public void GenerateDisjktraMatrix(NodeType startNode, float infinite)
            if (mAdjacencyLists.Count == 0)
            mCostMatrix     = new float[mAdjacencyLists.Count * mAdjacencyLists.Count];
            mLeastNodeArray = new NodeType[mAdjacencyLists.Count];
            //foreach (var key in mAdjacencyLists.Keys)
            //    mCostMatrixIndices.Add(key);
            //mCostMatrixIndices.Sort((NodeType node1, NodeType node2) => { return mCompareFunc(node1, node2); }); // 由小到大排序
            for (int i = 0; i < mAdjacencyLists.Count * mAdjacencyLists.Count; ++i)
                mCostMatrix[i] = infinite;
            int adjacentIndex = GetIndexByKey(startNode);

            if (adjacentIndex == -1)
                throw new Exception("-1 null");
            for (int r = 0; r < mAdjacencyLists.Count; ++r)
                mCostMatrix[r * mAdjacencyLists.Count + adjacentIndex] = 0.0f;
            mRootNode = startNode;
            int      row         = 0;
            NodeType currentNode = startNode;
            Dictionary <NodeType, float> adjacencyList;
            float    edgeWeight, adjacentNodeWeight, currentNodeWeight = 0.0f;
            NodeType adjacentKey;
            Dictionary <NodeType, float> openSet = new Dictionary <NodeType, float>();

            while (row < mAdjacencyLists.Count - 1)
                adjacencyList = mAdjacencyLists[currentNode];
                foreach (var v in adjacencyList)
                    edgeWeight         = v.Value;
                    adjacentKey        = v.Key;
                    adjacentIndex      = GetIndexByKey(adjacentKey);
                    adjacentNodeWeight = mCostMatrix[row * mAdjacencyLists.Count + adjacentIndex];
                    if (currentNodeWeight + edgeWeight < adjacentNodeWeight)
                        // Update the weight for the adjacent node
                        for (int r = row; r < mAdjacencyLists.Count; r++)
                            mCostMatrix[r * mAdjacencyLists.Count + adjacentIndex] = currentNodeWeight + edgeWeight;
                        if (!openSet.ContainsKey(adjacentKey))
                            openSet.Add(adjacentKey, currentNodeWeight + edgeWeight);
                            openSet[adjacentKey] = currentNodeWeight + edgeWeight;
                KeyedPriorityQueue <NodeType, NodeType, float> minHeap = new KeyedPriorityQueue <NodeType, NodeType, float>();
                foreach (var open in openSet)
                    minHeap.Enqueue(open.Key, open.Key, open.Value);
                if (minHeap.Count == 0)
                    isValidPath = true;
                currentNodeWeight    = minHeap.PeekPriority();
                mLeastNodeArray[row] = minHeap.Dequeue();
                currentNode          = mLeastNodeArray[row];
            isValidPath = true;