public static void Resolve(State state, string filePath, string[] tokens, ref int i, string[] lines, List <string> outputLines, HashSet <string> usedLabelSet) { if (tokens.Length == 0) { outputLines.Add("-"); return; } var inputLine = i; try { switch (tokens[0]) { case "closeSnowFallingAnim": { outputLines.Add($"closeSnowFallingAnim();"); break; } case "openSnowFallingAnim": { outputLines.Add($"openSnowFallingAnim();"); break; } case "unlockCG": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1]); outputLines.Add($"unlockCG($`{name}`);"); break; } case "playVoice": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1]); outputLines.Add($"playVoice($`{name}`);"); break; } case "makeFGHasYellowAmbient": { var id = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"makeFGHasYellowAmbient({{ id: {id} }});"); break; } case "closeCherryBlossomAnim": { outputLines.Add($"closeCherryBlossomAnim();"); break; } case "openCherryBlossomAnim": { outputLines.Add($"openCherryBlossomAnim();"); break; } case "makeFGNormal": { var id = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"makeFGNormal({{ id: {id} }});"); break; } case "makeFGTransparent": { var id = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"makeFGTransparent({{ id: {id} }});"); break; } case "closeFog2": { outputLines.Add($"closeFog2();"); break; } case "showFog2": { outputLines.Add($"showFog2();"); break; } case "show_map_root_image_blinking_Anim": { outputLines.Add($"show_map_root_image_blinking_Anim();"); break; } case "triggerFlash": { outputLines.Add($"triggerFlash();"); break; } case "setFlashBrightness": { var num = tokens[1]; var m = Config.rgb.Match(num); if (m.Success == false) { outputLines.Add($"setFlashRGBColor({num}, {num}, {num});"); } else { var r = m.Groups[1].Value; var g = m.Groups[2].Value; var b = m.Groups[3].Value; outputLines.Add($"setFlashRGBColor({r}, {g}, {b});"); } break; } case "setNumberOfFlash": { var num = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"setNumberOfFlash({num});"); break; } case "jumpIfRandomIs": { var num = tokens[1]; var label = tokens[2]; usedLabelSet.Add(label); outputLines.Add($"ifRandomIs({num}).jump(lbl_{label});"); break; } case "random": { var num = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"random({num});"); break; } case "setFGOrder_Unk": { var a1 = tokens[1]; var a2 = tokens[2]; var a3 = tokens[3]; outputLines.Add($"setFGOrder_Unk({a1}, {a2}, {a3});"); break; } case "setFGOrder": { var id1 = tokens[1]; var id2 = tokens[2]; var id3 = tokens[3]; outputLines.Add($"setFGRenderOrder({id1}, {id2}, {id3});"); break; } case "multifgload3": { var name1 = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[2]); var name2 = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[4]); var name3 = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[6]); var x1 = tokens[7]; var x2 = tokens[8]; var x3 = tokens[9]; var useAnim = tokens[10]; outputLines.Add($"multifgload3({{ name1: `{name1}`, name2: `{name2}`, name3: `{name3}`, x1: {x1}, x2: {x2}, x3: {x3}, useAnim: {useAnim} }});"); break; } case "closeMapIndicatorAnim": { outputLines.Add("closeMapIndicatorAnim();"); break; } case "waitForClick": { outputLines.Add("waitForClick();"); break; } case "openMapCommentAnim": { outputLines.Add("openMapCommentAnim();"); break; } case "setMapCommentSlotToDisplay": { var slot = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"setMapCommentToDisplay({{ slot: {slot} }});"); break; } case "pickMapCommentByIndex2": { var index = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"pickMapComment2({{ index: {index} }});"); break; } case "pickMapCommentByIndex": { var index = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"pickMapComment({{ index: {index} }});"); break; } case "playMovie": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1]); outputLines.Add($"playMovie(`{name}`);"); break; } case "jump": { var file = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1]); outputLines.Add($"jump(`{file}`);"); break; } case "closeDimOverlay": { outputLines.Add("closeDimOverlay();"); break; } case "showDimOverlay": { outputLines.Add("showDimOverlay();"); break; } case "showFilter2": { outputLines.Add("showFilter2();"); break; } case "closeDimInAndOutAndFilterAnim": { outputLines.Add("closeDimInAndOutAndFilterAnim();"); break; } case "varop": { var unk = string.Join(" ", tokens.Skip(1)); var m = Config.varop.Match(unk); var type = m.Groups[1].Value; var name = m.Groups[2].Value; var op = m.Groups[3].Value; var assignee = m.Groups[4].Value; if (assignee.StartsWith("v_")) { assignee = assignee.Substring(2); var num = Convert.ToUInt32(assignee, 16); string _type = ""; if (num > 0 && num <= 0x1F) { _type = "g_"; } else { _type = "l_"; } var _subt = Kits.SubstituteVar(_type, assignee); assignee = _type + _subt.var; } switch (type) { case "a4": { var num = Convert.ToUInt32(name, 16); if (num > 0 && num <= 0x1F) { type = "g_"; } else { type = "l_"; } break; } case "a2": type = "eff_"; break; case "a0": type = "dimOff_"; break; case "a3": type = "sys_"; break; default: throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"Invalid varop type at line {inputLine + 1} of file '{filePath}'"); } switch (op) { case ":=": op = "="; break; case "+=": break; } var subt = Kits.SubstituteVar(type, name); [email protected](assignee, out string subt_assignee); outputLines.Add($"{type}{subt.var} {op} {(subt_assignee ?? assignee)};"); break; } case "delay": { var interval = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"delay({{ interval: {interval} }});"); break; } case "removeBG": { string mode = (tokens[1] == "3" ? "red" : tokens[1] == "1" ? "white" : tokens[1] == "0" ? "black" : null).ToUpper(); var transition = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2] + tokens[3], 10); outputLines.Add($"removeBG({{ mode: {mode}, transition: {transition} }});"); break; } case "setSceneTitleByIndex": { var index = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"setSceneTitle({{ index: {index} }});"); break; } case "setDialogBoxColor": { var color = tokens[1].ToUpper(); outputLines.Add($"setDialogBoxColor({color});"); break; } case "showTextbox": { outputLines.Add("showTextbox();"); break; } case "text": { Text.Resolve(state, filePath, tokens, ref i, lines, outputLines); break; } case "hideTextbox": { outputLines.Add("hideTextbox();"); break; } case "playSFX": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1].ToUpper()); var a1 = tokens[2]; var volume = tokens[3]; outputLines.Add($"playSFX({{ name: `{name}`, a1: {a1}, volume: {volume} }});"); break; } case "waitForSFX": { outputLines.Add("waitForSFX();"); break; } case "monoColorOverlay": { var interval = tokens[1]; var color = (tokens[2] == "1" ? "white" : tokens[2] == "0" ? "black" : null).ToUpper(); outputLines.Add($"monoColorOverlay({{ interval: {interval}, color: {color} }});"); break; } case "bgloadCrop": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[2].ToUpper()); var transition = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4] + tokens[3], 10); var x = tokens[5]; var y = tokens[6]; var hx = tokens[7]; var hy = tokens[8]; outputLines.Add($"bgloadCrop({{ name: `{name}`, transition: {transition}, x: {x}, y: {y}, hx: {hx}, hy: {hy} }});"); break; } case "setKomoreType": { var type = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"setKomoreType({type});"); break; } case "showKomoreAnim": { outputLines.Add($"showKomoreAnim();"); break; } case "openShakeScreenAnim": { outputLines.Add($"openShakeScreenAnim();"); break; } case "setMonoColorOverlayFadeOutDuration": { var duration = tokens[1].Replace("VAR_c0_", ""); outputLines.Add($"setMonoColorOverlayFadeOutDuration({duration});"); break; } case "fadeOutMonoColorOverlay": { outputLines.Add($"fadeOutMonoColorOverlay();"); break; } case "unSkippableDelay": { var duration = tokens[1]; outputLines.Add($"unSkippableDelay({duration});"); break; } case "closeKomoreAnim": { outputLines.Add("closeKomoreAnim();"); break; } case "closeShakeScreenAnim": { outputLines.Add("closeShakeScreenAnim();"); break; } case "chapterCutin": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1]); outputLines.Add($"chapterCutin({{ name: `{name}` }});"); break; } case "stopSFX": { outputLines.Add($"stopSFX()"); break; } case "playBGM": { var num = tokens[1]; var volume = tokens[2]; outputLines.Add($"playBGM({{ num: {num}, volume: {volume} }});"); break; } case "bgload": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[2].ToUpper()); var transition = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4] + tokens[3], 10); outputLines.Add($"bgload({{ name: `{name}`, transition: {transition} }});"); break; } case "clock": { var time = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[1]); outputLines.Add($"clock(`{time}`);"); break; } case "tweenZoom": { var x = tokens[1]; var y = tokens[2]; var hx = tokens[3]; var hy = tokens[4]; var duration = tokens[5]; outputLines.Add($"tweenZoom({{ x: {x}, y: {y}, hx: {hx}, hy: {hy}, duration: {duration} }});"); break; } case "stopBGM": { outputLines.Add("stopBGM();"); break; } case "setChangePerspectiveDirection": { var from = (tokens[1] == "1" ? "from_right" : tokens[1] == "0" ? "from_left" : tokens[1] == "2" ? "from_both" : null).ToUpper(); outputLines.Add($"setChangePerspectiveDirection({from});"); break; } case "triggerChangePerspectiveAnim": { outputLines.Add("triggerChangePerspectiveAnim();"); break; } case "fgload": { var id = tokens[1]; var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[3]); var x = tokens[4]; var useAnim = tokens[5] == "3" ? "true" : "false"; outputLines.Add($"fgload({{ id: {id}, name: `{name}`, x: {x}, useAnim: {useAnim} }});"); break; } case "removeFG": { var id = tokens[1]; var useAnim = tokens[2] == "3" ? "true" : "false"; outputLines.Add($"removeFG({{ id: {id}, useAnim: {useAnim} }});"); break; } case "multifgload2": { var id1 = tokens[1]; var id2 = tokens[2]; var name1 = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[4]); var name2 = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[6]); var x1 = tokens[7]; var x2 = tokens[8]; var useAnim = tokens[9] == "3" ? "true" : "false"; outputLines.Add($"multifgload2({{ id1: {id1}, id2: {id2}, name1: `{name1}`, name2: `{name2}`, x1: {x1}, x2: {x2}, useAnim: {useAnim} }});"); break; } case "notActuallyGotoIfUnk": case "unknown09": case "unknown43": case "unknown3c": case "unknown3b": case "unknown2b": case "l_unk06": case "l_unk0d": case "l_unk12": case "l_unk13": case "l_unk15": case "l_unk19": case "l_unk28": case "scriptLocationId": case "choiceId": { outputLines.Add("-"); break; } case "_switch": { i += 1; var m = Config.switch_varop.Match(lines[i]); if (m.Success == false) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"Invalid _switch statement at line {inputLine + 1} of file '{filePath}'"); } var variable = m.Groups[1].Value; var num = Convert.ToUInt32(variable, 16); var type = ""; if (num > 0 && num <= 0x1F) { type = "g_"; } else { type = "l_"; } var subt = Kits.SubstituteVar(type, variable); i += 1; var texts = new List <string>(); while (lines[i].Trim() != "") { var _tokens = lines[i].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var choice = _tokens[2]; [email protected](choice, out string subt_choice); var label = _tokens[3]; texts.Add($"{}case {subt_choice ?? choice}: goto(lbl_{label});"); usedLabelSet.Add(label); state.switchLabelSet.Add(label); i++; } var text = string.Join("\r\n", texts); outputLines.Add($"switch ({type}{subt.var}) {{"); outputLines.Add(text); outputLines.Add("}"); break; } case "goto": { var label = tokens[1]; usedLabelSet.Add(label); outputLines.Add($"goto(lbl_{label});"); state.switchLabelSet.Add(label); break; } case "gotoif": { var variable = tokens[5]; var comparision = tokens[6]; var opposed_value = tokens[8]; var label = tokens[11]; usedLabelSet.Add(label); var num = Convert.ToUInt32(variable, 16); var type = ""; if (num > 0 && num <= 0x1F) { type = "g_"; } else { type = "l_"; } var subt = Kits.SubstituteVar(type, variable); [email protected](opposed_value, out string subt_value); outputLines.Add($"if ({type}{subt.var} {comparision} {subt_value ?? opposed_value}) goto(lbl_{label});"); state.switchLabelSet.Add(label); break; } case "shakeScreen": { outputLines.Add("shakeScreen();"); break; } case "bgload_keepFg": { var name = Kits.EscapeBackTick(tokens[2].ToUpper()); var transition = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4] + tokens[3], 10); outputLines.Add($"bgload_keepFg({{ name: `{name}`, transition: {transition} }});"); break; } case "multiremoveFG_Anim": { var id1 = tokens[1]; var id2 = tokens[2]; var id3 = tokens[3]; outputLines.Add($"multiremoveFG({{ id1: {id1}, id2: {id2}, id3: {id3}, useAnim: true }});"); break; } case "multiremoveFG_Sta": { var id1 = tokens[1]; var id2 = tokens[2]; var id3 = tokens[3]; outputLines.Add($"multiremoveFG({{ id1: {id1}, id2: {id2}, id3: {id3}, useAnim: false }});"); break; } case "shakeScreenHard": { outputLines.Add("shakeScreenHard();"); break; } case "turnOnFullscreenTextMode": { outputLines.Add("NVL_Mode();"); state.textMode = TextMode.NVL; state.dialogCompleted = true; break; } case "turnOffFullscreenTextMode": { outputLines.Add("ADV_Mode();"); state.textMode = TextMode.ADV; state.dialogCompleted = true; break; } case "showDimInAndOutAnim": { outputLines.Add("showDimInAndOutAnim();"); break; } default: { throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"Unknown statement '{tokens[0]}' at line {inputLine + 1} of file '{filePath}'"); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is InvalidSyntaxException) { throw; } throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"The syntax might be invalid or unknown at line {i + 1} of file '{filePath}", e); } }
public static void Resolve(State state, string filePath, string[] tokens, ref int i, string[] lines, List <string> outputLines) { i++; var inputLine = i; var texts = new List <string>(); var lastIsEmpty = false; while (true) { if (Config.nextStatement.IsMatch(lines[i])) { if (lastIsEmpty) { texts.RemoveAt(texts.Count - 1); i--; break; } else { throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"Unexpected statement after text block at line {i + 1} of file '{filePath}"); } } if (lines[i].Trim() == "") { lastIsEmpty = true; } else { lastIsEmpty = false; } texts.Add(lines[i]); i++; } var text = string.Join("\r\n", texts); text = Config.inlineCommand1.Replace(text, m => { return($"�{m}�"); }); string innerText = null; List <TextToken> textTokens = new List <TextToken>(); var fragments = text.Split(new[] { '�' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var isChoice = false; foreach (var fragment in fragments) { if (isChoice == true) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"This range has other commands beside {{choice}} at line {inputLine + 1} of file '{filePath}'"); } var m = Config.inlineCommand2.Match(fragment); if (!m.Success) { // This is a text fragment string name = ""; var _fragment = Config.nameTag.Replace(fragment, (_m) => { name = _m.Groups[1].Value; var name_comment = name; name = Config.jsInvalidChar1.Replace(name, "_"); name = Config.jsInvalidChar2.Replace(name, ""); if (Config.codeProvider.IsValidIdentifier(name) == false) { if (name[0] == '?') { name = "Anon"; } else { throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"Unknown name tag format at line {inputLine + 1} of file '{filePath}'"); } } if (name != name_comment) { name = $"//{name_comment}\r\n{}{name}"; } return(""); }); _fragment = Kits.FixJPTextInEnVer(_fragment); textTokens.Add(new TextToken { Name = "Text", CharaName = name, Text = Kits.EscapeBackTick(_fragment).Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n"), }); continue; } var command = m.Groups[1].Value; var _tokens = command.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var foundName = ""; var foundParams = new object[0]; switch (_tokens[0]) { case "waitForClick": case "clearText": case "appendText": case "waitForSound": case "marker": { foundName = _tokens[0]; break; } case "delay": { foundName = "delay"; foundParams = new object[] { int.Parse(_tokens[1]) }; break; } case "sound": { foundName = "sound"; foundParams = new object[] { Kits.EscapeBackTick(_tokens[1]) }; break; } case "nextPage": { foundName = "nextPage"; foundParams = new object[] { int.Parse(_tokens[1]) }; break; } case "bigChar": { foundName = "bigChar"; break; } case "choice": { isChoice = true; innerText = ""; var selections = command.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Skip(1); foreach (var selection in selections) { string variable = null; string realSelection = null; var _selection = Config.condBlock.Replace(selection, (_m) => { variable = _m.Groups[1].Value; realSelection = _m.Groups[2].Value; return(""); }); if (selection == _selection) { innerText += + $"`{Kits.EscapeBackTick(selection)}`,\r\n"; } else { var num = Convert.ToUInt32(variable, 16); var type = ""; if (num > 0 && num <= 0x1F) { type = "g_"; } else { type = "l_"; } var subt = Kits.SubstituteVar(type, variable); innerText += + $"cond({type}{subt.var} != 0)`{Kits.EscapeBackTick(realSelection)}`,\r\n"; } } innerText = innerText.TrimEnd(); break; } default: { throw new InvalidSyntaxException($"Unknown command '{_tokens[0]}' at line {inputLine + 1} of file '{filePath}'"); } } textTokens.Add(new TextToken { Name = foundName, Params = foundParams, }); } if (isChoice) { state.dialogCompleted = true; outputLines.Add("choice("); outputLines.Add(innerText); outputLines.Add(");"); return; } IEnumerable <List <TextToken> > groupedToken; var clearTextHitOuter = false; groupedToken = textTokens .Aggregate(new List <List <TextToken> >() { new List <TextToken>() }, (acc, token) => { if ((state.textMode == TextMode.NVL && (token.Name == "marker" || token.Name == "appendText")) || (state.textMode == TextMode.ADV && (token.Name == "marker"))) { acc.Add(new List <TextToken>()); } else { if (token.Name == "clearText") { clearTextHitOuter = true; } else { if (clearTextHitOuter == true && state.textMode == TextMode.ADV) { acc.Add(new List <TextToken>()); } clearTextHitOuter = false; } acc.Last().Add(token); } return(acc); }) .Where(e => e.Count > 0) .Select(_tokens => { var splittedDialogToken = _tokens.Aggregate(new List <List <TextToken> >() { new List <TextToken>() }, (acc, token) => { if (token.Name != "Text") { acc.Last().Add(token); } else { var newLineIdxs = token.Text.AllIndexOf("\n"); if (newLineIdxs.Count == 0) { acc.Last().Add(token); } else { foreach (var(idx, i) in newLineIdxs.Select((idx, i) => (idx, i))) { var subToken = token.Clone() as TextToken; var previousIdx = i == 0 ? 0 : newLineIdxs[i - 1] + 1; subToken.Text = subToken.Text.Substring(previousIdx, idx - previousIdx + 1); subToken.CharaName = i == 0 ? subToken.CharaName : ""; acc.Last().Add(subToken); acc.Add(new List <TextToken>()); if (i + 1 == newLineIdxs.Count) { var lastSubToken = token.Clone() as TextToken; lastSubToken.Text = lastSubToken.Text.Substring(idx + 1); lastSubToken.CharaName = ""; acc.Last().Add(lastSubToken); } } } }