Exemple #1
        public void GetValue_CallGetMultipleTimesFirstGetterReturnsNull_CacheFirstNonNullValue()
            // Arrange
            int    i     = 0;
            string value = null;
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = x =>
                var val = value;
                value = "foo";

            var keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar"); // Place null in the cache
            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar"); // Place a non null value in the cahce

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", result);
            Assert.AreEqual(i, 2);
Exemple #2
        public void TestFetch__KeyNotPresent()
            object key   = new object();
            object value = new object();
            KeyValueCache <object, object> cache = new KeyValueCache <object, object>();

            object fetchedValue = cache.Fetch(key, () => value);

            Assert.Same(value, fetchedValue);
Exemple #3
        public void TestFetch__CreateValueNull()
            KeyValueCache <object, object> cache = new KeyValueCache <object, object>();
            ArgumentNullException          ex    = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(delegate
                cache.Fetch(new object(), null);

            Assert.Equal("createValue", ex.ParamName);
Exemple #4
        public void GetValue_KeyNotInCache_CallValueGetter()
            // Arrange
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = x => "foo";
            var keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);
            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", result);
Exemple #5
        public void GetAndContainsKey()
            var i   = 0;
            var mtc = new KeyValueCache <int, string>((key) => { i++; return(key.ToString()); });

            Assert.AreEqual(0, i);
            Assert.IsTrue(mtc.TryGetByKey(1, out string val));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, i);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", val);
        public void GetValue_KeyNotInCache_CallValueGetter()
            // Arrange
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock <Func <string, string> >();

            valueGetter.Stub(x => x("bar")).Return("foo");
            KeyValueCache <string, string> keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("foo", result);
Exemple #7
        public void Concurrency()

            var l   = new object();
            int i   = 0;
            var mtc = new KeyValueCache <int, string>((key) => { lock (l) { i++; } TestContext.WriteLine($"GetValue {key} [{System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}]"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); return(key.ToString()); });

            // Set an execution context.
            var tasks = new Task[13];

            tasks[0]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(0, 1, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[1], "1"); }));
            tasks[1]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(1, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[2]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(2, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[3]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(3, 3, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[3], "3"); }));
            tasks[4]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(4, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[5]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(5, 1, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[1], "1"); }));
            tasks[6]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(6, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[7]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(7, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[8]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(8, 3, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[3], "3"); }));
            tasks[9]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(9, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[10] = Task.Run(() => Timer(10, 1, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[1], "1"); }));
            tasks[11] = Task.Run(() => Timer(11, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[12] = Task.Run(() => Timer(12, 3, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[3], "3"); }));


            Assert.AreEqual(3, i);

            TestContext.WriteLine("Round 2");

            tasks     = new Task[13];
            tasks[0]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(0, 1, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[1], "1"); }));
            tasks[1]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(1, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[2]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(2, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[3]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(3, 3, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[3], "3"); }));
            tasks[4]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(4, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[5]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(5, 1, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[1], "1"); }));
            tasks[6]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(6, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[7]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(7, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[8]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(8, 3, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[3], "3"); }));
            tasks[9]  = Task.Run(() => Timer(9, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[10] = Task.Run(() => Timer(10, 1, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[1], "1"); }));
            tasks[11] = Task.Run(() => Timer(11, 2, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[2], "2"); }));
            tasks[12] = Task.Run(() => Timer(12, 3, () => { Assert.AreEqual(mtc[3], "3"); }));


            Assert.AreEqual(3, i);
        public void GetValue_CallGetTwiceValueGetterReturnsNull_CallGetterTwice()
            // Arrange
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock <Func <string, string> >();

            valueGetter.Stub(x => x("bar")).Return(null).Repeat.Twice();
            KeyValueCache <string, string> keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");             // Place null in the cache

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(null, result);
Exemple #9
        public void GetValue_CallGetTwice_OnlyCallValueGetterOnce()
            // Arrange
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock <Func <string, string> >();

            valueGetter.Stub(x => x("bar")).Return("foo").Repeat.Once();
            KeyValueCache <string, string> keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");             // Place the value in the cache

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", result);
Exemple #10
        public void TestFetch__KeyPresent()
            object key   = new object();
            object value = new object();
            KeyValueCache <object, object> cache = new KeyValueCache <object, object>();

            cache.Fetch(key, () => value);

            bool   called2ndTime = false;
            object fetchedValue  = cache.Fetch(key, delegate
                called2ndTime = true;

            Assert.Same(value, fetchedValue);
        public void GetValue_CallGetMultipleTimesFirstGetterReturnsNull_CacheFirstNonNullValue()
            // Arrange
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock <Func <string, string> >();

            valueGetter.Stub(x => x("bar")).Return(null).Repeat.Once();
            KeyValueCache <string, string> keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");             // Place null in the cache
            valueGetter.Stub(x => x("bar")).Return("foo").Repeat.Once();
            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");             // Place a non null value in the cahce

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("foo", result);
Exemple #12
        public void GetValue_CallGetTwiceValueGetterReturnsNull_CallGetterTwice()
            // Arrange
            int i = 0;
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = x =>
            var keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar"); // Place null in the cache

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(i, 2);
Exemple #13
        public void GetValue_CallGetTwice_OnlyCallValueGetterOnce()
            // Arrange
            int i = 0;
            Func <string, string> valueGetter = x =>

            var keyValueCache = new KeyValueCache <string, string>(valueGetter);

            keyValueCache.GetValue("bar"); // Place the value in the cache

            // Act
            string result = keyValueCache.GetValue("bar");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("foo", result);
            Assert.AreEqual(i, 1);
        private string CalcAtomStr(string Function, List <string> Prev, List <string> Curr, List <string> Next)
            string ResultStr = Function;

            if (RegPattern.IsMatch(Function))
                MatchCollection mcs = RegPattern.Matches(Function);
                for (int i = 0; i < mcs.Count; i++)
                    Match         m      = mcs[i];
                    string        key    = m.Groups[1].Value.ToLower();
                    string        val    = m.Groups[2].Value.Trim();
                    List <string> CurMap = new List <string>();
                    string        KeyIn  = Curr[0] + "[]";
                    switch (key)
                    case "currentnote": CurMap = Curr; KeyIn = CurMap.Count == 0 ? "" : Function.ToLower().Replace("currentnote", CurMap[0]); break;

                    case "prevnote": CurMap = Prev; KeyIn = CurMap.Count == 0 ? "" : Function.ToLower().Replace("prevnote", CurMap[0]); break;

                    case "nextnote": CurMap = Next; KeyIn = CurMap.Count == 0 ? "" : Function.ToLower().Replace("nextnote", CurMap[0]); break;

                    default: continue;
                    string KeyAtom = "";
                    // if (KeyIn == "") return "";
                    if (KeyIn != "")
                        if (KeyValueCache.ContainsKey(KeyIn))
                            KeyAtom = KeyValueCache[KeyIn];
                            int idx = 0;
                            if (val != "")
                                val = val.Replace("n", (CurMap.Count - 1).ToString());
                                    idx = (int)Calcer.Compute(val, "");
                                catch {; }
                            if (idx < CurMap.Count)
                                KeyAtom = CurMap[idx];
                                    KeyValueCache.Add(KeyIn, KeyAtom);
                                catch {; }
                    ResultStr = ResultStr.Replace(m.Groups[0].Value, KeyAtom);
Exemple #15
        public void PolicyManager()

            var i   = 0;
            var mtc = new KeyValueCache <int, string>((key) => { i++; return(key.ToString()); }, "KeyValueCacheTest");


            var policy = new DailyCachePolicy();

            CachePolicyManager.Current.Set(mtc.PolicyKey, policy);

            var policy2 = mtc.GetPolicy();

            Assert.AreSame(policy, policy2);

            var pa = CachePolicyManager.Current.GetPolicies();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, pa.Length);

            // Check the internal nocachepolicy.
            var p0 = pa.Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith("KeyValueCacheTest_")).SingleOrDefault();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(NoCachePolicy), p0.Value);

            // Check the default policy for type.
            var p1 = pa.Where(x => x.Key == "KeyValueCacheTest").SingleOrDefault();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(DailyCachePolicy), p1.Value);

            // Get (add) new item to cache.
            var s = mtc[1];

            Assert.AreEqual("1", s);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, i);

            // No new globally managed policies should have been created.
            pa = CachePolicyManager.Current.GetPolicies();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, pa.Length);

            // Check policy for item is DailyCachePolicy but has its own instance.
            policy2 = mtc.GetPolicyByKey(1);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(DailyCachePolicy), policy2);
            Assert.AreNotSame(policy, policy2);

            // There should be no policy where item not found.

            // Flush cache where not expired.
            s = mtc[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("1", s);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, i);

            // Force flush; should reload cache after.
            s = mtc[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("1", s);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, i);
        public override async void Run(DiscordClient discord)
            var channel = await discord.GetChannelAsync(BotDetails.BotFeedChannel);

            var lastMessage = (await channel.GetMessagesAsync(1)).FirstOrDefault();
            var matchId     = Regex.Match(lastMessage.Content, $"[0-9]+$").Value;

            if (matchId == null || matchId == string.Empty)
                    var lastNMessage = (await channel.GetMessagesAsync(1, before: lastMessage.Id)).FirstOrDefault();
                    matchId     = Regex.Match(lastNMessage.Content, $"[0-9]+$").Value;
                    lastMessage = lastNMessage;
                } while (matchId == null || matchId == string.Empty);

            var matchDetailsString = KeyValueCache.Get(matchId);

            if (matchDetailsString == null)
                matchDetailsString = await NetComm.GetResponseOfURL($"matches/{matchId}", _httpClient);

                KeyValueCache.Put(matchId, matchDetailsString);
            dynamic matchDetails = JsonToFrom.Deserialize <dynamic>(matchDetailsString);
            long    matchEndTime = (long)matchDetails.start_time + (long)matchDetails.duration;
            double  diffInTime   = GetDiffInDays(matchEndTime);

            foreach (var player in PlayerConfiguration.Players)
                var recentMatches = JsonToFrom.Deserialize <dynamic>(await NetComm.GetResponseOfURL($"players/{player.SteamId}/matches?date={diffInTime}", _httpClient));
                foreach (var recentMatch in recentMatches)
                    string recentMatchId = recentMatch.match_id;
                    if (!_matchMap.ContainsKey(recentMatchId))
                        _matchMap[recentMatchId] = new List <Player>();
            var _matchMapOrdered = _matchMap.OrderBy(x => x.Key);

            foreach (var matchMap in _matchMapOrdered)
                if (KeyValueCache.Get(matchMap.Key) == null)
                    KeyValueCache.Put(matchMap.Key, await NetComm.GetResponseOfURL($"matches/{matchMap.Key}", _httpClient));
                dynamic parsedMatch = JsonToFrom.Deserialize <dynamic>(KeyValueCache.Get(matchMap.Key));
                string  matchString = string.Empty;
                foreach (var player in matchMap.Value)
                    matchString += GenerateMatchString(parsedMatch, GetNormalOrRankedMatch(parsedMatch), player);
                matchString += GenerateDotaBuffLink(matchMap.Key);
                Program.Logger.Log($"Offline Tracker logged match {matchMap.Key}.");