public void MakeBmp(string path, int clickX, int clickY,
                            int widthOfResizedImage, int heightOfResizedImage, JpegRotationFinder shouldRotateImages)
            Bmp = new Bitmap(MaxWidth, MaxHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);
            if (path == null || !FilenameUtils.LooksLikeImage(path) || !File.Exists(path))

            // we can disregard bitmapWillLockFile because we'll quickly dispose bitmapFull.
            using (Bitmap bitmapFull = ImageCache.GetBitmap(path, shouldRotateImages, out bool bitmapWillLockFile))
                if (bitmapFull.Width == 1 || bitmapFull.Height == 1)

                GetShiftAmount(bitmapFull, clickX, clickY,
                               widthOfResizedImage, heightOfResizedImage, out int shiftX, out int shiftY);

                // draw the entire image, but pushed off to the side
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp))
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, MaxWidth, MaxHeight);
                    g.DrawImageUnscaled(bitmapFull, -shiftX, -shiftY);
        // bitmapWillLockFile indicates whether holding onto Bitmap will hold lock on a file.
        public static Bitmap GetBitmap(string path, JpegRotationFinder shouldrotate, out bool bitmapWillLockFile)
            Bitmap bitmap = null;

                if (ModeUtils.IsWebp(path))
                    byte[] bytesData = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                    var    decoder   = new Imazen.WebP.SimpleDecoder();
                    bitmap             = decoder.DecodeFromBytes(bytesData, bytesData.LongLength);
                    bitmapWillLockFile = false;
                    bitmap             = new Bitmap(path);
                    bitmapWillLockFile = true;

                    // some image files have custom resolutions,
                    // I prefer seeing all files at the same resolution.
                    bitmap.SetResolution(96.0f, 96.0f);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ModeUtils.IsWebp(path) &&
                    Utils.MessageErr("It appears that the Visual C++ Redistributable " +
                                     "Packages for Visual Studio 2013 are not installed; please run " +
                                     "vcredist_x64.exe so that libwebp.dll can be used.");

                Utils.MessageErr("Could not load the image " + path +
                                 Utils.NL + Utils.NL + Utils.NL + "Details: " +
                                 e.ToString(), true);

                if (bitmap != null)

                bitmapWillLockFile = true;
                bitmap             = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);

            if (shouldrotate != null && shouldrotate.ShouldRotate(path))

Exemple #3
 public ImageCache(
     int maxWidth,
     int maxHeight,
     int cacheSize,
     Func <Action, bool> callbackOnUiThread,
     Func <Bitmap, bool> canDisposeBitmap,
     JpegRotationFinder shouldRotateThisImage,
     bool tileImages)
     ResizeToFit            = true;
     ResizeFactor           = 1;
     MaxWidth               = maxWidth;
     MaxHeight              = maxHeight;
     _cacheSize             = cacheSize;
     _callbackOnUiThread    = callbackOnUiThread;
     _canDisposeBitmap      = canDisposeBitmap;
     _shouldRotateThisImage = shouldRotateThisImage;
     _tileImages            = tileImages;
     Excerpt = new ImageViewExcerpt(maxWidth, maxHeight);