private async Task <string> ExecuteKScriptNodeAsync(KScriptNode node, Dictionary <string, AliasReference> classNameAlias, bool isRepeat) { try { StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder(""); string apiUrl = string.Copy(node.API); string input = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Input)) { input = string.Copy(node.Input); } string headers = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Headers)) { headers = string.Copy(node.Headers); } bool cacheEnabled = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.IsCacheEnabledString)) { string cacheEnabledStr = await evaluator.EvaluateExpressionAsync(node.IsCacheEnabledString, classNameAlias); bool.TryParse(cacheEnabledStr, out cacheEnabled); } if (!cacheEnabled) { CacheableResult = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiUrl)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { var inputMatches = Constant.WidgetRegulerExpression.Matches(input); Dictionary <string, string> matchDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //Handle the (,) withing the expression'hello',''). it was spliting by comma so used unique pattern for (var i = 0; i < inputMatches.Count; i++) { matchDict.Add($"##__{i}__##", inputMatches[i].Value); input = input.Replace(inputMatches[i].Value, $"##__{i}__##"); } var inputArray = input.Split(','); int count = 0; foreach (var inputVal in inputArray) { var elem = inputVal; foreach (var placHolder in matchDict) { elem = elem.Replace(placHolder.Key, placHolder.Value); } if (elem.Contains("]") || elem.Contains("[")) { dynamic outputObject = await evaluator.EvaluateExpressionAsync(elem, classNameAlias); var output = outputObject.ToString(); apiUrl = apiUrl.Replace("{" + count + "}", output.Trim('\'')); } else { apiUrl = apiUrl.Replace("{" + count + "}", elem); } count++; } } var headerDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headers)) { var headersArray = Helper.TrimDelimiters(headers).Split(','); foreach (var header in headersArray) { var separator = header.Split(':'); if (!headerDict.ContainsKey(separator[0].Trim())) { headerDict.Add(separator[0].Trim().Trim('\''), separator[1].Trim().Trim('\'')); } } } //var result = GetResponseFromKScript(apiUrl, headerDict, cacheEnabled, functionLog); var result = await ApiHelper.GetResponseFromKScriptAsync(apiUrl, headerDict, cacheEnabled, rootAliasUri, functionLog, websiteId); if (result != null) { evaluator.ChangePropertiesToLowerCase(result); classNameAlias.Remove("kresult"); classNameAlias.Add("kresult", new AliasReference { iteration = -1, maxIteration = -1, referenceObject = result }); } string res = await ProcessNodesAsync(node.Children, classNameAlias, isRepeat); resultString.Append(res); classNameAlias.Remove("kresult"); } return(resultString.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { CacheableResult = false; ConsoleLogger.Write($"ERROR: ExecuteKScriptNodeAsync: \t {e.ToString()}, source:" + page.SourcePath); } return(""); }
private HtmlNode ProcessExtractBlocksNode(HtmlNode node) { HtmlNode returnNode = node; bool isKTag = false; if (nodeNameBlockDescriptors.Contains(node.Name)) { if (node.Name.Equals(LanguageAttributes.KScript.GetDescription().ToLower())) { var apiUrl = decodeExpression(node.GetAttributeValue("get-api", null)); var input = node.GetAttributeValue("input", null); var headers = node.GetAttributeValue("headers", null)?.Trim()?.Trim('[')?.Trim(']'); string cacheEnabledStr = node.GetAttributeValue("cacheenabled", null); BlockNode bNode = new KScriptNode(apiUrl, input, headers, cacheEnabledStr); HtmlNode tempNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode(GenerateBlockIdentifier()); returnNode = tempNode; blockNodeReferenceList.Add(currentBlockNumber, bNode); node.ParentNode.InsertAfter(tempNode, node); node.Remove(); var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml("<div></div>"); HtmlNode newNode = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.FirstChild; newNode.AppendChildren(node.ChildNodes); bNode.Children.AddRange(GetNodes(newNode, true)); return(tempNode); } else if (node.Name.Equals(LanguageAttributes.KTag.GetDescription().ToLower())) { isKTag = true; } //Removed the srcset as its domain specific (some cdn was not configured so that it was not working on some domain) //else if (node.Name.Equals("img")) //{ // if (node.Attributes.Any(x => "src" == x.Name?.ToLower())) // { // node.Attributes.Remove("srcset"); // node.Attributes.Add("srcset", $"[[getSrcSet({node.Attributes["src"].Value.Replace(@"[[", @"\[\[").Replace(@"]]", @"\]\]")})]]"); // } //} } List <HtmlAttribute> attributeList = node.Attributes.Where(x => attributeNameBlockDescriptors.Contains(x.Name)).ToList(); if (attributeList.Count > 0) { HtmlAttribute repeatAttribute = null; repeatAttribute = attributeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == LanguageAttributes.KRepeat.GetDescription().ToLower()); foreach (HtmlAttribute attribute in attributeList) { BlockNode blockNode = null; switch (attribute.Name.ToLower()) { case "k-show": blockNode = new KShowNode(decodeExpression(attribute.Value.Replace("[[", "").Replace("]]", ""))); break; case "k-hide": blockNode = new KHideNode(decodeExpression(attribute.Value.Replace("[[", "").Replace("]]", ""))); break; case "k-pay-amount": { node.Attributes.Add("k-pay-checksum", $"[[getChecksum({attribute.Value.Replace("[[", "").Replace("]]", "")})]]"); } break; case "k-norepeat": blockNode = new KNoRepeatNode(); break; } if (blockNode != null) { attribute.Remove(); if (node.ParentNode != null) { HtmlNode tempNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode(GenerateBlockIdentifier()); blockNodeReferenceList.Add(currentBlockNumber, blockNode); node.ParentNode.InsertAfter(tempNode, node); node.Remove(); //exclude the top node if isKtag to remove ktag node blockNode.Children.AddRange(GetNodes(node, isKTag && repeatAttribute == null ? true : false)); return(tempNode); } else { return(HtmlNode.CreateNode("<!-- Invalid node -->")); } } } if (repeatAttribute != null) { var repeatNode = ProcessRepeatNode(node, repeatAttribute, isKTag); if (repeatNode != null) { return(repeatNode); } } } return(returnNode); }