public static void getAvatarImg(ref TagLib.File tagFile, ref JsonPoco.Track song)
            //download user profile avatar image
            string avatarFilepath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            string highResAvatar_url = song.user.avatar_url.Replace("large.jpg", "t500x500.jpg");
            for (int attempts = 0; attempts < 5; attempts++)
                    using (WebClient web = new WebClient())
                        web.DownloadFile(highResAvatar_url, avatarFilepath);
                    TagLib.Picture artwork = new TagLib.Picture(avatarFilepath);
                    artwork.Type = TagLib.PictureType.FrontCover;
                    tagFile.Tag.Pictures = new[] { artwork };
                catch (Exception e)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // Pause 50ms before new attempt

            if (avatarFilepath != null && File.Exists(avatarFilepath))
Exemple #2
        public void OrleansJsonSerializer_ExternalSerializer()
            var data = new JsonPoco {
                Prop = "some data"
            var serialized  = this.environment.SerializationManager.SerializeToByteArray(data);
            var subSequence = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("crazy_name");

            // The serialized data should have our custom [JsonProperty] name, 'crazy_name', in it.
            Assert.Contains(ToString(subSequence), ToString(serialized));

            var deserialized = this.environment.SerializationManager.DeserializeFromByteArray <JsonPoco>(serialized);

            Assert.Equal(data.Prop, deserialized.Prop);

            string ToString(byte[] bytes)
                var result = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2);

                foreach (var b in bytes)

        private static void TestSerializationRoundTrip(Serializer serializer)
            var data = new JsonPoco {
                Prop = "some data"
            var serialized  = serializer.SerializeToArray(data);
            var subSequence = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("crazy_name");

            // The serialized data should have our custom [JsonProperty] name, 'crazy_name', in it.
            Assert.Contains(ToString(subSequence), ToString(serialized));

            var deserialized = serializer.Deserialize <JsonPoco>(serialized);

            Assert.Equal(data.Prop, deserialized.Prop);
        public static void tagIt(ref JsonPoco.Track song)
            // metadata tagging
            TagLib.File tagFile = null;

            TagLib.Id3v2.Tag.DefaultVersion = 2;
            TagLib.Id3v2.Tag.ForceDefaultVersion = true;
            // Possible values for DefaultVersion are 2(id3v2.2), 3(id3v2.3) or 4(id3v2.4)
            // it seems that id3v2.4 is more prone to misinterpret utf-8. id3v2.2 seems most stable.
            tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(song.LocalPath);

            DateTime creationDate = DateTime.Today; //If somehow the datetime string can't be parsed it will just use today
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.created_at))
                DateTime.TryParse(song.created_at, out creationDate);

            if (tagFile.Writeable)
                //Make use of Conductor field to write soundcloud song ID and user ID for future features (conductor field is never used anyway)
                tagFile.Tag.Conductor = "SC_SONG_ID," + + ",SC_USER_ID," + song.user_id;

                //tag all other metadata fields
                tagFile.Tag.Title = song.Title;
                tagFile.Tag.Year = Convert.ToUInt32(creationDate.Year);

                List<string> listGenreAndTags = new List<string>();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.Username))
                    tagFile.Tag.AlbumArtists = new string[] { song.Username };
                    tagFile.Tag.Performers = new string[] { song.Username };

                    float bpm = (float) song.bpm;
                    tagFile.Tag.BeatsPerMinute = Convert.ToUInt32(bpm);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.license))
                    tagFile.Tag.Copyright = song.license;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.genre))
                    tagFile.Tag.Genres = listGenreAndTags.ToArray();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.tag_list))
                    //NOTE      Tags behave very similar as genres in SoundCloud,
                    //          so tags will be added to the genre part of the metadata
                    //WARNING   Tags are seperated by \" when a single tag includes a whitespace! (for instance: New Wave)
                    //          Single worded tags are seperated by a single whitespace, this has led me to make
                    //          this code longer than I initially thought it would be (could perhaps made easier)
                    //FEATURES  Rare occasions, where the artist uses tags that include the seperation tags SoundCloud uses;
                    //          like \" or \"Hip-Hop\", are handled, but NOT necessary, because the quote (") is an illegal sign to use in tags

                    string tag = "";
                    bool partOfLongertag = false;

                    foreach (string word in song.tag_list.Split(' '))
                        if (word.EndsWith("\""))
                            tag += " " + word.Substring(0, word.Length - 1);
                            partOfLongertag = false;
                            tag = "";
                        else if (word.StartsWith("\""))
                            partOfLongertag = true;
                            tag += word.Substring(1, word.Length - 1);
                        else if (partOfLongertag == true)
                            tag += " " + word;
                            tag = word;
                            tag = "";
                    tagFile.Tag.Genres = listGenreAndTags.ToArray();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.description))
                    tagFile.Tag.Comment = song.description;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(song.artwork_url))
                    getArtwork(ref tagFile, ref song);
                    getAvatarImg(ref tagFile, ref song);

            //Sets file creation time to creation time that matches with Soundcloud track
            File.SetCreationTime(song.LocalPath, creationDate);
            File.SetLastWriteTime(song.LocalPath, creationDate); //set last write time to original file creation date