private IEnumerator ChaseCoroutine() { while (currentState == BrainState.Chasing) { if (followBody != null && followBody.Visible == true) { float horizontalToTarget = Vector2.Dot(followBody.transform.position - transform.position, transform.right); if (horizontalToTarget > detectionWidth / 2f && CheckRight() != DetectionResult.Avoid) { if (walker.currentWalkDirection == -1) { currentState = BrainState.Thinking; } else { walker.Walk(1); } } else if (horizontalToTarget < -detectionWidth / 2f && CheckLeft() != DetectionResult.Avoid) { if (walker.currentWalkDirection == 1) { currentState = BrainState.Thinking; } else { walker.Walk(-1); } } else { if (CheckAbove() != DetectionResult.Avoid) { jumper.Jump(); } currentState = BrainState.Thinking; } } else { currentState = BrainState.Thinking; } yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } currentStateCoroutine = null; StateCoroutineSwitch(); }
public void Update() { remainingPatrolTime -= Time.deltaTime; //there's still patrol time left, so accelerate in our patrol direction if (remainingPatrolTime > 0.0f) { controlledMover.AccelerateInDirection(new Vector2(movementDirection, 0.0f)); } //we're out of patrol time, so if we've come to rest by now, reverse direction and continue else if (!controlledMover.IsWalking()) { movementDirection *= -1; remainingPatrolTime = patrolTime; if (jumpsAtEnd) { Jumper jumper = controlledMover.GetComponent <Jumper>(); if (jumper != null) { jumper.Jump(); } } } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { _jumper.Jump(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Moving Left if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { mover.AccelerateInDirection(new Vector2(-1f, 0f)); projectileShooter.SetDirection(new Vector3(-1f, 0f)); //spriteRenderer.flipX = true; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.rotation.x, 180f, transform.rotation.z); animator.SetBool("running", true); } //Moving Right if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { mover.AccelerateInDirection(new Vector2(1f, 0f)); projectileShooter.SetDirection(new Vector3(1f, 0f)); //spriteRenderer.flipX = false; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.rotation.x, 0f, transform.rotation.z); animator.SetBool("running", true); } // Moving Up if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { jumper.Jump(); } // If no keys are pressed let the animator know if (Input.anyKey == false) { animator.SetBool("running", false); } }
private void Update() { if (!gl.mainHero.IsAlife) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Died"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) { StartCoroutine(SpiritDash.SpiritPath(this)); _rigidBody.velocity =; _rigidBody.angularVelocity = 0; } if (EnableMove) { float axis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float derection = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); if (derection != 0) { var nd = axis > 0 ? Derection.Right : Derection.Left; if (nowDerection != nd) { scale.x *= -1; nowDerection = nd; } transform.localScale = scale; } _rigidBody.transform.position += new Vector3(axis, 0) * 0.05f; #if MYDEBUG if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J)) { Jumper.Inc(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) { SpiritDash.Enabled = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K)) { Dasher.Enabled = true; } #endif if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1)) { Dasher.Dash(_rigidBody, nowDerection); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { StartCoroutine(Jumper.Jump(_rigidBody)); } } }
private void FixedUpdate() { xMover.Move(rb2d); dashMover.Dash(rb2d); jumper.Jump(rb2d); ImproveFallsAndUps(); }
public void Update() { if (Time.time >= nextJumpTime) { controlledJumper.Jump(); nextJumpTime = Time.time + jumpDelay; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { jumpTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (jumpTimer >= timeBetweenJumps) { jumper.Jump(); jumpTimer = 0; } }
public void Jump() { if (transform.position.x < 34.0f || transform.position.x > 46.0f) { return; } m_jumper.Jump(); OnJump(); }
public void Update() { //we can use the convenience of Unity's input axes to get direction automatically. //bonus! this works with WASD and we can hook it up to work with controllers! controlledMover.AccelerateInDirection(new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0.0f, 0.0f)); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { controlledJumper.Jump(); } }
private void Jump() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { _jumper.Jump(true); _animator.ResetTrigger("Land"); _animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Jump")) { _animator.ResetTrigger("Jump"); _animator.SetTrigger("Land"); } }
/// <summary> /// Makes this agent jump /// </summary> public void MakeJump() { jumper.Jump(); }
private IEnumerator JumpTo(Vector3 endPos, Vector3 forward) { yield return(jumper.Jump(endPos, forward, 0.3f, climbJumpGravity)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Check if character just landed on the ground var checkGrounded = IsGrounded(); if (!m_grounded && checkGrounded) { m_grounded = true; m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded); } //Check if character just started falling if (m_grounded && !checkGrounded) { m_grounded = false; m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded); } // -- Handle input and movement -- float inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); // Swap direction of sprite depending on walk direction if (inputX > 0) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else if (inputX < 0) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } float inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); // Move Run(inputX, inputY); //Set AirSpeed in animator float verticalSpeed = jumper.GetVerticalSpeed(); m_animator.SetFloat("AirSpeed", verticalSpeed); // -- Handle Animations -- //Death if (Input.GetKeyDown("e")) { if (!m_isDead) { m_animator.SetTrigger("Death"); } else { m_animator.SetTrigger("Recover"); } m_isDead = !m_isDead; } //Hurt else if (Input.GetKeyDown("q")) { m_animator.SetTrigger("Hurt"); } //Attack else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Action") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter)) { m_animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); } //Change between idle and combat idle else if (Input.GetKeyDown("f")) { m_combatIdle = !m_combatIdle; } //Jump else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && m_grounded) { m_animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); m_grounded = false; m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded); jumper.Jump(m_jumpForce); } //Run else if (Mathf.Abs(inputX) > Mathf.Epsilon || Mathf.Abs(inputY) > Mathf.Epsilon) { m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 2); } //Combat Idle else if (m_combatIdle) { m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 1); } //Idle else { m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 0); } }