public void AddEvents_Cache_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());
            if (UseMocks)
                client.Event = new EventMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvents: (e, p) =>
                        // Should not be called with caching enabled
                        return new List<CachedEvent>();

            var events = from i in Enumerable.Range(1, 3)
                         select new { AProperty = "AValue" + i };

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvents("AddEventTest", events));

            // reset the AddEvents mock
            if (UseMocks)
                client.Event = new EventMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvents: (e, p) =>
                        Assert.True(p == SettingsEnv, "Incorrect settings");
                        Assert.NotNull(e.Property("AddEventTest"), "Expected collection not found");
                        Assert.AreEqual(e.Property("AddEventTest").Value.AsEnumerable().Count(), 3, "Expected exactly 3 collection members");
                        foreach (var q in e["AddEventTest"])
                            Assert.NotNull(q["keen"]["timestamp"], "keen.timestamp properties should exist");
                        return new List<CachedEvent>();
 public void AddEvents_InvalidProject_Throws()
     var settings = new ProjectSettingsProvider(projectId: "X", writeKey: SettingsEnv.WriteKey);
     var client = new KeenClient(settings);
     if (UseMocks)
         client.Event = new EventMock(settings,
             addEvents: (e, p) =>
                 if ((p == settings)
                     throw new KeenResourceNotFoundException();
                 throw new Exception("Unexpected value");
     Assert.Throws<KeenResourceNotFoundException>(() => client.AddEvents("AddEventTest", new []{ new {AProperty = "AValue" }}));
Exemple #3
        public void IpToGeo_Send_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if (!e["keen"].ToString().Contains("keen:ip_to_geo"))
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected values");

            var a = AddOn.IpToGeo("an_ip", "geocode");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("AddOnTest", new {an_ip = ""}, new List<AddOn> {a}));
Exemple #4
        public void IpToGeo_MissingInput_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if (!e["keen"].ToString().Contains("\"ip\": \"an_ip\""))
                            throw new KeenException("Unexpected values");

            var a = AddOn.IpToGeo("wrong_field", "geocode");

                () => client.AddEvent("AddOnTest", new {an_ip = ""}, new List<AddOn> {a}));
Exemple #5
        public void UrlParser_Send_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if (!e["keen"].ToString().Contains("keen:url_parser"))
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected values");

            var a = AddOn.UrlParser("url", "url_parsed");

                () =>
                        new {url = ""}, new List<AddOn> {a}));
Exemple #6
        public void UserAgentParser_Send_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if (!e["keen"].ToString().Contains("keen:ua_parser"))
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected values");

            var a = AddOn.UserAgentParser("user_agent_string", "user_agent_parsed");

                () =>
                            user_agent_string =
                                "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"
                        }, new List<AddOn> {a}));
 public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateNullDynamicValue_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => null)));
        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateValueProviderNullReturn_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) && (c == "AddEventTest") 
                            && (e["AProperty"].Value<string>() == "AValue")
                            && (e["AGlobal"].Value<string>() == "value"))
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            var i = 0;
            // return valid for the first two tests, then null
            client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => i++ > 1 ? null : "value"));
            // This is the second test (AddGlobalProperty runs the first)
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
            // Third test should fail.
            Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
        public void CachingPCL_SendEmptyEvents_Success(IEventCache cache)
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, cache);

        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateArrayValue_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) && (c == "AddEventTest") 
                            && (e["AProperty"].Value<string>() == "AValue")
                            && (e["AGlobal"].Values<int>().All(x => (x == 1) || (x == 2) || (x == 3))))
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => new[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
                client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });
        public void AddGlobalProperty_InvalidValueNameLength_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty(new String('A', 256), "AValue"));
 public void AddGlobalProperty_InvalidValueNameLength_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty(new String('A', 256), "AValue"));
        public void Caching_ClearEvents_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.EventCache.Clear());
        public void Caching_SendManyEvents_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());
            var total = 0;
            if (UseMocks)
                client.Event = new EventMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvents: (e, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv)
                            && (null != e.Property("CachedEventTest"))
                            && ((e.Property("CachedEventTest").Value.Children().Count() == KeenConstants.BulkBatchSize)))
                            total += e.Property("CachedEventTest").Value.Children().Count();
                            return new List<CachedEvent>();
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            for (int i = 0; i < KeenConstants.BulkBatchSize; i++)
                client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });

            Assert.Null(client.EventCache.TryTake(), "Cache is empty");
            Assert.True( !UseMocks || ( total == KeenConstants.BulkBatchSize));
        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateValueProviderThrows_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => { throw new Exception("test exception"); })));
        public void Caching_SendEmptyEvents_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());

        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateNullValueProvider_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", null));
        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateNullDynamicValue_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => null)));
        public void AddGlobalProperty_InvalidValueNameBlank_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("", "AValue"));
 public void Caching_SendEmptyEvents_Success()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());
 public async Task Async_GetCollectionSchema_NullProjectId_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(settingsEnv);
     await client.GetSchemaAsync(null);
        public void Caching_AddEvents_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
 public async Task Async_AddEvents_NullCollection_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(settingsEnv);
     await client.AddEventsAsync("AddEventTest", null);
        public void AddEvents_NoCache_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            var done = false;
            if (UseMocks)
                client.Event = new EventMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvents: (e, p) =>
                        done = true;
                        Assert.True(p == SettingsEnv, "Incorrect settings");
                        Assert.NotNull(e.Property("AddEventTest"), "Expected collection not found");
                        Assert.AreEqual(e.Property("AddEventTest").Value.AsEnumerable().Count(), 3, "Expected exactly 3 collection members");
                        foreach (var q in e["AddEventTest"])
                            Assert.NotNull(q["keen"]["timestamp"], "keen.timestamp properties should exist");
                        return new List<CachedEvent>();

            var events = from i in Enumerable.Range(1,3)
                         select new { AProperty = "AValue" + i};

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvents("AddEventTest", events));
            Assert.True((UseMocks && done) || !UseMocks, "AddEvent mock was not called");
        public void GetCollectionSchema_NullProjectId_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(settingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.GetSchema(null));
        public void DeleteCollection_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    deleteCollection: (c, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) && (c == "DeleteColTest"))
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            // Idempotent, does not matter if collection does not exist.
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.DeleteCollection("DeleteColTest"));
        public void AddEvent_InvalidCollectionNameDollarSign_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(settingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddEvent("$Invalid", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
 public void AddGlobalProperty_InvalidValueNameBlank_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("", "AValue"));
        public void AddEvent_InvalidCollectionNameTooLong_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(settingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddEvent(new String('X', 257), new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateSimpleValue_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) && (c == "AddEventTest")
                            && (e["AProperty"].Value<string>() == "AValue")
                            && (e["AGlobal"]!=null))
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => DateTime.Now.Millisecond));
                client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });
                client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });
        public void Async_AddEvents_NullCollection_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <Keen.Core.KeenException>(() => client.AddEventsAsync("AddEventTest", null));
        public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateObjectValue_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) && (c == "AddEventTest") 
                            && (e["AProperty"].Value<string>() == "AValue") 
                            && (e["AGlobal"].Value<JObject>()["SubProp1"].Value<string>() == "Value"))
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => new { SubProp1 = "Value", SubProp2 = "Value" }));
                client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });
 public void AddEvent_ValidProjectIdInvalidWriteKey_Throws()
     var settings = new ProjectSettingsProvider(projectId: SettingsEnv.ProjectId, writeKey: "X");
     var client = new KeenClient(settings);
     if (UseMocks)
         client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(settings,
             addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                 if ((p == settings) && (c == "X") && (e["X"].Value<string>() == "X"))
                     throw new KeenInvalidApiKeyException(c);
     Assert.Throws<KeenInvalidApiKeyException>(() => client.AddEvent("X", new { X = "X" }));
 public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateNullValueProvider_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", null));
 public void AddEvent_InvalidCollectionNameDollarSign_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddEvent("$Invalid", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
 public void AddGlobalProperty_DelegateValueProviderThrows_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddGlobalProperty("AGlobal", new DynamicPropertyValue(() => { throw new Exception("test exception"); })));
        public void Async_GetCollectionSchema_NullProjectId_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <Keen.Core.KeenException>(() => client.GetSchemaAsync(null));
 public void Caching_ClearEvents_Success()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.EventCache.Clear());
        public void CachingPCL_ClearEvents_Success(IEventCache cache)
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, cache);

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.EventCache.Clear());
        public void Caching_SendEvents_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());
            if (UseMocks)
                client.Event = new EventMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvents: (e, p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) 
                            && (null!=e.Property("CachedEventTest"))
                            && (e.Property("CachedEventTest").Value.Children().Count()==3))
                            return new List<CachedEvent>();
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });
            client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });
            client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" });

            Assert.Null(client.EventCache.TryTake(), "Cache is empty");
        public async Task Funnel_Simple_Success()
            var client    = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            var timeframe = QueryRelativeTimeframe.ThisHour();

            IEnumerable <FunnelStep> funnelsteps = new List <FunnelStep>
                new FunnelStep
                    EventCollection = FunnelColA,
                    ActorProperty   = "id",
                new FunnelStep
                    EventCollection = FunnelColB,
                    ActorProperty   = "id"

            var expected = new FunnelResult
                Steps = new []
                    new FunnelResultStep
                        EventCollection = FunnelColA,
                    new FunnelResultStep
                        EventCollection = FunnelColB,
                Result = new[] { 3, 2 }

            Mock <IQueries> queryMock = null;

            if (UseMocks)
                queryMock = new Mock <IQueries>();
                queryMock.Setup(m => m.Funnel(
                                    It.Is <IEnumerable <FunnelStep> >(f => f.Equals(funnelsteps)),
                                    It.Is <IQueryTimeframe>(t => t == timeframe),
                                    It.Is <string>(t => t == "")

                client.Queries = queryMock.Object;

            var reply = (await client.QueryFunnelAsync(funnelsteps, timeframe));

            Assert.AreEqual(reply.Steps.Count(), 2);

            if (null != queryMock)
        public void Caching_SendInvalidEvents_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv, new EventCacheMemory());
            if (UseMocks)
                client.Event = new EventMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvents: (e, p) =>
                        if (p == SettingsEnv)
                            throw new KeenBulkException("Mock exception", 
                                new List<CachedEvent> {new CachedEvent("CachedEventTest", e, new Exception())});
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            var anEvent = new JObject {{"AProperty", "AValue"}};
            client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", anEvent);
            anEvent.Add("keen", JObject.FromObject(new {invalidPropName = "value"} ));
            client.AddEvent("CachedEventTest", anEvent);
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => 
                    catch (KeenBulkException ex)
                        if (ex.FailedEvents.Count() != 1)
                            throw new Exception("Expected 1 failed event.");
        public void AddEvent_ScopedKeyWrite_Success()
            const string scope = "{\"timestamp\": \"2014-02-25T22:09:27.320082\", \"allowed_operations\": [\"write\"]}";
            var scopedKey = ScopedKey.EncryptString(SettingsEnv.MasterKey, scope);
            var settings = new ProjectSettingsProvider(masterKey: SettingsEnv.MasterKey, projectId: SettingsEnv.ProjectId, writeKey: scopedKey);

            var client = new KeenClient(settings);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(settings,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        var key = JObject.Parse(ScopedKey.Decrypt(p.MasterKey, p.WriteKey));
                        if ((key["allowed_operations"].Values<string>().First()=="write") && (p == settings) && (c == "AddEventTest") && (e["AProperty"].Value<string>()=="CustomKey"))
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "CustomKey" }));
 public void AddEvent_InvalidCollectionNameTooLong_Throws()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     Assert.Throws<KeenException>(() => client.AddEvent(new String('X', 257), new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
        public void AddEvent_InvalidCollectionNameNull_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            Assert.Throws <KeenException>(() => client.AddEvent(null, new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
        public void AddEvent_InvalidKeenNamespaceProperty_Throws()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c,e,p) =>
                        if ((p == SettingsEnv) 
                            && (c == "X") 
                            && (null != e.Property("keen"))
                            && (e.Property("keen").Value.GetType()==typeof(JObject))
                            && (null!=((JObject)e.Property("keen").Value).Property("AProperty")))
                            throw new KeenInvalidKeenNamespacePropertyException();
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected value");

            Assert.Throws<KeenInvalidKeenNamespacePropertyException>(() => client.AddEvent("X", new { keen = new { AProperty = "AValue" } }));
 public void AddEvent_Success()
     var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
     if (UseMocks)
         client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
             addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                 if ((p == SettingsEnv) && (c == "AddEventTest") && (e["AProperty"].Value<string>()=="AValue"))
                 throw new Exception("Unexpected values");
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("AddEventTest", new { AProperty = "AValue" }));
Exemple #48
        public void ReferrerParser_Send_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);
            if (UseMocks)
                client.EventCollection = new EventCollectionMock(SettingsEnv,
                    addEvent: (c, e, p) =>
                        if (!e["keen"].ToString().Contains("keen:referrer_parser"))
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected values");

            var a = AddOn.ReferrerParser("referrer", "page", "referrer_parsed");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => client.AddEvent("AddOnTest", new {page = "", referrer = ""}, new List<AddOn> {a}));
        public async Task Funnel_ValidTimeframeInSteps_Success()
            var client = new KeenClient(SettingsEnv);

            IEnumerable <FunnelStep> funnelsteps = new []
                new FunnelStep
                    EventCollection = FunnelColA,
                    ActorProperty   = "id",
                    Timeframe       = QueryRelativeTimeframe.ThisMonth(),
                new FunnelStep
                    EventCollection = FunnelColB,
                    ActorProperty   = "id",
                    Timeframe       = new QueryAbsoluteTimeframe(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30), DateTime.Now),

            var expected = new FunnelResult
                Steps = new[]
                    new FunnelResultStep
                        EventCollection = FunnelColA,
                    new FunnelResultStep
                        EventCollection = FunnelColB,
                Result = new[] { 3, 2 }

            Mock <IQueries> queryMock = null;

            if (UseMocks)
                queryMock = new Mock <IQueries>();
                queryMock.Setup(m => m.Funnel(
                                    It.Is <IEnumerable <FunnelStep> >(f => f.Equals(funnelsteps)),
                                    It.Is <IQueryTimeframe>(t => null == t),
                                    It.Is <string>(t => t == "")

                client.Queries = queryMock.Object;

            var reply = (await client.QueryFunnelAsync(funnelsteps, null));

            Assert.AreEqual(reply.Steps.Count(), 2);

            if (null != queryMock)