private CellTreeNode ConvertUnionsToNormalizedLOJs(CellTreeNode rootNode) { // Recursively, transform the subtrees rooted at rootNode's children. for (var i = 0; i < rootNode.Children.Count; i++) { // Method modifies input as well. rootNode.Children[i] = ConvertUnionsToNormalizedLOJs(rootNode.Children[i]); } // We rewrite only LOJs. if (rootNode.OpType != CellTreeOpType.LOJ || rootNode.Children.Count < 2) { return rootNode; } // Create the resulting LOJ node. var result = new OpCellTreeNode(m_viewgenContext, rootNode.OpType); // Create working collection for the LOJ children. var children = new List<CellTreeNode>(); // If rootNode looks something like ((V0 IJ V1) LOJ V2 LOJ V3), // and it turns out that there are FK associations from V2 or V3 pointing, let's say at V0, // then we want to rewrite the result as (V1 IJ (V0 LOJ V2 LOJ V3)). // If we don't do this, then plan compiler won't have a chance to eliminate LOJ V2 LOJ V3. // Hence, flatten the first child or rootNode if it's IJ, but remember that its parts are driving nodes for the LOJ, // so that we don't accidentally nest them. OpCellTreeNode resultIJDriver = null; HashSet<CellTreeNode> resultIJDriverChildren = null; if (rootNode.Children[0].OpType == CellTreeOpType.IJ) { // Create empty resultIJDriver node and add it as the first child (driving) into the LOJ result. resultIJDriver = new OpCellTreeNode(m_viewgenContext, rootNode.Children[0].OpType); result.Add(resultIJDriver); children.AddRange(rootNode.Children[0].Children); resultIJDriverChildren = new HashSet<CellTreeNode>(rootNode.Children[0].Children); } else { result.Add(rootNode.Children[0]); } // Flatten unions in non-driving nodes: (V0 LOJ (V1 Union V2 Union V3)) -> (V0 LOJ V1 LOJ V2 LOJ V3) foreach (var child in rootNode.Children.Skip(1)) { var opNode = child as OpCellTreeNode; if (opNode != null && opNode.OpType == CellTreeOpType.Union) { children.AddRange(opNode.Children); } else { children.Add(child); } } // A dictionary that maps an extent to the nodes that are from that extent. // We want a ref comparer here. var extentMap = new KeyToListMap<EntitySet, LeafCellTreeNode>(EqualityComparer<EntitySet>.Default); // Note that we skip non-leaf nodes (non-leaf nodes don't have FKs) and attach them directly to the result. foreach (var child in children) { var leaf = child as LeafCellTreeNode; if (leaf != null) { EntitySetBase extent = GetLeafNodeTable(leaf); if (extent != null) { extentMap.Add((EntitySet)extent, leaf); } } else { if (resultIJDriverChildren != null && resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(child)) { resultIJDriver.Add(child); } else { result.Add(child); } } } // We only deal with simple cases - one node per extent, remove the rest from children and attach directly to result. var nonTrivial = extentMap.KeyValuePairs.Where(m => m.Value.Count > 1).ToArray(); foreach (var m in nonTrivial) { extentMap.RemoveKey(m.Key); foreach (var n in m.Value) { if (resultIJDriverChildren != null && resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(n)) { resultIJDriver.Add(n); } else { result.Add(n); } } } Debug.Assert(extentMap.KeyValuePairs.All(m => m.Value.Count == 1), "extentMap must map to single nodes only."); // Walk the extents in extentMap and for each extent build PK -> FK1(PK1), FK2(PK2), ... map // where PK is the primary key of the left extent, and FKn(PKn) is an FK of a right extent that // points to the PK of the left extent and is based on the PK columns of the right extent. // Example: // table tBaseType(Id int, c1 int), PK = (tBaseType.Id) // table tDerivedType1(Id int, c2 int), PK1 = (tDerivedType1.Id), FK1 = (tDerivedType1.Id -> tBaseType.Id) // table tDerivedType2(Id int, c3 int), PK2 = (tDerivedType2.Id), FK2 = (tDerivedType2.Id -> tBaseType.Id) // Will produce: // (tBaseType) -> (tDerivedType1, tDerivedType2) var pkFkMap = new KeyToListMap<EntitySet, EntitySet>(EqualityComparer<EntitySet>.Default); // Also for each extent in extentMap, build another map (extent) -> (LOJ node). // It will be used to construct the nesting in the next step. var extentLOJs = new Dictionary<EntitySet, OpCellTreeNode>(EqualityComparer<EntitySet>.Default); foreach (var extentInfo in extentMap.KeyValuePairs) { var principalExtent = extentInfo.Key; foreach (var fkExtent in GetFKOverPKDependents(principalExtent)) { // Only track fkExtents that are in extentMap. ReadOnlyCollection<LeafCellTreeNode> nodes; if (extentMap.TryGetListForKey(fkExtent, out nodes)) { // Make sure that we are not adding resultIJDriverChildren as FK dependents - we do not want them to get nested. if (resultIJDriverChildren == null || !resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(nodes.Single())) { pkFkMap.Add(principalExtent, fkExtent); } } } var extentLojNode = new OpCellTreeNode(m_viewgenContext, CellTreeOpType.LOJ); extentLojNode.Add(extentInfo.Value.Single()); extentLOJs.Add(principalExtent, extentLojNode); } // Construct LOJ nesting inside extentLOJs based on the information in pkFkMap. // Also, track nested extents using nestedExtents. // Example: // We start with nestedExtents empty extentLOJs as such: // tBaseType -> LOJ(BaseTypeNode) // tDerivedType1 -> LOJ(DerivedType1Node)* // tDerivedType2 -> LOJ(DerivedType2Node)** // Note that * and ** represent object references. So each time something is nested, // we don't clone, but nest the original LOJ. When we get to processing the extent of that LOJ, // we might add other children to that nested LOJ. // As we walk pkFkMap, we end up with this: // tBaseType -> LOJ(BaseTypeNode, LOJ(DerivedType1Node)*, LOJ(DerivedType2Node)**) // tDerivedType1 -> LOJ(DerivedType1Node)* // tDerivedType2 -> LOJ(DerivedType2Node)** // nestedExtens = (tDerivedType1, tDerivedType2) var nestedExtents = new Dictionary<EntitySet, EntitySet>(EqualityComparer<EntitySet>.Default); foreach (var m in pkFkMap.KeyValuePairs) { var principalExtent = m.Key; foreach (var fkExtent in m.Value) { OpCellTreeNode fkExtentLOJ; if (extentLOJs.TryGetValue(fkExtent, out fkExtentLOJ) && // make sure we don't nest twice and we don't create a cycle. !nestedExtents.ContainsKey(fkExtent) && !CheckLOJCycle(fkExtent, principalExtent, nestedExtents)) { extentLOJs[m.Key].Add(fkExtentLOJ); nestedExtents.Add(fkExtent, principalExtent); } } } // Now we need to grab the LOJs that have not been nested and add them to the result. // All LOJs that have been nested must be somewhere inside the LOJs that have not been nested, // so they as well end up in the result as part of the unnested ones. foreach (var m in extentLOJs) { if (!nestedExtents.ContainsKey(m.Key)) { // extentLOJ represents (Vx LOJ Vy LOJ(Vm LOJ Vn)) where Vx is the original node from rootNode.Children or resultIJDriverChildren. var extentLOJ = m.Value; if (resultIJDriverChildren != null && resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(extentLOJ.Children[0])) { resultIJDriver.Add(extentLOJ); } else { result.Add(extentLOJ); } } } return result.Flatten(); }
private CellTreeNode ConvertUnionsToNormalizedLOJs(CellTreeNode rootNode) { // Recursively, transform the subtrees rooted at rootNode's children. for (var i = 0; i < rootNode.Children.Count; i++) { // Method modifies input as well. rootNode.Children[i] = ConvertUnionsToNormalizedLOJs(rootNode.Children[i]); } // We rewrite only LOJs. if (rootNode.OpType != CellTreeOpType.LOJ || rootNode.Children.Count < 2) { return(rootNode); } // Create the resulting LOJ node. var result = new OpCellTreeNode(m_viewgenContext, rootNode.OpType); // Create working collection for the LOJ children. var children = new List <CellTreeNode>(); // If rootNode looks something like ((V0 IJ V1) LOJ V2 LOJ V3), // and it turns out that there are FK associations from V2 or V3 pointing, let's say at V0, // then we want to rewrite the result as (V1 IJ (V0 LOJ V2 LOJ V3)). // If we don't do this, then plan compiler won't have a chance to eliminate LOJ V2 LOJ V3. // Hence, flatten the first child or rootNode if it's IJ, but remember that its parts are driving nodes for the LOJ, // so that we don't accidentally nest them. OpCellTreeNode resultIJDriver = null; HashSet <CellTreeNode> resultIJDriverChildren = null; if (rootNode.Children[0].OpType == CellTreeOpType.IJ) { // Create empty resultIJDriver node and add it as the first child (driving) into the LOJ result. resultIJDriver = new OpCellTreeNode(m_viewgenContext, rootNode.Children[0].OpType); result.Add(resultIJDriver); children.AddRange(rootNode.Children[0].Children); resultIJDriverChildren = new HashSet <CellTreeNode>(rootNode.Children[0].Children); } else { result.Add(rootNode.Children[0]); } // Flatten unions in non-driving nodes: (V0 LOJ (V1 Union V2 Union V3)) -> (V0 LOJ V1 LOJ V2 LOJ V3) foreach (var child in rootNode.Children.Skip(1)) { var opNode = child as OpCellTreeNode; if (opNode != null && opNode.OpType == CellTreeOpType.Union) { children.AddRange(opNode.Children); } else { children.Add(child); } } // A dictionary that maps an extent to the nodes that are from that extent. // We want a ref comparer here. var extentMap = new KeyToListMap <EntitySet, LeafCellTreeNode>(EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); // Note that we skip non-leaf nodes (non-leaf nodes don't have FKs) and attach them directly to the result. foreach (var child in children) { var leaf = child as LeafCellTreeNode; if (leaf != null) { EntitySetBase extent = GetLeafNodeTable(leaf); if (extent != null) { extentMap.Add((EntitySet)extent, leaf); } } else { if (resultIJDriverChildren != null && resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(child)) { resultIJDriver.Add(child); } else { result.Add(child); } } } // We only deal with simple cases - one node per extent, remove the rest from children and attach directly to result. var nonTrivial = extentMap.KeyValuePairs.Where(m => m.Value.Count > 1).ToArray(); foreach (var m in nonTrivial) { extentMap.RemoveKey(m.Key); foreach (var n in m.Value) { if (resultIJDriverChildren != null && resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(n)) { resultIJDriver.Add(n); } else { result.Add(n); } } } Debug.Assert(extentMap.KeyValuePairs.All(m => m.Value.Count == 1), "extentMap must map to single nodes only."); // Walk the extents in extentMap and for each extent build PK -> FK1(PK1), FK2(PK2), ... map // where PK is the primary key of the left extent, and FKn(PKn) is an FK of a right extent that // points to the PK of the left extent and is based on the PK columns of the right extent. // Example: // table tBaseType(Id int, c1 int), PK = (tBaseType.Id) // table tDerivedType1(Id int, c2 int), PK1 = (tDerivedType1.Id), FK1 = (tDerivedType1.Id -> tBaseType.Id) // table tDerivedType2(Id int, c3 int), PK2 = (tDerivedType2.Id), FK2 = (tDerivedType2.Id -> tBaseType.Id) // Will produce: // (tBaseType) -> (tDerivedType1, tDerivedType2) var pkFkMap = new KeyToListMap <EntitySet, EntitySet>(EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); // Also for each extent in extentMap, build another map (extent) -> (LOJ node). // It will be used to construct the nesting in the next step. var extentLOJs = new Dictionary <EntitySet, OpCellTreeNode>(EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); foreach (var extentInfo in extentMap.KeyValuePairs) { var principalExtent = extentInfo.Key; foreach (var fkExtent in GetFKOverPKDependents(principalExtent)) { // Only track fkExtents that are in extentMap. ReadOnlyCollection <LeafCellTreeNode> nodes; if (extentMap.TryGetListForKey(fkExtent, out nodes)) { // Make sure that we are not adding resultIJDriverChildren as FK dependents - we do not want them to get nested. if (resultIJDriverChildren == null || !resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(nodes.Single())) { pkFkMap.Add(principalExtent, fkExtent); } } } var extentLojNode = new OpCellTreeNode(m_viewgenContext, CellTreeOpType.LOJ); extentLojNode.Add(extentInfo.Value.Single()); extentLOJs.Add(principalExtent, extentLojNode); } // Construct LOJ nesting inside extentLOJs based on the information in pkFkMap. // Also, track nested extents using nestedExtents. // Example: // We start with nestedExtents empty extentLOJs as such: // tBaseType -> LOJ(BaseTypeNode) // tDerivedType1 -> LOJ(DerivedType1Node)* // tDerivedType2 -> LOJ(DerivedType2Node)** // Note that * and ** represent object references. So each time something is nested, // we don't clone, but nest the original LOJ. When we get to processing the extent of that LOJ, // we might add other children to that nested LOJ. // As we walk pkFkMap, we end up with this: // tBaseType -> LOJ(BaseTypeNode, LOJ(DerivedType1Node)*, LOJ(DerivedType2Node)**) // tDerivedType1 -> LOJ(DerivedType1Node)* // tDerivedType2 -> LOJ(DerivedType2Node)** // nestedExtens = (tDerivedType1, tDerivedType2) var nestedExtents = new Dictionary <EntitySet, EntitySet>(EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); foreach (var m in pkFkMap.KeyValuePairs) { var principalExtent = m.Key; foreach (var fkExtent in m.Value) { OpCellTreeNode fkExtentLOJ; if (extentLOJs.TryGetValue(fkExtent, out fkExtentLOJ) && // make sure we don't nest twice and we don't create a cycle. !nestedExtents.ContainsKey(fkExtent) && !CheckLOJCycle(fkExtent, principalExtent, nestedExtents)) { extentLOJs[m.Key].Add(fkExtentLOJ); nestedExtents.Add(fkExtent, principalExtent); } } } // Now we need to grab the LOJs that have not been nested and add them to the result. // All LOJs that have been nested must be somewhere inside the LOJs that have not been nested, // so they as well end up in the result as part of the unnested ones. foreach (var m in extentLOJs) { if (!nestedExtents.ContainsKey(m.Key)) { // extentLOJ represents (Vx LOJ Vy LOJ(Vm LOJ Vn)) where Vx is the original node from rootNode.Children or resultIJDriverChildren. var extentLOJ = m.Value; if (resultIJDriverChildren != null && resultIJDriverChildren.Contains(extentLOJ.Children[0])) { resultIJDriver.Add(extentLOJ); } else { result.Add(extentLOJ); } } } return(result.Flatten()); }
private CellTreeNode ConvertUnionsToNormalizedLOJs(CellTreeNode rootNode) { for (int index = 0; index < rootNode.Children.Count; ++index) { rootNode.Children[index] = this.ConvertUnionsToNormalizedLOJs(rootNode.Children[index]); } if (rootNode.OpType != CellTreeOpType.LOJ || rootNode.Children.Count < 2) { return(rootNode); } OpCellTreeNode opCellTreeNode1 = new OpCellTreeNode(this.m_viewgenContext, rootNode.OpType); List <CellTreeNode> cellTreeNodeList = new List <CellTreeNode>(); OpCellTreeNode opCellTreeNode2 = (OpCellTreeNode)null; HashSet <CellTreeNode> cellTreeNodeSet = (HashSet <CellTreeNode>)null; if (rootNode.Children[0].OpType == CellTreeOpType.IJ) { opCellTreeNode2 = new OpCellTreeNode(this.m_viewgenContext, rootNode.Children[0].OpType); opCellTreeNode1.Add((CellTreeNode)opCellTreeNode2); cellTreeNodeList.AddRange((IEnumerable <CellTreeNode>)rootNode.Children[0].Children); cellTreeNodeSet = new HashSet <CellTreeNode>((IEnumerable <CellTreeNode>)rootNode.Children[0].Children); } else { opCellTreeNode1.Add(rootNode.Children[0]); } foreach (CellTreeNode cellTreeNode in rootNode.Children.Skip <CellTreeNode>(1)) { OpCellTreeNode opCellTreeNode3 = cellTreeNode as OpCellTreeNode; if (opCellTreeNode3 != null && opCellTreeNode3.OpType == CellTreeOpType.Union) { cellTreeNodeList.AddRange((IEnumerable <CellTreeNode>)opCellTreeNode3.Children); } else { cellTreeNodeList.Add(cellTreeNode); } } KeyToListMap <EntitySet, LeafCellTreeNode> keyToListMap1 = new KeyToListMap <EntitySet, LeafCellTreeNode>((IEqualityComparer <EntitySet>)EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); foreach (CellTreeNode child in cellTreeNodeList) { LeafCellTreeNode leaf = child as LeafCellTreeNode; if (leaf != null) { EntitySetBase leafNodeTable = (EntitySetBase)BasicViewGenerator.GetLeafNodeTable(leaf); if (leafNodeTable != null) { keyToListMap1.Add((EntitySet)leafNodeTable, leaf); } } else if (cellTreeNodeSet != null && cellTreeNodeSet.Contains(child)) { opCellTreeNode2.Add(child); } else { opCellTreeNode1.Add(child); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <EntitySet, List <LeafCellTreeNode> > keyValuePair in keyToListMap1.KeyValuePairs.Where <KeyValuePair <EntitySet, List <LeafCellTreeNode> > >((Func <KeyValuePair <EntitySet, List <LeafCellTreeNode> >, bool>)(m => m.Value.Count > 1)).ToArray <KeyValuePair <EntitySet, List <LeafCellTreeNode> > >()) { keyToListMap1.RemoveKey(keyValuePair.Key); foreach (LeafCellTreeNode leafCellTreeNode in keyValuePair.Value) { if (cellTreeNodeSet != null && cellTreeNodeSet.Contains((CellTreeNode)leafCellTreeNode)) { opCellTreeNode2.Add((CellTreeNode)leafCellTreeNode); } else { opCellTreeNode1.Add((CellTreeNode)leafCellTreeNode); } } } KeyToListMap <EntitySet, EntitySet> keyToListMap2 = new KeyToListMap <EntitySet, EntitySet>((IEqualityComparer <EntitySet>)EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); Dictionary <EntitySet, OpCellTreeNode> dictionary = new Dictionary <EntitySet, OpCellTreeNode>((IEqualityComparer <EntitySet>)EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); foreach (KeyValuePair <EntitySet, List <LeafCellTreeNode> > keyValuePair in keyToListMap1.KeyValuePairs) { EntitySet key = keyValuePair.Key; foreach (EntitySet fkOverPkDependent in BasicViewGenerator.GetFKOverPKDependents(key)) { ReadOnlyCollection <LeafCellTreeNode> valueCollection; if (keyToListMap1.TryGetListForKey(fkOverPkDependent, out valueCollection) && (cellTreeNodeSet == null || !cellTreeNodeSet.Contains((CellTreeNode)valueCollection.Single <LeafCellTreeNode>()))) { keyToListMap2.Add(key, fkOverPkDependent); } } OpCellTreeNode opCellTreeNode3 = new OpCellTreeNode(this.m_viewgenContext, CellTreeOpType.LOJ); opCellTreeNode3.Add((CellTreeNode)keyValuePair.Value.Single <LeafCellTreeNode>()); dictionary.Add(key, opCellTreeNode3); } Dictionary <EntitySet, EntitySet> nestedExtents = new Dictionary <EntitySet, EntitySet>((IEqualityComparer <EntitySet>)EqualityComparer <EntitySet> .Default); foreach (KeyValuePair <EntitySet, List <EntitySet> > keyValuePair in keyToListMap2.KeyValuePairs) { EntitySet key = keyValuePair.Key; foreach (EntitySet entitySet in keyValuePair.Value) { OpCellTreeNode opCellTreeNode3; if (dictionary.TryGetValue(entitySet, out opCellTreeNode3) && !nestedExtents.ContainsKey(entitySet) && !BasicViewGenerator.CheckLOJCycle(entitySet, key, nestedExtents)) { dictionary[keyValuePair.Key].Add((CellTreeNode)opCellTreeNode3); nestedExtents.Add(entitySet, key); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <EntitySet, OpCellTreeNode> keyValuePair in dictionary) { if (!nestedExtents.ContainsKey(keyValuePair.Key)) { OpCellTreeNode opCellTreeNode3 = keyValuePair.Value; if (cellTreeNodeSet != null && cellTreeNodeSet.Contains(opCellTreeNode3.Children[0])) { opCellTreeNode2.Add((CellTreeNode)opCellTreeNode3); } else { opCellTreeNode1.Add((CellTreeNode)opCellTreeNode3); } } } return(opCellTreeNode1.Flatten()); }