public JsonResponse onSettings(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { JsonError error = null; Dictionary <string, object> status_array = new Dictionary <string, object>(); status_array.Add("serverName", Node.settings.getOption("serverName", Config.botName)); status_array.Add("serverDescription", Node.settings.getOption("serverDescription", "")); status_array.Add("serverPassword", Node.settings.getOption("serverPassword", "")); status_array.Add("allowFileTransfer", Node.settings.getOption("allowFileTransfer", "0")); status_array.Add("fileTransferLimitMB", Node.settings.getOption("fileTransferLimitMB", "10")); status_array.Add("defaultGroup", Node.groups.groupIndexToName(Int32.Parse(Node.settings.getOption("defaultGroup", "0")))); status_array.Add("defaultChannel", Node.channels.channelIndexToName(Int32.Parse(Node.settings.getOption("defaultChannel", "0")))); int intro = 0; if (Node.settings.getOption("serverName", "") == "") { intro = 1; } else if (Node.channels.channels.Count == 0) { intro = 2; } else if (Node.groups.groups.Count == 0) { intro = 3; } status_array.Add("intro", intro.ToString()); return(new JsonResponse { result = status_array, error = error }); }
public JsonResponse onNewChannel(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { JsonError error = null; if (Node.channels.hasChannel((string)parameters["channel"])) { return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = new JsonError() { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, message = "Channel already exists." } }); } BotChannel channel = new BotChannel(Node.channels.getNextIndex(), (string)parameters["channel"]); Node.channels.setChannel((string)parameters["channel"], channel); if ((string)parameters["default"] == "1") { Node.settings.setOption("defaultChannel", channel.index.ToString()); } Node.settings.saveSettings(); Messages.addChannel(channel); return(new JsonResponse { result = "", error = error }); }
public async Task <Session> Login(UserModel user) { // Create Server endpoint Uri functionUri = new Uri(Server.BaseUri + Server.LoginEndpoint); // Create a json object for session JsonSession jsonSession = new JsonSession(user); // Serialize object to json string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonSession); // Do post HttpResponseMessage response = await PostAsync(functionUri, json); string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); JsonSession jsonDataBack = new JsonSession(); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { // Deserialize response received from Server jsonDataBack = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonSession>(content); return(new Session(jsonDataBack)); } else { JsonError jsonError = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonError>(content); //throw new HttpException(jsonError.Code, jsonError.Status, jsonError.Message); } return(new Session(new JsonSession())); }
public async Task <bool> SignUp(Models.UserModel user) { try { // Create uri for server endpoint Uri functionUri = new Uri(Server.BaseUri + Server.SignUpEndpoint); //Uri functionUri = new Uri(baseUri, Server.SignUpEndpoint); // Create json object for user JsonUser jsonUser = new JsonUser(user); // serialize object to json string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonUser); // do post get response HttpResponseMessage response = await PostAsync(functionUri, json); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); JsonError jsonError = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonError>(content); //throw new HttpException(jsonError.Code, jsonError.Status, jsonError.Message); // throw new Exception(); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); return(false); } }
public async Task Setfullfilepath(JObject fullfilepathJson) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("Setfullfilepath Called.", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage(fullfilepathJson.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); try { string path = fullfilepathJson.Value <string>("path"); DirectoryHandler.CreateDirectory(path, ""); IrcSettings.fullfilepath = path; SetAllIrcSettings(IrcSettings); SettingsHandler.WriteIrcSettings(IrcSettings); await GetCurrentIrcSettings(); } catch (Exception e) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage(e.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError jsonError = new JsonError { type = "set_download_directory_error", errortype = "Exception", errormessage = "Failed to set custom download directory.", exception = e.ToString() }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(jsonError.ToJson()); } }
public JsonResult GetList(int pageNo, int pageSize, string searchText, string filterText, string orderColumn, string orderDesc) { try { using (DBManager db = new DBManager()) { string procedureName = "CPK.uspReportList"; List <SqlParameter> paraList = new List <SqlParameter>(); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageNo", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageNo), ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageSize", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("ReportName", DbType.String, searchText, ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("IsActive", DbType.String, filterText, ParameterDirection.Input)); if (orderColumn != null && orderColumn.Length != 0) { paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("Sort", DbType.String, orderColumn + orderDesc, ParameterDirection.Input)); procedureName = "CPK.uspReportListSort"; } DataSet DbSet = db.GetSelectQuery(paraList, procedureName); ListViewModel <ReportAdmin> listView = Common.DataToClass <ListViewModel <ReportAdmin> >(DbSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]); List <ReportAdmin> reportList = Common.DataToList <ReportAdmin>(DbSet.Tables[1]); listView.Rows = reportList; return(Json(listView, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { JsonError e = new JsonError(ex.Message); return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } }
public async Task SetIrcSettings(JObject jsonIrcSettings) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("SetIrcSettings Called.", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage(jsonIrcSettings.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); try { IrcSettings = SettingsHandler.GetIrcSettings(); IrcSettings.ServerAddress = jsonIrcSettings.Value <string>("address"); IrcSettings.Channels = jsonIrcSettings.Value <string>("channels"); IrcSettings.UserName = jsonIrcSettings.Value <string>("username"); IrcSettings.fullfilepath = jsonIrcSettings.Value <string>("fullfilepath"); IrcSettings.Port = jsonIrcSettings.Value <int>("port"); IrcSettings.Secure = jsonIrcSettings.Value <bool>("secure"); SetAllIrcSettings(IrcSettings); SettingsHandler.WriteIrcSettings(IrcSettings); await GetCurrentIrcSettings(); } catch (Exception e) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage(e.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError jsonError = new JsonError { type = "set_irc_settings_error", errortype = "Exception", errormessage = "Failed to set irc settings.", exception = e.ToString() }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(jsonError.ToJson()); } }
public async Task SetLittleWeebSettings(JObject jsonLittleWeebSettings) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("SetLittleWeebSettings Called.", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage(jsonLittleWeebSettings.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); try { LittleWeebSettings = SettingsHandler.GetLittleWeebSettings(); LittleWeebSettings.RandomUsernameLength = jsonLittleWeebSettings.Value <int>("randomusernamelength"); LittleWeebSettings.DebugLevel = jsonLittleWeebSettings.Value <JArray>("debuglevel").ToObject <List <int> >(); LittleWeebSettings.DebugType = jsonLittleWeebSettings.Value <JArray>("debugtype").ToObject <List <int> >(); LittleWeebSettings.MaxDebugLogSize = jsonLittleWeebSettings.Value <int>("maxdebuglogsize"); SetAllLittleWeebSettings(LittleWeebSettings); SettingsHandler.WriteLittleWeebSettings(LittleWeebSettings); await GetCurrentLittleWeebSettings(); } catch (Exception e) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage(e.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError error = new JsonError { type = "set_littleweeb_settings_error", errortype = "Exception", errormessage = "Failed to set littleweeb settings.", exception = e.ToString() }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(error.ToJson()); } }
public JsonResult RemoveCheck(string selectedGroup) { try { using (DBManager db = new DBManager()) { string procedureName = "CPK.uspGroupRemoveCheck"; List <SqlParameter> paraList = new List <SqlParameter>(); if (selectedGroup == null || selectedGroup == "" || selectedGroup == "0") { return(Json(new List <Int32>() { -1, -1, -1 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("GroupID", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(selectedGroup), ParameterDirection.Input)); DataSet DbSet = db.GetSelectQuery(paraList, procedureName); List <Int32> removeCheck = new List <Int32>(); removeCheck.Add((Int32)DbSet.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); // report count removeCheck.Add((Int32)DbSet.Tables[1].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); // user count removeCheck.Add((Int32)DbSet.Tables[2].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); // child group count return(Json(removeCheck, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { JsonError e = new JsonError(ex.Message); return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } }
public string DeleteDirectory(string path) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("DeleteDirectory Called", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage("Directory Path: " + path, DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); try { DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(path); int amountOfFiles = info.GetFiles().Length; if (amountOfFiles == 0) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path); JsonSuccess report = new JsonSuccess() { message = "Succesfully deleted folder with path: " + path }; return(report.ToJson()); } else { JsonSuccess report = new JsonSuccess() { message = "Directory with path : " + path + " already removed." }; return(report.ToJson()); } } else { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("Could not delete directory: " + path + " because there are still files and/or other directories inside!", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError jsonError = new JsonError { type = "delete_directory_warning", errortype = "warning", errormessage = "Could not delete directory: " + path + " because there are still files and/or other directories inside!" }; return(jsonError.ToJson()); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("Could not delete directory: " + e.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError jsonError = new JsonError { type = "delete_directory_error", errortype = "exception", errormessage = "Could not get drives, see log." }; return(jsonError.ToJson()); } }
public JsonResult GetListByGroup(string filterText, string userID) { try { using (DBManager db = new DBManager()) { string nameOfProcedure = "CPK.uspUserListByGroup"; List <SqlParameter> paraList = new List <SqlParameter>(); // paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageNo", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageNo), ParameterDirection.Input)); //paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageSize", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), ParameterDirection.Input)); // paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("FullName", DbType.String, searchText, ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("GroupId", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(filterText), ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("UserId", DbType.String, userID, ParameterDirection.Input)); DataSet DbSet = db.GetSelectQuery(paraList, nameOfProcedure); ListViewModel <UserListViewModel> listView = Common.DataToClass <ListViewModel <UserListViewModel> >(DbSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]); List <UserListViewModel> userList = Common.DataToList <UserListViewModel>(DbSet.Tables[1]); listView.Rows = userList; return(Json(listView, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { JsonError e = new JsonError(ex.Message); return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } }
public JsonResponse onUpdateChannel(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { JsonError error = null; if (!Node.channels.hasChannel((string)parameters["origChannel"])) { return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = new JsonError() { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, message = "Unknown channel." } }); } var orig_channel = Node.channels.getChannel((string)parameters["origChannel"]); Node.channels.setChannel(orig_channel.channelName, new BotChannel(orig_channel.index, (string)parameters["channel"])); if ((string)parameters["default"] == "1") { Node.settings.setOption("defaultChannel", orig_channel.index.ToString()); } Node.settings.saveSettings(); return(new JsonResponse { result = "", error = error }); }
private async void OnIrcClientConnectionStatusEvent(object sender, IrcClientConnectionStatusArgs args) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("OnIrcClientConnectionStatusEvent called.", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage(args.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); IsIrcConnected = args.Connected; try { JsonIrcInfo update = new JsonIrcInfo() { connected = args.Connected, channel = args.CurrentIrcSettings.Channels, server = args.CurrentIrcSettings.ServerAddress, user = args.CurrentIrcSettings.UserName, fullfilepath = args.CurrentIrcSettings.fullfilepath }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(update.ToJson()); } catch (Exception e) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage(e.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ERROR); JsonError error = new JsonError() { type = "irc_status_error", errormessage = "Error on sending irc status update to client.", errortype = "exception", exception = e.ToString() }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(error.ToJson()); } }
public async Task AbortDownload(JObject downloadJson) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("AbortDownload called.", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage(downloadJson.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); string id = downloadJson.Value <string>("id"); string filePath = downloadJson.Value <string>("path"); if (id != null) { string result = await DownloadHandler.AbortDownload(id); await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(result); } else if (filePath != null) { string result = await DownloadHandler.AbortDownload(null, filePath); await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(result); } else { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("Neither id or file path have been defined!", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError error = new JsonError() { type = "parse_download_to_abort_error", errormessage = "Neither id or file path have been defined!", errortype = "warning", exception = "none" }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(error.ToJson()); } }
public JsonResult GetListReceive(int pageNo, int pageSize, string searchText, string filterText, string orderColumn, string orderDesc) { try { using (DBManager db = new DBManager()) { string UserID = User.Identity.Name; string procedureName = "CPK.uspMessageReceiveList"; List <SqlParameter> paraList = new List <SqlParameter>(); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageNo", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageNo), ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageSize", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), ParameterDirection.Input)); if (User.IsInRole("Admin")) { UserID = "Administrator"; } paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("UserID", DbType.String, UserID, ParameterDirection.Input)); DataSet DbSet = db.GetSelectQuery(paraList, procedureName); ListViewModel <MessageReceiveModel> listView = Common.DataToClass <ListViewModel <MessageReceiveModel> >(DbSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]); List <MessageReceiveModel> MessageList = Common.DataToList <MessageReceiveModel>(DbSet.Tables[1]); listView.Rows = MessageList; return(Json(listView, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { JsonError e = new JsonError(ex.Message); return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } }
public async Task DeleteDirectory(JObject directoryJson) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage("DeleteDirectory called.", DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.ENTRY_EXIT); DebugHandler.TraceMessage(directoryJson.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.PARAMETERS); try { string filePath = directoryJson.Value <string>("path"); if (filePath.Contains("//")) { filePath.Replace("//", "/"); } if (filePath.Contains("\\\\")) { filePath.Replace("\\\\", "\\"); } string result = DirectoryHandler.DeleteDirectory(filePath); await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(result); } catch (Exception e) { DebugHandler.TraceMessage(e.ToString(), DebugSource.TASK, DebugType.WARNING); JsonError error = new JsonError() { type = "create_directory_error", errormessage = "Could not create directory.", errortype = "exception", exception = e.ToString() }; await WebSocketHandler.SendMessage(error.ToJson()); } }
public static void HandleError(HttpResponseMessage response) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { throw new JsonErrorHandler () { ErrorCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, ReferenceLink = "", ErrorDescription = "No está authorizado para realizar esta acción", HttpStatus = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, } } ; JsonError ap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonError>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); throw new JsonErrorHandler () { ErrorCode = ap.ErrorCode, ReferenceLink = ap.ReferenceLink, ErrorDescription = ap.ErrorDescription, HttpStatus = ap.HttpStatus }; }
public JsonResult RemoveMember(FormCollection collection) { try { var rolename = collection["RoleName"]; var username = collection["Username"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rolename) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { Context.UserLog.LogEntry(new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "RemoveMember", Area = "Role", IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Username = Username, Description = String.Format("Removed user {0} from role {1}", username, rolename) }); return(Json(Context.UserRole.RemoveMember(rolename, username))); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(JsonError.Throw("RemoveMember", ex))); } return(Json(JsonError.Throw("RemoveMember", "Internal system error."))); }
public async Task <ActionResult <string> > Post() { string jsonOut = "{err=not_recognized}"; string respBody = await new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); string contentType = Request.ContentType; StringValues userAgent; Request.Headers.TryGetValue("User-Agent", out userAgent); JsonError jerr = new JsonError { operation = "fetch csp", error = "invalid request", error_description = "must be at least 3 parts to a jose request" }; string[] splitBody = respBody.Split('.'); if (splitBody.Length < 3) { string jeOut = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jerr); CredentialDocResult cdr1 = new CredentialDocResult("{\"alg\": \"RS256\"}", jeOut, 0); return((await cdr1.SignCDR(_kss))[0]); } string json = "{ }"; return(CreatedAtAction("Post", jsonOut)); }
public JsonResult IgnoreError(string dp) { try { if (!dp.IsBlank()) { _systemContext.DispatchStore.Ignored(dp); Context.UserLog.LogEntry(new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "Ignore Error", Area = "Error Queue", Description = String.Format("Ignored error on processor {0}", dp), IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Username = Username, }); return(GetErrorQueue()); } return(Json(JsonError.Throw("IgnoreError", "System error: blank key"))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(JsonError.Throw("IgnoreError", ex))); } }
public JsonResponse onGetWallet(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { if (!parameters.ContainsKey("id")) { JsonError error = new JsonError { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, message = "Parameter 'id' is missing" }; return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = error }); } // Show own address, balance and blockchain synchronization status byte[] address = Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.DecodePlain((string)parameters["id"]); Wallet w = Node.walletState.getWallet(address); Dictionary <string, string> walletData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); walletData.Add("id", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(; walletData.Add("balance", w.balance.ToString()); walletData.Add("type", w.type.ToString()); walletData.Add("requiredSigs", w.requiredSigs.ToString()); if (w.allowedSigners != null) { if (w.allowedSigners != null) { walletData.Add("allowedSigners", "(" + (w.allowedSigners.Length + 1) + " keys): " + w.allowedSigners.Aggregate(Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(, (aggr, n) => aggr += "," + Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(n), aggr => aggr) ); } else { walletData.Add("allowedSigners", "null"); } } else { walletData.Add("allowedSigners", "null"); } if ( != null) { walletData.Add("extraData", Crypto.hashToString(; } else { walletData.Add("extraData", "null"); } if (w.publicKey != null) { walletData.Add("publicKey", Crypto.hashToString(w.publicKey)); } else { walletData.Add("publicKey", "null"); } return(new JsonResponse { result = walletData, error = null }); }
public JsonResult GetList(int pageNo, int pageSize, string searchText, string userID, string orderColumn, string orderDesc) { try { using (DBManager db = new DBManager()) { string nameOfProcedure = "CPK.uspUserList"; List <SqlParameter> paraList = new List <SqlParameter>(); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageNo", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageNo), ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("PageSize", DbType.Int32, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), ParameterDirection.Input)); paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("FullName", DbType.String, searchText, ParameterDirection.Input)); if (!AccountHelper.isEmpty(orderColumn)) { paraList.Add(Common.GetParameter("Sort", DbType.String, orderColumn + orderDesc, ParameterDirection.Input)); nameOfProcedure = "CPK.uspUserListSort"; } DataSet DbSet = db.GetSelectQuery(paraList, nameOfProcedure); ListViewModel <UserListViewModel> listView = Common.DataToClass <ListViewModel <UserListViewModel> >(DbSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]); List <UserListViewModel> userList = Common.DataToList <UserListViewModel>(DbSet.Tables[1]); listView.Rows = userList; return(Json(listView, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { JsonError e = new JsonError(ex.Message); return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } }
public JsonResponse onGetTransaction(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { if (!parameters.ContainsKey("id")) { JsonError error = new JsonError { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, message = "Parameter 'id' is missing" }; return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = error }); } string txid_string = (string)parameters["id"]; Transaction t = TransactionPool.getTransaction(txid_string, 0, Config.storeFullHistory); if (t == null) { return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = new JsonError { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, message = "Transaction not found." } }); } return(new JsonResponse { result = t.toDictionary(), error = null }); }
public JsonResponse onStress(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { JsonError error = null; string type_string = "txspam"; if (parameters.ContainsKey("type")) { type_string = (string)parameters["type"]; } int txnum = 0; if (parameters.ContainsKey("num")) { string txnumstr = (string)parameters["num"]; try { txnum = Convert.ToInt32(txnumstr); } catch (OverflowException) { txnum = 0; } } // Used for performing various tests. StressTest.start(type_string, txnum); return(new JsonResponse { result = "Stress test started", error = error }); }
public JsonResponse onGetLastBlocks() { JsonError error = null; Dictionary <string, string>[] blocks = new Dictionary <string, string> [10]; long blockCnt = Node.blockChain.Count > 10 ? 10 : Node.blockChain.Count; for (ulong i = 0; i < (ulong)blockCnt; i++) { Block block = Node.blockChain.getBlock(Node.blockChain.getLastBlockNum() - i); if (block == null) { error = new JsonError { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, message = "An unknown error occured, while getting one of the last 10 blocks." }; return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = error }); } blocks[i] = blockToJsonDictionary(block); } return(new JsonResponse { result = blocks, error = error }); }
async internal Task <T> TryPostAsync <T>(string url, string postData = "") { int i = 0; while (true) { try { string result, tokenParameter = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_token)) { tokenParameter = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postData) ? "" : "&") + "token=" + _token; } try { result = await _http.PostFormUrlEncodedStringAsync(url.UrlAppendParameters(tokenParameter), $"{ postData }{ tokenParameter }"); //result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(await WebFunctions.DownloadRawAsync(url.UrlAppendParameters(tokenParameter), // postData == null ? null : Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData), // null, null, string.Empty, string.Empty)); } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("(403)") || ex.Message.Contains("(499)") || ex.Message.Contains("(499)")) { throw new TokenRequiredException(); } throw ex; } if (result.Contains("\"error\":")) { JsonError error = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonError>(result); if (error.Error == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown error"); } if (error.Error.Code == 499 || error.Error.Code == 498 || error.Error.Code == 403) // Token Required (499), Invalid Token (498), No user Persmissions (403) { throw new TokenRequiredException(); } throw new Exception("Error:" + error.Error.Code + "\n" + error.Error.Message); } return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(result)); } catch (TokenRequiredException ex) { await HandleTokenExceptionAsync(i, ex); } i++; } }
public string Normalize(string responseData) { var error = JsonError.FromJson(responseData); var data = JsonResponse.FromJson(responseData); var finalList = new List <List <Dictionary <string, string> > >(); if (data != null && data.Items != null) { foreach (Item item in data.Items) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > resultArray = IterateThroughRows(item); finalList.Add(resultArray); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalList.SelectMany(x => x), Formatting.Indented, new JsonConverter[] { new StringEnumConverter() })); } else if (data != null && data.Items == null) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Formatting.Indented, new JsonConverter[] { new StringEnumConverter() })); } else { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(error, Formatting.Indented, new JsonConverter[] { new StringEnumConverter() })); } }
public JsonResponse onTestAdd(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { if (!parameters.ContainsKey("wallet")) { JsonError error = new JsonError { code = (int)RPCErrorCode.RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, message = "Parameter 'wallet' is missing" }; return(new JsonResponse { result = null, error = error }); } byte[] wallet = Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.DecodePlain((string)parameters["wallet"]); string responseString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Friend added successfully"); if (TestClientNode.addFriend(wallet) == false) { responseString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Could not find wallet id or add friend"); } return(new JsonResponse() { result = responseString, error = null }); }
public JsonResponse onTxa(Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { JsonError error = null; string fromIndex = "0"; if (parameters.ContainsKey("fromIndex")) { fromIndex = (string)parameters["fromIndex"]; } string count = "50"; if (parameters.ContainsKey("count")) { count = (string)parameters["count"]; } Transaction[] transactions = TransactionPool.getAppliedTransactions().Skip(Int32.Parse(fromIndex)).Take(Int32.Parse(count)).ToArray(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > tx_list = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (Transaction t in transactions) { tx_list.Add(, t.toDictionary()); } return(new JsonResponse { result = tx_list, error = error }); }
public virtual String Delete(dto model, string cookievalue = "") { using (var client = Factory.CreateClient()) { client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/hal+json")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookievalue)) { client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", cookievalue); } string postBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model); var response = client.HttpClient.DeleteAsync((Myurl + "/" + model.Id)).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { resp = "Ok"; return(resp); } else { JsonError ap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonError>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); resp = ap.Message; return(resp); } } }
public JsonRpcException(JsonError error) : base(error.Message) { _error = error; }