// get max value of property public int GetPropertyMaxValue_BLL(int PropertyId) { JoolieReport_DAL rep = new JoolieReport_DAL(); return(rep.GetPropertyMaxValue_DAL(PropertyId)); }
public int getProductSubCategoryID_BLL(string subCategory) { JoolieReport_DAL rep = new JoolieReport_DAL(); return(rep.getProductSubCategoryID_DAL(subCategory)); }
// insert property name and get property id public int getPropertyIDByName_BLL(string property) { JoolieReport_DAL rep = new JoolieReport_DAL(); return(rep.getPropertyIDByName_DAL(property)); }
/* insert a SubCategory to retrieve all products*/ public DataSet getAllProductsBySubCategory_BLL(string subCategory) { JoolieReport_DAL rep = new JoolieReport_DAL(); return(rep.getAllProductsBySubCategory_DAL(subCategory)); }