public static double DaviesBouldinIndex(Partition p)
            //Insure all centroids are calculated
            KPoint[][] clusterPoints = new KPoint[p.Clusters.Count][];
            for (int c = 0; c < p.Clusters.Count; c++)
                clusterPoints[c] = p.GetClusterKPoints(c);

            KPoint[] centers = p.Clusters.Select(c => new KPoint(clusterPoints[c.ClusterId])).ToArray();

            double db = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Clusters.Count; i++)
                double Oi      = averageDistanceFromCentroid(clusterPoints[i]);
                double maxStat = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < p.Clusters.Count; j++)
                    if (i != j)
                        double Oj = averageDistanceFromCentroid(clusterPoints[j]);

                        double dbi = (Oi + Oj) / centers[i].elucideanDistance(centers[j]);
                        if (dbi > maxStat)
                            maxStat = dbi;
                db += maxStat;

            return(db / (double)p.Clusters.Count);
 public int[] GetCounts(KPoint key, int linePtr)
     if (_hiRez)
         if (_countsRepoHiRez.ReadParts(key, _workResultHiRez))
             return(GetOneLineFromCountsBlock(_workResultHiRez.Counts, linePtr));
         if (_countsRepo.ReadParts(key, _workResult))
             return(GetOneLineFromCountsBlock(_workResult.Counts, linePtr));
 //This updates the weights of the neuron to pull towards
 public void updateWeights(KPoint target, double learningRate, double influence)
     for (int i = 0; i < weights.Dimensions; i++)
         weights[i] += (target[i] - weights[i]) * learningRate * influence;
Exemple #4
        public void WriteWorkResult(KPoint key, MapSectionWorkResult val, bool overwriteResults)
            // When writing include the Area's offset.
            KPoint transKey = key.ToGlobal(_position);

                lock (_repoLock)
                    if (overwriteResults)
                        _countsRepo.Change(transKey, val);
                        _countsRepo.Add(transKey, val, saveOnWrite: false);
                Debug.WriteLine($"Could not write data for x: {transKey.X} and y: {transKey.Y}.");
        public static double SilhouetteIndex(ClusteredItem datum, Partition clusters)
            //Calculate A
            double distA      = 0.0;
            KPoint datumPoint = clusters.Points[datum.Id];

            foreach (ClusteredItem d in clusters.Clusters[datum.ClusterId].Points)
                distA += datumPoint.elucideanDistance(clusters.Points[d.Id]);
            distA /= (double)(clusters.Clusters[datum.ClusterId].Points.Count - 1);

            double minB = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Clusters.Count; i++)
                if (i != datum.ClusterId)
                    double distB = 0.0;
                    foreach (ClusteredItem d in clusters.Clusters[i].Points)
                        distB += datumPoint.elucideanDistance(clusters.Points[d.Id]);
                    distB /= (double)(clusters.Clusters[i].Points.Count);

                    if (distB < minB)
                        minB = distB;

            return((minB - distA) / Math.Max(minB, distA));
        public SelfOrganizingMap(PointSet data, List <int> dimensions, int totalItt, double learningRate)
            //Get initial learning rate
            this.initialLearningRate = learningRate;
            this.learningRate        = learningRate;
            influence             = 0;
            this.totalItterations = totalItt;
            itterations           = 1;

            this.dimensions = dimensions;
         = data;
            rng             = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            int numNeurons = 1;

            foreach (int d in dimensions)
                numNeurons *= d;

            int[] pos = new int[dimensions.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.Count; i++)
                pos[i] = 0;

            //Scale each attribute from [0,1] and store the conversion matrix
            conversionMatrix = data.GetMinMaxWeights().Max.Coordinates;

            foreach (KPoint d in data.PointList)

            //Here We will initialize Our Neurons
            neurons = new List <SOMNeuron>();
            KPoint zero = KPoint.Zero(data[0].Dimensions);
            KPoint one  = KPoint.One(data[0].Dimensions);

            for (int i = 0; i < numNeurons; i++)
                //Generate our neurons
                double[] posNeuron = new double[dimensions.Count];
                for (int d = 0; d < dimensions.Count; d++)
                    posNeuron[d] = (double)pos[d];
                SOMNeuron neuron = new SOMNeuron(zero, one, rng, new KPoint(posNeuron), i);
                addOneCarry(ref pos, dimensions);

            //Get the max radius

            this.timeConstant = (double)totalItterations / Math.Log(radius);
Exemple #7
            public BallTreeNode(PointSet Points)
                //if there is only a single point, set this as the data
                if (Points.Count == 1)
                    Point = Points[0];
                    //Find the dimension of greatest spread
                    var    minMax    = Points.GetMinMaxWeights();
                    double maxSpread = double.MinValue;
                    int    maxDim    = 0;
                    for (int d = 0; d < Points.Dimensions; d++)
                        double range = minMax.Max[d] - minMax.Min[d];
                        if (range > maxSpread)
                            maxSpread = d;
                            maxSpread = range;
                    PivotDim = maxDim;

                    //Pivot Select, Replace with QuickSelect
                    double[] pivots = new double[Points.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                        pivots[i] = Points[i][PivotDim];

                    double pivotValue = pivots[(Points.Count - 1) / 2];

                    //Create left and right children
                    List <KPoint> left  = new List <KPoint>();
                    List <KPoint> right = new List <KPoint>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                        if (Points[i][PivotDim] <= pivotValue)

                    leftNode  = new BallTreeNode(new PointSet(left));
                    rightNode = new BallTreeNode(new PointSet(right));
Exemple #8
        public bool RetrieveWorkResultFromRepo(KPoint key, MapSectionWorkResult workResult)
            // When writing include the Area's offset.
            KPoint transKey = key.ToGlobal(_position);

            lock (_repoLock)
                bool result = _countsRepo.ReadParts(transKey, workResult);
 public bool ContainsKey(KPoint key)
     if (_hiRez)
Exemple #10
        private void MainCanvas_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            var x0 = MainCanvas.Width / 2;
            var y0 = MainCanvas.Height / 2;

            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point(x0, 0), new Point(x0, MainCanvas.Height));
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point(0, y0), new Point(MainCanvas.Width, y0));

            center = new KPoint {
                x = x0, y = y0
Exemple #11
        private CanvasSize GetImageSizeInBlocks(CountsRepoReader countsRepo)
            bool foundMax = false;

            int w = 10;
            int h = 0;

            KPoint key = new KPoint(w, h);

            foundMax = !countsRepo.ContainsKey(key);

            if (foundMax)
                return(new CanvasSize(0, 0));

            // Find max value where w and h are equal.
            while (!foundMax)
                key      = new KPoint(w, h);
                foundMax = !countsRepo.ContainsKey(key);


            foundMax = false;
            // Find max value of h
            while (!foundMax)
                key      = new KPoint(w, h);
                foundMax = !countsRepo.ContainsKey(key);


            foundMax = false;
            // Find max value of h
            while (!foundMax)
                key      = new KPoint(w, h);
                foundMax = !countsRepo.ContainsKey(key);


            return(new CanvasSize(w, ++h));
        private MapSectionWorkResult RetrieveWorkResultFromRepo(KPoint key, Job localJob, bool readZValues)
            MapSectionWorkResult workResult = GetEmptyResult(readZValues, Job.SECTION_WIDTH, Job.SECTION_HEIGHT);

            if (localJob.RetrieveWorkResultFromRepo(key, workResult))
Exemple #13
        private MapSectionWorkResult GetEmptyResult(KPoint key)
            //if(area.Size.W != SECTION_WIDTH || area.Size.H != SECTION_HEIGHT)
            //	Debug.WriteLine("Wrong Area.");

            if (_emptyResult == null)
                _emptyResult = new MapSectionWorkResult(SECTION_WIDTH * SECTION_HEIGHT, hiRez: false, includeZValuesOnRead: false);

        private MapSectionResult ProcessSubJob(SubJob subJob)
            if (subJob.ParentJob.CancelRequested)
                Debug.WriteLine("Not Processing Sub Job.");

            if (!(subJob.ParentJob is Job localJob))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("When processing a subjob, the parent job must be implemented by the Job class.");

            MapSectionWorkRequest mswr = subJob.MapSectionWorkRequest;

            KPoint key = new KPoint(mswr.HPtr, mswr.VPtr);
            MapSectionWorkResult workResult = RetrieveWorkResultFromRepo(key, localJob, readZValues: false);

            MapSectionResult result;

            if (workResult == null)
                result = CalculateMapValues(subJob, localJob, ref workResult);
                if (workResult.IterationCount == 0 || workResult.IterationCount == mswr.MaxIterations)
                    // The WorkResult read from file has the correct iteration count. (Or we are not tracking the interation count.)
                    result = new MapSectionResult(localJob.JobId, mswr.MapSection, workResult.Counts);
                else if (workResult.IterationCount < mswr.MaxIterations)
                    // Fetch the entire WorkResult with ZValues
                    workResult = RetrieveWorkResultFromRepo(key, localJob, readZValues: true);

                    // Use the current work results to continue calculations to create
                    // a result with the target iteration count.
                    result = CalculateMapValues(subJob, localJob, ref workResult);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot reduce the number of iterations of an existing job.");

Exemple #15
        //public int WorkResultWriteCount = 0;
        //public int WorkResultReWriteCount = 0;

        public Job(SMapWorkRequest sMapWorkRequest) : base(sMapWorkRequest)
            _position    = new KPoint(sMapWorkRequest.Area.SectionAnchor.X, sMapWorkRequest.Area.SectionAnchor.Y);
            SamplePoints = GetSamplePoints(sMapWorkRequest);

            string filename = RepoFilename;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Creating new Repo. Name: {filename}, JobId: {JobId}.");
            _countsRepo = new ValueRecords <KPoint, MapSectionWorkResult>(filename, useHiRezFolder: false);

            //Debug.WriteLine($"Starting to get histogram for {RepoFilename} at {DateTime.Now.ToString(DiagTimeFormat)}.");
            //Dictionary<int, int> h = GetHistogram();
            //Debug.WriteLine($"Histogram complete for {RepoFilename} at {DateTime.Now.ToString(DiagTimeFormat)}.");
Exemple #16
 private SOMNeuron GetBestMatchingUnit(KPoint data)
     SOMNeuron best = null;
     double dist = Double.MaxValue;
     foreach (SOMNeuron n in neurons)
         double d = n.weights.distanceSquared(data);
         if (d < dist)
             dist = d;
             best = n;
     return best;
        public KMeans(PointSet points, int numClusters)
            //Assign the points and number of clusters
            Points      = points;
            NumClusters = numClusters;
            //Create our dataPoints
            ClusteredPoints = new List <ClusteredItem>();
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                ClusteredPoints.Add(new ClusteredItem(i));

            //Create a new RNG
            Random rng = new Random();

            //Now we find the min and max
            var minMax = points.GetMinMaxWeights();

            //Now we generate our clusters
            //Make random clusters until we have 3 valid clusters
            _clusters        = new Cluster[numClusters];
            _clusterLocation = new KPoint[numClusters];
                for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++)
                    _clusters[c]        = new Cluster(c);
                    _clusterLocation[c] = new KPoint(minMax.Min, minMax.Max, rng);
            } while (!ValidClusters());

            //KMeans Algorithm algo starts
            //1. assign points
            //2. calculate new centers
                foreach (Cluster cl in _clusters)
                    if (cl.Points.Count > 0)
                        _clusterLocation[cl.ClusterId] = new KPoint(cl.Points.Select(i => points[i.Id]).ToArray());
            } while (AssignPoints());
Exemple #18
 public MinHeapPriorityQueue <KPoint> NearestNeighbors(KPoint p, int k, MinHeapPriorityQueue <KPoint> Q, BallTreeNode B)
     if (p[B.PivotDim] > Q.peek().elucideanDistance(p))
     else if (B.IsLeaf())
         if (p.elucideanDistance(B.Point) < p.elucideanDistance(Q.peek()))
             if (Q.Count >= k)
        private MapSectionResult CalculateMapValues(SubJob subJob, Job localJob, ref MapSectionWorkResult workResult)
            MapSectionWorkRequest mswr = subJob.MapSectionWorkRequest;

            bool overwriteResults;

            if (workResult == null)
                workResult       = BuildInitialWorkingValues(mswr);
                overwriteResults = false;
                overwriteResults = true;

            double[] xValues = localJob.SamplePoints.XValueSections[mswr.HPtr];
            double[] yValues = localJob.SamplePoints.YValueSections[mswr.VPtr];

            //DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;
            //workResult = _mapCalculator.GetWorkingValues(xValues, yValues, mswr.MaxIterations, workResult);
            //DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;

            //int[] testCounts = new int[10000];
            //DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;

            //_mapCalculator.ComputeApprox(xValues, yValues, mswr.MaxIterations, testCounts);
            //List<int> misMatcheIndexes = GetMismatchCount(workResult.Counts, testCounts, out double avgGap);
            //DateTime t3 = DateTime.Now;

            //Debug.WriteLine($"Block: v={mswr.VPtr}, h={mswr.HPtr} has {misMatcheIndexes.Count} mis matches, avgGap={avgGap} and avg {GetAverageCntValue(workResult.Counts)}.");
            //Debug.WriteLine($"Standard: {GetElaspedTime(t0, t1)}, Approx: {GetElaspedTime(t2, t3)}.");

            //_mapCalculator.ComputeApprox(xValues, yValues, mswr.MaxIterations, workResult.Counts);
            workResult = _mapCalculator.GetWorkingValues(xValues, yValues, mswr.MaxIterations, workResult);

            KPoint key = new KPoint(mswr.HPtr, mswr.VPtr);

            localJob.WriteWorkResult(key, workResult, overwriteResults);

            MapSectionResult msr = new MapSectionResult(localJob.JobId, mswr.MapSection, workResult.Counts);

        public void Epoch(KPoint p)
            //get a random item
            SOMNeuron bmu = GetBestMatchingUnit(p);

            neighborhoodRadius = radius * Math.Exp(-(double)itterations / timeConstant);
            double neighborSqr = neighborhoodRadius * neighborhoodRadius;

            QuadTreePointStruct center = new QuadTreePointStruct()
                Index = -1,
                X     = bmu.position[0],
                Y     = bmu.position[1]
            QuadTreePointStruct halfLength = new QuadTreePointStruct()
                Index = -1,
                X     = neighborhoodRadius,
                Y     = neighborhoodRadius

            List <int> neuronsInArea =
                neuronQuadTree.QueryRange(new QuadTreeBoundingBox()
                Center = center, HalfLength = halfLength

            //Now we need to update each neuron
            foreach (int i in neuronsInArea)
                SOMNeuron n         = neurons[i];
                double    distToBMU = n.position.elucideanDistance(bmu.position);
                if (distToBMU <= neighborhoodRadius)
                    influence = Math.Exp(-(distToBMU * distToBMU) / (2 * neighborSqr));
                    n.updateWeights(p, learningRate, influence);

            learningRate = this.initialLearningRate * Math.Exp(-(double)itterations / (double)this.totalItterations);
        public void Epoch(KPoint p)
            //get a random item
            SOMNeuron bmu = GetBestMatchingUnit(p);

            neighborhoodRadius = radius * Math.Exp(-(double)itterations / timeConstant);
            double neighborSqr = neighborhoodRadius * neighborhoodRadius;

            //Now we need to update each neuron
            foreach (SOMNeuron n in neurons)
                double distToBMUSqr = n.position.elucideanDistance(bmu.position);
                if (distToBMUSqr <= neighborSqr)
                    influence = Math.Exp(-(distToBMUSqr) / (2 * neighborSqr));
                    n.updateWeights(p, learningRate, influence);

            learningRate = this.initialLearningRate * Math.Exp(-(double)itterations / (double)this.totalItterations);
        public static double getSqrdErrorDistortion(Partition p)
            //Insure all centroids are calculated
            KPoint[][] clusterPoints = new KPoint[p.Clusters.Count][];
            for (int c = 0; c < p.Clusters.Count; c++)
                clusterPoints[c] = p.GetClusterKPoints(c);

            KPoint[] centers = p.Clusters.Select(c => new KPoint(clusterPoints[c.ClusterId])).ToArray();

            double sum = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Clusters.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < clusterPoints[i].Length; j++)
                    sum += centers[i].distanceSquared(clusterPoints[i][j]);

            return(sum / (double)p.GetClusteredItemCount());
        public static double DunnIndex(Partition p, DunnInterDistanceType distType, DunnIntraDistanceType intraDistType)
            //Insure all centroids are calculated
            KPoint[][] clusterPoints = new KPoint[p.Clusters.Count][];
            for (int c = 0; c < p.Clusters.Count; c++)
                clusterPoints[c] = p.GetClusterKPoints(c);

            KPoint[] centers = p.Clusters.Select(c => new KPoint(clusterPoints[c.ClusterId])).ToArray();

            //Between 2 clusters(center)
            double minInter = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Clusters.Count - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < p.Clusters.Count; j++)
                    double distIJ = 0.0;
                    if (distType == DunnInterDistanceType.CentroidDist)
                        distIJ = centers[i].elucideanDistance(centers[j]);
                    else if (distType == DunnInterDistanceType.MaxDist)
                        distIJ = getInterClusterDist(clusterPoints[i], clusterPoints[j], true);
                    else if (distType == DunnInterDistanceType.MinDist)
                        distIJ = getInterClusterDist(clusterPoints[i], clusterPoints[j], false);
                    else if (distType == DunnInterDistanceType.AverageDist)
                        double sumDist = 0.0;
                        foreach (KPoint k in clusterPoints[i])
                            foreach (KPoint l in clusterPoints[j])
                                sumDist += k.elucideanDistance(l);
                        distIJ = sumDist / (double)(clusterPoints[i].Length * clusterPoints[j].Length);
                    else if (distType == DunnInterDistanceType.AverageToCentroid)
                        double distCentI = 0.0;
                        foreach (KPoint pointJ in clusterPoints[j])
                            distCentI += centers[i].elucideanDistance(pointJ);
                        distCentI /= (double)clusterPoints[j].Length;

                        double distCentJ = 0.0;
                        foreach (KPoint pointI in clusterPoints[i])
                            distCentJ += centers[j].elucideanDistance(pointI);
                        distCentJ /= (double)clusterPoints[i].Length;

                        distIJ = Math.Min(distCentI, distCentJ);

                    minInter = (distIJ < minInter) ? distIJ : minInter;

            double maxIntraClusterDistance = 0.0;

            if (intraDistType == DunnIntraDistanceType.Complete)
                foreach (Cluster c in p.Clusters)
                    for (int i = 0; i < c.Points.Count - 1; i++)
                        var pointI = clusterPoints[c.ClusterId][i];
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < c.Points.Count; j++)
                            var    pointJ = clusterPoints[c.ClusterId][j];
                            double distIJ = pointI.elucideanDistance(pointJ);
                            maxIntraClusterDistance = (distIJ > maxIntraClusterDistance) ? distIJ : maxIntraClusterDistance;
            else if (intraDistType == DunnIntraDistanceType.Average)
                foreach (Cluster c in p.Clusters)
                    double sum = 0.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < clusterPoints[c.ClusterId].Length - 1; i++)
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < clusterPoints[c.ClusterId].Length; j++)
                            sum += clusterPoints[c.ClusterId][i].elucideanDistance(clusterPoints[c.ClusterId][j]);
                    sum /= (double)(clusterPoints[c.ClusterId].Length * (clusterPoints[c.ClusterId].Length - 1));
                    maxIntraClusterDistance = (sum > maxIntraClusterDistance) ? sum : maxIntraClusterDistance;
            else if (intraDistType == DunnIntraDistanceType.AverageToCentroid)
                foreach (Cluster c in p.Clusters)
                    double sum = 0.0;
                    foreach (KPoint point in clusterPoints[c.ClusterId])
                        sum += 2 * centers[c.ClusterId].elucideanDistance(point);
                    sum /= (double)(clusterPoints[c.ClusterId].Length);
                    maxIntraClusterDistance = (sum > maxIntraClusterDistance) ? sum : maxIntraClusterDistance;
            double dunn = minInter / maxIntraClusterDistance;

 //Initialize tyhe weights with a randon between min and max
 public SOMNeuron(KPoint min, KPoint max, Random rng, KPoint position, int id)
     weights       = new KPoint(min, max, rng);
     this.position = position;       = id;
Exemple #25
 public BallTree(KPoint points)
Exemple #26
        private void MouseMoveEvent(object s, MouseEventArgs e) {
            if (dragging && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) {
                Left = mouseDownWindowLocation.x + (e.X - mouseDownLocation.x);
                Top  = mouseDownWindowLocation.y + (e.Y - mouseDownLocation.y);

                mouseDownWindowLocation = new KPoint(Left, Top);
Exemple #27
        public void Build(string fn, bool hiRez)
            // TODO: HiRez, blockWidth and blockHeight should come from the RepoFile.

            MapInfoWithColorMap miwcm = ReadFromJson(fn);
            int      maxIterations    = miwcm.MapInfo.MaxIterations;
            ColorMap colorMap         = miwcm.ColorMap;

            string repofilename = miwcm.MapInfo.Name;

            //ValueRecords<KPoint, MapSectionWorkResult> countsRepo = new ValueRecords<KPoint, MapSectionWorkResult>(repofilename, useHiRezFolder: hiRez);
            //int blockLength = BlockWidth * BlockHeight;
            //MapSectionWorkResult workResult = new MapSectionWorkResult(blockLength, hiRez: hiRez, includeZValuesOnRead: false);
            //CanvasSize imageSizeInBlocks = GetImageSizeInBlocks(countsRepo);

            int blockLength = BlockWidth * BlockHeight;
            CountsRepoReader countsRepoReader  = new CountsRepoReader(repofilename, hiRez, BlockWidth, BlockHeight);
            CanvasSize       imageSizeInBlocks = GetImageSizeInBlocks(countsRepoReader);

            int w = imageSizeInBlocks.Width;
            int h = imageSizeInBlocks.Height;

            CanvasSize imageSize = new CanvasSize(w * BlockWidth, h * BlockHeight);

            string imagePath = GetImageFilename(fn, imageSize.Width, hiRez, BasePath);

            KPoint key = new KPoint(0, 0);

            using (PngImage pngImage = new PngImage(imagePath, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height))
                for (int vBPtr = 0; vBPtr < h; vBPtr++)
                    key.Y = vBPtr;
                    for (int lPtr = 0; lPtr < 100; lPtr++)
                        ImageLine iLine   = pngImage.ImageLine;
                        int       linePtr = vBPtr * BlockHeight + lPtr;

                        for (int hBPtr = 0; hBPtr < w; hBPtr++)
                            key.X = hBPtr;

                            //if (countsRepo.ReadParts(key, workResult))
                            //	int[] allCounts = workResult.Counts;
                            //	int[] countsForThisLine = GetOneLineFromCountsBlock(allCounts, lPtr);
                            //	BuildPngImageLineSegment(hBPtr * BlockWidth, countsForThisLine, iLine, maxIterations, colorMap);
                            //	BuildBlankPngImageLineSegment(hBPtr * BlockWidth, BlockWidth, iLine);

                            int[] countsForThisLine = countsRepoReader.GetCounts(key, lPtr);
                            if (countsForThisLine != null)
                                BuildPngImageLineSegment(hBPtr * BlockWidth, countsForThisLine, iLine, maxIterations, colorMap);
                                BuildBlankPngImageLineSegment(hBPtr * BlockWidth, BlockWidth, iLine);

Exemple #28
 private void MouseDownEvent(object s, MouseEventArgs e) {
     if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) {
         mouseDownLocation       = new KPoint(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
         mouseDownWindowLocation = new KPoint(Left, Top);
         dragging = true;
        public static double averageDistanceFromCentroid(KPoint[] points)
            KPoint center = new KPoint(points);

            return(points.Select(p => p.elucideanDistance(center)).Sum() / (double)points.Length);
        public HexagonalSelfOrganizingMap(PointSet data, int dimension, double learningRate)
            _dimension = dimension;

            //Get initial learning rate
            this.initialLearningRate = learningRate;
            this.learningRate        = learningRate;
            influence   = 0;
            itterations = 1;

   = data;
            rng       = new Random();

            int numNeurons = dimension * dimension;

            //Scale each attribute from [0,1] and store the conversion matrix
            conversionMatrix = data.GetMinMaxWeights().Max.Coordinates;

            foreach (KPoint d in data.PointList)

            //Here We will initialize Our Neurons
            neurons = new List <SOMNeuron>();
            KPoint zero            = KPoint.Zero(data[0].Dimensions);
            KPoint one             = KPoint.One(data[0].Dimensions);
            double halfNeuronDelta = 1 / Math.Sqrt(3.0);

            //Initialize our Quadtree for reference
            double centerX             = (dimension - 0.5) * (2 * halfNeuronDelta) / 2.0;
            double centerY             = (dimension - 1.0) / 2.0;
            QuadTreePointStruct center = new QuadTreePointStruct()
                Index = -1, X = centerX, Y = centerY
            QuadTreePointStruct halfDistance = new QuadTreePointStruct()
                Index = -1, X = centerX + halfNeuronDelta, Y = centerY + 0.5

            neuronQuadTree = new QuadTree(new QuadTreeBoundingBox()
                Center = center, HalfLength = halfDistance

            int neuronIndex = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r < dimension; r++)
                double xPos = (r % 2 == 1) ? halfNeuronDelta : 0.0;
                for (int c = 0; c < dimension; c++)
                    //Generate our neurons
                    double[]            posNeuron   = { xPos, (double)r };
                    SOMNeuron           neuron      = new SOMNeuron(zero, one, rng, new KPoint(posNeuron), neuronIndex);
                    QuadTreePointStruct neuronQTPos = new QuadTreePointStruct()
                        Index = neuronIndex,
                        X     = posNeuron[0],
                        Y     = posNeuron[1]
                    xPos += 2 * halfNeuronDelta;

            //Get the max radius

            timeConstant = (double)totalItterations / Math.Log(radius);