protected override ReplicationBatchItem CloneInternal(JsonOperationContext context)
            MemoryStream stream = null;

            if (Stream != null)
                stream = new MemoryStream();

                stream.Position = 0;
                Stream.Position = 0;

            var item = new AttachmentReplicationItem
                ContentType = ContentType.Clone(context),
                Name        = Name.Clone(context),
                Stream      = stream

            var baseMem = Base64Hash.CloneToJsonContext(context, out item.Base64Hash);
            var keyMem  = Key.CloneToJsonContext(context, out item.Key);

            item.ToDispose(new DisposableAction(() =>

Exemple #2
        public void WriteString(LazyCompressedStringValue str)
            var strBuffer = str.DecompressToTempBuffer(out AllocatedMemoryData allocated, _context);

                var strSrcBuffer = str.Buffer;

                var size = str.UncompressedSize;
                var escapeSequencePos       = str.CompressedSize;
                var numberOfEscapeSequences = BlittableJsonReaderBase.ReadVariableSizeInt(strSrcBuffer, ref escapeSequencePos);

                // We ensure our buffer will have enough space to deal with the whole string.
                int bufferSize = 2 * numberOfEscapeSequences + size + 2;
                if (bufferSize >= JsonOperationContext.ManagedPinnedBuffer.Size)
                    goto WriteLargeCompressedString; // OK, do it the slow way instead.

                _buffer[_pos++] = Quote;
                while (numberOfEscapeSequences > 0)
                    var bytesToSkip = BlittableJsonReaderBase.ReadVariableSizeInt(strSrcBuffer, ref escapeSequencePos);
                    WriteRawString(strBuffer, bytesToSkip);
                    strBuffer += bytesToSkip;
                    size      -= bytesToSkip + 1 /*for the escaped char we skip*/;
                    var b = *(strBuffer++);

                    var auxPos = _pos;
                    _buffer[auxPos++] = (byte)'\\';
                    _buffer[auxPos++] = GetEscapeCharacter(b);
                    _pos = auxPos;

                // write remaining (or full string) to the buffer in one shot
                WriteRawString(strBuffer, size);

                _buffer[_pos++] = Quote;


                UnlikelyWriteCompressedString(numberOfEscapeSequences, strSrcBuffer, escapeSequencePos, strBuffer, size);
                if (allocated != null) //precaution
        public void ValidateFloat()
                int numLength = _unmanagedWriteBuffer.SizeInBytes;

                if (numLength <= 100)
                    byte *tmpBuff = stackalloc byte[numLength];
                    _ctx.ParseDouble(tmpBuff, numLength);
                    var memoryForNumber = _ctx.GetMemory(numLength);

                        _ctx.ParseDouble(memoryForNumber.Address, numLength);
#pragma warning disable RDB0004 // Exception handler is empty or just logging
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowException("Could not parse double", e);
#pragma warning restore RDB0004 // Exception handler is empty or just logging
Exemple #4
        public void Can_reuse_reader_multiple_times()
            var r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var bytes = new byte[r.Next(1, 2000)];
                for (int j = 0; j < bytes.Length; j++)
                    if (bytes[j] < 32)
                        bytes[j] += 32;

                var expected = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

                var lazyString = _ctx.GetLazyString(expected);

                var stringResult = LazyStringReader.GetStringFor(lazyString);
                var readerResult = _sut.GetTextReaderFor(lazyString);

                Assert.Equal(expected, stringResult);
                Assert.Equal(expected, readerResult.ReadToEnd());
Exemple #5
        public void Reset(object root)
            if (_currentStateBuffer != null)
                _currentStateBuffer = null;


            if (root != null)
Exemple #6
        public void Dispose()
            if (IsDisposed)

            // The actual lifetime of the _head Segment is unbounded: it will
            // be released by the GC when we no longer have any references to
            // it (i.e. no more copies of this struct)
            // We can, however, force the deallocation of all the previous
            // Segments by ensuring we don't keep any references after the
            // Dispose is run.

            var head = _head;

            _head = null; // Further references are NREs.
            for (Segment next; head != null; head = next)

                // This is used to signal that Dispose has run to other copies
                head.Address = null;

                // `next` is used to keep a reference to the previous Segment.
                // Since `next` lives only within this for loop and we clear up
                // all other references, non-head Segments should be GC'd.
                next          = head.DeallocationPendingPrevious;
                head.Previous = null;
                head.DeallocationPendingPrevious = null;
Exemple #7
 public void Dispose()
     for (int i = _allocations.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Exemple #8
        protected override ReplicationBatchItem CloneInternal(JsonOperationContext context)
            var item = new TimeSeriesReplicationItem
                Collection = Collection.Clone(context)

            var mem    = Segment.Clone(context, out item.Segment);
            var keyMem = Key.CloneToJsonContext(context, out item.Key);

            item.ToDispose(new DisposableAction(() =>

        protected override ReplicationBatchItem CloneInternal(JsonOperationContext context)
            var item   = new AttachmentTombstoneReplicationItem();
            var keyMem = Key.CloneToJsonContext(context, out item.Key);

            item.ToDispose(new DisposableAction(() =>

Exemple #10
        public void Reset(object root)
            _seenIndex = ++ThreadLocalSeenIndex;
            if (ThreadLocalSeenIndex > short.MaxValue)
                ThreadLocalSeenIndex = 1;

            if (_currentStateBuffer != null)
                _currentStateBuffer = null;


            if (root != null)
        public void Dispose()
            if (IsDisposed)

            if (AllocatedMemoryData != null)
            IsDisposed = true;
        public void Can_get_simple_values()
            var now = SystemTime.UtcNow;

            using (var lazyStringValue = _ctx.GetLazyString("22.0"))
                var stringValue = _ctx.GetLazyString("Arek");
                var doc         = create_doc(new DynamicJsonValue
                    ["Name"]    = "Arek",
                    ["Address"] = new DynamicJsonValue
                        ["City"] = "NYC"
                    ["NullField"] = null,
                    ["Age"]       = new LazyNumberValue(lazyStringValue),
                    ["LazyName"]  = stringValue,
                    ["Friends"]   = new DynamicJsonArray
                        new DynamicJsonValue
                            ["Name"] = "Joe"
                        new DynamicJsonValue
                            ["Name"] = "John"
                    [Constants.Documents.Metadata.Key] = new DynamicJsonValue
                        [Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection]   = "Users",
                        [Constants.Documents.Metadata.LastModified] = now.GetDefaultRavenFormat(true)
                }, "users/1");

                dynamic user = new DynamicBlittableJson(doc);

                Assert.Equal("Arek", user.Name);
                Assert.Equal("NYC", user.Address.City);
                Assert.Equal("users/1", user.Id);
                Assert.Equal(DynamicNullObject.Null, user.NullField);
                Assert.Equal(22.0, user.Age);
                Assert.Equal("Arek", user.LazyName);
                Assert.Equal(2, user.Friends.Length);
                Assert.Equal("Users", user[Constants.Documents.Metadata.Key][Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection]);
                Assert.Equal(now, user[Constants.Documents.Metadata.Key].Value <DateTime>(Constants.Documents.Metadata.LastModified));
Exemple #13
        public void Dispose()
            if (IsDisposed)

            FreedBy = Environment.StackTrace;

            // The actual lifetime of the _head Segment is unbounded: it will
            // be released by the GC when we no longer have any references to
            // it (i.e. no more copies of this struct)
            // We can, however, force the deallocation of all the previous
            // Segments by ensuring we don't keep any references after the
            // Dispose is run.

            var head = _head;
            _head = null; // Further references are NREs.
            for (Segment next; head != null; head = next)

                // This is used to signal that Dispose has run to other copies
                head.Address = null;

                // Helps to avoid program errors, albeit unnecessary
                head.Allocation             = null;
                head.AccumulatedSizeInBytes = -1;
                head.Used = -1;

                // `next` is used to keep a reference to the previous Segment.
                // Since `next` lives only within this for loop and we clear up
                // all other references, non-head Segments should be GC'd.
                next          = head.DeallocationPendingPrevious;
                head.Previous = null;
                head.DeallocationPendingPrevious = null;
 public void Reset()
     if (_compressionBuffer != null)
         _compressionBuffer = null;
     if (_innerBuffer != null)
         _innerBuffer = null;
Exemple #15
        public void Can_reuse_reader_multiple_times()
            var r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var bytes = RandomString(2000);

                var expected = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

                var lazyString = _ctx.GetLazyString(expected);

                var stringResult = LazyStringReader.GetStringFor(lazyString);
                var readerResult = _sut.GetTextReaderFor(lazyString);

                Assert.Equal(expected, stringResult);
                Assert.Equal(expected, readerResult.ReadToEnd());