public static void CopyTo_FilledHashTable_ReturnsSuccessful()
            var studentsMarks = new ChainedHashTable <string, int>();

            studentsMarks.Add("Name1", 1);
            studentsMarks.Add("Name2", 5);
            studentsMarks.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, int>("Name3", 3));

            var array = new KeyValuePair <string, int> [studentsMarks.Count];

            studentsMarks.CopyTo(array, 0);

            Assert.True(studentsMarks.Count == 3);
            Assert.True(array.Length == 3);
            var arrayKeys = array.Select(x => x.Key).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal("Name1", arrayKeys[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Name2", arrayKeys[1]);
            Assert.Equal("Name3", arrayKeys[2]);
            var arrayValues = array.Select(x => x.Value).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(1, arrayValues[0]);
            Assert.Equal(3, arrayValues[1]);
            Assert.Equal(5, arrayValues[2]);
Exemple #2
        public void CopyTo()
            var copy = new KeyValuePair <string, string> [5];

            _pList.CopyTo(copy, 0);
            Assert.All(copy.Select(c => c.Key), s =>
                       Assert.Contains(s, new [] { "prop1", "prop2", "prop3", "prop4", "prop5" }));
            Assert.All(copy.Select(c => c.Value), s =>
                       Assert.Contains(s, new[] { "value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5" }));
Exemple #3
 private static void CompileJumpTarget(KeyValuePair<int, ProxyRule>[] rules, ProxyRule rule)
     if (rule.Action == MatchAction.GotoName) {
         rule.Action = MatchAction.Goto;
         rule._jumpTarget = ((rules.Select((e, i) => new { Index = i, Item = e }).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item.Value.Name == rule.ActionString)?.Index) ?? rules.Length - 1);
     } else if (rule.Action == MatchAction.Goto) {
         int number;
         if (!int.TryParse(rule.ActionString, out number)) number = int.MaxValue;
         rule._jumpTarget = rules.Select((e, i) => new { Index = i, Item = e }).First(x => x.Item.Key >= number).Index;
Exemple #4
        public IInterpolator1D[] Regress(IAssetFxModel model)
            if (_regressors != null)

            var o = new IInterpolator1D[_dateIndexes.Length];

            var nPaths         = _pathwiseValues.First().Length;
            var finalSchedules = _portfolio.Select(x => x.ExpectedFlowsByPath(model)).ToArray();

            ParallelUtils.Instance.For(0, _dateIndexes.Length, 1, d =>
                var exposureDate      = _regressionDates[d];
                var sortedFinalValues = new KeyValuePair <double, double> [nPaths];

                for (var p = 0; p < nPaths; p++)
                    var finalValue = 0.0;
                    foreach (var schedule in finalSchedules)
                        foreach (var flow in schedule[p].Flows)
                            if (flow.SettleDate > exposureDate)
                                finalValue += flow.Pv;
                    sortedFinalValues[p] = new KeyValuePair <double, double>(_pathwiseValues[d][p], finalValue);

                sortedFinalValues = sortedFinalValues.OrderBy(q => q.Key).ToArray();

                if (_requireContinuity)
                    o[d] = SegmentedLinearRegression.Regress(sortedFinalValues.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray(), sortedFinalValues.Select(y => y.Value).ToArray(), 5);
                    o[d] = SegmentedLinearRegression.RegressNotContinuous(sortedFinalValues.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray(), sortedFinalValues.Select(y => y.Value).ToArray(), 5);

                if (DebugMode)
                    DumpDataToDisk(sortedFinalValues, o[d], $@"C:\temp\regData{d}.csv");
            _regressors = o;
        private string CreateCodeFlowUrl(string state, string nonce)
            var model = DefaultClientConfiguration.CurrentOAuthConfig;

            var requestParams = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("response_type", "code"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("client_id", model.ClientId),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("scope", model.Scopes),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("redirect_uri", model.CallbackUrl),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("state", state),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("nonce", nonce),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("login_hint", "tenant:" + model.Tenant),

            string queryString = string.Join("&", requestParams.Select(p => string.Format("{0}={1}", Uri.EscapeDataString(p.Key), Uri.EscapeDataString(p.Value ?? string.Empty))).ToArray());

            return(string.Format("{0}?{1}", EndpointPaths.GetAuthorizeEndpointUri(model), queryString));/*
                                                                                                         + "?response_type=code&client_id="
                                                                                                         + model.ClientId + "&scope="
                                                                                                         + model.Scopes.Replace(" ", "+")
                                                                                                         + "&redirect_uri="
                                                                                                         + encode(model.CallbackUrl) + "&state="
                                                                                                         + state + "&nonce="
                                                                                                         + nonce + "&login_hint="
                                                                                                         + encode("tenant:" + model.Tenant);*/
Exemple #6
        protected void FetchRangeCommand(int startIndex, int pageCount, bool isPriority)
            Task.Run(() =>
                var sortedAndFilteredList = SortAndFilterHttpResponcesList();

                int realPageCount;
                if (sortedAndFilteredList.Count > 0 &&
                    sortedAndFilteredList.Count > startIndex + pageCount)
                    realPageCount = pageCount;
                    realPageCount = sortedAndFilteredList.Count - startIndex;
                var array = new KeyValuePair <long, HttpResponce> [realPageCount];
                sortedAndFilteredList.CopyTo(startIndex, array, 0, realPageCount);
                var requestedList = array.Select(l => l.Value).ToList();

                var result = new RequestedData <HttpResponce>(startIndex,

                if (ListUpdates != null)
                    ListUpdates(new List <ServerListChanging <HttpResponce> > {
Exemple #7
        public void CreateAggregateUnsafe()
            var aggregationManager = new MetricAggregationManager();
            var seriesConfig       = new MetricSeriesConfigurationForMeasurement(restrictToUInt32Values: true);

            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > setDimensionNamesValues = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 1", "DV1"),
                                                                                                                         new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 2", "DV2"),
                                                                                                                         new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 3", "DV3"),
                                                                                                                         new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 2", "DV2a") };

            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > expectedDimensionNamesValues = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 1", "DV1"),
                                                                                                                              new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 2", "DV2a"),
                                                                                                                              new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Dim 3", "DV3") };

            var metric = new MetricSeries(
                new MetricIdentifier(String.Empty, "Cows Sold", expectedDimensionNamesValues.Select(nv => nv.Key).ToArray()),

            var aggregator = new MeasurementAggregator(

            CommonSimpleDataSeriesAggregatorTests.CreateAggregateUnsafe(aggregator, metric, expectedDimensionNamesValues);
        public IServiceResult PackageSolution(string solutionPath, string buildConfiguration, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] buildProperties)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(solutionPath))
                return new FailureResult(Resources.SolutionPackagingService.ErrorSolutionPathParameterCannotBeEmpty);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buildConfiguration))
                return new FailureResult(Resources.SolutionPackagingService.ErrorBuildConfigurationParameterCannotBeEmpty);

            if (buildProperties == null)
                return new FailureResult(Resources.SolutionPackagingService.ErrorBuildPropertiesParameterCannotBeNull);

            // Build the solution
            IServiceResult buildResult = this.solutionBuilder.Build(solutionPath, buildConfiguration, buildProperties);
            if (buildResult.Status == ServiceResultType.Failure)
                    new FailureResult(
                        string.Join(",", buildProperties.Select(p => p.Key + "=" + p.Value)))
                            InnerResult = buildResult

            // pre-packaging
            IServiceResult prepackagingResult = this.prepackagingService.Prepackage(this.buildFolder);
            if (prepackagingResult.Status == ServiceResultType.Failure)
                return new FailureResult(Resources.SolutionPackagingService.PrepackagingFailedMessageTemplate, solutionPath) { InnerResult = prepackagingResult };

            // packaging
            IServiceResult packageResult = this.packagingService.Package();
            if (packageResult.Status == ServiceResultType.Failure)
                return new FailureResult(Resources.SolutionPackagingService.PackagingFailedMessageTemplate, solutionPath) { InnerResult = packageResult };

            string packagePath = packageResult.ResultArtefact;

                new SuccessResult(
                    string.Join(",", buildProperties.Select(p => p.Key + "=" + p.Value)),
                        ResultArtefact = packagePath
        public void KeyCollection(JaggedDictionary<int, string> sut, KeyValuePair<JaggedIndex4<int>, string>[] values)
            foreach (var kvp in values) sut[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

            var debugView = new JaggedDictionaryKeyCollectionDebugView<int, string>(sut.Keys);
            var items = debugView.Items;
            Assert.Equal(values.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).Distinct().Count(), items.Length);
        public void MultiValueDictionaryCopyToTest()
            MultiValueDictionary <Int32, String> dictionary = new MultiValueDictionary <Int32, String>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, List <String> > item in _items)
                dictionary.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

            KeyValuePair <Int32, ICollection <String> >[] actual = new KeyValuePair <Int32, ICollection <String> > [10];
            (dictionary as ICollection <KeyValuePair <Int32, ICollection <String> > >).CopyTo(actual, 0);

            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Int32, ICollection <String> > > expected = _items.Select(value => new KeyValuePair <Int32, ICollection <String> >(value.Key, value.Value as ICollection <String>));

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Select(v => v.Key), actual.Select(v => v.Key));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Select(v => v.Value), actual.Select(v => v.Value));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <TForward, TReverse> > GetEnumerator()
            using var _ = _rwLock.UseReadLock();
            var array = new KeyValuePair <TForward, TReverse> [_internal.Count];

            _internal.CopyTo(array, 0);
            return(array.Select(t => t).GetEnumerator());
        public NormalizedGraphSearchTest()
            store = new Store(@"..\..\..\Databases\int based\");

            //Performance.ComputeTime(() => store.ReloadFrom(Config.Source_data_folder_path + "10M.ttl"), "load 10 млн ", true);
            store.NodeGenerator.TryGetUri(new OV_iri(""), out collectionItempredicate);
            var triplesCount = store.GetTriplesCount();
            store.NodeGenerator.TryGetUri(new OV_iri(""), out inCollectionPredicate);
            edges = (from triple in store.GetTriplesWithPredicate(collectionItempredicate)
                     from item in store.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(triple.Subject, inCollectionPredicate)
                select new KeyValuePair<int, int>((int)item.WritableValue, (int)triple.Object.WritableValue)).ToArray();
            vertexes = edges.Select(pair => pair.Key).Concat(edges.Select(pair => pair.Value)).Distinct();
            normalizedGraph4Search = new NormalizedGraph4Search(@"..\..\..\Databases\int based\tree\");

            var allSubTree = normalizedGraph4Search.GetAllSubTree(edges[0].Key);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs unit test on the dictionary contract.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TKey"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TValue"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="dictionary">The dictionary object.</param>
        /// <param name="keyAllocator">A function which returns a new key each time it is called. The key should not be equal
        /// to any previous value it returned.</param>
        /// <param name="valueAllocator">A function which returns a new value each time it is called. This value should not be equal
        /// to any previous value it returned.</param>
        /// <param name="equalityComparison">Function which compares values for equality.</param>
        public static void DictionaryContract <TKey, TValue>(IDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary,
                                                             Func <TKey> keyAllocator,
                                                             Func <TValue> valueAllocator,
                                                             Func <TValue, TValue, bool> equalityComparison = null)
            equalityComparison = equalityComparison ??
                                 ((value1, value2) => ReferenceEquals(value1, value2));

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dictionary.Count, "Clear method did not remove all items.");

            var firstKey = keyAllocator();

            dictionary.Add(firstKey, valueAllocator());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dictionary.Count, "Add method did not add an item.");

            var v1 = valueAllocator();
            var v2 = valueAllocator();

            Assert.IsFalse(equalityComparison(v1, v2));

            var k1 = keyAllocator();
            var k2 = keyAllocator();

            dictionary[k1] = v1;
            dictionary[k2] = v2;

            Assert.IsTrue(equalityComparison(v1, dictionary[k1]), "Item added to dictionary was not equal to value received.");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, dictionary.Count, "Count mismatch.");

            Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.ContainsKey(firstKey), "First key was accidentally removed.");
            Assert.IsFalse(dictionary.ContainsKey(k1), "Remove did not remove the item.");
            Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.ContainsKey(k2), "Last key was accidentally removed.");

            TValue testValue;
            var    success = dictionary.TryGetValue(k2, out testValue);

            Assert.IsTrue(success, "TryGetValue failed to get a value known to be in the dictionary.");
            Assert.IsTrue(equalityComparison(testValue, v2), "Value retrieved from TryGetValue did not match value entered.");

            var k3 = keyAllocator();
            var v3 = valueAllocator();

            dictionary.Add(new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>(k3, v3));
            Assert.IsTrue(equalityComparison(v3, dictionary[k3]));
            Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.Contains(new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>(k3, v3)));

            var array = new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> [dictionary.Count];

            dictionary.CopyTo(array, 0);

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(dictionary.Keys.ToArray(), array.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray());
Exemple #14
        public void CopyTo_ValidIndex_CopiesKeysInCorrectOrder()
            var linkedDictionary = InitializeDictionarySequentialKeys(10);

            KeyValuePair <int, int>[] targetArray = new KeyValuePair <int, int> [11];
            linkedDictionary.CopyTo(targetArray, 1);

            var expectedKeys = new List <int>()
                0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

            Assert.Equal <int>(expectedKeys, targetArray.Select(x => x.Key));
        public async Task TestGetAllEntitiesReadsConsistentState()
            using (var firstGet = await store.GetForUse(1, true))
                firstGet.Item = new TestItem("a");

            using (var secondGet = await store.GetForUse(2, true))
                secondGet.Item = new TestItem("b");

            using (await store.GetForUse(3, true))
                // keep this item null.
                // we'll be testing that this isn't returned later.

            KeyValuePair <long, TestItem>[] items = new KeyValuePair <long, TestItem> [0];

            ManualResetEventSlim backgroundRetrievalStarted = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            ManualResetEventSlim backgroundRetrievalDone    = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            Thread backgroundRetrievalThread = new Thread(() =>
                items = store.GetAllEntities();

            using (var fourthGet = await store.GetForUse(4, true))
                // ensure the item is set to non-null before allowing retrieval to happen.
                fourthGet.Item = new TestItem("c");

                // start background retrieval while this get is holding the lock.


            Assert.Equal(3, items.Length);
            Assert.DoesNotContain(3, items.Select(item => item.Key));
            Assert.All(items, item => Assert.NotNull(item.Value));
        public async Task <string> GetClientToken([Query(Value = "customer_id")] string customerId, [Query(Value = "merchant_account_id")] string merchantAccountId)
            var content = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] {
                new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("customer_id", customerId),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string> ("merchant_account_id", merchantAccountId)

            var response = await client.GetAsync("/client_token?" + string.Join("&", content.Select(x => $"{x.Key}={x.Value}")));

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClientToken>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

                throw new Exception("Unable to get token.");
        public static void RunCmdlet(this PSCmdlet cmdlet, string parameterSet, KeyValuePair<string, object[]>[] incomingValues)
            var cmdletType = cmdlet.GetType();
            parameterSetFieldInfo.SetValue(cmdlet, parameterSet);
            beginProcessingMethodInfo.Invoke(cmdlet, emptyParameters);
            var parameterProperties = incomingValues.Select(x =>
                new Tuple<PropertyInfo, object[]>(

            for (int i = 0; i < incomingValues[0].Value.Length; i++)
                foreach (var parameter in parameterProperties)
                    parameter.Item1.SetValue(cmdlet, parameter.Item2[i], null);

                processRecordMethodInfo.Invoke(cmdlet, emptyParameters);

            endProcessingMethodInfo.Invoke(cmdlet, emptyParameters);
Exemple #18
        public void ShouldPutMultiple()
            _db = _txn.OpenDatabase(configuration: new DatabaseConfiguration {
                Flags = DatabaseOpenFlags.DuplicatesFixed | DatabaseOpenFlags.Create

            var values = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.Select(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray();

            using (var cur = _txn.CreateCursor(_db))
                cur.PutMultiple(UTF8.GetBytes("TestKey"), values);

            var pairs = new KeyValuePair <byte[], byte[]> [values.Length];

            using (var cur = _txn.CreateCursor(_db))
                for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    pairs[i] = cur.Current;

            Assert.Equal(values, pairs.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray());
        public void ShouldPutMultiple()
            _db = _txn.OpenDatabase(configuration: new DatabaseConfiguration { Flags = DatabaseOpenFlags.DuplicatesFixed | DatabaseOpenFlags.Create });

            var values = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.Select(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray();
            using (var cur = _txn.CreateCursor(_db))
                cur.PutMultiple(UTF8.GetBytes("TestKey"), values);

            var pairs = new KeyValuePair<byte[], byte[]>[values.Length];

            using (var cur = _txn.CreateCursor(_db))
                for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    pairs[i] = cur.Current;

            Assert.Equal(values, pairs.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray());
        public static void Message_Tranfer_Arbol_Union(MarkovNet arboldeunion, KeyValuePair<BayesianNode, int>[] evidence = null)
            //absorber evidence
            if (evidence != null && evidence.Length > 0)
                arboldeunion.BayesianNet.Evidence = evidence.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();
            if (arboldeunion.Count() > ParalellStartNumber)
                #region ParalellAlgorithm

                arboldeunion.Debug = true;
                var taskarr = new Task[arboldeunion.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < arboldeunion.Count; i++)
                    taskarr[i] = new Task(o =>
                        var node = o as BayesianNode;
                        if (node != null)
                            lock (node)

                                } while (!node.Finished);

                    }, arboldeunion[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < arboldeunion.Count*8; i++)
                arboldeunion.Debug = false;

            #region DeterministicAlgorithm
                while (!arboldeunion.AllConditionalProbabilitiesComputed())
                    foreach (var item in arboldeunion)
            foreach (var node in arboldeunion.BayesianNet)
 public Scatter(KeyValuePair<double, double>[] Points)
     points = Points.Select(i => new PointF((float)i.Key, ToFloat(i.Value))).ToArray();
        public void CopyTo_should_copy_values()
            var dict = CreateTwoItemDictionary();

            var copy = new KeyValuePair<int, string>[2];
            dict.CopyTo(copy, 0);

            Assert.That(copy.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray(),
                Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { "35A", "35B"}));
        public void StreamPropertyNoMetadataAtomTest()
            IEnumerable <PayloadReaderTestDescriptor> testDescriptors = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor[]
                #region only href
                // read link with only href.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null),

                // edit-link with only href.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null),

                // read link with only href. - two links - case sensitive difference.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null)
                                     .StreamProperty("StreampRoperty", "", null, null, null),
                // edit-link with only href. - two links - case sensitive difference.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null)
                                     .StreamProperty("sTreamProperty", null, "", null, null),

                #region missing content type
                // read link with missing content type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null),

                // edit-link with missing content type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null),

                // edit-link with content type in different namespace.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null)
                                     .XmlRepresentation(@"<entry xmlns:foo=''>
                                              <link rel='' 
                                                href='' foo:type='application/atom+xml' />

                #region content type on both
                // both read and edit link with the same content type, read link first
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", "", "mime/type")
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                // both read and edit link with the same content type, edit link first
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", "", "mime/type")
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>

                #region etag
                // verify that read link discards etag.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null)
                                              <link rel='' 
                                                  href='' m:etag='someetag'/>
                #endregion etag

                #region all possible valid attributes
                // edit-link with href, content type and etag.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", "application/atom+xml", "some_etag"),
                // read link with href and content type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, "application/atom+xml", null),

                #region extra attributes
                // extra attributes in the read link.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "")
                                                <link rel=''  foo1='bar1' href='' foo='bar'/>
                // extra attributes in the edit-link.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "")
                                                <link rel='' foo1='bar1' href='' foo='bar'/>

                #region missing rel
                // missing rel
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link href='' type='application/atom+xml'/>
                // rel attribute in different namespace
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                     .XmlRepresentation(@"<entry xmlns:foo=''>
                                                <link href='' type='application/atom+xml' foo:rel=''/>
                #endregion missing rel

                #region name prefix
                // verify that invalid stream name prefix is discarded.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' />
                // verify that stream name prefix is case-sensitive.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' type='application/atom+xml'/>
                // verify that incomplete rel is not recognized as stream property (missing the last slash in read link)
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' />
                // verify that incomplete rel is not recognized as stream property (missing the last slash in edit link)
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' />

                #region order of the attributes and link
                // edit link first.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty1", null, "", null, null)
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty2", "", null, null, null),
                // read link first.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty1", "", null, null, null)
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty2", null, "", null, null),
                // rel after etag, href and type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", "application/atom+xml", "some_etag")
                                                <link m:etag='some_etag' href='' type='application/atom+xml' rel=''/>
                #endregion order of the attributes and link

                #region content inside link element
                // verify that all contents inside link element are skipped.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                     .StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", "application/atom+xml", null)
                                                <link href='' type='application/atom+xml' rel=''>
                                                <m:unknown>some text</m:unknown>
                                                <!-- Some comments -->
                                                <ns:someelement xmlns:ns='somenamespace'/>                
                #endregion content inside link element

            #region empty or missing etag
            KeyValuePair <string, string>[] etags = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>(string.Empty, "m:etag=''"),         // empty etag
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("some_etag", "m:etag='some_etag'"), // valid etag
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>(null, "foo:etag='some_etag'"),      // etag in a different namespace

            testDescriptors = testDescriptors.Concat(etags.Select(etag =>

                                                                  new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, etag.Key)
                                 .XmlRepresentation(string.Format(@"<entry xmlns:foo=''>
                                                             <link rel='' 
                                                                href='' {0} />
                                                           </entry>", etag.Value)),
            #endregion empty or missing etag

            // WCF DS client, server and default ODataLib show the same behavior for stream properties.
                (behaviorKind, testDescriptor, testConfiguration) =>
                if (testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                    testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(testDescriptor)
                        ExpectedException            = null,
                        ExpectedResultPayloadElement = tc => RemoveStreamPropertyPayloadElementNormalizer.Normalize(testDescriptor.PayloadElement.DeepCopy())

        public void StreamPropertyNoMetadataAtomTest()
            IEnumerable<PayloadReaderTestDescriptor> testDescriptors = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor[]
                #region only href
                // read link with only href.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null),

                // edit-link with only href.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null),

                // read link with only href. - two links - case sensitive difference.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null)
                        .StreamProperty("StreampRoperty", "", null, null, null),
                // edit-link with only href. - two links - case sensitive difference.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null)
                        .StreamProperty("sTreamProperty", null, "", null, null),
                #region missing content type
                // read link with missing content type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null),

                // edit-link with missing content type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null),

                // edit-link with content type in different namespace.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, null)
                        .XmlRepresentation(@"<entry xmlns:foo=''>
                                              <link rel='' 
                                                href='' foo:type='application/atom+xml' />

                #region content type on both
                // both read and edit link with the same content type, read link first
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", "", "mime/type")
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                // both read and edit link with the same content type, edit link first
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", "", "mime/type")
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                                              <link rel='' href='' type='mime/type'/>
                #region etag
                // verify that read link discards etag.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, null, null)
                                              <link rel='' 
                                                  href='' m:etag='someetag'/>
                #endregion etag

                #region all possible valid attributes
                // edit-link with href, content type and etag.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", "application/atom+xml", "some_etag"),
                // read link with href and content type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "", null, "application/atom+xml", null),
                #region extra attributes
                // extra attributes in the read link.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", "")
                                                <link rel=''  foo1='bar1' href='' foo='bar'/>
                // extra attributes in the edit-link.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty",null, "")
                                                <link rel='' foo1='bar1' href='' foo='bar'/>

                #region missing rel 
                // missing rel
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link href='' type='application/atom+xml'/>
                // rel attribute in different namespace
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                        .XmlRepresentation(@"<entry xmlns:foo=''>
                                                <link href='' type='application/atom+xml' foo:rel=''/>
                #endregion missing rel

                #region name prefix
                // verify that invalid stream name prefix is discarded.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' />
                // verify that stream name prefix is case-sensitive.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' type='application/atom+xml'/>
                // verify that incomplete rel is not recognized as stream property (missing the last slash in read link)
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' />
                // verify that incomplete rel is not recognized as stream property (missing the last slash in edit link)
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                                                <link rel='' href='' />

                #region order of the attributes and link
                // edit link first.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty1", null, "", null, null)
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty2", "", null, null, null),
                // read link first.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty1", "", null, null, null)
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty2", null, "", null, null),
                // rel after etag, href and type.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", "application/atom+xml", "some_etag")
                                                <link m:etag='some_etag' href='' type='application/atom+xml' rel=''/>
                #endregion order of the attributes and link

                #region content inside link element
                // verify that all contents inside link element are skipped.
                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity()
                        .StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", "application/atom+xml", null)
                                                <link href='' type='application/atom+xml' rel=''>
                                                <m:unknown>some text</m:unknown>
                                                <!-- Some comments -->
                                                <ns:someelement xmlns:ns='somenamespace'/>                
                #endregion content inside link element

            #region empty or missing etag
            KeyValuePair<string, string>[] etags = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[]
                new KeyValuePair<string, string>(string.Empty, "m:etag=''"),  // empty etag
                new KeyValuePair<string, string>("some_etag", "m:etag='some_etag'"), // valid etag
                new KeyValuePair<string, string>(null, "foo:etag='some_etag'"), // etag in a different namespace

            testDescriptors = testDescriptors.Concat(etags.Select(etag =>

                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                    PayloadElement = PayloadBuilder.Entity().StreamProperty("StreamProperty", null, "", null, etag.Key)
                        .XmlRepresentation(string.Format(@"<entry xmlns:foo=''>
                                                             <link rel='' 
                                                                href='' {0} />
                                                           </entry>", etag.Value)),
            #endregion empty or missing etag

            // WCF DS client, server and default ODataLib show the same behavior for stream properties.
               (behaviorKind, testDescriptor, testConfiguration) =>
                   if (testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                       testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(testDescriptor)
                           ExpectedException = null,
                           ExpectedResultPayloadElement = tc => RemoveStreamPropertyPayloadElementNormalizer.Normalize(testDescriptor.PayloadElement.DeepCopy())

Exemple #25
 private static void Vote(string host, KeyValuePair<User, int[]>[] voters, Guid id, PublicKey publicKey)
     log.Info("Voting in parallel...");
     var candidateTasks = voters.Select(kvp => ElectroClient.VoteAsync(host, Program.PORT, kvp.Key.Cookies, id, HomoCrypto.EncryptVector(kvp.Value, publicKey))).ToArray();
         log.InfoFormat("Voted by {0} users", voters.Length);
     catch(Exception e)
         throw new ServiceException(ExitCode.DOWN, string.Format("Failed to vote by {0} users in parallel: {1}", candidateTasks.Length, e));
        public void RedisStorageStoresAndRemovesObjectsInBulks()
            KeyValuePair<string, string>[] objectsToStore = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[100];
            for (int i = 0; i < objectsToStore.Length; i++)
                objectsToStore[i] = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "jack checked chicken");

            using (var storage = new RedisStorage(RedisStorageTests.Host))
                storage.BulkRemove(objectsToStore.Select(o => o.Key).ToArray());
                foreach (var @object in objectsToStore)
                    Assert.That(() => storage.Retrieve<string>(@object.Key),
Exemple #27
 private static string InsertStatement(string tableName, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] keysAndValues)
     return string.Format("{0} ({1}) VALUES ({2}); ", tableName,
                             string.Join<string>(", ", keysAndValues.Select(x => x.Key)),
                             string.Join<string>(", ", keysAndValues.Select(x => x.Value)));
Exemple #28
        public override async Task ExcuteFunc(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var stringKey = "stringKey";

            var isDelete = this._cache.KeyDelete(stringKey);

            // 1. 新增一筆String, 回傳是否成功失敗
            var isSet = this._cache.StringSet(stringKey, $"hello {stringKey}");

            // 2. 取的一筆String, 回傳String結果(hello stringKey)
            var stringResult = this._cache.StringGet(stringKey);

            // 3. 回傳String長度
            var stringLength1 = this._cache.StringLength(stringKey);
            var stringLength2 = await this._cache.StringLengthAsync(stringKey);

            // 4. 在原本Key(hello stringKey), append string(hello stringKey append), 回傳append後的長度
            var appendCount = this._cache.StringAppend(stringKey, " append");

            var setList = new KeyValuePair <RedisKey, RedisValue>[]
                new KeyValuePair <RedisKey, RedisValue> ($"{stringKey}List1", $"{stringKey}List1"),
                new KeyValuePair <RedisKey, RedisValue> ($"{stringKey}List2", $"{stringKey}List2"),
                new KeyValuePair <RedisKey, RedisValue> ($"{stringKey}List3", $"{stringKey}List3"),

            this._cache.KeyDelete(setList.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray());
            // 5. 新增多筆String, 回傳是否成功失敗(true/false)
            var isSetList = this._cache.StringSet(setList);

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}2", "test");
            // 6. 先回傳取得原本key裡面value(test), 再將之後的值設定進去(hello stringKey)
            var result = this._cache.StringGetSet($"{stringKey}2", $"hello {stringKey}");
            // 7. 取得key裡面value(hello stringKey), 開始跟結束的String (stringKey)
            var getRange = this._cache.StringGetRange($"{stringKey}2", 6, 14);

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}3", $"hello 1234");
            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}4", $"hello 123456");
            // 8. 指定key(hello 1234)裡面 index 的更換成 value (hello test) => 回傳key字串長度
            //    指定key(hello 123456)裡面 index 的更換成 value (hello test56) => 回傳key字串長度
            var result3 = this._cache.StringSetRange($"{stringKey}3", 6, "test");
            var result4 = this._cache.StringSetRange($"{stringKey}4", 6, "test");

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}5", "a"); // 01100001 (97)
            var strbit1 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}5");

            // 9. 取得 字串 位移的 Bit 值
            var bitGetResult6 = this._cache.StringGetBit($"{stringKey}5", 6); // 0
            var bitGetResult7 = this._cache.StringGetBit($"{stringKey}5", 7); // 1

            // 10. 設定 字串 位移的 Bit 值, 先取得舊字串 位移的 Bit 值
            var bitSetResult6 = this._cache.StringSetBit($"{stringKey}5", 6, true);  // 01100011
            var bitSetResult7 = this._cache.StringSetBit($"{stringKey}5", 7, false); // 01100010
            var strbit2       = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}5");              // 01100010 (98) "b"

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}6", "ac"); // 01100001 01100011
            var strbit3 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}6");

            // 11. 取得 key 裡面字串 Bit(1) 個數
            var bitCount1 = this._cache.StringBitCount($"{stringKey}6", 0, -1); // 01100001 01100011 => 7
            var bitCount2 = this._cache.StringBitCount($"{stringKey}6", 0, -2); // 01100001 => 3
            var bitCount3 = this._cache.StringBitCount($"{stringKey}6", 1, -1); // 01100011 => 4

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}7", "ac"); // 01100001 01100011
            var strbit4 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}7");

            // 12. 取得 key 裡面字串, 所選取字串第一個 Bit(1) Position
            var bitPosition1 = this._cache.StringBitPosition($"{stringKey}7", true, 0, -1); // 0"1"100001 01100011 => 1
            var bitPosition2 = this._cache.StringBitPosition($"{stringKey}7", true, 1, 1);  // 01100001 0"1"100011 => 9

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}8", "a");  // 01100001 97
            var strOperation1 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}8");

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}9", "b");  // 01100010 98
            var strOperation2 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}9");

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}10", "c"); // 01100011 99
            var strOperation3 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}10");

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}11", "97"); // 00111001 57 00110111 55
            var strOperation4 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}11");

            // 13. 取得 key 裡面字串 Bit 邏輯判斷
            var strOperationResult1 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.And, $"{stringKey}Operation1", $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9");                                      // 01100000 96
            var strOperationResult2 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.And, $"{stringKey}Operation2", new RedisKey[] { $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9", $"{stringKey}10" }); // 01100000 96

            var strOperationResult01 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation1");
            var strOperationResult02 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation2");

            var strOperationResult3 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Or, $"{stringKey}Operation3", $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9");                                      // 01100011 99
            var strOperationResult4 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Or, $"{stringKey}Operation4", new RedisKey[] { $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9", $"{stringKey}10" }); // 01100011 99

            var strOperationResult03 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation3");
            var strOperationResult04 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation4");

            var strOperationResult5 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Xor, $"{stringKey}Operation5", $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9");                                      // 00000011 3
            var strOperationResult6 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Xor, $"{stringKey}Operation6", new RedisKey[] { $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9", $"{stringKey}10" }); //(8, 9) 00000011 3 =>  (x, 10) [00000011, 01100011] 01100000 96

            var strOperationResult05 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation5");
            var strOperationResult06 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation6");

            // Not 只能轉換單一
            var strOperationResult7 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Not, $"{stringKey}Operation7", $"{stringKey}8", $"{stringKey}9");   // 10011110 158
            var strOperationResult8 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Not, $"{stringKey}Operation8", new RedisKey[] { $"{stringKey}9" }); // 10011101 157

            var strOperationResult07 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation7");
            var strOperationResult08 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation8");

            var strOperationResult9 = this._cache.StringBitOperation(Bitwise.Not, $"{stringKey}Operation9", $"{stringKey}11");   // 11000110 198 11001000 200

            var strOperationResult09 = this._cache.StringGet($"{stringKey}Operation9");

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}Expire", $"{stringKey}Expire");
            // 14. 設定Key Expire
            var isSetExpire = this._cache.KeyExpire($"{stringKey}Expire", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
            // 15. 取得Key Expire
            var strExpire = this._cache.StringGetWithExpiry($"{stringKey}Expire");

            this._cache.StringSet($"{stringKey}Number3", "0");

            var number1 = this._cache.StringIncrement($"{stringKey}Number1");

            number1 = this._cache.StringDecrement($"{stringKey}Number1");

            var number2 = this._cache.StringIncrement($"{stringKey}Number2", 2.20); // 會溢位

            number2 = this._cache.StringDecrement($"{stringKey}Number2", 1.10);

            var number3 = this._cache.StringIncrement($"{stringKey}Number3", 2.2d);

            number3 = this._cache.StringDecrement($"{stringKey}Number3", 1.1d);

            // ==================================================================================================
            // 1. String Batch
            var bactch = this._cache.CreateBatch();
            var data   = Enumerable.Range(1, 10)
                         .Select(x => new KeyValuePair <RedisKey, RedisValue>($"stringKeyBatch{x}", $"stringKeyBatch{x}"));

            var deleteTasks = bactch.KeyDeleteAsync(data.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray());

            var setTasks    = bactch.StringSetAsync(data.ToArray());
            var expireTasks = data.Select(x => bactch.KeyExpireAsync(x.Key, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))).ToList();


            var deleteResults = await Task.WhenAll(deleteTasks);

            var setResult = await Task.WhenAll(setTasks);

            var expireResult = await Task.WhenAll(expireTasks);

            //return Task.CompletedTask;
Exemple #29
        public static void GetSetTest(ListDictionary ld, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] data)
            DictionaryEntry[] translated = data.Select(kv => new DictionaryEntry(kv.Key, kv.Value)).ToArray();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in data)
                Assert.Equal(kv.Value, ld[kv.Key]);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length / 2; i++)
                object temp = ld[data[i].Key];
                ld[data[i].Key] = ld[data[data.Length - i - 1].Key];
                ld[data[data.Length - i - 1].Key] = temp;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(data[data.Length - i - 1].Value, ld[data[i].Key]);
        public void RedisStorageStoresAndRetrievesComplexObjectsInBulks()
            var objectToStore = new ComplexParameter()
                SomeProperty = "this is string",
                AnotherProperty = 47
            KeyValuePair<string, ComplexParameter>[] objectsToStore = new KeyValuePair<string, ComplexParameter>[100];
            for (int i = 0; i < objectsToStore.Length; i++)
                objectsToStore[i] = new KeyValuePair<string, ComplexParameter>(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), objectToStore);

            using (var storage = new RedisStorage(RedisStorageTests.Host))
                var retrievedObjects = storage.BulkRetrieve<ComplexParameter>(objectsToStore.Select(o => o.Key).ToArray());

                foreach (var retrievedObject in retrievedObjects)
Exemple #31
    private IEnumerator ProcessTwitchCommand(string command)
        if (command == "animals")
            yield return("sendtochat Acceptable animal names are:");

            yield return(_animalListMsg1);

            yield return(_animalListMsg2);

        // The door could still be open from a previous command where someone didn’t press enough animals.
        if (_state != State.DoorClosed)
            yield break;

        var m = Regex.Match(command, @"^press (.*)$");

        if (!m.Success)
            yield break;

        var animals     = m.Groups[1].Value.Split(',').Select(str => str.Trim()).ToArray();
        var animalInfos = new KeyValuePair <Hex, string> [animals.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < animals.Length; i++)
            animalInfos[i] = _inGrid.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Value.Equals(animals[i], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
            if (animalInfos[i].Value == null)
                yield return(string.Format("sendtochat What the hell is a {0}?! I only know about the following animals:", animals[i]));

                yield return(_animalListMsg1);

                yield return(_animalListMsg2);

                yield break;

        Debug.LogFormat("[Zoo #{0}] Received Twitch Plays command to press: {1}.", _moduleId, animalInfos.Select(i => i.Value).JoinString(", "));
        yield return(null);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

        for (int i = 0; i < animalInfos.Length; i++)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.1f));

            var j = Array.IndexOf(_selection, animalInfos[i].Value);
            if (j == -1)

            if (_state != State.DoorOpen)  // strike or solve
                yield break;

        // If you get here, you didn’t press enough animals.
        // The time will run out and the door will close after some time.
        yield return("strike");
Exemple #32
        public static Texture2D FromLabels(KeyValuePair<string, Color>[] labels, SpriteFont font, Size size, GraphicsDevice device)
            RenderTarget2D target = new RenderTarget2D(device, size.Width, size.Height);
            SpriteBatch sb = new SpriteBatch(device);


            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                string prevString = string.Join(" ", labels.Select(l => l.Key).ToArray(), 0, i);
                if (i > 0) prevString += " ";
                float x = 1 + font.MeasureString(prevString).X;

                sb.DrawString(font, labels[i].Key, new Vector2(x, 1), labels[i].Value, 0f, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);


            Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(device, size.Width, size.Height);
            Color[] colorData = target.GetColorData();


            return texture;
        public void Test()
            // Path.GetTempFileName will create a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file
            // on disk and returns the full path of that file.
            new FileInfo(temporaryIniFilePath_).Length.Should().Be(0);


            var serverSection = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("IP", ""),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Port", "8080"),

            ini_.WriteSection("Server", serverSection);
            new FileInfo(temporaryIniFilePath_).Length.Should().NotBe(0);

            var sections = ini_.GetSections();




            var serverKeys = serverSection.Select(kv => kv.Key).ToArray();

            ini_.GetKeys("SERVER").Should().Equal("IP", "Port");

            ini_.HasKey("server", "ip").Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadString("server", "ip").Should().Equals("");
            ini_.ReadString("server", "port").Should().Equals("8080");
            ini_.ReadInt("server", "port").Should().Be(8080);
            ini_.ReadUInt("server", "port").Should().Be(8080);

            ini_.Write("server", "ip", "").Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadString("server", "ip").Should().Equals("");
            ini_.Write("server", "port", 80).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadInt("server", "port").Should().Be(80);

            ini_.ReadString("server", "ip-not-existed", null).Should().BeEmpty();
            ini_.ReadString("server", "ip-not-existed", "ghost").Should().Be("ghost");
            ini_.ReadInt("server", "port-not-existed").Should().Be(0);
            ini_.ReadInt("server", "port-not-existed", 3000).Should().Be(3000);

            ini_.Write("server", "UseIPv6", false).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadBoolean("server", "useipv6").Should().BeFalse();
            ini_.Write("server", "UseIPv6", true).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadString("server", "UseIPv6").Should().Be("true");
            ini_.ReadBoolean("server", "UseIPv6").Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.Read("server", "UseIPv6", false, bool.TryParse).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.Write("server", "UseIPv6", "no").Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.Read("server", "UseIPv6", false, bool.TryParse).Should().BeFalse();

            ini_.Write("Session", "User", "Jerry").Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.Write("Session", "Password", "admin").Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.GetSections().Should().Equal("Server", "Session");

            var lastSeen = DateTime.Now;

            ini_.Write("Session", "LastSeen", DateTime.Now, dt => dt.ToString("o")).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadString("Session", "LastSeen").Should().Be(lastSeen.ToString("o"));

            ini_.GetKeys("Session").Should().Equal("User", "Password", "LastSeen");

            ini_["session", "user"].Should().Be("Jerry");

            ini_.ReadLong("server", "port").Should().Be(80);
            ini_.ReadULong("server", "port").Should().Be(80);

            ini_.Write("math", "pi", 3.14).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.Write("math", "e", 2.71828).Should().BeTrue();
            ini_.ReadDouble("math", "pi").Should().BeApproximately(3.14, 1e-6);
            ini_.ReadDouble("math", "e").Should().BeApproximately(2.71828, 1e-6);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an image control with mouse events required to rotate the image cycle on mouse over. Returns null if
        /// no image is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceURL"></param>
        /// <param name="images"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl GetDeviceImageRotater(KeyValuePair<string, Uri>[] images, string deviceURL)
            HyperLink deviceLink = new HyperLink();
            deviceLink.NavigateUrl = deviceURL;
            if (images != null)
                System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image deviceImage = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image();

                if (images.Length > 0)
                    deviceImage.ImageUrl = images[0].Value.ToString();

                    // Hover events are only useful if there are extra images to cycle to
                    if (images.Length > 1)
                        string[] imageUrls = images.Select(i => String.Format("'{0}'", i.Value)).ToArray();

                        // Create onmouseover event. It creates an array of url strings that should be cycled in order
                        string mouseOver = String.Format("ImageHovered(this, new Array({0}))",
                            String.Join(",", imageUrls)

                        // Create onmouseout event. It is passed a single url string that should be loaded when the cursor leaves the image
                        string mouseOff = String.Format("ImageUnHovered(this, '{0}')", images[0].Value.ToString());

                        deviceImage.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", mouseOver.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
                        deviceImage.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", mouseOff.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
                else // there are no images availble, so use the unknown one
                    deviceImage.ImageUrl = UNKNOWN_IMAGE_URL;

                deviceImage.Height = Unit.Pixel(128);
                deviceImage.Width = Unit.Pixel(128);

                return deviceLink;
                return null;
Exemple #35
        public static void CopyToTest(ListDictionary ld, KeyValuePair<string, string>[] data)
            DictionaryEntry[] translated = data.Select(kv => new DictionaryEntry(kv.Key, kv.Value)).ToArray();

            DictionaryEntry[] full = new DictionaryEntry[data.Length];
            ld.CopyTo(full, 0);
            Assert.Equal(translated, full);

            DictionaryEntry[] large = new DictionaryEntry[data.Length * 2];
            ld.CopyTo(large, data.Length / 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < large.Length; i++)
                if (i < data.Length / 2 || i >= data.Length + data.Length / 2)
                    Assert.Equal(new DictionaryEntry(), large[i]);
                    Assert.Equal(translated[i - data.Length / 2], large[i]);
        private void AddFunction(PrimitiveTypeKind returnType, string functionName, KeyValuePair<string, PrimitiveTypeKind>[] parameterDefinitions)
            FunctionParameter returnParameter = CreateReturnParameter(returnType);
            FunctionParameter[] parameters = parameterDefinitions.Select(paramDef => CreateParameter(paramDef.Value, paramDef.Key)).ToArray();

            EdmFunction function = new EdmFunction(functionName,
                new EdmFunctionPayload
                    IsBuiltIn = true,
                    ReturnParameters = new FunctionParameter[] {returnParameter},
                    Parameters = parameters,
                    IsFromProviderManifest = true,


Exemple #37
        public void InitTaskRemote(string taskName, KeyValuePair<string, byte[]>[] mainFileList, KeyValuePair<string, byte[]>[] extraFileList)
                throw new Exception("Такая задача уже была ранее проинициализирована");

            foreach (var f in mainFileList)
                File.WriteAllBytes(f.Key, f.Value);
            if(extraFileList != null)
                foreach (var f in extraFileList)
                    File.WriteAllBytes(f.Key, f.Value);

            var t = new TaskScheduler(taskName, taskName, mainFileList.Select(p => p.Key).ToArray(), _finder, _connection);
            if (_isStarted)
            _tasks.Add(taskName, t);
 private static string GetUrl(KeyValuePair<string, object>[] parameters)
     return "{0}?{1}".AsFormat(
         string.Join("&", parameters.Select(p => "{0}={1}".AsFormat(p.Key, p.Value))));