CreateSmoothCurveMoniker(ValueDate, "spread", parameters.Country, maturity,
              parameters.Source, parameters.CurveName);
            SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(spreadMoniker, smoothCurves["Spread"]);

          if (smoothCurves.ContainsKey("MMS"))
            var mmsMoniker = RateCurve.CreateSmoothCurveMoniker(ValueDate, "mms", parameters.Country, maturity,
              parameters.Source, parameters.CurveName);
            SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(mmsMoniker, smoothCurves["MMS"]);

          if (smoothCurves.ContainsKey("TrueSpread"))
            var trueSpreadMoniker = RateCurve.CreateSmoothCurveMoniker(ValueDate, "truespread", parameters.Country,
              maturity, parameters.Close,
              parameters.Source, parameters.CurveName);
            SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(trueSpreadMoniker, smoothCurves["TrueSpread"]);

          foreach (var kvp in smoothCurves)
            if (Moniker.IsMoniker(kvp.Key))
              SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(Moniker.FromString(kvp.Key), kvp.Value);

          if (buildCMT)
            var bsObjects = new CMTBondSpreadCalculator(ValueDate, new CMTBondSpreadParameters
              Close = parameters.Close,
              CurveName = parameters.CurveName,
              Country = parameters.Country,
              Maturity = maturity,
              Source = parameters.Source,
              Maturities = parameters.Maturities
            }, smoothCurves, ref cmtGlobal).Calculate();

            foreach (var bso in bsObjects)
              SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(Moniker.FromString(bso.Key), bso.Value);

            allObjects = allObjects.Union(bsObjects.AsEnumerable());
        catch (Exception ex)
          SLog.log.Error("Error calculating smooth series", ex);

      if (buildCMT)
          foreach (var curveType in cmtGlobal.Keys)
            foreach (var series in cmtGlobal[curveType].Keys)
              var moniker = RateCurve.CreateBondSeriesCurveMoniker(ValueDate, curveType, parameters.Country, series,
                parameters.Close, parameters.Source, parameters.CurveName);

              SObjectManager.Instance().SaveSObject(moniker, cmtGlobal[curveType][series]);
        catch (Exception ex)
          SLog.log.Error("Error saving cmt rate curves", ex);
 public static SwapPricingConfig GetConfig(KnownCurve curve_)
   switch (curve_)
     case KnownCurve.EUR6mEuribor:
     case KnownCurve.EUR6mEuriborOISD:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
         CalcFunction = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS_Euribor
     case KnownCurve.EUREonia:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
         CalcFunction = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS_Eonia,
     case KnownCurve.USD3mLibor:
     case KnownCurve.USD3mLiborOISD:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
         DiscCurve = KnownCurve.USDFedFunds,
         FcstCurve = KnownCurve.USD3mLibor,
         CalcFunction = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS_USLibor
     case KnownCurve.USDFedFunds:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
         DiscCurve = KnownCurve.USDFedFunds,
         FcstCurve = KnownCurve.USDFedFunds,
         CalcFunction = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS_USFedFunds
     case KnownCurve.GBP6mLibor:
     case KnownCurve.GBP6mLiborOISD:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
         DiscCurve = KnownCurve.GBPSonia,
         FcstCurve = KnownCurve.GBP6mLibor,
         CalcFunction = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS_GBLibor
     case KnownCurve.GBPSonia:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
         DiscCurve = KnownCurve.GBPSonia,
         FcstCurve = KnownCurve.GBPSonia,
         CalcFunction = BondAnalytics.CalcMMS_GBSonia
     case KnownCurve.JPY6mLibor:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
     case KnownCurve.JPYTona:
       return new SwapPricingConfig()
       return null;
    public static GenericPrice Calculate(KnownCurve curve_, DateTime valueDate_, DateTime swapStart_, DateTime swapEnd_, string quoteSource_="mlp", string snapCode_="mlp" )
      // have we set up a config for this curve yet?
      var config = SwapPricingConfig.GetConfig(curve_);
      if (config == null)
        SLog.log.ErrorFormat("Coult not find SwapPrincingConfig config for {0}", curve_);
        return null;

      // get the persisted discount curves for the fixed and floating legs
      var discCurve = SObjectManager.Instance().LoadSObject<DiscountCurve>(new Moniker()

      if (discCurve == null)
        SLog.log.ErrorFormat("Could not load {0} discount curve from database for {1}", config.DiscCurve, valueDate_);

      var fcstCurve = SObjectManager.Instance().LoadSObject<DiscountCurve>(new Moniker()
        Close = snapCode_,
        Source = quoteSource_,
        Name = KnownCurveHelpers.GetKnownCurveCode(config.FcstCurve),
        Type = "discountcurve",
        Date = valueDate_

      if (fcstCurve == null)
        SLog.log.ErrorFormat("Could not load {0} discount curve from database for {1}", config.FcstCurve, valueDate_);

      if (discCurve == null || fcstCurve == null)
        return null;

      var mms = config.CalcFunction(

      if (double.IsNaN(mms))
        SLog.log.ErrorFormat("Could not calcualate mms for {0} vd:{1};  start:{2},   end:{3}", curve_,
          valueDate_.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), swapStart_.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), swapEnd_.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));

      return new GenericPrice()
        Price = mms
Exemple #11
 public static string GetKnownCurveCode(KnownCurve curve)
     return curve.GetDescription();