public devices.IDevice ResolveDevice (IHIDDevice hidDevice) { int i = 0; int inx; //Give Unity Update(Input works only in Update on Main single thread //and this funciton is happen on Event on other thread) //to be done so GetJoysticksNames return something //!!! Not tested yet on WIN System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (300);//sleep this Event add device thread //find device match based on "names" string[] names = Input.GetJoystickNames (); inx = Array.IndexOf (names, hidDevice.Name); Debug.Log (String.Join (",", names)); if (inx < 0) return null; if (inx > 3) { Debug.LogWarning ("Unity supports up to 4 Joysticks"); return null; } DeviceProfile profile = hidDevice.loadProfile (); JoystickDevice device = new JoystickDevice (inx, hidDevice.PID, hidDevice.VID, hidDevice.ID, 12, 20, this); device.Name = hidDevice.Name; device.profile = profile; int numAxis = device.Axis.Count; int numButtons = device.Buttons.Count; for (; i < numAxis; i++) { device.Axis [i] = new AxisDetails (); if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > i) { device.Axis [i].name = profile.axisNaming [i]; } } for (i=0; i < numButtons; i++) { device.Buttons [i] = new ButtonDetails (); if (profile != null && profile.buttonNaming.Length > i) { device.Buttons [i].name = profile.buttonNaming [i]; } } return device; }
public IDevice ResolveDevice(IHIDDevice info) { GenericHIDDevice genericDevice = (GenericHIDDevice)info; _hidInterface = info.hidInterface; JoystickDevice joystick; int numAxes = genericDevice.numAxes; //info.Extension.axes; int numButtons = genericDevice.numButtons; //info.Extension.buttons; joystick = new JoystickDevice(info.index, info.PID, info.VID,info.ID, Math.Max(8,numAxes),numButtons, this); joystick.Name = info.Name; int index = 0; for (; index < numButtons; index++) { joystick.Buttons[index] = new ButtonDetails(); } for (index = 0; index < numAxes; index++) { joystick.Axis[index] = new AxisDetails(); } //joystick.numPOV = 1; // joystick.Axis[index - 1].isHat = true; //joystick.Axis[index - 2].isHat = true; return joystick; }
void CloseJoystick(int player_index) { lock (sync) { if (IsValid(player_index)) { int device_index = player_to_index[player_index]; JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> stick = sticks[index_to_stick[device_index]] as JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails>; if (stick != null) { index_to_stick.Remove(device_index); player_to_index.Remove(player_index); } } } }
void OnJoystickConnect(int index) { IntPtr joystick = SDL.SDL_JoystickOpen(index); if (joystick != IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Log("Added joystick device " + index); JoystickDevice gamepad = new JoystickDevice(joystick); joysticks.Add(gamepad); devices.Add(gamepad); Debug.Log("Joystick count = " + joysticks.Count); Debug.Log("Device count = " + devices.Count); } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to get SDL Joystick address " + index + ". " + SDL.SDL_GetError()); } }
public IDevice ResolveDevice(IHIDDevice info) { GenericHIDDevice genericDevice = (GenericHIDDevice)info; _hidInterface = info.hidInterface; JoystickDevice joystick; int numAxes = genericDevice.numAxes; //info.Extension.axes; int numButtons = genericDevice.numButtons; //info.Extension.buttons; joystick = new JoystickDevice(info.index, info.PID, info.VID, info.ID, Math.Max(8, numAxes), numButtons, this); joystick.Name = info.Name; int index = 0; for (; index < numButtons; index++) { joystick.Buttons[index] = new ButtonDetails(); } for (index = 0; index < numAxes; index++) { joystick.Axis[index] = new AxisDetails(); } //joystick.numPOV = 1; // joystick.Axis[index - 1].isHat = true; //joystick.Axis[index - 2].isHat = true; return(joystick); }
public static string GetDeviceName(object nativeDevice) { JoystickDevice jsDevice = (JoystickDevice)nativeDevice; string rawDescription = jsDevice.Description; if (rawDescription == null) { rawDescription = GetDeviceButtonCount(jsDevice) + " Buttons/" + GetDeviceAxis1dCount(jsDevice) + " Axes"; } int ignoreThrough = rawDescription.IndexOf('#'); if (ignoreThrough != -1) { string newDescription = rawDescription.Substring(ignoreThrough + 2).Trim(); if (newDescription.Length != 0) { rawDescription = "Joystick " + newDescription; } } return(rawDescription); }
private void refreshDevices() { var newDevices = new List <JoystickDevice>(); // Update devices and add them to newDevices if still connected foreach (var dev in devices) { dev.Refresh(); if (dev.RawState.IsConnected) { newDevices.Add(dev); } else { mostSeenDevices--; if (dev.LastState != null) { handleState(dev, new JoystickState()); } } } // Find any newly-connected devices while (true) { var newDevice = new JoystickDevice(mostSeenDevices); if (!newDevice.Capabilities.IsConnected) { break; } Logger.Log($"Connected joystick device: {newDevice.Guid}"); newDevices.Add(newDevice); mostSeenDevices++; } devices = newDevices; }
public OpenTKJoystickState(JoystickDevice device) { // Populate axes var axes = new List <JoystickAxis>(); for (int i = 0; i < JoystickDevice.MAX_AXES; i++) { var value = device.RawState.GetAxis(i); if (!Precision.AlmostEquals(value, 0, device.DefaultDeadzones?[i] ?? Precision.FLOAT_EPSILON)) { axes.Add(new JoystickAxis(i, value)); } } Axes = axes; // Populate normal buttons for (int i = 0; i < JoystickDevice.MAX_BUTTONS; i++) { if (device.RawState.GetButton(i) == ButtonState.Pressed) { Buttons.SetPressed(JoystickButton.FirstButton + i, true); } } // Populate hat buttons for (int i = 0; i < JoystickDevice.MAX_HATS; i++) { foreach (var hatButton in getHatButtons(device, i)) { Buttons.SetPressed(hatButton, true); } } // Populate axis buttons (each axis has two buttons) foreach (var axis in Axes) { Buttons.SetPressed((axis.Value < 0 ? JoystickButton.FirstAxisNegative : JoystickButton.FirstAxisPositive) + axis.Axis, true); } }
public void Initialize() { joystick = new JoystickDevice(); joystick.Initialize("/dev/input/js0"); joystick.InputReceived += (sender, e) => { //LastCommand = new Vector2D(e.Axis[(int)0], e.Axis[(int)1]); if (CommandReceived != null) { CommandReceived(this, new CommandEventArgs { Command = LastCommand }); } }; new Thread(() => { joystick.ProcessEvents(); }).Start(); }
public void ProcessJoystickEvent(JoyHatEvent ev) { int id = ev.Which; if (IsJoystickInstanceValid(id)) { int index = sdl_instanceid_to_joysticks[id]; JoystickDevice<Sdl2JoystickDetails> joystick = (JoystickDevice<Sdl2JoystickDetails>)joysticks[index]; if (ev.Hat >= 0 && ev.Hat < JoystickState.MaxHats) { joystick.Details.Hat[ev.Hat] = new JoystickHatState(TranslateHat(ev.Value)); } else { Debug.Print("[SDL2] Hat {0} out of range [0, {1}]", ev.Hat, JoystickState.MaxHats); } joystick.Details.PacketNumber = Math.Max(0, unchecked(joystick.Details.PacketNumber + 1)); } else { Debug.Print("[SDL2] Invalid joystick id {0} in {1}", id, ev.Type); } }
JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails> OpenJoystick(string base_path, int number) { string path = base_path + number.ToString(); JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails> stick = null; int fd = -1; try { fd =, OpenFlags.NonBlock); if (fd == -1) { return(null); } // Check joystick driver version (must be 1.0+) int driver_version = 0x00000800; UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Version, ref driver_version); if (driver_version < 0x00010000) { return(null); } // Get number of joystick axes int axes = 0; UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Axes, ref axes); // Get number of joystick buttons int buttons = 0; UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Buttons, ref buttons); stick = new JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails>(fd, axes, buttons); Debug.Print("Found joystick on path {0}", path); } finally { if (stick == null && fd != -1) { UnsafeNativeMethods.close(fd); } } return(stick); }
private IEnumerable <JoystickButton> getHatButtons(JoystickDevice device, int hat) { var state = device.State.GetHat(JoystickHat.Hat0 + hat); if (state.IsUp) { yield return(JoystickButton.FirstHatUp + hat); } else if (state.IsDown) { yield return(JoystickButton.FirstHatDown + hat); } if (state.IsLeft) { yield return(JoystickButton.FirstHatLeft + hat); } else if (state.IsRight) { yield return(JoystickButton.FirstHatRight + hat); } }
// BE CAREFUL! RUNS ON A SEPARATE THREAD! public NodeDriver ReadConfiguration() { var driver = NodeDriver.BuildWith( new FieldGuid(SnapDriver.GAMECONTROLLERS_DRIVER_ID), // TypeId new FieldString(string.Empty), // Address new FieldBase64(string.Empty), // Configuration new FieldString(Resources.Strings.DriverName)); // DriverName driver = driver.SetRunning(new FieldBool(Running)); // status only if (Running && this.directInput != null) // Running property is threadsafe { var devicesMutable = new Collection <NodeDevice>(); var joystickDevices = getJoystickCompatibleDevices(); foreach (var joystickDevice in joystickDevices) { var dev = JoystickDevice.StaticBuild(this.directInput, joystickDevice); devicesMutable.Add(dev); } driver = driver.NodeDeviceChildren.Append( new ReadOnlyCollection <NodeDevice>(devicesMutable)); } return(driver); }
void CloseJoystick(JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails> js) { UnsafeNativeMethods.close(js.Details.FileDescriptor); js.Details.State = new JoystickState(); // clear joystick state js.Details.FileDescriptor = -1; // find and remove the joystick index from index_to_stick int key = -1; foreach (int i in index_to_stick.Keys) { if (sticks[index_to_stick[i]] == js) { key = i; break; } } if (index_to_stick.ContainsKey(key)) { index_to_stick.Remove(key); } }
private JoystickDevice <Sdl2JoystickDetails> OpenJoystick(int id) { JoystickDevice <Sdl2JoystickDetails> joystick = null; int num_axes = 0; int num_buttons = 0; int num_hats = 0; int num_balls = 0; IntPtr handle = SDL.JoystickOpen(id); if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) { num_axes = SDL.JoystickNumAxes(handle); num_buttons = SDL.JoystickNumButtons(handle); num_hats = SDL.JoystickNumHats(handle); num_balls = SDL.JoystickNumBalls(handle); joystick = new JoystickDevice <Sdl2JoystickDetails>(id, num_axes, num_buttons); joystick.Description = SDL.JoystickName(handle); joystick.Details.Handle = handle; joystick.Details.InstanceId = SDL.JoystickInstanceID(handle); joystick.Details.Guid = SDL.JoystickGetGUID(handle).ToGuid(); joystick.Details.HatCount = num_hats; joystick.Details.BallCount = num_balls; Debug.Print("[SDL2] Joystick device {0} opened successfully. ", id); Debug.Print("\t\t'{0}' has {1} axes, {2} buttons, {3} hats, {4} balls", joystick.Description, joystick.Axis.Count, joystick.Button.Count, joystick.Details.HatCount, joystick.Details.BallCount); } else { Debug.Print("[SDL2] Failed to open joystick device {0}", id); } return(joystick); }
private void refreshDevices() { // Update devices and add them to newDevices if still connected for (int i = 0; i < devices.Count; i++) { var dev = devices[i]; dev.Refresh(); if (!dev.RawState.IsConnected) { mostSeenDevices--; if (dev.LastState != null) { handleState(dev, new JoystickState()); } devices.RemoveAt(i--); } } // Find any newly-connected devices while (true) { if (!OpenTK.Input.Joystick.GetCapabilities(mostSeenDevices).IsConnected) { break; } var newDevice = new JoystickDevice(mostSeenDevices); Logger.Log($"Connected joystick device: {newDevice.Guid}"); devices.Add(newDevice); mostSeenDevices++; } }
JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> OpenJoystick(int number) { lock (sync) { JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> stick = null; JoyCaps caps; JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetDevCaps(number, out caps, JoyCaps.SizeInBytes); if (result == JoystickError.NoError) { if (caps.NumAxes > JoystickState.MaxAxes) { Debug.Print("[Input] Device has {0} axes, which is higher than OpenTK maximum {1}. Please report a bug at", caps.NumAxes, JoystickState.MaxAxes); caps.NumAxes = JoystickState.MaxAxes; } if (caps.NumAxes > JoystickState.MaxButtons) { Debug.Print("[Input] Device has {0} buttons, which is higher than OpenTK maximum {1}. Please report a bug at", caps.NumButtons, JoystickState.MaxButtons); caps.NumButtons = JoystickState.MaxButtons; } JoystickCapabilities joycaps = new JoystickCapabilities( caps.NumAxes, caps.NumButtons, (caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0 ? 1 : 0, true); int num_axes = caps.NumAxes; if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0) { num_axes += 2; } stick = new JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails>(number, num_axes, caps.NumButtons); stick.Details = new WinMMJoyDetails(joycaps); // Make sure to reverse the vertical axes, so that +1 points up and -1 points down. for (int axis = 0; axis < caps.NumAxes; axis++) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.GetMin(axis); stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.GetMax(axis); } if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0) { stick.Details.PovType = PovType.Exists; if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov4Dir) != 0) { stick.Details.PovType |= PovType.Discrete; } if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPovContinuous) != 0) { stick.Details.PovType |= PovType.Continuous; } } // Todo: Implement joystick name detection for WinMM. stick.Description = String.Format("Joystick/Joystick #{0} ({1} axes, {2} buttons)", number, stick.Axis.Count, stick.Button.Count); // Todo: Try to get the device name from the registry. Oh joy! //string key_path = String.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}", RegistryJoyConfig, caps.RegKey, RegstryJoyCurrent); //RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key_path, false); //if (key == null) // key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(key_path, false); //if (key == null) // stick.Description = String.Format("USB Joystick {0} ({1} axes, {2} buttons)", number, stick.Axis.Count, stick.Button.Count); //else //{ // key.Close(); //} Debug.Print("Found joystick on device number {0}", number); index_to_stick.Add(number, sticks.Count); player_to_index.Add(player_to_index.Count, number); sticks.Add(stick); } return(stick); } }
public devices.IDevice ResolveDevice(IHIDDevice hidDevice) { int i = 0; int inx; //Give Unity Update(Input works only in Update on Main single thread //and this funciton is happen on Event on other thread) //to be done so GetJoysticksNames return something //!!! Not tested yet on WIN System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300); //sleep this Event add device thread //find device match based on "names" string[] names = Input.GetJoystickNames(); inx = Array.IndexOf(names, hidDevice.Name); Debug.Log(String.Join(",", names)); if (inx < 0) { return(null); } if (inx > 3) { Debug.LogWarning("Unity supports up to 4 Joysticks"); return(null); } DeviceProfile profile = hidDevice.loadProfile(); JoystickDevice device = new JoystickDevice(inx, hidDevice.PID, hidDevice.VID, hidDevice.ID, 12, 20, this); device.Name = hidDevice.Name; device.profile = profile; int numAxis = device.Axis.Count; int numButtons = device.Buttons.Count; for (; i < numAxis; i++) { device.Axis [i] = new AxisDetails(); if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > i) { device.Axis [i].name = profile.axisNaming [i]; } } for (i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { device.Buttons [i] = new ButtonDetails(); if (profile != null && profile.buttonNaming.Length > i) { device.Buttons [i].name = profile.buttonNaming [i]; } } return(device); }
private void SettingsLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Settings)) { using (var cp = new CheckPassword()) { cp.ShowDialog(this); } } if (!Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Settings)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocRm.GetString("AccessDenied")); Close(); return; } UISync.Init(this); tcTabs.SelectedIndex = InitialTab; _rkApp = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false); SetColors(); int i = 0, selind = 0; foreach (TranslationsTranslationSet set in LocRm.TranslationSets.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { if (set.CultureCode == MainForm.Conf.Language) { selind = i; } i++; } SetSSLText(); _jst = new JoystickDevice(); var ij = 0; _sticks = _jst.FindJoysticks(); i = 1; foreach (string js in _sticks) { var nameid = js.Split('|'); if (nameid[1] == { ij = i; } i++; } HideTab(tabPage11, Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Plugins)); //important leave here: if (Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Plugins)) { ListPlugins(); } _loaded = true; }
public JoystickBehavior(JoystickDevice j) { yaw = roll = 0; j.InputReceived += Joystick_InputReceived; this.j = j; }
JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> OpenJoystick(int number) { JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> stick = null; JoyCaps caps; JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetDevCaps(number, out caps, JoyCaps.SizeInBytes); if (result != JoystickError.NoError) { return(null); } int num_axes = caps.NumAxes; if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0) { num_axes += 2; } stick = new JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails>(number, num_axes, caps.NumButtons); stick.Details = new WinMMJoyDetails(num_axes); // Make sure to reverse the vertical axes, so that +1 points up and -1 points down. int axis = 0; if (axis < caps.NumAxes) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.XMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.XMax; axis++; } if (axis < caps.NumAxes) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.YMax; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.YMin; axis++; } if (axis < caps.NumAxes) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.ZMax; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.ZMin; axis++; } if (axis < caps.NumAxes) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.RMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.RMax; axis++; } if (axis < caps.NumAxes) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.UMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.UMax; axis++; } if (axis < caps.NumAxes) { stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.VMax; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.VMin; axis++; } if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0) { stick.Details.PovType = PovType.Exists; if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov4Dir) != 0) { stick.Details.PovType |= PovType.Discrete; } if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPovContinuous) != 0) { stick.Details.PovType |= PovType.Continuous; } } #warning "Implement joystick name detection for WinMM." stick.Description = String.Format("Joystick/Joystick #{0} ({1} axes, {2} buttons)", number, stick.Axis.Count, stick.Button.Count); // Todo: Try to get the device name from the registry. Oh joy! //string key_path = String.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}", RegistryJoyConfig, caps.RegKey, RegstryJoyCurrent); //RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key_path, false); //if (key == null) // key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(key_path, false); //if (key == null) // stick.Description = String.Format("USB Joystick {0} ({1} axes, {2} buttons)", number, stick.Axis.Count, stick.Button.Count); //else //{ // key.Close(); //} if (stick != null) { Debug.Print("Found joystick on device number {0}", number); } return(stick); }
JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails> OpenJoystick(string path) { JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails> stick = null; int number = GetJoystickNumber(Path.GetFileName(path)); if (number >= 0) { int fd = -1; try { fd =, OpenFlags.NonBlock); if (fd == -1) { return(null); } // Check joystick driver version (must be 1.0+) int driver_version = 0x00000800; UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Version, ref driver_version); if (driver_version < 0x00010000) { return(null); } // Get number of joystick axes int axes = 0; UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Axes, ref axes); // Get number of joystick buttons int buttons = 0; UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Buttons, ref buttons); stick = new JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails>(number, axes, buttons); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(fd, JoystickIoctlCode.Name128, sb); stick.Description = sb.ToString(); stick.Details.FileDescriptor = fd; stick.Details.State.SetIsConnected(true); stick.Details.Guid = CreateGuid(stick, path, number); // Find the first disconnected joystick (if any) int i; for (i = 0; i < sticks.Count; i++) { if (!sticks[i].Details.State.IsConnected) { break; } } // If no disconnected joystick exists, append a new slot if (i == sticks.Count) { sticks.Add(stick); } else { sticks[i] = stick; } // Map player index to joystick index_to_stick.Add(index_to_stick.Count, i); Debug.Print("Found joystick on path {0}", path); } finally { if (stick == null && fd != -1) { UnsafeNativeMethods.close(fd); } } } return(stick); }
private void handleState(JoystickDevice device, JoystickState newState) { PendingInputs.Enqueue(new JoystickButtonInput(newState.Buttons, device.LastState?.Buttons)); device.LastState = newState; }
public IDevice ResolveDevice(IHIDDevice hidDevice) { _hidInterface = hidDevice.hidInterface; JoystickDevice device; //Get jostick capabilities Native.JoyCaps caps; Native.JoystickError result = Native.JoystickError.InvalidParameters; DeviceProfile profile; int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { result = Native.joyGetDevCaps(i, out caps, Native.JoyCaps.SizeInBytes); if (result == Native.JoystickError.NoError && caps.PID == hidDevice.PID && hidDevice.VID == caps.VID) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("ID:"+i+" on PID:"+info.PID+" VID:"+info.VID+" info:"+info.DevicePath+"Bts"+caps.NumButtons.ToString()+"axes"+caps.NumAxes // +"ProdID"+caps.PID+" name:"+caps.ProductName+" regkey"+caps.RegKey+"Man:"+caps.VID); int num_axes = caps.NumAxes; //!!! save ordNumber(I don't have still function that would return ordNum for WinMM from PID); ((GenericHIDDevice)hidDevice).ord = i; profile = hidDevice.loadProfile(); device = new JoystickDevice(hidDevice.index, hidDevice.PID, hidDevice.VID, hidDevice.ID, 8, caps.NumButtons, this); device.Extension = new WinDefaultExtension(); device.Name = hidDevice.Name; device.profile = profile; int buttonIndex = 0; for (; buttonIndex < caps.NumButtons; buttonIndex++) { device.Buttons[buttonIndex] = new ButtonDetails(); if (profile != null && profile.buttonNaming.Length > buttonIndex) { device.Buttons[buttonIndex].name = profile.buttonNaming[buttonIndex]; } } // Make sure to reverse the vertical axes, so that +1 points up and -1 points down. int axis = 0; AxisDetails axisDetails; if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.XMax; axisDetails.min = caps.XMin; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; //if(axisDetails.min==0 && axisDetails.max==255) axisDetails.isTrigger=true; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.YMax; axisDetails.min = caps.YMin; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 32767) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } // stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.YMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.YMax; axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.ZMax; axisDetails.min = caps.ZMin; //if(axisDetails.min==0) axisDetails.isTrigger=true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.min = caps.RMin; axisDetails.max = caps.RMax; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 255) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.min = caps.UMin; axisDetails.max = caps.UMax; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 255) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.VMax; axisDetails.min = caps.VMin; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 255) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if ((caps.Capabilities & Native.JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0) { device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX] = new AxisDetails(); device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY] = new AxisDetails(); if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > (int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX) { device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX].name = profile.axisNaming[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX]; } if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > (int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY) { device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY].name = profile.axisNaming[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY]; } device.numPOV = 1; // WinDefaultExtension extension = joystick.Extension as WinDefaultExtension; // // extension.PovType = Native.PovType.Exists; // if ((caps.Capabilities & Native.JoystCapsFlags.HasPov4Dir) != 0) // extension.PovType |= Native.PovType.Discrete; // if ((caps.Capabilities & Native.JoystCapsFlags.HasPovContinuous) != 0) // extension.PovType |= Native.PovType.Continuous; } // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(" max:" + caps.YMax + " min:" + caps.YMin + " max:" + caps.ZMax + " min:" + caps.ZMin); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(" max:" + caps.RMax + " min:" + caps.RMin + " max:" + caps.UMax + " min:" + caps.UMin); return(device); } } return(null); //return (IDevice<IAxisDetails, IButtonDetails, IDeviceExtension>)joystick; }
Guid CreateGuid(JoystickDevice <X11JoyDetails> js, string path, int number) { byte[] bytes = new byte[16]; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(bytes.Length, js.Description.Length); i++) { bytes[i] = (byte)js.Description[i]; } return(new Guid(bytes)); #if false // Todo: move to /dev/input/event* from /dev/input/js* string evdev_path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), "event" + number); if (!File.Exists(evdev_path)) { return(new Guid()); } int event_fd =, OpenFlags.NonBlock); if (event_fd < 0) { return(new Guid()); } try { EventInputId id; if (UnsafeNativeMethods.ioctl(event_fd, EvdevInputId.Id, out id) < 0) { return(new Guid()); } int i = 0; byte[] bus = BitConverter.GetBytes(id.BusType); bytes[i++] = bus[0]; bytes[i++] = bus[1]; bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; if (id.Vendor != 0 && id.Product != 0 && id.Version != 0) { byte[] vendor = BitConverter.GetBytes(id.Vendor); byte[] product = BitConverter.GetBytes(id.Product); byte[] version = BitConverter.GetBytes(id.Version); bytes[i++] = vendor[0]; bytes[i++] = vendor[1]; bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = product[0]; bytes[i++] = product[1]; bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = version[0]; bytes[i++] = version[1]; bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; } else { for (; i < bytes.Length; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte)js.Description[i]; } } return(new Guid(bytes)); } finally { UnsafeNativeMethods.close(event_fd); } #endif }
private void SettingsLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Settings)) { using (var cp = new CheckPassword()) { cp.ShowDialog(this); } } if (!Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Settings)) { MessageBox.Show(this, LocRm.GetString("AccessDenied")); Close(); return; } UISync.Init(this); tcTabs.SelectedIndex = InitialTab; chkErrorReporting.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Enable_Error_Reporting; chkCheckForUpdates.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Enable_Update_Check; chkShowGettingStarted.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Enabled_ShowGettingStarted; _rkApp = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false); chkStartup.Checked = (_rkApp != null && _rkApp.GetValue("iSpy") != null); mediaDirectoryEditor1.Init(MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories); btnDetectColor.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.ActivityColor.ToColor(); btnNoDetectColor.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.NoActivityColor.ToColor(); btnColorTracking.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.TrackingColor.ToColor(); btnColorVolume.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.VolumeLevelColor.ToColor(); btnColorMain.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.MainColor.ToColor(); btnColorArea.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.AreaColor.ToColor(); btnColorBack.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.BackColor.ToColor(); btnBorderHighlight.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.BorderHighlightColor.ToColor(); btnBorderDefault.BackColor = MainForm.Conf.BorderDefaultColor.ToColor(); chkAutoSchedule.Checked = MainForm.Conf.AutoSchedule; numMaxCPU.Value = MainForm.Conf.CPUMax; numMaxRecordingThreads.Value = MainForm.Conf.MaxRecordingThreads; numRedraw.Value = MainForm.Conf.MaxRedrawRate; numMediaPanelItems.Value = MainForm.Conf.PreviewItems; txtTrayIcon.Text = MainForm.Conf.TrayIconText; chkMinimise.Checked = MainForm.Conf.MinimiseOnClose; chkSpeechRecognition.Checked = MainForm.Conf.SpeechRecognition; chkMinimiseToTray.Checked = MainForm.Conf.TrayOnMinimise; if (chkMonitor.Checked && !MainForm.Conf.Monitor) { Process.Start(Program.AppPath + "iSpyMonitor.exe"); } chkMonitor.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Monitor; tbOpacity.Value = MainForm.Conf.Opacity; SetColors(); chkBalloon.Checked = MainForm.Conf.BalloonTips; txtIPCameraTimeout.Value = MainForm.Conf.IPCameraTimeout; txtServerReceiveTimeout.Value = MainForm.Conf.ServerReceiveTimeout; txtServerName.Text = MainForm.Conf.ServerName; rtbAccessList.Text = MainForm.Conf.AllowedIPList; int i = 0, selind = 0; foreach (TranslationsTranslationSet set in LocRm.TranslationSets.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { ddlLanguage.Items.Add(new ListItem(set.Name, new[] { set.CultureCode })); if (set.CultureCode == MainForm.Conf.Language) { selind = i; } i++; } ddlLanguage.SelectedIndex = selind; chkAlertWindows.Checked = MainForm.Conf.CreateAlertWindows; chkOverlay.Checked = MainForm.Conf.ShowOverlayControls; chkInterrupt.Checked = MainForm.Conf.ScreensaverWakeup; chkEnableIPv6.Checked = !MainForm.Conf.IPv6Disabled; chkRecycle.Checked = MainForm.Conf.DeleteToRecycleBin; txtAppendLinkText.Text = MainForm.Conf.AppendLinkText; numMJPEGStreamInterval.Value = MainForm.Conf.MJPEGStreamInterval; txtAlertOnDisconnect.Text = MainForm.Conf.AlertOnDisconnect; txtAlertOnReconnect.Text = MainForm.Conf.AlertOnReconnect; txtArchive.Text = MainForm.Conf.Archive; SetSSLText(); txtAlertSubject.Text = MainForm.Conf.MailAlertSubject; txtAlertBody.Text = MainForm.Conf.MailAlertBody; txtSMSBody.Text = MainForm.Conf.SMSAlert; foreach (string s in StartupModes) { ddlStartupMode.Items.Add(LocRm.GetString(s)); } foreach (string s in Priorities) { ddlPriority.Items.Add(LocRm.GetString(s)); } ddlStartupMode.SelectedIndex = MainForm.Conf.StartupMode; foreach (var grid in MainForm.Conf.GridViews) { ddlStartUpForm.Items.Add(; } ddlPriority.SelectedIndex = MainForm.Conf.Priority - 1; ddlStartUpForm.SelectedItem = MainForm.Conf.StartupForm; if (ddlStartUpForm.SelectedItem == null) { ddlStartUpForm.SelectedIndex = 0; } ddlPlayback.Items.AddRange(PlaybackModes); if (MainForm.Conf.PlaybackMode < 0) { MainForm.Conf.PlaybackMode = 0; } if (MainForm.Conf.PlaybackMode < ddlPlayback.Items.Count) { ddlPlayback.SelectedIndex = MainForm.Conf.PlaybackMode; } try { numJPEGQuality.Value = MainForm.Conf.JPEGQuality; } catch (Exception) { } chkBigButtons.Checked = MainForm.Conf.BigButtons; selind = -1; i = 1; try { ddlTalkMic.Items.Add(LocRm.GetString("None")); for (int n = 0; n < WaveIn.DeviceCount; n++) { ddlTalkMic.Items.Add(WaveIn.GetCapabilities(n).ProductName); if (WaveIn.GetCapabilities(n).ProductName == MainForm.Conf.TalkMic) { selind = i; } i++; } ddlTalkMic.Enabled = true; if (selind > -1) { ddlTalkMic.SelectedIndex = selind; } else { if (ddlTalkMic.Items.Count == 1) { ddlTalkMic.Items.Add(_noDevices); ddlTalkMic.Enabled = false; ddlTalkMic.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { ddlTalkMic.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { MainForm.LogExceptionToFile(ex); ddlTalkMic.Items.Add(_noDevices); ddlTalkMic.Enabled = false; } ddlJoystick.Items.Add(LocRm.GetString("None")); _jst = new JoystickDevice(); var ij = 0; _sticks = _jst.FindJoysticks(); i = 1; foreach (string js in _sticks) { var nameid = js.Split('|'); ddlJoystick.Items.Add(nameid[0]); if (nameid[1] == { ij = i; } i++; } ddlJoystick.SelectedIndex = ij; jaxis1.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.XAxis; jaxis1.SupportDPad = true; jaxis1.Invert = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.InvertXAxis; jaxis2.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.YAxis; jaxis2.Invert = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.InvertYAxis; jaxis3.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.ZAxis; jaxis3.Invert = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.InvertZAxis; jbutton1.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Record; jbutton2.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Snapshot; jbutton3.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Talk; jbutton4.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Listen; jbutton5.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Play; jbutton6.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Next; jbutton7.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Previous; jbutton8.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.Stop; jbutton9.ID = MainForm.Conf.Joystick.MaxMin; jbutton1.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton2.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton3.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton4.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton5.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton6.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton7.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton8.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jbutton9.GetInput += JbuttonGetInput; jaxis1.GetInput += JaxisGetInput; jaxis2.GetInput += JaxisGetInput; jaxis3.GetInput += JaxisGetInput; chkGZip.Checked = MainForm.Conf.EnableGZip; numDisconnectNotification.Value = MainForm.Conf.DisconnectNotificationDelay; mediaDirectoryEditor1.Enabled = Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Storage); HideTab(tabPage11, Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Plugins)); //important leave here: chkPasswordProtect.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Enable_Password_Protect; if (Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Plugins)) { ListPlugins(); } chkUseiSpy.Checked = !MainForm.Conf.UseSMTP; txtSMTPFromAddress.Text = MainForm.Conf.SMTPFromAddress; txtSMTPUsername.Text = MainForm.Conf.SMTPUsername; txtSMTPPassword.Text = MainForm.Conf.SMTPPassword; txtSMTPServer.Text = MainForm.Conf.SMTPServer; chkSMTPUseSSL.Checked = MainForm.Conf.SMTPSSL; numSMTPPort.Value = MainForm.Conf.SMTPPort; ftpEditor1.Init(MainForm.Conf.FTPServers); chkOpenGrabs.Checked = MainForm.Conf.OpenGrabs; numFileCache.Value = MainForm.Conf.VLCFileCache; rtbReferrers.Text = MainForm.Conf.Referers; chkPasswordProtectOnStart.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Password_Protect_Startup; chkEnableLogging.Checked = MainForm.Conf.Logging.Enabled; numMaxLogSize.Value = MainForm.Conf.Logging.FileSize; numKeepLogs.Value = MainForm.Conf.Logging.KeepDays; _loaded = true; }
private JoystickProgram(JoystickDevice device) { this.device = device; config = JoystickConfig.GetConfig(device.Name); }
public JoystickState GetState(int player_index) { lock (sync) { JoystickState state = new JoystickState(); if (IsValid(player_index)) { int device_index = player_to_index[player_index]; int index = index_to_stick[device_index]; JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> stick = sticks[index] as JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails>; // For joysticks with fewer than three axes or four buttons, we must // use joyGetPos; otherwise, joyGetPosEx. This is not just a cosmetic // difference, simple devices will return incorrect results if we use // joyGetPosEx on them. if (stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount <= 3 || stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount <= 4) { // Use joyGetPos JoyInfo info = new JoyInfo(); JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPos(device_index, ref info); if (result == JoystickError.NoError) { for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount; i++) { state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0 + i, CalculateOffset(info.GetAxis(i), stick.Details.Min[i], stick.Details.Max[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount; i++) { state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0 + i, (info.Buttons & 1 << i) != 0); } state.SetIsConnected(true); } else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged) { UnplugJoystick(player_index); } } else { // Use joyGetPosEx JoyInfoEx info = new JoyInfoEx(); info.Size = JoyInfoEx.SizeInBytes; info.Flags = JoystickFlags.All; JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPosEx(device_index, ref info); if (result == JoystickError.NoError) { for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount; i++) { state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0 + i, CalculateOffset(info.GetAxis(i), stick.Details.Min[i], stick.Details.Max[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount; i++) { state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0 + i, (info.Buttons & 1 << i) != 0); } state.SetIsConnected(true); } else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged) { UnplugJoystick(player_index); } } } return(state); } }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the device. /// </summary> /// <returns>returns JoystickDevice if driver is for this device or null</returns> /// <param name="info">Info.</param> /// <param name="hidDevice">Hid device.</param> public IDevice ResolveDevice (IHIDDevice hidDevice) { this._hidInterface = hidDevice.hidInterface; IntPtr deviceRef=hidDevice.deviceHandle; JoystickDevice device; int axisIndex=0; int buttonIndex=0; Native.CFArray elements=new Native.CFArray(); IOHIDElementRef element; IOHIDElementType type; //copy all matched elements.typeRef=Native.IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(deviceRef, IntPtr.Zero,(int)Native.IOHIDOptionsType.kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone ); int numButtons=0; int numPov=0; int numElements=elements.Length; int HIDElementType=Native.IOHIDElementGetTypeID(); //check for profile DeviceProfile profile = hidDevice.loadProfile(); IAxisDetails axisDetailsPovX=null; IAxisDetails axisDetailsPovY=null; List<IAxisDetails> axisDetailsList = new List <IAxisDetails>(); IAxisDetails axisDetails; for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numElements; elementIndex++){ element = elements[elementIndex].typeRef; if(element!=IntPtr.Zero && Native.CFGetTypeID(element) == HIDElementType){ type = Native.IOHIDElementGetType(element); // All of the axis elements I've ever detected have been kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc. kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis is only included for good faith... if (type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc || type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis) { axisDetails=new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.uid=Native.IOHIDElementGetCookie(element); axisDetails.min=(int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element); axisDetails.max=(int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element); axisDetails.isNullable=Native.IOHIDElementHasNullState(element); if(Native.IOHIDElementGetUsage(element)==(uint)Native.HIDUsageGD.Hatswitch){ axisDetails.isHat=true; axisDetailsPovX=axisDetails; axisDetailsPovY=new AxisDetails(); axisDetailsPovY.uid=Native.IOHIDElementGetCookie(element); axisDetailsPovY.min=(int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element); axisDetailsPovY.max=(int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element); axisDetailsPovY.isNullable=Native.IOHIDElementHasNullState(element); axisDetailsPovY.isHat=true; numPov++; }else{ if(axisDetails.min==0) axisDetails.isTrigger=true; axisDetailsList.Add(axisDetails); } } else if (type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button) { numButtons++; } } } if (axisDetailsPovX != null) { int diff; diff=axisDetailsList.Count -8; //need 2 slots for Pov X,Y if(diff>=0){ //just insert them axisDetailsList.Insert((int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX,axisDetailsPovX); axisDetailsList.Insert((int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY,axisDetailsPovY); }else if(diff<-1){ diff=diff+2; while(diff<0){ axisDetailsList.Add(null); diff+=1; } axisDetailsList.Add(axisDetailsPovX); axisDetailsList.Add(axisDetailsPovY); }else{//=-1 axisDetailsList.Resize (9); axisDetailsList[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX]=axisDetailsPovX; axisDetailsList[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY]=axisDetailsPovY; } } device=new JoystickDevice(hidDevice.index,hidDevice.PID,hidDevice.VID,hidDevice.ID,axisDetailsList.Count,numButtons,this); device.Name = hidDevice.Name; device.numPOV = numPov; device.profile = profile; for(;axisIndex<device.Axis.Count;axisIndex++) { device.Axis[(JoystickAxis)axisIndex]=axisDetailsList[axisIndex]; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axisIndex && device.Axis[axisIndex]!=null) { device.Axis[axisIndex].name = profile.axisNaming [axisIndex]; } } for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numElements; elementIndex++){ element = elements[elementIndex].typeRef; if(element!=IntPtr.Zero && Native.CFGetTypeID(element) == HIDElementType){ type = Native.IOHIDElementGetType(element); if (type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button) { // device.Buttons[buttonIndex]=new ButtonDetails(Native.IOHIDElementGetCookie(element)); if (profile != null && profile.buttonNaming.Length > buttonIndex) { device.Buttons[buttonIndex].name = profile.buttonNaming [buttonIndex]; } buttonIndex++; } } } //joystick.isReady = false; device.Extension=new OSXDefaultExtension(); return device; }
/// <summary> /// Ons the position update. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data.</param> protected void onRead(object data) { WebHIDReport report = (WebHIDReport)data; // GenericHIDDevice info = Json.Deserialize(args.Message) as GenericHIDDevice; if (report.Status == HIDReport.ReadStatus.Success || report.Status == HIDReport.ReadStatus.Buffered) { JoystickDevice device = InputEx.Devices.GetDeviceAt(report.index) as JoystickDevice; // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("onPositionUpdate:Joy" + info.index); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(device); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(info.axes); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(info.axes.Count + " " + device.Axis.Count); //UPDATING AXIS BUTTONS //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("buttons" + info.buttons.); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("buttons" + info.buttons.Count); int i = 0; foreach (var obj in report.buttons) { //if(i==0) {_webHidBehavior.Log("button:"+obj+" "+obj.GetType()+" "+Convert.ToSingle(obj)); // device.Buttons[i++].value = Convert.ToSingle(obj); //} device.Buttons[i++].value = Convert.ToSingle(obj); } //_webHidBehavior.Log(device.Buttons[0].value.ToString() + device.Buttons[1].value.ToString()+device.Buttons[2].value.ToString()); i = 0; float value = 0; float dreadZone = 0.001f;//TODO this shouldn't be hard coded // string axisValues=""; // int numAxes=device.Axis.Count; //!!! FF gives 7 axis and the last 2 are POW on test Thrustmaster //!!! Chrome gives 10 axis and last 4 are POW 2 by 2 but they give some strange values foreach (var obj in report.axes) { value = Convert.ToSingle(obj); if (value < dreadZone && value > -dreadZone) { value = 0; } //LAST 4 axes are POV probably //if (numAxes > 8) //{ // if (i == (int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX) // { // device.Axis[numAxes - 2].value = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(-1, value))); // i++; // continue; // } // else if (i == (int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY) // { // device.Axis[numAxes - 1].value = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(-1, value))); // i++; // continue; // } // else if (i == numAxes - 2) // { // device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX].value = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(-1, value))); // i++; // continue; // } // else if (i == numAxes - 1) // { // device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY].value = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(-1, value))); // i++; // continue; // } //} // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(obj.GetType()); device.Axis[i++].value = Convert.ToSingle(Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(-1, value))); // axisValues // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("axes value:" +device.Axis[i-1].value); } } // switch(guess always the last axes are hats //if (numAxes > 8) //{ // value = device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX].value; // device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX].value = device.Axis[numAxes - 2].value; // device.Axis[numAxes - 2].value = value; // value = device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY].value; // device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY].value = device.Axis[numAxes - 1].value; // device.Axis[numAxes - 1].value = value; //} //_webHidBehavior.Log("numaxis: "+device.Axis[0].value.ToString()+device.Axis[1].value.ToString()+ device.Axis[2].value.ToString() + device.Axis[8].value.ToString()+device.Axis[9].value.ToString()); //_webHidBehavior.Log("numaxis: "+ device.Axis[7].value.ToString() + device.Axis[8].value.ToString()+device.Axis[9].value.ToString()); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(device.Axis[0].value + " " + device.Axis[1].value); // device.isReady = true; }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the device. /// </summary> /// <returns>returns JoystickDevice if driver is for this device or null</returns> /// <param name="info">Info.</param> /// <param name="hidDevice">Hid device.</param> public IDevice ResolveDevice(IHIDDevice hidDevice) { this._hidInterface = hidDevice.hidInterface; IntPtr deviceRef = hidDevice.deviceHandle; JoystickDevice device; int axisIndex = 0; int buttonIndex = 0; Native.CFArray elements = new Native.CFArray(); IOHIDElementRef element; IOHIDElementType type; //copy all matched elements.typeRef = Native.IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(deviceRef, IntPtr.Zero, (int)Native.IOHIDOptionsType.kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone); int numButtons = 0; int numPov = 0; int numElements = elements.Length; int HIDElementType = Native.IOHIDElementGetTypeID(); //check for profile DeviceProfile profile = hidDevice.loadProfile(); IAxisDetails axisDetailsPovX = null; IAxisDetails axisDetailsPovY = null; List <IAxisDetails> axisDetailsList = new List <IAxisDetails>(); IAxisDetails axisDetails; for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numElements; elementIndex++) { element = elements[elementIndex].typeRef; if (element != IntPtr.Zero && Native.CFGetTypeID(element) == HIDElementType) { type = Native.IOHIDElementGetType(element); // All of the axis elements I've ever detected have been kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc. kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis is only included for good faith... if (type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc || type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.uid = Native.IOHIDElementGetCookie(element); axisDetails.min = (int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element); axisDetails.max = (int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element); axisDetails.isNullable = Native.IOHIDElementHasNullState(element); if (Native.IOHIDElementGetUsage(element) == (uint)Native.HIDUsageGD.Hatswitch) { axisDetails.isHat = true; axisDetailsPovX = axisDetails; axisDetailsPovY = new AxisDetails(); axisDetailsPovY.uid = Native.IOHIDElementGetCookie(element); axisDetailsPovY.min = (int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element); axisDetailsPovY.max = (int)Native.IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element); axisDetailsPovY.isNullable = Native.IOHIDElementHasNullState(element); axisDetailsPovY.isHat = true; numPov++; } else { if (axisDetails.min == 0) { axisDetails.isTrigger = true; } axisDetailsList.Add(axisDetails); } } else if (type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button) { numButtons++; } } } if (axisDetailsPovX != null) { int diff; diff = axisDetailsList.Count - 8; //need 2 slots for Pov X,Y if (diff >= 0) { //just insert them axisDetailsList.Insert((int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX, axisDetailsPovX); axisDetailsList.Insert((int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY, axisDetailsPovY); } else if (diff < -1) { diff = diff + 2; while (diff < 0) { axisDetailsList.Add(null); diff += 1; } axisDetailsList.Add(axisDetailsPovX); axisDetailsList.Add(axisDetailsPovY); } else //=-1 { axisDetailsList.Resize(9); axisDetailsList[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX] = axisDetailsPovX; axisDetailsList[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY] = axisDetailsPovY; } } device = new JoystickDevice(hidDevice.index, hidDevice.PID, hidDevice.VID, hidDevice.ID, axisDetailsList.Count, numButtons, this); device.Name = hidDevice.Name; device.numPOV = numPov; device.profile = profile; for (; axisIndex < device.Axis.Count; axisIndex++) { device.Axis[(JoystickAxis)axisIndex] = axisDetailsList[axisIndex]; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axisIndex && device.Axis[axisIndex] != null) { device.Axis[axisIndex].name = profile.axisNaming [axisIndex]; } } for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numElements; elementIndex++) { element = elements[elementIndex].typeRef; if (element != IntPtr.Zero && Native.CFGetTypeID(element) == HIDElementType) { type = Native.IOHIDElementGetType(element); if (type == IOHIDElementType.kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button) { // device.Buttons[buttonIndex] = new ButtonDetails(Native.IOHIDElementGetCookie(element)); if (profile != null && profile.buttonNaming.Length > buttonIndex) { device.Buttons[buttonIndex].name = profile.buttonNaming [buttonIndex]; } buttonIndex++; } } } //joystick.isReady = false; device.Extension = new OSXDefaultExtension(); return(device); }
public IDevice ResolveDevice(IHIDDevice hidDevice) { _hidInterface = hidDevice.hidInterface; JoystickDevice device; //Get jostick capabilities Native.JoyCaps caps; Native.JoystickError result = Native.JoystickError.InvalidParameters; DeviceProfile profile; int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { result = Native.joyGetDevCaps(i, out caps, Native.JoyCaps.SizeInBytes); if (result == Native.JoystickError.NoError && caps.PID == hidDevice.PID && hidDevice.VID == caps.VID) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("ID:"+i+" on PID:"+info.PID+" VID:"+info.VID+" info:"+info.DevicePath+"Bts"+caps.NumButtons.ToString()+"axes"+caps.NumAxes // +"ProdID"+caps.PID+" name:"+caps.ProductName+" regkey"+caps.RegKey+"Man:"+caps.VID); int num_axes = caps.NumAxes; //!!! save ordNumber(I don't have still function that would return ordNum for WinMM from PID); ((GenericHIDDevice)hidDevice).ord = i; profile=hidDevice.loadProfile(); device = new JoystickDevice(hidDevice.index, hidDevice.PID, hidDevice.VID,hidDevice.ID, 8, caps.NumButtons, this); device.Extension = new WinDefaultExtension(); device.Name = hidDevice.Name; device.profile = profile; int buttonIndex = 0; for (; buttonIndex < caps.NumButtons; buttonIndex++) { device.Buttons[buttonIndex] = new ButtonDetails(); if (profile != null && profile.buttonNaming.Length > buttonIndex) { device.Buttons[buttonIndex].name = profile.buttonNaming[buttonIndex]; } } // Make sure to reverse the vertical axes, so that +1 points up and -1 points down. int axis = 0; AxisDetails axisDetails; if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.XMax; axisDetails.min = caps.XMin; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; //if(axisDetails.min==0 && axisDetails.max==255) axisDetails.isTrigger=true; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.YMax; axisDetails.min = caps.YMin; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 32767) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } // stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.YMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.YMax; axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.ZMax; axisDetails.min = caps.ZMin; //if(axisDetails.min==0) axisDetails.isTrigger=true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.min = caps.RMin; axisDetails.max = caps.RMax; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 255) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.min = caps.UMin; axisDetails.max = caps.UMax; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 255) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if (axis < num_axes) { axisDetails = new AxisDetails(); axisDetails.max = caps.VMax; axisDetails.min = caps.VMin; // if (axisDetails.min == 0 && axisDetails.max == 255) axisDetails.isTrigger = true; device.Axis[axis] = axisDetails; if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > axis) { = profile.axisNaming[axis]; } axis++; } if ((caps.Capabilities & Native.JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0) { device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX] = new AxisDetails(); device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY] = new AxisDetails(); if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > (int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX) { device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovX].name = profile.axisNaming[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovX]; } if (profile != null && profile.axisNaming.Length > (int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY) { device.Axis[JoystickAxis.AxisPovY].name = profile.axisNaming[(int)JoystickAxis.AxisPovY]; } device.numPOV = 1; // WinDefaultExtension extension = joystick.Extension as WinDefaultExtension; // // extension.PovType = Native.PovType.Exists; // if ((caps.Capabilities & Native.JoystCapsFlags.HasPov4Dir) != 0) // extension.PovType |= Native.PovType.Discrete; // if ((caps.Capabilities & Native.JoystCapsFlags.HasPovContinuous) != 0) // extension.PovType |= Native.PovType.Continuous; } // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(" max:" + caps.YMax + " min:" + caps.YMin + " max:" + caps.ZMax + " min:" + caps.ZMin); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(" max:" + caps.RMax + " min:" + caps.RMin + " max:" + caps.UMax + " min:" + caps.UMin); return device; } } return null; //return (IDevice<IAxisDetails, IButtonDetails, IDeviceExtension>)joystick; }
public JoystickState GetState(int player_index) { lock (sync) { JoystickState state = new JoystickState(); if (IsValid(player_index)) { int device_index = player_to_index[player_index]; int index = index_to_stick[device_index]; JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails> stick = sticks[index] as JoystickDevice <WinMMJoyDetails>; // For joysticks with fewer than three axes or four buttons, we must // use joyGetPos; otherwise, joyGetPosEx. This is not just a cosmetic // difference, simple devices will return incorrect results if we use // joyGetPosEx on them. if (stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount <= 3 || stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount <= 4) { // Use joyGetPos JoyInfo info = new JoyInfo(); JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPos(device_index, ref info); if (result == JoystickError.NoError) { for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount; i++) { state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0 + i, CalculateOffset(info.GetAxis(i), stick.Details.Min[i], stick.Details.Max[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount; i++) { state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0 + i, (info.Buttons & 1 << i) != 0); } state.SetIsConnected(true); } else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged) { UnplugJoystick(player_index); } } else { // Use joyGetPosEx JoyInfoEx info_ex = new JoyInfoEx(); info_ex.Size = JoyInfoEx.SizeInBytes; info_ex.Flags = JoystickFlags.All; JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPosEx(device_index, ref info_ex); if (result == JoystickError.NoError) { for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount; i++) { state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0 + i, CalculateOffset(info_ex.GetAxis(i), stick.Details.Min[i], stick.Details.Max[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount; i++) { state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0 + i, (info_ex.Buttons & 1 << i) != 0); } for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.HatCount; i++) { // A discrete POV returns specific values for left, right, etc. // A continuous POV returns an integer indicating an angle in degrees * 100, e.g. 18000 == 180.00 degrees. // The vast majority of joysticks have discrete POVs, so we'll treat all of them as discrete for simplicity. if ((JoystickPovPosition)info_ex.Pov != JoystickPovPosition.Centered) { HatPosition hatpos = HatPosition.Centered; if (info_ex.Pov < 4500 || info_ex.Pov >= 31500) { hatpos |= HatPosition.Up; } if (info_ex.Pov >= 4500 && info_ex.Pov < 13500) { hatpos |= HatPosition.Right; } if (info_ex.Pov >= 13500 && info_ex.Pov < 22500) { hatpos |= HatPosition.Down; } if (info_ex.Pov >= 22500 && info_ex.Pov < 31500) { hatpos |= HatPosition.Left; } state.SetHat(JoystickHat.Hat0 + i, new JoystickHatState(hatpos)); } } state.SetIsConnected(true); } else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged) { UnplugJoystick(player_index); } } } return(state); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes for the window. This setups the data back-end framework, as well searches for joystick /// configuration. Set-ups interface controls. /// </summary> public LiveTelemetry() { // Use EN-US for compatibility with functions as Convert.ToDouble etc. // This is mainly used within track parsers. Application.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); if (false) { TelemetryViewer t = new TelemetryViewer(); t.ShowDialog(); return; } // Boot up the telemetry service. Wait for it to start and register events that trigger interface changes. Telemetry.m.Run(); while (Telemetry.m.Sims == null) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } Telemetry.m.Sim_Start += mUpdateUI; Telemetry.m.Sim_Stop += mUpdateUI; Telemetry.m.Session_Start += mUpdateUI; Telemetry.m.Session_Stop += mUpdateUI; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); if (Telemetry.m.Sim != null) { Telemetry.m.Sim.Garage.Scan(); } // TODO: Detect hardware devices (COM-ports or USB devices) // GameData is used for my own hardware extension projects. // Race dashboard: // // // Switchboard: // // //GameData g = new GameData(); // Form of singleton for public StatusMenu access. _liveTelemetry = this; // Read joystick configuration. if (File.Exists("config.txt") == false) { // TODO: Needs fancy dialogs to first-time setup. File.Create("config.txt"); MessageBox.Show( "Please edit config.txt:\r\ncontroller=[your controller you want to use for cyclign through panels]\r\nbutton=[the button on the controller you want to use]\r\n\r\nJust type the name of your controller (G25 alone is enough usually) and look up the button in Devices -> Game Controllers."); } else { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("config.txt"); string controller = ""; bool controlleruseindex = false; int controllerindex = 0; foreach (string line in lines) { string[] p = line.Trim().Split("=".ToCharArray()); if (line.StartsWith("button")) { Joystick_Button = Convert.ToInt32(p[1]); } if (line.StartsWith("index")) { controlleruseindex = true; controllerindex = Convert.ToInt32(p[1]); } if (line.StartsWith("controller")) { controller = p[1]; } } // Search for the joystick. List <JoystickDevice> devices = JoystickDevice.Search(); if (devices.Count == 0) { //MessageBox.Show("No (connected) joystick found for display panel control.\r\nTo utilize this please connect a joystick, configure and restart this program."); } else { if (controlleruseindex) { Joystick_Instance = new Joystick(devices[controllerindex]); Joystick_Instance.Release += Joy_Release; } else { int i = 0; foreach (JoystickDevice jd in devices) { if (jd.Name.Contains(controller.Trim())) { Joystick_Instance = new Joystick(jd); Joystick_Instance.Release += Joy_Release; } i++; } } } } // Set-up the main interface. FormClosing += LiveTelemetry_FormClosing; SizeChanged += Telemetry_ResizePanels; InitializeComponent(); this.SuspendLayout(); BackColor = Color.Black; ucLaps = new Gauge_Laps(); ucSplits = new Gauge_Splits(); ucA1GP = new Gauge_A1GP(Joystick_Instance); ucTyres = new Gauge_Tyres(); ucSessionData = new ucSessionInfo(); ucTrackmap = new LiveTrackMap(); ucLapChart = new LapChart(); btGarage = new Button(); btNetwork = new Button(); btSettings = new Button(); // Garage button btGarage.Text = "Garage"; btGarage.Size = new Size(75, 25); btGarage.BackColor = Color.White; btGarage.Location = new Point(10, 10); btGarage.Click += new EventHandler(btGarage_Click); // Settings button btSettings.Text = "Settings"; btSettings.Size = new Size(75, 25); btSettings.BackColor = Color.White; btSettings.Location = new Point(95, 10); btSettings.Click += new EventHandler(btSettings_Click); // Network btNetwork.Text = "Network"; btNetwork.Size = new Size(75, 25); btNetwork.BackColor = Color.White; btNetwork.Location = new Point(180, 10); btNetwork.Click += new EventHandler(btNetwork_Click); // Timers Tmr_HiSpeed = new Timer { Interval = 20 }; // 30fps Tmr_MdSpeed = new Timer { Interval = 450 }; // ~2fps Tmr_LwSpeed = new Timer { Interval = 1000 }; // 1fps Tmr_HiSpeed.Tick += Tmr_HiSpeed_Tick; Tmr_MdSpeed.Tick += Tmr_MdSpeed_Tick; Tmr_LwSpeed.Tick += Tmr_LwSpeed_Tick; Tmr_HiSpeed.Start(); Tmr_MdSpeed.Start(); Tmr_LwSpeed.Start(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); #if DEBUG // This is for hardware peripheral support new GameData(); #endif SetupUI(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }