// reads message content in JSON format from the current position.
 public void Read(Message msg)
     _dc = new char[iCharBufSz];
     _cc = GetNextCharJs();
     _tlast = Next();
     AsMessage(msg, msg.GetDescriptor());
 private JsKeyword(JsToken token, string name, JsKeyword next)
     m_name = name;
     m_token = token;
     m_length = m_name.Length;
     m_next = next;
        /*internal bool Exists(string target)
            JSKeyword keyword = this;
            while (keyword != null)
                if (keyword.m_name == target)
                    return true;
                keyword = keyword.m_next;
            return false;
        internal static string CanBeIdentifier(JsToken keyword)
            switch (keyword)
                // always allowed
                case JsToken.Get: return "get";
                case JsToken.Set: return "set";

                // not in strict mode
                case JsToken.Implements: return "implements";
                case JsToken.Interface: return "interface";
                case JsToken.Let: return "let";
                case JsToken.Package: return "package";
                case JsToken.Private: return "private";
                case JsToken.Protected: return "protected";
                case JsToken.Public: return "public";
                case JsToken.Static: return "static";
                case JsToken.Yield: return "yield";

                // apparently never allowed for Chrome, so we want to treat it
                // differently, too
                case JsToken.Native: return "native";

                // no other tokens can be identifiers
                default: return null;
 public JsContext(JsDocumentContext document, int startLineNumber, int startLinePosition, int startPosition, int endLineNumber, int endLinePosition, int endPosition, JsToken token)
     : this(document)
     StartLineNumber = startLineNumber;
     StartLinePosition = startLinePosition;
     StartPosition = startPosition;
     EndLineNumber = endLineNumber;
     EndLinePosition = endLinePosition;
     EndPosition = endPosition;
     Token = token;
        // ParseExpressionList
        //  Given a starting this.currentToken '(' or '[', parse a list of expression separated by
        //  ',' until matching ')' or ']'
        private JsAstNodeList ParseExpressionList(JsToken terminator)
            JsContext listCtx = m_currentToken.Clone();
            JsAstNodeList list = new JsAstNodeList(listCtx, this);
            if (terminator != m_currentToken.Token)
                for (; ; )
                        JsAstNode item;
                        if (JsToken.Comma == m_currentToken.Token)
                            item = new JsConstantWrapper(JsMissing.Value, JsPrimitiveType.Other, m_currentToken.Clone(), this);
                        else if (terminator == m_currentToken.Token)
                            item = ParseExpression(true);

                        if (terminator == m_currentToken.Token)
                            if (JsToken.Comma == m_currentToken.Token)
                                item.IfNotNull(n => n.TerminatingContext = m_currentToken.Clone());
                                if (terminator == JsToken.RightParenthesis)
                                    //  in ASP+ it's easy to write a semicolon at the end of an expression
                                    //  not realizing it is going to go inside a function call
                                    //  (ie. Response.Write()), so make a special check here
                                    if (JsToken.Semicolon == m_currentToken.Token)
                                        if (JsToken.RightParenthesis == PeekToken())
                                            ReportError(JsError.UnexpectedSemicolon, true);


                    catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                        if (exc._partiallyComputedNode != null)
                        if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_ExpressionListNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1)
                            exc._partiallyComputedNode = list;
            return list;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsFilterExpressionStatement"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="originalText">The original text.</param>
 /// <param name="expr">The expr.</param>
 /// <param name="filters">The filters.</param>
 public JsFilterExpressionStatement(string originalText, JsToken expr, params JsCallExpression[] filters)
     FilterExpression = new PageVariableFragment(originalText.AsMemory(), expr, new List <JsCallExpression>(filters));
        private JsAstNode ParseExpression(JsAstNode leftHandSide, bool single, bool bCanAssign, JsToken inToken)
            // new op stack with dummy op
            Stack<JsContext> opsStack = new Stack<JsContext>();

            // term stack, push left-hand side onto it
            Stack<JsAstNode> termStack = new Stack<JsAstNode>();

            JsAstNode expr = null;

                for (; ; )
                    // if 'binary op' or 'conditional'
                    // if we are looking for a single expression, then also bail when we hit a comma
                    // inToken is a special case because of the for..in syntax. When ParseExpression is called from
                    // for, inToken = JSToken.In which excludes JSToken.In from the list of operators, otherwise
                    // inToken = JSToken.None which is always true if the first condition is true
                    if (JsScanner.IsProcessableOperator(m_currentToken.Token)
                        && inToken != m_currentToken.Token
                        && (!single || m_currentToken.Token != JsToken.Comma))
                        // for the current token, get the operator precedence and whether it's a right-association operator
                        var prec = JsScanner.GetOperatorPrecedence(m_currentToken);
                        bool rightAssoc = JsScanner.IsRightAssociativeOperator(m_currentToken.Token);

                        // while the current operator has lower precedence than the operator at the top of the stack
                        // or it has the same precedence and it is left associative (that is, no 'assign op' or 'conditional')
                        var stackPrec = JsScanner.GetOperatorPrecedence(opsStack.Peek());
                        while (prec < stackPrec || prec == stackPrec && !rightAssoc)
                            // pop the top two elements off the stack along with the current operator,
                            // combine them, then push the results back onto the term stack
                            JsAstNode operand2 = termStack.Pop();
                            JsAstNode operand1 = termStack.Pop();
                            expr = CreateExpressionNode(opsStack.Pop(), operand1, operand2);

                            // get the precendence of the current item on the top of the op stack
                            stackPrec = JsScanner.GetOperatorPrecedence(opsStack.Peek());

                        // now the current operator has higher precedence that every scanned operators on the stack, or
                        // it has the same precedence as the one at the top of the stack and it is right associative
                        // push operator and next term

                        // but first: special case conditional '?:'
                        if (JsToken.ConditionalIf == m_currentToken.Token)
                            // pop term stack
                            JsAstNode condition = termStack.Pop();

                            // if this is an assignment, throw a warning in case the developer
                            // meant to use == instead of =
                            // but no warning if the condition is wrapped in parens.
                            var binOp = condition as JsBinaryOperator;
                            if (binOp != null && binOp.OperatorToken == JsToken.Assign)

                            var questionCtx = m_currentToken.Clone();

                            // get expr1 in logOrExpr ? expr1 : expr2
                            JsAstNode operand1 = ParseExpression(true);

                            JsContext colonCtx = null;
                            if (JsToken.Colon != m_currentToken.Token)
                                colonCtx = m_currentToken.Clone();


                            // get expr2 in logOrExpr ? expr1 : expr2
                            JsAstNode operand2 = ParseExpression(true, inToken);

                            expr = new JsConditional(condition.Context.CombineWith(operand2.Context), this)
                                    Condition = condition,
                                    QuestionContext = questionCtx,
                                    TrueExpression = operand1,
                                    ColonContext = colonCtx,
                                    FalseExpression = operand2
                            if (JsScanner.IsAssignmentOperator(m_currentToken.Token))
                                if (!bCanAssign)
                                // if the operator is a comma, we can get another assign; otherwise we can't
                                bCanAssign = (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Comma);

                            // push the operator onto the operators stack

                            // push new term
                            if (bCanAssign)
                                termStack.Push(ParseUnaryExpression(out bCanAssign, false));
                                bool dummy;
                                termStack.Push(ParseUnaryExpression(out dummy, false));
                        // done with expression; go and unwind the stack of expressions/operators

                // there are still operators to be processed
                while (opsStack.Peek() != null)
                    // pop the top two term and the top operator, combine them into a new term,
                    // and push the results back onto the term stacck
                    JsAstNode operand2 = termStack.Pop();
                    JsAstNode operand1 = termStack.Pop();
                    expr = CreateExpressionNode(opsStack.Pop(), operand1, operand2);

                    // push node onto the stack

                Debug.Assert(termStack.Count == 1);
                return termStack.Pop();
            catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                exc._partiallyComputedNode = leftHandSide;
 internal RecoveryTokenException(JsToken token, JsAstNode partialAST)
     : base()
     _token = token;
     _partiallyComputedNode = partialAST;
 private int IndexOfToken(JsToken[] tokens, JsToken token)
     int i, c;
     for (i = 0, c = tokens.Length; i < c; i++)
         if (tokens[i] == token)
     if (i >= c)
         i = -1;
         // assume that the caller will deal with the token so move the state back to normal
         m_useCurrentForNext = false;
     return i;
 private bool TokenInList(JsToken[] tokens, RecoveryTokenException exc)
     return (-1 != IndexOfToken(tokens, exc._token));
 internal bool HasToken(JsToken token)
     foreach (JsToken[] tokenSet in m_tokenSetList)
         for (int ndx = 0; ndx < tokenSet.Length; ++ndx)
             if (tokenSet[ndx] == token)
                 return true;
     return false;
 protected Value AsValueJs(Value data)
     switch (_tlast)
         case JsToken.String: data.String = AtString(); break;
         case JsToken.Int: data.Bigint = GetLongJs(); break;
         case JsToken.Number:
             data.Number = double.Parse(AtString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float); break;
         case JsToken.False: data.Bool = false; break;
         case JsToken.True: data.Bool = true; break;
         case JsToken.Null: data.ClearKind(); break;
         case JsToken.ObjectStart: data.Members = AsStructJs(new Struct()); break;
         case JsToken.ArrayStart:
             var list = new ListValue();
             for (GetValue(); _tlast != JsToken.ArrayEnd;)
                 AsValueJs(list.AddValues(new Value()));
                 if ((_tlast = Next()) == JsToken.Comma)
                 else if (_tlast != JsToken.ArrayEnd && (int)_tlast < (int)JsToken.ObjectStart)
             data.Elements = list;
             Expected("json data element"); break;
     return data;
        protected Struct AsStructJs(Struct data)
            if (_tlast != JsToken.ObjectStart)
                Expected("json object");

            var comma = false;
            while ((_tlast = Next()) != JsToken.ObjectEnd)
                if (comma)
                    if (_tlast != JsToken.Comma) Expected("comma");
                    else _tlast = Next();
                else comma = true;
                if (_tlast != JsToken.String) Expected("name");
                _last_name = _sdata;
                if (Next() != JsToken.Semicolon) Expected(":");
                var jdata = AsValueJs(new Value());
                data.AddFields(_last_name, jdata);
            return data;
 private JsToken GetValue()
     return (int)(_tlast = Next()) >= (int)JsToken.ObjectStart ? _tlast : Expected("value");
 public void AsArray(Message msg, FieldDescriptor pos)
     for (GetValue(); _tlast != JsToken.ArrayEnd; )
         if (_tlast != JsToken.Null)
             msg.Get(pos, this);
         if ((_tlast = Next()) == JsToken.Comma)
         else if (_tlast != JsToken.ArrayEnd && (int)_tlast < (int)JsToken.ObjectStart)
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the js expression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="literal">The literal.</param>
 /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
 /// <returns>ReadOnlySpan&lt;System.Char&gt;.</returns>
 public static ReadOnlySpan <char> ParseJsExpression(this ReadOnlyMemory <char> literal, out JsToken token) =>
 literal.Span.ParseJsExpression(out token, filterExpression: false);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the js expression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="literal">The literal.</param>
 /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
 /// <returns>ReadOnlySpan&lt;System.Char&gt;.</returns>
 public static ReadOnlySpan <char> ParseJsExpression(this string literal, out JsToken token) =>
 literal.AsSpan().ParseJsExpression(out token);
Exemple #18
 public static object eval(ScriptContext context, JsToken token, Dictionary <string, object> args = null)
     return(ScriptLanguage.UnwrapValue(token.Evaluate(new ScriptScopeContext(new PageResult(context.EmptyPage), null, args))));
        // ParseIdentifierInitializer
        //  Does the real work of parsing a single variable declaration.
        //  inToken is JSToken.In whenever the potential expression that initialize a variable
        //  cannot contain an 'in', as in the for statement. inToken is JSToken.None otherwise
        private JsAstNode ParseIdentifierInitializer(JsToken inToken)
            string variableName = null;
            JsAstNode assignmentExpr = null;
            RecoveryTokenException except = null;

            if (JsToken.Identifier != m_currentToken.Token)
                String identifier = JsKeyword.CanBeIdentifier(m_currentToken.Token);
                if (null != identifier)
                    variableName = identifier;
                    // make up an identifier assume we're done with the var statement
                    if (JsScanner.IsValidIdentifier(m_currentToken.Code))
                        // it's probably just a keyword
                        ReportError(JsError.NoIdentifier, m_currentToken.Clone(), true);
                        variableName = m_currentToken.Code;
                        return null;
                variableName = m_scanner.Identifier;
            JsContext idContext = m_currentToken.Clone();
            JsContext context = m_currentToken.Clone();
            JsContext assignContext = null;

            bool ccSpecialCase = false;
            bool ccOn = false;

                if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.ConditionalCommentStart)
                    ccSpecialCase = true;

                    if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.ConditionalCompilationOn)
                        if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.ConditionalCommentEnd)
                            // forget about it; just ignore the whole thing because it's empty
                            ccSpecialCase = false;
                            ccOn = true;

                if (JsToken.Assign == m_currentToken.Token || JsToken.Equal == m_currentToken.Token)
                    assignContext = m_currentToken.Clone();
                    if (JsToken.Equal == m_currentToken.Token)
                        ReportError(JsError.NoEqual, true);

                    // move past the equals sign
                    if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.ConditionalCommentEnd)
                        // so we have var id/*@ =@*/ or var id//@=<EOL>
                        // we only support the equal sign inside conditional comments IF
                        // the initializer value is there as well.
                        ccSpecialCase = false;

                        assignmentExpr = ParseExpression(true, inToken);
                    catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                        assignmentExpr = exc._partiallyComputedNode;
                        if (null != assignmentExpr)
                else if (ccSpecialCase)
                    // so we have "var id /*@" or "var id //@", but the next character is NOT an equal sign.
                    // we don't support this structure, either.
                    ccSpecialCase = false;

                    // skip to end of conditional comment
                    while (m_currentToken.Token != JsToken.EndOfFile && m_currentToken.Token != JsToken.ConditionalCommentEnd)

                // if the current token is not an end-of-conditional-comment token now,
                // then we're not in our special case scenario
                if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.ConditionalCommentEnd)
                else if (ccSpecialCase)
                    // we have "var id/*@=expr" but the next token is not the closing comment.
                    // we don't support this structure, either.
                    ccSpecialCase = false;

                    // the assignment expression was apparently wiothin the conditional compilation
                    // comment, but we're going to ignore it. So clear it out.
                    assignmentExpr = null;

                    // skip to end of conditional comment
                    while (m_currentToken.Token != JsToken.EndOfFile && m_currentToken.Token != JsToken.ConditionalCommentEnd)
            catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                // If the exception is in the vardecl no-skip set then we successfully
                // recovered to the end of the declaration and can just return
                // normally.  Otherwise we re-throw after constructing the partial result.
                if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_VariableDeclNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1)
                    except = exc;

            JsVariableDeclaration result = new JsVariableDeclaration(context, this)
                    Identifier = variableName,
                    NameContext = idContext,
                    AssignContext = assignContext,
                    Initializer = assignmentExpr

            result.IsCCSpecialCase = ccSpecialCase;
            if (ccSpecialCase)
                // by default, set the flag depending on whether we encountered a @cc_on statement.
                // might be overridden by the node in analyze phase
                result.UseCCOn = ccOn;

            if (null != except)
                except._partiallyComputedNode = result;
                throw except;

            return result;
        protected void AsMessage(Message msg, MessageDescriptor ci)
            if (ci.HasOptions)
                AsMessageEx(msg, ci);

            // should be ready to pick up value if parsing into Json data node special class.
            if (_tlast != JsToken.ObjectStart)
                Expected("object start");

            // parse JSON object into message fields.
            var comma = false;
            FieldDescriptor kvfs = null;
            while (true)
                if ((_tlast = Next()) == JsToken.ObjectEnd)
                    if (kvfs == null) break;
                    kvfs = null; continue;
                if (!comma) comma = true;
                    if (_tlast != JsToken.Comma) Expected("comma");
                    else _tlast = Next();
                if (_tlast != JsToken.String) Expected("name");
                _last_name = _sdata;
                if (Next() != JsToken.Semicolon) Expected(":");
                if (GetValue() == JsToken.Null) continue;

                // when parsing JSON object into map, populate next entry.
                if (kvfs != null)
                    msg.Get(kvfs, this);

                // find message field descriptor by name.
                var fs = ci.Find(_last_name);
                if (fs == null) continue;
                if (_tlast != JsToken.ArrayStart)
                    // save field desc for extracting kv-map values.
                    if (fs.DataType != WireType.MapEntry)
                        msg.Get(fs, this);
                    else if (_tlast == JsToken.ObjectStart)
                        { kvfs = fs; comma = false; }
                    else Expected("object start");
                else AsArray(msg, fs);
 private bool TokenInList(JsToken[] tokens, JsToken token)
     return (-1 != IndexOfToken(tokens, token));
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsExpressionStatement"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression">The expression.</param>
 public JsExpressionStatement(JsToken expression)
     Expression = expression;
 internal void Add(JsToken[] tokens)
Exemple #24
        public void Can_use_ToJsAst_to_generate_Esprima_AST()
            JsToken token = JS.expression("{ key: a.prop == 1 ? b < 2 : c > 3 }");

//            "{ key: a.prop == 1 ? b < 2 : c > 3 }".ParseJsExpression(out token);

            Dictionary <string, object> ast = token.ToJsAst();


            var expected = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["type"]       = "ObjectExpression",
                ["properties"] = new List <object> {
                    new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        ["type"] = "Property",
                        ["key"]  = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            ["type"] = "Identifier",
                            ["name"] = "key",
                        ["computed"] = false,
                        ["value"]    = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            ["type"] = "ConditionalExpression",
                            ["test"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                ["type"]     = "BinaryExpression",
                                ["operator"] = "==",
                                ["left"]     = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                    ["type"]     = "MemberExpression",
                                    ["computed"] = false,
                                    ["object"]   = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                        ["type"] = "Identifier",
                                        ["name"] = "a",
                                    ["property"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                        ["type"] = "Identifier",
                                        ["name"] = "prop",
                                ["right"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                    ["type"]  = "Literal",
                                    ["value"] = 1,
                                    ["raw"]   = "1",
                            ["consequent"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                ["type"]     = "BinaryExpression",
                                ["operator"] = "<",
                                ["left"]     = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                    ["type"] = "Identifier",
                                    ["name"] = "b",
                                ["right"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                    ["type"]  = "Literal",
                                    ["value"] = 2,
                                    ["raw"]   = "2",
                            ["alternate"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                ["type"]     = "BinaryExpression",
                                ["operator"] = ">",
                                ["left"]     = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                    ["type"] = "Identifier",
                                    ["name"] = "c",
                                ["right"] = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                    ["type"]  = "Literal",
                                    ["value"] = 3,
                                    ["raw"]   = "3",
                        ["kind"]      = "init",
                        ["method"]    = false,
                        ["shorthand"] = false,

            "Expected: ".Print();

            Assert.That(ast, Is.EqualTo(expected));
 internal void Remove(JsToken[] tokens)
     bool wasRemoved = m_tokenSetList.Remove(tokens);
     Debug.Assert(wasRemoved, "Token set not in no-skip list");
 public JsLogicalExpression(JsToken left, JsLogicOperator operand, JsToken right)
     Left    = left;
     Operand = operand;
     Right   = right;
 // IndexOfToken
 //  check whether the recovery token is a good one for the caller
 private int IndexOfToken(JsToken[] tokens, RecoveryTokenException exc)
     return IndexOfToken(tokens, exc._token);
 private JsAstNode ParseExpression(bool single, JsToken inToken)
     bool bAssign;
     JsAstNode lhs = ParseUnaryExpression(out bAssign, false);
     return ParseExpression(lhs, single, bAssign, inToken);
 private JsKeyword(JsToken token, string name)
     : this(token, name, null)
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsFilterExpressionStatement"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="originalText">The original text.</param>
 /// <param name="expr">The expr.</param>
 /// <param name="filters">The filters.</param>
 public JsFilterExpressionStatement(ReadOnlyMemory <char> originalText, JsToken expr, List <JsCallExpression> filters)
     FilterExpression = new PageVariableFragment(originalText, expr, filters);
        public static string OperatorString(JsToken token)
            switch (token)
                case JsToken.Decrement: return "--";
                case JsToken.Delete: return "delete";
                case JsToken.Increment: return "++";
                case JsToken.TypeOf: return "typeof";
                case JsToken.Void: return "void";
                case JsToken.LogicalNot: return "!";
                case JsToken.BitwiseNot: return "~";
                case JsToken.Minus: return "-";
                case JsToken.Plus: return "+";
                case JsToken.Multiply: return "*";
                case JsToken.BitwiseAnd: return "&";
                case JsToken.BitwiseOr: return "|";
                case JsToken.BitwiseXor: return "^";
                case JsToken.LogicalAnd: return "&&";
                case JsToken.LogicalOr: return "||";
                case JsToken.Assign: return "=";
                case JsToken.BitwiseAndAssign: return "&=";
                case JsToken.BitwiseOrAssign: return "|=";
                case JsToken.BitwiseXorAssign: return "^=";
                case JsToken.Comma: return ",";
                case JsToken.Equal: return "==";
                case JsToken.GreaterThan: return ">";
                case JsToken.GreaterThanEqual: return ">=";
                case JsToken.In: return "in";
                case JsToken.InstanceOf: return "instanceof";
                case JsToken.LeftShift: return "<<";
                case JsToken.LeftShiftAssign: return "<<=";
                case JsToken.LessThan: return "<";
                case JsToken.LessThanEqual: return "<=";
                case JsToken.MinusAssign: return "-=";
                case JsToken.Modulo: return "%";
                case JsToken.ModuloAssign: return "%=";
                case JsToken.MultiplyAssign: return "*=";
                case JsToken.NotEqual: return "!=";
                case JsToken.PlusAssign: return "+=";
                case JsToken.RightShift: return ">>";
                case JsToken.RightShiftAssign: return ">>=";
                case JsToken.StrictEqual: return "===";
                case JsToken.StrictNotEqual: return "!==";
                case JsToken.UnsignedRightShift: return ">>>";
                case JsToken.UnsignedRightShiftAssign: return ">>>=";
                case JsToken.Divide: return "/";
                case JsToken.DivideAssign: return "/=";
                case JsToken.Let: return "let";
                case JsToken.Const: return "const";

                default: return string.Empty;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsConditionalExpression"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="test">The test.</param>
 /// <param name="consequent">The consequent.</param>
 /// <param name="alternate">The alternate.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ServiceStack.Script.SyntaxErrorException">Test Expression missing in Conditional Expression</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ServiceStack.Script.SyntaxErrorException">Consequent Expression missing in Conditional Expression</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ServiceStack.Script.SyntaxErrorException">Alternate Expression missing in Conditional Expression</exception>
 public JsConditionalExpression(JsToken test, JsToken consequent, JsToken alternate)
     Test       = test ?? throw new SyntaxErrorException("Test Expression missing in Conditional Expression");
     Consequent = consequent ?? throw new SyntaxErrorException("Consequent Expression missing in Conditional Expression");
     Alternate  = alternate ?? throw new SyntaxErrorException("Alternate Expression missing in Conditional Expression");