async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Kids.Clear(); WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("http//"); request.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, Xamarin.Essentials.Preferences.Get("token", "")); WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); System.IO.Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); byte[] data = new byte[(int)stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, (int)stream.Length); string Json = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); var items = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <Kid> >(Json); foreach (var item in items) { Kids.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
public void DeadMom() { if (ManType == PersonType.Mom && ChildrenList.Count > 0) { foreach (var Kids in ChildrenList) { Kids.GetComponent <Children>().DeadMommy(); } } }
public void DeleteFamily() { //gonna remove it since IsEmptyFamily() doesnt talk abt HomeKey //ask abt the amt of family memenrs //Home = ""; State = H.None; Kids.Clear(); _father = ""; _mother = ""; }
public ActionResult Presents(Kids model, FormCollection formcollection) { // polaczenie OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))" + "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xe)));" + "User Id=hr; Password=hr;"; conn.Open(); // Lista modeli obecnosci var obecnosci = new List <Obecnosci>(); var projectName = formcollection["ProjectName"]; var NazwaKlasy = projectName.Split(' '); PupilsController.ClassName = NazwaKlasy[0]; PupilsController.SubjectName = NazwaKlasy[1]; = model.Date; string sql = "select u.IDUCZNIA, u.imie, u.nazwisko,, g.IDGODZ, o.obecny, o.IdObec from uczen u " + "join obecnosci o on o.UCZEN_iducznia = u.iducznia " + "join godziny g on g.IDGODZ = o.GODZINY_IDGODZ " + "join przedmiot p on p.IDPRZEDM = o.PRZEDMIOT_IDPRZEDM " + "join klasa k on k.IDKLASY = p.KLASA_IDKLASY " + "join nauczyciel n on n.idnaucz = p.NAUCZYCIEL_IDNAUCZ " + "where p.NAUCZYCIEL_IDNAUCZ =" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["IDZalogowanego"]) + "and = TO_DATE('" +"yyyy/MM/dd") + "', 'yyyy/mm/dd') and p.NAZWA ='" + PupilsController.SubjectName + "' and k.NAZWA = '" + PupilsController.ClassName + "'" + "Order by u.iducznia,, g.IDGODZ"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // wypelnienie modelu obecnosci danymi z bazy while (dr.Read()) { obecnosci.Add ( new Obecnosci { IDUcznia = Convert.ToInt16(dr.GetValue(0)), Imie = dr.GetString(1), Nazwisko = dr.GetString(2), Date = DateTime.Parse(dr.GetOracleDate(3).ToString()), GodzinaZajec = Convert.ToInt16(dr.GetValue(4)), CzyObecny = dr.GetString(5), IDObecnosci = Convert.ToInt16(dr.GetValue(6)) } ); } conn.Close(); return(PartialView(obecnosci)); }
public void RefreshKids() { if (Kids == null) { Kids = new ObservableCollection <string>(); } Kids.Clear(); foreach (var kid in UserProfileService.Instance.CurrentUserProfile.Kids) { Kids.Add(kid); } }
/// <summary> /// Copyng values one by one. to cut refernce /// </summary> /// <param name="family"></param> public Family(Family family) { KidsMax = family.KidsMax; for (int i = 0; i < family.Kids.Count; i++) { Kids.Add(family.Kids[i]); } Mother = family.Mother; Father = family.Father; Home = family.Home; State = family.State; FamilyId = family.FamilyId; }
internal async Task AddKid(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } var item = Kids.FirstOrDefault(i => i == name); if (item != null) { return; } await UserProfileService.Instance.AddKid(name); Kids.Add(name); OnPropertyChanged("Kids"); }
public void Kids_tab() { Kids kid = new Kids(); System.IO.StreamReader kidfile = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"C:\Users\BlooddSkullKing\source\repos\school\SecretSanta\kids.txt"); kid.Name = kidfile.ReadLine(); kid.Gifts = kidfile.ReadLine(); kidsbox.Text = kid.Name; kgifts.Text = kid.Gifts; int a = kid.Giftnumber(kid.Gifts); kgiftnum.Text = a.ToString(); }
private async void OnDelete(object obj) { string name = obj as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } var item = Kids.FirstOrDefault(i => i == name); if (item != null) { await UserProfileService.Instance.RemoveKid(name); Kids.Remove(item); OnPropertyChanged("Kids"); } }
public ActionResult Presents(Kids model) { // polaczenie OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))" + "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xe)));" + "User Id=hr; Password=hr;"; conn.Open(); string sql = "select u.imie, u.nazwisko,, g.IDGODZ, o.obecny, p.nazwa, u.iducznia from uczen u " + " join obecnosci o on o.uczen_iducznia = u.IDUCZNIA " + " join godziny g on g.IDGODZ = o.GODZINY_IDGODZ " + " join przedmiot p on p.IDPRZEDM = o.PRZEDMIOT_IDPRZEDM " + " join UCZEN_RODZIC ur on ur.uczen_iducznia = u.IDUCZNIA " + " join RODZIC r on r.idrodzica = ur.RODZIC_IDRODZICA " + " where ur.RODZIC_IDRODZICA = " + Convert.ToInt16(Session["IDZalogowanego"]) + "and = TO_DATE('" + model.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "', 'yyyy/mm/dd') and u.iducznia =" + model.IDDziecka + " Order by u.nazwisko,, g.IDGODZ"; // lista obecnosci var obecnosci = new List <Obecnosci>(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // wypelnianie modelu danymi z bazy while (dr.Read()) { obecnosci.Add ( new Obecnosci { Imie = dr.GetString(0), Nazwisko = dr.GetString(1), Date = DateTime.Parse(dr.GetOracleDate(2).ToString()), GodzinaZajec = Convert.ToInt16(dr.GetValue(3)), CzyObecny = dr.GetString(4), Przedmiot = dr.GetString(5) } ); } conn.Close(); return(PartialView(obecnosci)); }
/// <summary> /// Used to move one family booked to the final destination /// /// Or to remove kid tht reach majority /// /// Now used too , with person that dies /// </summary> public void RemovePersonFromFamily(Person personToRemove) { for (int i = 0; i < Kids.Count; i++) { if (Kids[i] == personToRemove.MyId) { Kids.RemoveAt(i); return; } } if (_father == personToRemove.MyId) { _father = ""; } else if (_mother == personToRemove.MyId) { _mother = ""; } }
public ActionResult Ocenki(Kids model) { // polaczenie OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))" + "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xe)));" + "User Id=hr; Password=hr;"; conn.Open(); // lista Ocen var grades = new List <Oceny>(); string sql = "select u.imie, u.nazwisko, o.Ocena, p.nazwa, o.typ from uczen u " + " join oceny o on u.IDUCZNIA = o.UCZEN_IDUCZNIA " + " join przedmiot p on p.IDPRZEDM = o.PRZEDMIOT_IDPRZEDM " + " join klasa k on k.IDKLASY = p.KLASA_IDKLASY " + " join Uczen_rodzic ur on ur.uczen_IDUCZNIA = u.IDUCZNIA " + " join Rodzic r on r.IDRODZICA = ur.RODZIC_IDRODZICA " + " where ur.RODZIC_IDRODZICA =" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["IDZalogowanego"]) + " and u.IDUCZNIA=" + model.IDDziecka + " Order by u.nazwisko, p.nazwa, o.ocena"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // wypelnianie danych dla wybranego dziecka while (dr.Read()) { grades.Add ( new Oceny { Imie = dr.GetString(0), Nazwisko = dr.GetString(1), Ocena = Convert.ToDouble(dr.GetValue(2)), Przedmiot = dr.GetString(3), Typ = dr.GetString(4) } ); } conn.Close(); return(PartialView(grades)); }
/// <summary> /// Migrates the database and sets up items that need to be set up from scratch. /// </summary> public void Initialize() { try { Database.Migrate(); const int count = 2000; List <Thing> things = new List <Thing>(); if (false == Things.Any()) { Faker <Thing> faker = new Faker <Thing>().Rules((f, thing) => { thing.Bar = f.Hacker.Noun(); thing.Foo = f.Hacker.Verb(); }); things = faker.Generate(count).ToList(); Things.AddRange(things); } if (false == Kids.Any()) { Faker <Child> faker = new Faker <Child>().Rules((f, child) => { child.Name = f.Person.FullName; child.Parent = f.PickRandom(things); }); Kids.AddRange(faker.Generate(count)); } SaveChanges(); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) when(e.Message == "No service for type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations.IMigrator' has been registered." ) { // this exception is expected when using an InMemory database } }
public static bool menu_kids(Cart order) { bool exit = false; while (exit == false) { cart_view(order); Console.WriteLine("Kids Menu"); Console.WriteLine("\n1. Chips\tR10\n2. Sandwhich\tR15\n3. Russians\tR10\n0. Back"); int option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Kids choice = (Kids)option; switch (choice) { case Kids.Chips: cart_add(order, "Chips", 10); break; case Kids.Sandwhich: cart_add(order, "Sandwhich", 15); break; case Kids.Russians: cart_add(order, "Russains", 10); break; case Kids.Back: exit = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invaild entry"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } return(exit); }
/// <summary> /// abstract factory pattern is a creational pattern in which interfaces are defined /// for creating families of related objects without specifying their actual implementations /// /// whe using this pattern, you create factories which return many kinds of related objects. /// Participants : 1-abstract Factory, 2-Conceret Factory, 3-Abstract Product, 4-Conceret Product, 5-Client [uses abstract factory, and abstract products] /// /// Example: /// lets say we want to model 2 kinsds of recipes: a sandwich and a dessert, and let is make assumption that adults and kids /// do not eat the same things, and so we want one of each kind of reecipe for adults and for kids. /// AbstractProduct [sandwich, dessert] : abstract class represnts generic kind of recipes. /// Abstract Factory : abstract class that will return a Sandwich and a Dessert. /// ConcreteProduct : implementing the actual objects. /// ConcreteFactory : implements the AbstractFactory /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> static void Main(string[] args) { VechileFactory honda = new HondaFactory(); ClientVechile hondaClient = new ClientVechile(honda, "regular"); Console.WriteLine("*** Honda ***"); Console.WriteLine(hondaClient.GetBikeName()); Console.WriteLine(hondaClient.GetCarName()); hondaClient = new ClientVechile(honda, "sport"); Console.WriteLine(hondaClient.GetBikeName()); Console.WriteLine(hondaClient.GetCarName()); Console.WriteLine("Who are you? (A)dult or (C)hild?"); char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Recipe factory; switch (input) { case 'A': factory = new Adult(); break; case 'B': factory = new Kids(); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var sandwich = factory.CreateSandwich(); var dessert = factory.CreateDessert(); Console.WriteLine("\n sandwich" + sandwich.GetType().Name); Console.WriteLine("\n dessert" + dessert.GetType().Name); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Addressing kids that are major but never found a house /// /// Will make the first kid major and head of the house /// </summary> public void HandleKids() { if (Adults() > 0) { return; } //u will be able to fit only two kids in the family now as adults for (int i = 0; i < Kids.Count; i++) { var kid = FindPerson(Kids[i]); if (Adults() == 0) { Set1stAdult(kid); kid.IsMajor = true; Kids.Remove(kid.MyId); i--; } } }
/// <summary> /// Akcja generujaca dzieci dla zalogowanego rodzica /// </summary> /// <returns> zwraca widok dzieci</returns> public ActionResult Dzieciaki() { // polaczenie OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))" + "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xe)));" + "User Id=hr; Password=hr;"; conn.Open(); var model = new Kids(); string sql = "select u.iducznia, u.imie || ' ' || u.nazwisko as imieNazwisko from uczen u" + " join Uczen_rodzic ur on ur.uczen_iducznia = u.iducznia" + " join Rodzic r on r.IDRODZICA = ur.RODZIC_IDRODZICA where r.idrodzica =" + Convert.ToInt16(Session["IDZalogowanego"]) + " order by imieNazwisko"; // Lista dzieci. DBList Kids = new DBList(); model.Dzieci = Kids.GetSelectListItems(sql); conn.Close(); return(PartialView(model)); }
public static void Demo() { Kids y = Kids.Bathri; int z = (int)y; Console.WriteLine($"Kids name: {y}"); Console.WriteLine($"Kids name as int: {z}"); Console.WriteLine("Enter a key to get surprised!"); var x = Console.ReadKey(); string str = "I don't know the key"; if (x.KeyChar == ' ') { str = "Space"; } else if (x.KeyChar == '\t') { str = "Tab"; } else if (x.KeyChar == '\r' || x.KeyChar == '\n') { str = "Enter Key"; } else if (x.Key == ConsoleKey.PageUp) { str = "You are the winner"; } else { str = x.KeyChar.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine($"The key entered is [{str}]"); }
public override async Task WriteAsync(Stream stream) { var pdfDictionary = new PdfDictionary(); pdfDictionary.Items.Clear(); pdfDictionary.Add(PdfSpec.Names.Type, _type); if (MediaBox != null) { pdfDictionary.Add(PdfSpec.Names.MediaBox, MediaBox); } if (Kids != null) { pdfDictionary.Add(PdfSpec.Names.Kids, new PdfArray(Kids.Select(x => (PdfObject)x).ToList())); pdfDictionary.Add(PdfSpec.Names.Count, new PdfInteger(Kids.Count)); } if (Resources != null) { pdfDictionary.Add(PdfSpec.Names.Resources, Resources); } Value = pdfDictionary; await base.WriteAsync(stream); }
/** * bind metadata field descriptors to sub-fields of this nested field, with field names as keys, * but without mixins field. * <p> * sub-fields that lack corresponding field descriptors will be removed from this nested field. * <p> * note that this field no longer uses a boolean flag to prevent multiple invocation. this should * have been done by the bindClassDescriptor() method. * * @param metadataTScope * the translation scope of (generated) metadata classes. * @param metadataClassDescriptor * the metadata class descriptor where field descriptors can be found. */ protected void BindMetadataFieldDescriptors(SimplTypesScope metadataTScope, MetadataClassDescriptor metadataClassDescriptorToBind) { bool needCloneKids = false; // check if the class's base class is genereic typed, and make sure itself is not generic. MetadataClassDescriptor metadataCd = MetadataClassDescriptor; MetaMetadata baseMmd = TypeMmd; while (baseMmd != null && metadataCd != null) { if (metadataCd.GetGenericTypeVars().Count == 0 && baseMmd.GenericTypeVars != null) { needCloneKids = true; break; } metadataCd = baseMmd.MetadataClassDescriptor; baseMmd = baseMmd.TypeMmd; } if (needCloneKids) { DictionaryList <string, MetaMetadataField> clonedKids = new DictionaryList <string, MetaMetadataField>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MetaMetadataField> entry in Kids) { string key = entry.Key; MetaMetadataField field = entry.Value; // look up to see if the field is declared in a generic typed class. If not, it does not need to clone it. MetaMetadata declaringMmd = field.DeclaringMmd; if (declaringMmd != null && declaringMmd.GenericTypeVars != null && declaringMmd.IsGenericMetadata) { // clone the field field = field.Clone(); // remove the inherited field descriptor field.MetadataFieldDescriptor = null; } clonedKids.Put(key, field); } Kids = clonedKids; } // copy the kids collection first to prevent modification to the collection during iteration (which may invalidate the iterator). List <MetaMetadataField> fields = new List <MetaMetadataField>(Kids.Values); foreach (MetaMetadataField thatChild in fields) { // look up by field name and bind MetadataFieldDescriptor metadataFd = thatChild.BindMetadataFieldDescriptor(metadataTScope, metadataClassDescriptorToBind); if (metadataFd == null) { Debug.WriteLineIf(BigSemanticsSettings.DebugLevel > 5, "Cannot bind metadata field descriptor for " + thatChild); Kids.Remove(thatChild.Name); continue; } // set defininig mmdfield // process hide and shadows var isImage = thatChild is MetaMetadataCompositeField && "image".Equals(((MetaMetadataCompositeField)thatChild).Type); HashSet <String> nonDisplayedFieldNames = NonDisplayedFieldNames; if (thatChild.Hide && !isImage) { nonDisplayedFieldNames.Add(thatChild.Name); } if (thatChild.Shadows != null) { nonDisplayedFieldNames.Add(thatChild.Shadows); } // recursively process sub-fields Int32 fieldType = metadataFd.FdType; if (fieldType == FieldTypes.CompositeElement || fieldType == FieldTypes.CollectionElement) { // bind class descriptor for nested sub-fields MetaMetadataNestedField nested = (MetaMetadataNestedField)thatChild; MetadataFieldDescriptor fd = nested.MetadataFieldDescriptor; if (fd.IsPolymorphic) { Debug.WriteLineIf(BigSemanticsSettings.DebugLevel > 5, "Polymorphic field: " + nested + ", not binding an element class descriptor."); } else { MetadataClassDescriptor elementClassDescriptor = ((MetaMetadataNestedField)thatChild).BindMetadataClassDescriptor(metadataTScope); if (elementClassDescriptor != null) { MetaMetadata mmdForThatChild = nested.TypeMmd; if (mmdForThatChild != null && mmdForThatChild.MetadataClassDescriptor == null) { // mmdForThatChild.setMetadataClassDescriptor(elementClassDescriptor); mmdForThatChild.BindMetadataClassDescriptor(metadataTScope); } } else { Debug.WriteLineIf(BigSemanticsSettings.DebugLevel > 5, "Cannot determine elementClassDescriptor for " + thatChild); Kids.Remove(thatChild.Name); } } } if (this is MetaMetadata) { MetaMetadata mmd = (MetaMetadata)this; String naturalId = thatChild.AsNaturalId; if (naturalId != null) { mmd.NaturalIds.Put(naturalId, thatChild); } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rel = ""; string cID = ""; string contactno = ""; int gen = 0; if(txtFirstName.Text=="") { js.showExclamation("Kid's FirstName is required"); txtFirstName.Focus(); return; } if(txtLastName.Text =="") { js.showExclamation("Kid's LastName is required"); txtLastName.Focus(); return; } if(txtNickName.Text =="") { js.showExclamation("Kid's NickName is required. It will appear on temporay ID"); txtNickName.Focus(); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(lblAge.Text) > 12) { js.showExclamation("Cannot Save age above 12"); return; } if(!chkNG.Checked) { if (txtFirstName2.Text == "") { js.showExclamation("Fetcher's FirstName is required"); txtFirstName2.Focus(); return; } if (txtLastName2.Text == "") { js.showExclamation("Fetcher's LastName is required"); txtLastName2.Focus(); return; } if (cboRelationship.Text == "") { js.showExclamation("Relationship required"); cboRelationship.Focus(); return; } else { rel = js.Lookup("fldID", "tblRelationship", "fldRelationship='" + cboRelationship.Text + "'"); } if (txtContactNo.Text == "") { js.showExclamation("Contact No. Required"); txtContactNo.Focus(); return; } else { contactno = txtContactNo.Text; cID = js.Lookup("fldID", "tblContactDetails", "fldContactNumber='" + contactno + "'"); cID = SaveUpdateContactDetails(cID, contactno); } if(!chkNA.Checked) { if(txtEmail.Text=="") { js.showExclamation("Email Address Required"); txtEmail.Focus(); return; } } } if(cboGender.Text =="") { js.showExclamation("Gender Required"); cboGender.Focus(); return; } else { gen = Convert.ToInt32(js.Lookup("fldID","tblGender","fldGender='" + cboGender.Text + "'")); } string query = "SELECT * FROM tblKids WHERE fldLastName='" + txtLastName.Text.Replace("'","''") + "' AND fldBirthday='" + dtBDay.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'"; js.ExecuteQuery(query); if(js.RiD.HasRows) { js.RiD.Read(); frmVerifier frm = new frmVerifier(); frm.Tag = js.RiD["fldStudentID"]; string id = "" + js.RiD["fldID"]; if(frm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { this.Tag = id; DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes; this.Close(); return; } } js.CloseConnection(); Kids kid = new Kids(); kid.setFirstName(txtFirstName.Text); kid.setLastName(txtLastName.Text); kid.setNickName(txtNickName.Text); kid.setBirthday(dtBDay.Value); kid.GetChurchID(); kid.GenerateStudentID(); kid.setImage(pbKid.Image); kid.setGender(gen); kid.setAllergies(txtAllergies.Text); string sID = kid.SaveInfo(); string sql = "UPDATE tblKids SET fldHasVictoryGroup='" + chkVG.Checked + "', fldVGL='" + txtVGL.Text + "',fldOne2One='" + chkOne2One.Checked + "', fldVW='" + chkVW.Checked + "' WHERE fldID='" + sID + "'"; js.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); sID = kid.SaveInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.Server); sql = "UPDATE tblKids SET fldHasVictoryGroup='" + chkVG.Checked + "', fldVGL='" + txtVGL.Text + "',fldOne2One='" + chkOne2One.Checked + "', fldVW='" + chkVW.Checked + "' WHERE fldID='" + sID + "'"; js.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //string fldPicture = txtFirstName2.Text + txtLastName2.Text + ".jpg"; //pbFetcher.Image.Save(js.GetPath() + "/Fetchers/" + fldPicture); //string q = "INSERT INTO tblFetcher(fldFirstName,fldLastName,fldContactDetails,fldRelationship,fldPicture)" + // " VALUES('" + txtFirstName2.Text + "','" + txtLastName2.Text + "','" + cID + "','" + rel + "','" + fldPicture + "')"; //js.ExecuteNonQuery(q); //Saving Fetcher string qq = "UPDATE tblKids SET fldRemarks='" + txtRemarks.Text + "' WHERE fldID='" + sID + "'"; js.ExecuteNonQuery(qq); if(!chkNG.Checked) { InitialFetcher fetcher = new InitialFetcher(); fetcher.setFirstName(txtFirstName2.Text); fetcher.setLastName(txtLastName2.Text); fetcher.setRelationship(Convert.ToInt32(rel)); fetcher.setContactID(Convert.ToInt32(cID)); fetcher.setImage(pbFetcher.Image); fetcher.setEmail(txtEmail.Text); string fID = fetcher.SaveInfo();//js.Lookup("fldID", "tblFetcher", "fldFirstName='" + txtFirstName2.Text + "' AND fldLastName='" + txtLastName2.Text + "'"); string q = "INSERT INTO tblKidFetcher(fldKidID,fldFetcherID) VALUES('" + sID + "','" + fID + "')"; js.ExecuteNonQuery(q); } this.Tag = sID; DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }