Exemple #1
        public IActionResult FrequencyCalculate(WebSite webSite)
            var result = _indexerService.WebSiteCalculate(webSite).Data;
            KeywordWebSiteDto keywordWebSiteDto = new KeywordWebSiteDto
                Url      = result.Url,
                Title    = result.Title,
                Keywords = result.Keywords

            return(Ok(new SuccessDataResult <KeywordWebSiteDto>(keywordWebSiteDto)));
        //Stage Four - Ranking of a url with sub urls and url set with sub urls similarity
        public IDataResult <UrlSimilaritySubWebSiteDto> UrlSimilarityWithSubCalculate(WebSite webSite, List <WebSite> webSitePool)
            //Sub Url Tree
            globalList = new List <WebSite>();
            foreach (var item in webSitePool)
            List <UrlTreeDto> tempUrlTree = new List <UrlTreeDto>();

            webSitePool.ForEach(p => tempUrlTree.Add(_webSiteOperation.SubUrlFinder(p, globalList).Data));

            //Adding sub urls to webSitePool
            List <WebSite> tempSubUrls = new List <WebSite>();

            webSitePool.ForEach(p =>
                p.SubUrls.ForEach(l =>
                    l.SubUrls.ForEach(m =>
            webSitePool = webSitePool.Concat(tempSubUrls).ToList();

            //Similarity calculating
            InputDto input = _keywordOperation.SimilarityCalculate(webSite, webSitePool, true).Data;

            //Return Object
            KeywordWebSiteDto tempWebSite = new KeywordWebSiteDto
                Url      = input.webSite.Url,
                Title    = input.webSite.Title,
                Keywords = input.webSite.Keywords

            List <SimilarityScoreDto> tempWebSitesPool = new List <SimilarityScoreDto>();

            input.webSitePool.ForEach(p =>
                tempWebSitesPool.Add(new SimilarityScoreDto
                    SimilarityScore = p.SimilarityScore,
                    webSite         = new KeywordWebSiteDto
                        Url      = p.Url,
                        Title    = p.Title,
                        Keywords = p.Keywords,

            return(new SuccessDataResult <UrlSimilaritySubWebSiteDto>(
                       data: new UrlSimilaritySubWebSiteDto
                webSite = tempWebSite,
                webSitePool = tempWebSitesPool,
                UrlTree = tempUrlTree
        //Stage Five - Stage four and Semantic Analysis
        public IDataResult <UrlSimilaritySubSemanticWebSiteDto> UrlSimilarityWithSemanticCalculate(WebSite webSite, List <WebSite> webSitePool)
            globalList = new List <WebSite>();
            foreach (var item in webSitePool)
            //Sub Url Tree
            List <UrlTreeDto> tempUrlTree = new List <UrlTreeDto>();

            webSitePool.ForEach(p => tempUrlTree.Add(_webSiteOperation.SubUrlFinder(p, globalList).Data));

            //Adding sub urls to webSitePool
            List <WebSite> tempSubUrls = new List <WebSite>();

            webSitePool.ForEach(p =>
                p.SubUrls.ForEach(l =>
                    l.SubUrls.ForEach(m =>
            webSitePool = webSitePool.Concat(tempSubUrls).ToList();

            //Semantic keyword generate
            List <SemanticWordJsonDto> Dictionary = InMemoryGlobalSemanticWordDal.GetGlobalSemanticWordList();

            webSite = _keywordOperation.SemanticKeywordGeneratorForTarget(webSite, ref Dictionary).Data;

            //Similarity calculating
            InputDto input = _keywordOperation.SimilarityCalculate(webSite, webSitePool, true, true).Data;

            //Return Object
            KeywordWebSiteDto tempWebSite = new KeywordWebSiteDto
                Url      = input.webSite.Url,
                Title    = input.webSite.Title,
                Keywords = input.webSite.Keywords

            List <SimilarityScoreSemanticDto> tempWebSitesPool = new List <SimilarityScoreSemanticDto>();

            input.webSitePool.ForEach(p =>
                tempWebSitesPool.Add(new SimilarityScoreSemanticDto
                    SimilarityScore = p.SimilarityScore,
                    webSite         = new KeywordWebSiteSemanticDto
                        Url              = p.Url,
                        Title            = p.Title,
                        Keywords         = p.Keywords,
                        SemanticKeywords = p.SemanticKeywords

            return(new SuccessDataResult <UrlSimilaritySubSemanticWebSiteDto>(
                       data: new UrlSimilaritySubSemanticWebSiteDto
                webSite = tempWebSite,
                webSitePool = tempWebSitesPool,
                UrlTree = tempUrlTree