Exemple #1
        // -----------------------------
        private static IList <EqnCalc> TestEquationParser()
            IList <EqnCalc> retList = new List <EqnCalc>();

            IList <string> eqnStrings = new List <string>();

            // Engineering: Heat: Heat Exchanger
            // Engineering: Equipment: Heat Exchanger
            eqnStrings.Add("Q = m*cp*(T1-T2)");
            eqnStrings.Add("Q = U*A*DTLM");
            eqnStrings.Add("DTLM = (DT1-DT2)/LOG(DT1/DT2)");
            eqnStrings.Add("DTLM = ((Thi-Tco)-(Tho-Tci))/LOG((Thi-Tco)/(Tho-Tci))");

            // Geometry: Solid Bodies: Cylinder
            eqnStrings.Add("V = PI*r^2*h");
            eqnStrings.Add("Am = 2*PI*r*h");
            eqnStrings.Add("A0 = 2*PI*r*(r+h)");

            foreach (var item in eqnStrings)
                JongErrWarn  errW    = null;
                FunctionCalc funCalc = _contentManager.CreateFunctionCalcFromExpression(item, null, null, out errW);
                if (funCalc != null)
        private static Result <bool> RearrangeOnce(EqnCalc eqCalc, int argIndexToPreserve, ContentManager cm)
            FunctionCalc lhsFunCalc  = eqCalc.Inputs[0] as FunctionCalc;
            Function     lhsFunction = lhsFunCalc?.Function;

            if (lhsFunction == null)
                return(Result <bool> .Bad($"Unexpected error: lhs is not a funcalc"));

            SingleResult argToPreserve = lhsFunCalc.Inputs[argIndexToPreserve];

            // Create placeholders that the function rearrangements will treat as variables
            IList <string> argPlaceholders = new List <string>();
            IDictionary <string, SingleResult> placeFillers = new Dictionary <string, SingleResult>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lhsFunCalc.Inputs.Count; i++)
                string placeholder = $"v{i}";
                if (i != argIndexToPreserve)
                    placeFillers.Add(placeholder, lhsFunCalc.Inputs[i]);
            string resPlaceHolder = "res";

            placeFillers.Add(resPlaceHolder, eqCalc.Inputs[1]);

            // Ask the function definition for a rearrangement that isolates the required variable
            Result <string> r_rearrangement = lhsFunction.GetRearrangement(argPlaceholders, resPlaceHolder, argIndexToPreserve);

            if (r_rearrangement.IsNotGood() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(r_rearrangement.Value))
                return(Result <bool> .Bad($"Rearrangement failed: {r_rearrangement.Message}"));

            // Parse the rearrangement expression
            JongErrWarn  errW   = null;
            FunctionCalc newRhs = cm.CreateFunctionCalcFromExpression(r_rearrangement.Value, "", null, out errW);

            if (newRhs == null)
                return(Result <bool> .Bad($"Rearrangement cannot be used: {errW?.ErrWarnString}"));

            // Subsitute for the placeholders
            Result <bool> r_ok = SubsituteForPlaceholders(newRhs, placeFillers);

            if (r_ok.IsNotGood())
                return(Result <bool> .Bad($"Error substituting for placeholders: {r_ok.Message}"));

            // Update the eqCalc with the rearrangement
            eqCalc.Inputs[1] = newRhs;
            eqCalc.Inputs[0] = argToPreserve;

            return(Result <bool> .Good(true));
        public async Task <EqnCalc> ShowCreateEquation(ContentManager cm)
            Tuple <bool, string, string, string, IList <VarInfo> > tpl;

            tpl = await ShowAddEquation(cm);

                bool            bCancelled         = tpl.Item1;
                string          equationString     = null;
                string          userEquationString = null;
                string          eqDescription      = null;
                IList <VarInfo> varInfos           = null;

                if (!bCancelled)
                    equationString     = tpl.Item2;
                    userEquationString = tpl.Item3;
                    eqDescription      = tpl.Item4;
                    varInfos           = tpl.Item5;

                    Debug.WriteLine("equationString={0}, userEquationString={1},eqDescription={2}");

                    JongErrWarn  errW    = null;
                    FunctionCalc funCalc = cm.CreateFunctionCalcFromExpression(equationString, eqDescription, varInfos, out errW);

                    EqnCalc equationCalc = funCalc as EqnCalc;

                    if (equationCalc == null)
                        // TODO
                        // TODO
            catch (Exception ex)

Exemple #4
        public static void AddEquationToSectionNode(ContentManager contentManager, SectionNode sectionNode, EquationDetails ed)
            string description = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ed.Name))
                description += ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : " ") + ed.Name);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ed.Reference))
                description += ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : " ") + ed.Reference);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ed.Description))
                description += ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : " ") + ed.Description);

            // ----------------------
            JongErrWarn  errW    = null;
            FunctionCalc funCalc = contentManager.CreateFunctionCalcFromExpression(ed.EquationAsText, description, ed.VariableInfos, out errW);

            // ----------------------
            if (funCalc != null)
                // ------------- Record the test values if there are any
                if ((ed.TestValues != null) && (ed.TestValues.Count > 0))
                    funCalc.TestValues = new Dictionary </*variable name*/ string, double>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < ed.VariableInfos.Count; i++)
                        VarInfo vi = ed.VariableInfos[i];
                        funCalc.TestValues.Add(vi.Name, ed.TestValues[i]);
                funCalc.ExpectedDimensions = new Dictionary </*variable name*/ string, Dimensions>();
                if (ed.VariableInfos != null)
                    foreach (VarInfo vi in ed.VariableInfos)
                        funCalc.ExpectedDimensions.Add(vi.Name, vi.ParamType?.Dimensions);

                // -------------
Exemple #5
        public void RefreshEquationCalc(string eqnString)
            UserEquationString = eqnString;

            if (eqnString?.Length > 0)
                JongErrWarn  errW    = null;
                FunctionCalc funCalc = ContentManager.CreateFunctionCalcFromExpression(eqnString, null, null, out errW);

                EquationCalc = funCalc as EqnCalc;

                EquationMsg = errW?.ErrWarnString;
                EquationCalc = null;
                EquationMsg  = DefaultEquationMsg;
