Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Turns the object into an ObjectInstance
        /// </summary>
        public static ObjectInstance ToObjectInstance(this object o, ScriptEngine engine)
            var result = engine.Object.Construct();

            if (o.GetType() == typeof(ObjectInstance))
                return(o as ObjectInstance); //shouldn't have to... but just in case
            if (o.GetType() == typeof(NameValueCollection) || o.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(NameValueCollection)))
                var nv = (NameValueCollection)o;
                nv.Cast <string>().Select(key => new KeyValuePair <string, object>(key, nv[key])).ToList().ForEach(i => result.SetPropertyValue(i.Key, i.Value, false));
                var props = o.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (var item in props)
                    //TODO: Be more smart about the types? (should only be primitives, but could be something else)
                    var value = item.GetValue(o, null);

                    if (value is DateTime)
                        value = JurassicHelper.ToDateInstance(engine, (DateTime)value);

                    result.SetPropertyValue(item.Name, value, false);
        public SPFeatureInstance ActivateFeature(object feature, object force)
            var featureId = Guid.Empty;

            if (feature is string)
                featureId = new Guid(feature as string);
            else if (feature is GuidInstance)
                featureId = (feature as GuidInstance).Value;
            else if (feature is SPFeatureInstance)
                featureId = (feature as SPFeatureInstance).Feature.DefinitionId;
            else if (feature is SPFeatureDefinitionInstance)
                featureId = (feature as SPFeatureDefinitionInstance).FeatureDefinition.Id;

            if (featureId == Guid.Empty)

            var forceValue = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, force, false);

            var activatedFeature = m_site.Features.Add(featureId, forceValue);

            return(new SPFeatureInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, activatedFeature));
        public ArrayInstance ListEntities(object filterCriteria)
            var criteria = new EntityFilterCriteriaInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype);

            if (filterCriteria is FolderInstance)
                criteria.EntityFilterCriteria.Path = (filterCriteria as FolderInstance).FullPath;
            else if (filterCriteria is string || filterCriteria is StringInstance || filterCriteria is ConcatenatedString)
                criteria.EntityFilterCriteria.Path = filterCriteria.ToString();
            else if (filterCriteria != null && filterCriteria != Null.Value && filterCriteria != Undefined.Value)
                criteria = JurassicHelper.Coerce <EntityFilterCriteriaInstance>(Engine, filterCriteria);

            var result = Engine.Array.Construct();

            foreach (var entity in m_repository.ListEntities(criteria.EntityFilterCriteria))
                ArrayInstance.Push(result, new EntityInstance(Engine, entity));

Exemple #4
        public SortInstance AddSortField(
            [JSDoc("(string) Name of the field to sort by")]
            string fieldName,
            [JSDoc("(bool) (Optional) Indicates whether or not to reverse the sort (false is ascending, true is descending). Default is false.")]
            object reverse,
            [JSDoc("(string) (Optional) Indicates the field type to sort by. Possible values are: string, byte, double, float, int, long, short, string value, doc and score. Default is score.")]
            object fieldType)
            if (fieldName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "A field name must be specified as the first argument.");

            var reverseValue   = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, reverse, false);
            var fieldTypeValue = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, fieldType, "string");

            SortFieldType fieldTypeEnum;

            if (fieldTypeValue.TryParseEnum(true, out fieldTypeEnum) == false)
                fieldTypeEnum = SortFieldType.String;

            Sort.SortFields.Add(new SortField
                FieldName = fieldName,
                Reverse   = reverseValue,
                Type      = fieldTypeEnum,

        public NumericRangeQueryInstance <float> CreateFloatRangeQuery(string fieldName, object min, object max, bool minInclusive, bool maxInclusive)

            if (min == null || min == Null.Value || min == Undefined.Value)
                floatMin = null;
                floatMin = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, min, 0);


            if (max == null || max == Null.Value || max == Undefined.Value)
                floatMax = null;
                floatMax = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, max, 0);

            var query = new FloatNumericRangeQuery
                FieldName    = fieldName,
                Min          = floatMin,
                Max          = floatMax,
                MinInclusive = minInclusive,
                MaxInclusive = maxInclusive

            return(new NumericRangeQueryInstance <float>(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, query));
Exemple #6
        public int Count(object countParams)
            var parameters = new CountParams(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype);

            if (countParams != null && countParams != Null.Value && countParams != Undefined.Value)
                parameters = JurassicHelper.Coerce <CountParams>(this.Engine, countParams);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.TableName))
                parameters.TableName = GetFullTableName();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.TableName))
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "A table name must be specified either as a parameter or via the tableName property on the DynamicModel instance.");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Where))
                return((int)Scalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0}", parameters.TableName)));

            return((int)Scalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE {1}", parameters.TableName, parameters.Where)));
        public object Single(object filterCriteria)
            var criteria = new EntityFilterCriteriaInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype);

            if (filterCriteria is FolderInstance)
                criteria.EntityFilterCriteria.Path = (filterCriteria as FolderInstance).FullPath;
            else if (filterCriteria is string || filterCriteria is StringInstance || filterCriteria is ConcatenatedString)
                criteria.EntityFilterCriteria.Path = filterCriteria.ToString();
            else if (filterCriteria != null && filterCriteria != Null.Value && filterCriteria != Undefined.Value)
                criteria = JurassicHelper.Coerce <EntityFilterCriteriaInstance>(Engine, filterCriteria);

            var result = m_repository.Single(criteria.EntityFilterCriteria);

            if (result == null)

            return(new EntityInstance(Engine, result));
Exemple #8
        public object Bundle(string bundleDefinitionXml, string fileName, object update, object minify)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                fileName = "bundle.txt";

            var bUpdate = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, update, true);
            var bMinify = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, minify, false);

            var doc = new XmlDocument();

            var bundleText = GenerateBundleFromBundleDefinition(fileName, doc, bUpdate, bMinify);

            var bytes = new Base64EncodedByteArrayInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bundleText))
                FileName = fileName,
                MimeType = StringHelper.GetMimeTypeFromFileName(fileName),

            var result = Engine.Object.Construct();

            result.SetPropertyValue("lastModified", JurassicHelper.ToDateInstance(Engine, FileModifiedDates.Values.Max(v => v.Item1)), false);
            result.SetPropertyValue("data", bytes, false);
        public void LoadFromJson(object array, object hasHeader)
            if (array == null || array == Null.Value || array == Undefined.Value || (array is ArrayInstance) == false ||
                (array as ArrayInstance).Length == 0)

            var jsonArray = array as ArrayInstance;

            var           bHasHeader = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, hasHeader, true);
            List <string> header     = null;

            //If we have a header, populate the first row with header info.
            var currentRow = 1;

            if (bHasHeader)
                var firstRecord = jsonArray[0] as ObjectInstance;
                if (firstRecord == null)

                header = firstRecord.Properties
                         .Select(property => property.Name)

                for (int i = 1; i < header.Count + 1; i++)
                    m_excelWorksheet.Cells[currentRow, i].Value = header[i - 1];

            foreach (var value in jsonArray.ElementValues.OfType <ObjectInstance>())
                if (header == null)
                    var properties = value.Properties.ToList();
                    for (var c = 1; c < properties.Count + 1; c++)
                        var propertyValue = properties[c - 1];
                        SetValue(currentRow, c, propertyValue.Value);
                    for (var c = 1; c < header.Count + 1; c++)
                        var key           = header[c - 1];
                        var propertyValue = value[key];
                        SetValue(currentRow, c, propertyValue);

Exemple #10
 public DocumentStoreInstance Construct(object creationInfo)
     if (creationInfo != null && creationInfo != Null.Value && creationInfo != Undefined.Value &&
         creationInfo is ObjectInstance)
         var result = JurassicHelper.Coerce <DocumentStoreInstance>(this.Engine, creationInfo);
     return(new DocumentStoreInstance(this.InstancePrototype));
        public static double Utc(ScriptEngine engine, int year, int month, [DefaultParameterValue(1)] object dayArg, [DefaultParameterValue(0)] object hourArg,
                                 [DefaultParameterValue(0)] object minuteArg, [DefaultParameterValue(0)] object secondArg, [DefaultParameterValue(0)] object millisecondArg)
            var day         = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, dayArg, 1);
            var hour        = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, hourArg, 0);
            var minute      = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, minuteArg, 0);
            var second      = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, secondArg, 0);
            var millisecond = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, millisecondArg, 0);

            return(DateInstance.Utc(engine, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond));
            public override object CallLateBound(object thisObject, params object[] argumentValues)
                var contentObject = argumentValues.ElementAtOrDefault(0);

                if (contentObject == Undefined.Value ||
                    contentObject == Null.Value || contentObject == null)

                var mergeSettings             = argumentValues.ElementAtOrDefault(1);
                JsonMergeSettingsInstance jms = null;

                if (mergeSettings != Undefined.Value && mergeSettings != Null.Value && mergeSettings != null)
                    if (mergeSettings is JsonMergeSettingsInstance)
                        jms = (mergeSettings as JsonMergeSettingsInstance);
                        jms = JurassicHelper.Coerce <JsonMergeSettingsInstance>(this.Engine, mergeSettings);

                var s1 = JSONObject.Stringify(this.Engine, thisObject, null, null);
                var s2 = JSONObject.Stringify(this.Engine, contentObject, null, null);

                if (TypeUtilities.IsObject(thisObject) == false && TypeUtilities.IsArray(thisObject) == false)
                    throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "This object must either be an object or an array.");

                if (TypeUtilities.IsObject(contentObject) == false && TypeUtilities.IsArray(contentObject) == false)
                    throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "Content object must either be an object or an array.");

                var o1 = (JContainer)JToken.Parse(s1);
                var o2 = (JContainer)JToken.Parse(s2);

                if (jms != null)
                    o1.Merge(o2, jms.JsonMergeSettings);

                var result = JSONObject.Parse(this.Engine, o1.ToString(), null);

        public DateInstance GetServerNow(SPWebInstance web)
            if (web == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "A web must be specified as the first parameter.");

            var result = SPUtility.GetServerNow(web.Web);

            return(JurassicHelper.ToDateInstance(this.Engine, result));
Exemple #14
        public ObjectInstance Paged(object pagedParams)
            PagedParams parameters = new PagedParams(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype);

            if (pagedParams != null && pagedParams != Undefined.Value && pagedParams != Null.Value)
                parameters = JurassicHelper.Coerce <PagedParams>(this.Engine, pagedParams);

Exemple #15
        public static ObjectInstance RecordToObjectInstance(this IDataReader rdr, ScriptEngine engine)
            ObjectInstance e = engine.Object.Construct();

            for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++)
                object propertyValue;
                var    value = rdr[i];

                if (DBNull.Value.Equals(value))
                    propertyValue = Null.Value;
                else if (value is DateTime)
                    propertyValue = JurassicHelper.ToDateInstance(engine, (DateTime)value);
                else if (value is Byte)
                    propertyValue = Convert.ToInt32((Byte)value);
                else if (value is Int16)
                    propertyValue = Convert.ToInt32((Int16)value);
                else if (value is Int64)
                    propertyValue = Convert.ToDouble((Int64)value);
                else if (value is decimal)
                    propertyValue = Convert.ToDouble((decimal)value);
                else if (value is Guid)
                    propertyValue = ((Guid)value).ToString();
                else if (value is Byte[])
                    propertyValue = new Base64EncodedByteArrayInstance(engine.Object.InstancePrototype, (Byte[])value);
                else if (value.GetType().FullName == "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlHierarchyId")
                    propertyValue = value.ToString();
                    propertyValue = value;

                e.SetPropertyValue(rdr.GetName(i), propertyValue, false);
Exemple #16
        public int Delete(object deleteParams)
            if (deleteParams == null || deleteParams == Null.Value || deleteParams == Undefined.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "Must specify an object with where or key");

            var parameters = JurassicHelper.Coerce <DeleteParams>(this.Engine, deleteParams);

            int result = Execute(CreateDeleteCommand(parameters));

Exemple #17
        public ArrayInstance All(object allParams)
            var parameters = new AllParams(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype);

            if (allParams != null && allParams != Undefined.Value && allParams != Null.Value)
                parameters = JurassicHelper.Coerce <AllParams>(this.Engine, allParams);

            string sql = BuildSelect(parameters.Where, parameters.OrderBy, parameters.Limit);

            return(Query(string.Format(sql, parameters.Columns, GetFullTableName()), parameters.Args));
        public void Compile(string pattern, [DefaultParameterValue(null)] object flagsArg)
            var flags = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue <string>(this.Engine, flagsArg, null);

            this.m_value = new Regex(pattern, ParseFlags(flags) | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // Update the javascript properties.
            this.FastSetProperty("source", pattern, PropertyAttributes.Sealed, false);
            this.FastSetProperty("global", this.Global, PropertyAttributes.Sealed, false);
            this.FastSetProperty("multiline", this.Multiline, PropertyAttributes.Sealed, false);
            this.FastSetProperty("ignoreCase", this.IgnoreCase, PropertyAttributes.Sealed, false);
            this.LastIndex = 0;
Exemple #19
        public string ToStringJS([DefaultParameterValue(10)] object radixArg)
            var radix = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, radixArg, 10);

            // Check the parameter is in range.
            if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "RangeError", "The radix must be between 2 and 36, inclusive.");

            // NumberFormatter does the hard work.
            return(NumberFormatter.ToString(this.m_value, radix, NumberFormatter.Style.Regular, 0));
Exemple #20
        public string ToFixed([DefaultParameterValue(0)] object fractionDigitsArg)
            var fractionDigits = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, fractionDigitsArg, 0);

            // Check the parameter is within range.
            if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "RangeError", "toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 20.");

            // NumberFormatter does the hard work.
            return(NumberFormatter.ToString(this.m_value, 10, NumberFormatter.Style.Fixed, fractionDigits));
Exemple #21
        public void Time([DefaultParameterValue("")] object nameArg)
            var name = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, nameArg, "") ?? string.Empty;

            if (this.m_timers == null)
                this.m_timers = new Dictionary <string, Stopwatch>();
            if (this.m_timers.ContainsKey(name))
            this.m_timers.Add(name, Stopwatch.StartNew());
        public TermsFilterInstance CreateTermsFilter(object fieldName, object text)
            var fieldNameValue = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, fieldName, String.Empty);
            var textValue      = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(Engine, text, String.Empty);

            var termsFilter = new TermsFilter();

            if (fieldNameValue.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false && textValue.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                termsFilter.Terms.Add(new Term {
                    FieldName = fieldNameValue, Value = textValue

            return(new TermsFilterInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, termsFilter));
        public object GetValue(int row, int column)
            var value = m_excelWorksheet.GetValue(row, column);

            if (value is int || value is string || value is double || value is bool)

            if (value is DateTime)
                return(JurassicHelper.ToDateInstance(this.Engine, (DateTime)value));

            return(m_excelWorksheet.GetValue <string>(row, column));
Exemple #24
        public static double ParseInt(ScriptEngine engine, string input, [DefaultParameterValue(0.0)] object radixArg)
            var radix = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, radixArg, 0.0);

            // Check for a valid radix.
            // Note: this is the only function that uses TypeConverter.ToInt32() for parameter
            // conversion (as opposed to the normal method which is TypeConverter.ToInteger() so
            // the radix parameter must be converted to an integer in code.
            int radix2 = TypeConverter.ToInt32(radix);

            if (radix2 < 0 || radix2 == 1 || radix2 > 36)

            return(NumberParser.ParseInt(input, radix2, engine.CompatibilityMode == CompatibilityMode.ECMAScript3));
Exemple #25
        public void TimeEnd([DefaultParameterValue("")] object nameArg)
            var name = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(this.Engine, nameArg, "") ?? string.Empty;

            if (this.m_timers == null || this.m_timers.ContainsKey(name) == false)
            var stopwatch = this.m_timers[name];

            ? string.Format("{0}ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)
            : string.Format("{0}: {1}ms", name, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

        public static ObjectInstance Create(ScriptEngine engine, object prototype, [DefaultParameterValue(null)] object propertiesArg)
            var properties = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue <ObjectInstance>(engine, propertiesArg, null);

            if ((prototype is ObjectInstance) == false && prototype != Null.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(engine, "TypeError", "object prototype must be an object or null");
            ObjectInstance result = prototype == Null.Value
                                ? ObjectInstance.CreateRootObject(engine)
                                : ObjectInstance.CreateRawObject((ObjectInstance)prototype);

            if (properties != null)
                DefineProperties(result, properties);
Exemple #27
        protected override ObjectSettings Unwrap(ObjectInstance objectSettings)
            if (objectSettings == null)

            var os = objectSettings as ObjectSettingsInstance;

            if (os != null)

            var os2 = JurassicHelper.Coerce <ObjectSettingsInstance>(Engine, objectSettings);

Exemple #28
        public static ArrayInstance Split(ScriptEngine engine, string thisObject, object separator, [DefaultParameterValue(4294967295.0)] object limitArg)
            var limit = JurassicHelper.GetTypedArgumentValue(engine, limitArg, 4294967295.0);

            // Limit defaults to unlimited.  Note the ToUint32() conversion.
            uint limit2 = uint.MaxValue;

            if (TypeUtilities.IsUndefined(limit) == false)
                limit2 = TypeConverter.ToUint32(limit);

            // Call separate methods, depending on whether the separator is a regular expression.
            if (separator is RegExpInstance)
                return(Split(thisObject, (RegExpInstance)separator, limit2));
            return(Split(engine, thisObject, TypeConverter.ToString(separator), limit2));
Exemple #29
        protected override IBaristaCookie Unwrap(ObjectInstance cookie)
            if (cookie == null)

            //If c is cookie, that's good for me.
            var c = cookie as BaristaCookieInstance;

            if (c != null)

            var os2 = JurassicHelper.Coerce <BaristaCookieInstance>(Engine, cookie);

Exemple #30
        public string PutIndex(object name, object indexDefinition, object overwrite)
            if (name == null || name == Undefined.Value || name == Null.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The first argument must contain the index name.");

            if (indexDefinition == null || indexDefinition == Undefined.Value || indexDefinition == Null.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The second argument must contain the index definition.");

            var strName = TypeConverter.ToString(name);

            RavenDB.Abstractions.Indexing.IndexDefinition objIndexDefinition;

            if (indexDefinition is IndexDefinitionInstance)
                objIndexDefinition = (indexDefinition as IndexDefinitionInstance).IndexDefinition;
            else if (indexDefinition is ObjectInstance)
                objIndexDefinition = JurassicHelper.Coerce <IndexDefinitionInstance>(this.Engine, indexDefinition).IndexDefinition;
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The second argument must contain either an instance of IndexDefinition or a object that can be converted");

            string result;

            if (overwrite != null && overwrite != Null.Value && overwrite != Undefined.Value)
                result = m_databaseCommands.PutIndex(strName, objIndexDefinition, TypeConverter.ToBoolean(overwrite));
                result = m_databaseCommands.PutIndex(strName, objIndexDefinition);
