Exemple #1
        public GetPatientResp GetPatient(long customerId, BillingAccount billingAccount)
                var client = new KareoServicesClient();

                var requestHeader = new RequestHeader
                    ClientVersion = ClientVersion,
                    CustomerKey   = billingAccount.CustomerKey,
                    User          = billingAccount.UserName,
                    Password      = billingAccount.Password

                var getPatientReq = new GetPatientReq
                    RequestHeader = requestHeader,
                    Filter        = new SinglePatientFilter {
                        ExternalID = customerId.ToString()

                var getPatientResp = client.GetPatient(getPatientReq);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemple #2
        public GetChargesResp GetClaim(BillingAccount billingAccount, long eventId, DateTime eventDate)
            var client = new KareoServicesClient();

            var requestHeader = new RequestHeader
                ClientVersion = ClientVersion,
                CustomerKey   = billingAccount.CustomerKey,
                User          = billingAccount.UserName,
                Password      = billingAccount.Password

            var getChargesReq = new GetChargesReq
                RequestHeader = requestHeader,
                Filter        = new ChargeFilter()
                    PracticeName    = billingAccount.Name,
                    BatchNumber     = eventId.ToString(),
                    FromServiceDate = eventDate.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString(),
                    ToServiceDate   = eventDate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString()
                Fields = new ChargeFieldsToReturn()
                    ID                   = true,
                    EncounterID          = true,
                    PatientID            = true,
                    ProcedureCode        = true,
                    ProcedureName        = true,
                    Units                = true,
                    TotalCharges         = true,
                    AdjustedCharges      = true,
                    Receipts             = true,
                    PatientBalance       = true,
                    InsuranceBalance     = true,
                    TotalBalance         = true,
                    Status               = true,
                    PatientFirstBillDate = true,
                    PatientLastBillDate  = true

            var getChargesResp = client.GetCharges(getChargesReq);

            if (getChargesResp.ErrorResponse.IsError)
                throw new Exception(getChargesResp.ErrorResponse.ErrorMessage);
            if (!getChargesResp.SecurityResponse.SecurityResultSuccess)
                throw new Exception(getChargesResp.SecurityResponse.SecurityResult);

Exemple #3
        public GetPatientsResp GetPatients(string firstName, string lastName, DateTime dateOfBirth, BillingAccount billingAccount)
                var client = new KareoServicesClient();

                var requestHeader = new RequestHeader
                    ClientVersion = ClientVersion,
                    CustomerKey   = billingAccount.CustomerKey,
                    User          = billingAccount.UserName,
                    Password      = billingAccount.Password

                var getPatientsReq = new GetPatientsReq
                    RequestHeader = requestHeader,
                    Filter        = new PatientFilter
                        FirstName       = firstName,
                        LastName        = lastName,
                        FromDateOfBirth = dateOfBirth.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),
                        ToDateOfBirth   = dateOfBirth.AddDays(1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")

                var getPatientsResp = client.GetPatients(getPatientsReq);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemple #4
        public ModifyPatientResp UpdatePatient(long patientId, Customer customer, PrimaryCarePhysician pcp, BillingAccount billingAccount)
                var client = new KareoServicesClient();

                var requestHeader = new RequestHeader
                    ClientVersion = ClientVersion,
                    CustomerKey   = billingAccount.CustomerKey,
                    User          = billingAccount.UserName,
                    Password      = billingAccount.Password

                // Create the patient to insert.
                var updatePatient = new PatientUpdate
                    PatientID           = Convert.ToInt32(patientId),
                    FirstName           = customer.Name.FirstName,
                    MiddleName          = customer.Name.MiddleName,
                    LastName            = customer.Name.LastName,
                    DateofBirth         = customer.DateOfBirth,
                    Gender              = customer.Gender == Gender.Male ? GenderCode.Male : customer.Gender == Gender.Female ? GenderCode.Female : GenderCode.Unknown,
                    MedicalRecordNumber = customer.CustomerId.ToString(),
                    AddressLine1        = customer.Address.StreetAddressLine1,
                    AddressLine2        = customer.Address.StreetAddressLine2,
                    City         = customer.Address.City,
                    State        = customer.Address.StateCode,
                    ZipCode      = customer.Address.ZipCode.Zip,
                    HomePhone    = customer.HomePhoneNumber != null ? customer.HomePhoneNumber.FormatPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    WorkPhone    = customer.OfficePhoneNumber != null ? customer.OfficePhoneNumber.FormatPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    MobilePhone  = customer.MobilePhoneNumber != null ? customer.MobilePhoneNumber.FormatPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    EmailAddress = customer.Email != null?customer.Email.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                       PatientExternalID = customer.CustomerId.ToString()

                // Set the practice we want to add this patient to
                var practice = new PracticeIdentifierReq
                    PracticeName = billingAccount.Name
                updatePatient.Practice = practice;

                // Create the case details for the patient
                var patientCase = new PatientCaseUpdateReq
                    CaseName = CaseName,
                    Active = true,
                    SendPatientStatements = true
                updatePatient.Cases = new[] { patientCase };

                if (pcp != null)
                    updatePatient.PrimaryCarePhysician = new PhysicianIdentifierReq
                        FullName = pcp.Name.FullName

                // Create the create patient request object
                var request = new UpdatePatientReq
                    RequestHeader = requestHeader,
                    Patient       = updatePatient

                // Call the Create Patient method
                var response = client.UpdatePatient(request);

                // Check the response for an error
                if (response.ErrorResponse.IsError)
                    throw new Exception(response.ErrorResponse.ErrorMessage);

                if (!response.SecurityResponse.SecurityResultSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(response.SecurityResponse.SecurityResult);


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemple #5
        public ModifyPatientResp CreatePatient(Customer customer, Eligibility eligibility, IEnumerable <InsuranceCompany> insuranceCompanies, PrimaryCarePhysician pcp, BillingAccount billingAccount)
                var client = new KareoServicesClient();

                var requestHeader = new RequestHeader
                    ClientVersion = ClientVersion,
                    CustomerKey   = billingAccount.CustomerKey,
                    User          = billingAccount.UserName,
                    Password      = billingAccount.Password

                // Create the patient to insert.
                var newPatient = new PatientCreate
                    FirstName           = customer.Name.FirstName,
                    MiddleName          = customer.Name.MiddleName,
                    LastName            = customer.Name.MiddleName,
                    DateofBirth         = customer.DateOfBirth,
                    Gender              = customer.Gender == Gender.Male ? GenderCode.Male : customer.Gender == Gender.Female ? GenderCode.Female : GenderCode.Unknown,
                    MedicalRecordNumber = customer.CustomerId.ToString(),
                    AddressLine1        = customer.Address.StreetAddressLine1,
                    AddressLine2        = customer.Address.StreetAddressLine2,
                    City         = customer.Address.City,
                    State        = customer.Address.StateCode,
                    ZipCode      = customer.Address.ZipCode.Zip,
                    HomePhone    = customer.HomePhoneNumber != null ? customer.HomePhoneNumber.FormatPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    WorkPhone    = customer.OfficePhoneNumber != null ? customer.OfficePhoneNumber.FormatPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    MobilePhone  = customer.MobilePhoneNumber != null ? customer.MobilePhoneNumber.FormatPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    EmailAddress = customer.Email != null?customer.Email.ToString() : string.Empty,
                                       PatientExternalID = customer.CustomerId.ToString()

                // Set the practice we want to add this patient to
                var practice = new PracticeIdentifierReq
                    PracticeName = billingAccount.Name

                // Create the case details for the patient
                var patientCase = new PatientCaseCreateReq
                    CaseName = CaseName,
                    Active = true,
                    SendPatientStatements = true

                var eligibleResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EligibleResponse>(eligibility.Response);
                InsuranceCompany insuranceCompany = null;
                if (eligibleResponse.PrimaryInsurance != null)
                    insuranceCompany = insuranceCompanies.FirstOrDefault(ic => ic.Code == eligibleResponse.PrimaryInsurance.Id);
                else if (eligibleResponse.Insurance != null)
                    insuranceCompany = insuranceCompanies.FirstOrDefault(ic => ic.Code == eligibleResponse.Insurance.Id);

                if (insuranceCompany == null)
                    insuranceCompany = insuranceCompanies.First(ic => ic.Id == eligibility.InsuranceCompanyId);

                // Create the insurance policies for the patient case
                var primaryPolicy = new InsurancePolicyCreateReq
                    CompanyName       = insuranceCompany.Name,
                    PlanName          = eligibleResponse.Plan.PlanName,
                    PolicyNumber      = eligibleResponse.Demographics.Subscriber.MemberId,
                    PolicyGroupNumber = eligibleResponse.Demographics.Subscriber.GroupId,
                    Copay             = eligibility.CoPayment.ToString("0.00")
                //primaryPolicy.PlanID = eligibleResponse.Plan.PlanNumber;

                patientCase.Policies = new InsurancePolicyCreateReq[] { primaryPolicy };

                newPatient.Practice = practice;
                newPatient.Cases    = new PatientCaseCreateReq[] { patientCase };
                if (pcp != null)
                    newPatient.PrimaryCarePhysician = new PhysicianIdentifierReq
                        FullName = pcp.Name.FullName

                // Create the create patient request object
                var request = new CreatePatientReq
                    RequestHeader = requestHeader,
                    Patient       = newPatient

                // Call the Create Patient method
                var response = client.CreatePatient(request);

                // Check the response for an error
                if (response.ErrorResponse.IsError)
                    throw new Exception(response.ErrorResponse.ErrorMessage);

                if (!response.SecurityResponse.SecurityResultSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(response.SecurityResponse.SecurityResult);


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemple #6
        public CreateEncounterResp CreateEncounter(long patientId, Event eventData, IEnumerable <EventTest> eventTests, BillingAccount billingAccount)
                var patientResp = GetPatient(patientId, billingAccount);

                var client = new KareoServicesClient();

                var requestHeader = new RequestHeader
                    ClientVersion = ClientVersion,
                    CustomerKey   = billingAccount.CustomerKey,
                    User          = billingAccount.UserName,
                    Password      = billingAccount.Password

                // Create the encounter to insert.
                var newEncounter = new EncounterCreate
                    ServiceStartDate = eventData.EventDate,
                    PostDate         = eventData.EventDate.AddDays(1),
                    BatchNumber      = eventData.Id.ToString()

                // Set the practice we want to add this encounter to
                int practiceId;
                int.TryParse(patientResp.Patient.PracticeId, out practiceId);
                var practice = new PracticeIdentifierReq
                    PracticeID   = practiceId,
                    PracticeName = patientResp.Patient.PracticeName

                // Create the patient for the encounter
                var patient = new PatientIdentifierReq
                    PatientID = Convert.ToInt32(patientId)

                // Create the patient case for the encounter
                int caseId;
                int.TryParse(patientResp.Patient.Cases.First().PatientCaseID, out caseId);
                var encounterCase = new PatientCaseIdentifierReq
                    CaseID = caseId

                var provider = new ProviderIdentifierDetailedReq
                    FirstName  = ProviderFirstName,
                    MiddleName = ProviderMiddleName,
                    LastName   = ProviderLastName,
                    NPI        = ProviderNpi

                // Set the service location
                var location = new EncounterServiceLocation
                    LocationName = billingAccount.Name

                var placeOfService = new EncounterPlaceOfService
                    PlaceOfServiceCode = PlaceOfServiceCode,
                    PlaceOfServiceName = PlaceOfServiceName

                // Create the service lines for this encounter
                var serviceLines = new List <ServiceLineReq>();
                if (eventTests != null && eventTests.Any())
                    foreach (var eventTest in eventTests)
                        serviceLines.Add(new ServiceLineReq
                            ServiceStartDate = eventData.EventDate,
                            ProcedureCode    = eventTest.Test.CPTCode,
                            DiagnosisCode1   = eventTest.Test.DiagnosisCode,
                            Units            = 1,
                            UnitCharge       = Convert.ToDouble(eventTest.Price)

                // Make sure you set the encounter's practice, service location, patient, case, and
                // provider (and any other objects you create relating to the encounter)
                newEncounter.Practice            = practice;
                newEncounter.Patient             = patient;
                newEncounter.Case                = encounterCase;
                newEncounter.RenderingProvider   = provider;
                newEncounter.SupervisingProvider = provider;
                newEncounter.ServiceLocation     = location;
                newEncounter.PlaceOfService      = placeOfService;
                newEncounter.ServiceLines        = serviceLines.ToArray();

                newEncounter.EncounterStatus = EncounterStatusCode.Submitted;

                // Create the create encounter request object
                var request = new CreateEncounterReq
                    RequestHeader = requestHeader,
                    Encounter     = newEncounter

                // Call the Create Encounter method
                var response = client.CreateEncounter(request);

                // Check the response for an error
                if (response.ErrorResponse.IsError)
                    throw new Exception(response.ErrorResponse.ErrorMessage);
                if (!response.SecurityResponse.SecurityResultSuccess)
                    throw new Exception(response.SecurityResponse.SecurityResult);


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);