Exemple #1
        static async Task MainAsync()
            var serviceBusConnection = "your-connection-string";

            var knightBusHost = new KnightBusHost()
                                //Enable the ServiceBus Transport
                                .UseTransport(new ServiceBusTransport(serviceBusConnection))
                                .Configure(configuration => configuration
                                           //Register our message processors without IoC using the standard provider
                                           .UseDependencyInjection(new StandardDependecyInjection()
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new SampleServiceBusMessageProcessor())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new SampleServiceBusEventProcessor()))

            //Start the KnightBus Host, it will now connect to the ServiceBus and listen to the SampleServiceBusMessageMapping.QueueName
            await knightBusHost.StartAsync(new CancellationToken());

            //Initiate the client
            var client = new KnightBus.Azure.ServiceBus.ServiceBus(new ServiceBusConfiguration(serviceBusConnection));

            //Send some Messages and watch them print in the console
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                await client.SendAsync(new SampleServiceBusMessage { Message = $"Hello from command {i}" });
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                await client.PublishEventAsync(new SampleServiceBusEvent { Message = $"Hello from event {i}" });

Exemple #2
        static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            var connectionString = "";
            var container        = new Container {
                Options = { DefaultScopedLifestyle = new AsyncScopedLifestyle() }

            var host = new KnightBusHost()
                       .Configure(conf =>

            await host.StartAndBlockAsync(CancellationToken.None);
Exemple #3
        static async Task MainAsync()
            var storageConnection = "your-connection-string";

            //Initiate the client
            var client = new StorageBus(new StorageBusConfiguration(storageConnection));

            client.EnableAttachments(new BlobStorageMessageAttachmentProvider(storageConnection));

            var knightBusHost = new KnightBusHost()
                                //Enable the StorageBus Transport
                                .UseTransport(new StorageTransport(storageConnection)
                                //Enable attachments on the transport using Azure Blobs
                                .Configure(configuration => configuration
                                           //Allow message processors to run in Singleton state using Azure Blob Locks
                                           //Register our message processors without IoC using the standard provider
                                           .UseDependencyInjection(new StandardDependecyInjection()
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new SampleStorageBusMessageProcessor())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new SampleSagaMessageProcessor(client))
                                           //Enable Saga support using the table storage Saga store
                                           .EnableSagas(new StorageTableSagaStore(storageConnection))

            //Start the KnightBus Host, it will now connect to the StorageBus and listen to the SampleStorageBusMessageMapping.QueueName
            await knightBusHost.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            //Send some Messages and watch them print in the console
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                await client.SendAsync(new SampleStorageBusMessage
                    Message    = $"Hello from command {i}",
                    Attachment = new MessageAttachment($"file{i}.txt", "text/plain", new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"this is a stream from Message {i}")))

            await client.SendAsync(new SampleSagaStartMessage { Message = "This is a saga start message" });

Exemple #4
        static async Task MainAsync()
            var redisConnection = "string";

            var multiplexer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(redisConnection);
            //Initiate the client
            var client = new RedisBus(new RedisConfiguration(redisConnection));

            client.EnableAttachments(new RedisAttachmentProvider(multiplexer, new RedisConfiguration(redisConnection)));

            var knightBusHost = new KnightBusHost()
                                //Enable the Redis Transport
                                .UseTransport(new RedisTransport(redisConnection))
                                .Configure(configuration => configuration
                                           //Enable reading attachments from Redis
                                           .UseRedisAttachments(multiplexer, new RedisConfiguration(redisConnection))
                                           //Enable the saga store
                                           .UseRedisSagaStore(multiplexer, new RedisConfiguration(redisConnection))
                                           //Register our message processors without IoC using the standard provider
                                           .UseDependencyInjection(new StandardDependecyInjection()
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new SampleRedisMessageProcessor())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new SampleRedisAttachmentProcessor())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new RedisEventProcessor())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new RedisEventProcessorTwo())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new RedisEventProcessorThree())
                                                                   .RegisterProcessor(new RedisSagaProcessor(client))
                                           .AddMiddleware(new PerformanceLogging())

            //Start the KnightBus Host, it will now connect to the Redis and listen
            await knightBusHost.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            //Start the saga
            await client.SendAsync(new SampleRedisSagaStarterCommand());

            //Send some Messages and watch them print in the console
            var messageCount = 10;
            var sw           = new Stopwatch();

            var commands = Enumerable.Range(0, messageCount).Select(i => new SampleRedisCommand
                Message = $"Hello from command {i}"

            await client.SendAsync <SampleRedisCommand>(commands);

            Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed {sw.Elapsed}");

            //var attachmentCommands = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new SampleRedisAttachmentCommand()
            //    Message = $"Hello from command with attachment {i}",
            //    Attachment = new MessageAttachment($"file{i}.txt", "text/plain", new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"this is a stream from Message {i}")))
            //await client.SendAsync<SampleRedisAttachmentCommand>(attachmentCommands);

            //var events = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new SampleRedisEvent
            //    Message = $"Hello from event {i}"
            //await client.PublishAsync<SampleRedisEvent>(events);