// Keybind list functions
    // ==================================================

    /// <summary>
    /// Populates the list of keybinds, will destroy old ones if they already exist
    /// </summary>
    public void PopulateKeybindScrollView()
        Logger.Log("Populating keybind scroll view", Category.Keybindings);
        if (KeybindItemList.Count > 0)
            Logger.Log("Removing old keybind objects", Category.Keybindings);
            // Destroy all items in list if it already exists
            foreach (GameObject item in KeybindItemList)

        // Reverse loop direction so items are in intended order under the headings
        for (int i = KeybindCount; i > 0; i--)
            // Convert i to a KeyAction enum and get the corresponding keybind
            KeyAction action = (KeyAction)i;

            // Check if there is an entry for the action, not all of them will have entries
            if (!tempKeybinds.ContainsKey(action))

            DualKeyCombo    actionKeybind  = tempKeybinds[action];
            KeybindMetadata actionMetadata = keybindManager.keyActionMetadata[action];

            // Only add the action if it can be rebound
            if (!actionMetadata.Rebindable)

            // Create the item and give it the same parent as the template (the scroll view content)
            GameObject newKeybindItem = Instantiate(KeybindItemTemplate, KeybindItemTemplate.transform.parent, false);

            // Add item to the list so we can destroy it again later

            // Set the correct labels and onClick functions
            newKeybindItem.GetComponent <KeybindItemTemplate>().SetupKeybindItem(action, actionKeybind, actionMetadata);

            // Grab the index of the appropriate heading and put the keybind under it
            int headingIndex = KeybindHeadingDict[actionMetadata.Type].transform.GetSiblingIndex();
            newKeybindItem.transform.SetSiblingIndex(headingIndex + 1);
