private static bool IsEquals(KeyValueListCM a, KeyValueListCM b) { if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) { return(true); } if (a.Values == null && b.Values == null) { return(true); } if (a.Values == null || b.Values == null) { return(false); } if (a.Values.Count != b.Values.Count) { return(false); } foreach (var fieldDto in a.Values) { var field = fieldDto; if (!b.Values.Any(x => x.Key == field.Key && x.Value == field.Value)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public Crate PackCrate_GoogleSpreadsheets() { Crate crate; var curFields = new KeyValueListCM( new KeyValueDTO { Key = "Column_Only", Value = @"" }, new KeyValueDTO { Key = "Row_Only", Value = @"" }, new KeyValueDTO { Key = "Row_And_Column", Value = @"" }, new KeyValueDTO { Key = "Empty_First_Row", Value = @"" }, new KeyValueDTO { Key = "OneRow_WithHeader", Value = @"" } ); return(Crate.FromContent("Select a Google Spreadsheet", curFields)); }
private void SetConfigurationProperties(ConfigurationProperties configProps) { var fd = new KeyValueListCM( new KeyValueDTO("SelectedProjectKey", configProps.SelectedProjectKey), new KeyValueDTO("SelectedIssueType", configProps.SelectedIssueType) ); Storage.ReplaceByLabel(Crate.FromContent(ConfigurationPropertiesLabel, fd)); }
private static void ValidateFr8ObjectCrateStructure(KeyValueListCM designTimeCrate) { var designTimeFields = designTimeCrate.Values; Assert.AreEqual(2, designTimeFields.Count); var field1 = designTimeFields[0]; Assert.AreEqual("Plans", field1.Key); Assert.AreEqual("19", field1.Value); var field2 = designTimeFields[1]; Assert.AreEqual("Containers", field2.Key); Assert.AreEqual("21", field2.Value); }
public async Task <PollingDataDTO> Poll(PollingDataDTO pollingData, GDrivePollingType pollingType) { var googleAuthToken = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleAuthDTO>(pollingData.AuthToken); var driveService = await _googleDrive.CreateDriveService(googleAuthToken); string startPageToken; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pollingData.Payload)) { var response = driveService.Changes.GetStartPageToken().Execute(); startPageToken = response.StartPageTokenValue; } else { startPageToken = pollingData.Payload; } var changedFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var pageToken = startPageToken; while (pageToken != null) { var request = driveService.Changes.List(pageToken); request.Fields = "changes,kind,newStartPageToken,nextPageToken"; request.Spaces = "drive"; var changes = request.Execute(); foreach (var change in changes.Changes) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(change.File.MimeType) && change.File.MimeType.ToUpper() == _fileTypes[pollingType]) { if (!changedFiles.ContainsKey(change.FileId)) { changedFiles.Add(change.FileId, change.File.Name); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(changes.NewStartPageToken)) { startPageToken = changes.NewStartPageToken; } pageToken = changes.NextPageToken; } if (changedFiles.Count > 0) { var changedFilesCM = new KeyValueListCM(); foreach (var pair in changedFiles) { changedFilesCM.Values.Add(new KeyValueDTO(pair.Key, pair.Value)); } var eventReportContent = new EventReportCM { EventNames = _eventNames[pollingType], EventPayload = new CrateStorage(Crate.FromContent("ChangedFiles", changedFilesCM)), Manufacturer = "Google", ExternalAccountId = pollingData.ExternalAccountId }; Logger.Info("Polling for Google Drive: changed files of type \"" + pollingType.ToString() + "\""); await _reporter.Broadcast(Crate.FromContent("Standard Event Report", eventReportContent)); } pollingData.Payload = startPageToken; return(pollingData); }
public override async Task Run() { var eventCrate = Payload.CratesOfType <EventReportCM>().FirstOrDefault() ?.Get <EventReportCM>() ?.EventPayload; KeyValueListCM changedFiles = null; if (eventCrate != null) { changedFiles = eventCrate .CrateContentsOfType <KeyValueListCM>(x => x.Label == "ChangedFiles") .SingleOrDefault(); } if (changedFiles == null) { RequestPlanExecutionTermination("File list was not found in the payload."); } if (ActivityUI.AllSpreadsheetsOption.Selected) { var rows = new List <TableRowDTO>(); foreach (var changedFile in changedFiles.Values) { var row = new TableRowDTO(); row.Row.Add(TableCellDTO.Create(SpreadsheetIdLabel, changedFile.Key)); row.Row.Add(TableCellDTO.Create(SpreadsheetNameLabel, changedFile.Value)); rows.Add(row); } var tableData = new StandardTableDataCM(false, rows); Payload.Add(Crate.FromContent(RunTimeCrateLabel, tableData)); Success(); } else { var hasFileId = changedFiles.Values.Any(x => x.Key == ActivityUI.SpreadsheetList.Value); if (!hasFileId) { RequestPlanExecutionTermination(); } else { var rows = new List <TableRowDTO>(); var changedFile = changedFiles.Values.Where(x => x.Key == ActivityUI.SpreadsheetList.Value).First(); var row = new TableRowDTO(); row.Row.Add(TableCellDTO.Create(SpreadsheetIdLabel, changedFile.Key)); row.Row.Add(TableCellDTO.Create(SpreadsheetNameLabel, changedFile.Value)); rows.Add(row); var tableData = new StandardTableDataCM(false, rows); Payload.Add(Crate.FromContent(RunTimeCrateLabel, tableData)); Success(); } } }