Exemple #1
        protected override bool DetectSetup()
            if (lid == null || body == null)

            finalDirection = (direction == Direction.autodetect) ? DetectDirection() : direction;
            if (finalDirection == Direction.autodetect)

            Bounds lidBounds = VRTK_SharedMethods.GetBounds(lid.transform, transform);

            // determin sub-direction depending on handle
            if (handle)
                Bounds handleBounds = VRTK_SharedMethods.GetBounds(handle.transform, transform);
                switch (finalDirection)
                case Direction.x:
                    subDirection = (handleBounds.center.x > lidBounds.center.x) ? -1 : 1;

                case Direction.y:
                    subDirection = (handleBounds.center.y > lidBounds.center.y) ? -1 : 1;

                case Direction.z:
                    subDirection = (handleBounds.center.z > lidBounds.center.z) ? -1 : 1;

                // handle should be outside lid hierarchy, otherwise anchor-by-bounds calculation is off
                if (handle.transform.IsChildOf(lid.transform))
                subDirection = -1;
            if (lidJointCreated)
                lidJoint.useLimits       = true;
                lidJoint.enableCollision = true;

                JointLimits limits = lidJoint.limits;
                switch (finalDirection)
                case Direction.x:
                    lidJoint.anchor = new Vector3(subDirection * lidBounds.extents.x, 0, 0);
                    lidJoint.axis   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                    if (subDirection > 0)
                        limits.min = -maxAngle;
                        limits.max = minAngle;
                        limits.min = minAngle;
                        limits.max = maxAngle;

                case Direction.y:
                    lidJoint.anchor = new Vector3(0, subDirection * lidBounds.extents.y, 0);
                    lidJoint.axis   = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                    if (subDirection > 0)
                        limits.min = -maxAngle;
                        limits.max = minAngle;
                        limits.min = minAngle;
                        limits.max = maxAngle;

                case Direction.z:
                    lidJoint.anchor = new Vector3(0, 0, subDirection * lidBounds.extents.z);
                    lidJoint.axis   = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                    if (subDirection < 0)
                        limits.min = -maxAngle;
                        limits.max = minAngle;
                        limits.min = minAngle;
                        limits.max = maxAngle;
                lidJoint.limits = limits;
Exemple #2
        void Create_Suspension_Arm(string direction, int number)
            // Create gameobject & Set parent
            GameObject armObject = new GameObject("Suspension_" + direction + "_" + number);

            armObject.transform.parent = thisTransform;
            // Set position.
            Vector3 pos;

            pos.x = 0.0f;
            pos.z = -SpacingProp.floatValue * (number - 1);
            pos.y = Sus_DistanceProp.floatValue / 2.0f;
            if (direction == "R")
                pos.y *= -1.0f;
            armObject.transform.localPosition = pos;
            // Set rotation.
            if (Set_IndividuallyProp.boolValue)
                armObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, Sus_AnglesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(number - 1).floatValue, -90.0f);
                armObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, Sus_AngleProp.floatValue, -90.0f);
            // Mesh
            if (direction == "L")               // Left
                if (Sus_L_MeshProp.objectReferenceValue)
                    MeshFilter meshFilter;
                    meshFilter      = armObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();
                    meshFilter.mesh = Sus_L_MeshProp.objectReferenceValue as Mesh;
            else                 // Right
                if (Sus_R_MeshProp.objectReferenceValue)
                    MeshFilter meshFilter;
                    meshFilter      = armObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();
                    meshFilter.mesh = Sus_R_MeshProp.objectReferenceValue as Mesh;
            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = armObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();

            Material[] materials = new Material [Sus_Materials_NumProp.intValue];
            for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)
                materials [i] = Sus_MaterialsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue as Material;
            meshRenderer.materials = materials;
            // Rigidbody
            Rigidbody rigidbody = armObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody> ();

            rigidbody.mass = Sus_MassProp.floatValue;
            // HingeJoint
            HingeJoint hingeJoint = armObject.AddComponent <HingeJoint> ();

            hingeJoint.connectedBody = thisTransform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();              //MainBody's Rigidbody.
            hingeJoint.anchor        = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Sus_AnchorProp.floatValue);
            hingeJoint.axis          = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            hingeJoint.useSpring     = true;
            JointSpring jointSpring = hingeJoint.spring;

            jointSpring.spring = Sus_SpringProp.floatValue;
            jointSpring.damper = Sus_DamperProp.floatValue;
            if (Set_IndividuallyProp.boolValue)
                jointSpring.targetPosition = Sus_TargetProp.floatValue + Sus_AnglesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(number - 1).floatValue;
                jointSpring.targetPosition = Sus_TargetProp.floatValue + Sus_AngleProp.floatValue;
            hingeJoint.spring    = jointSpring;
            hingeJoint.useLimits = true;
            JointLimits jointLimits = hingeJoint.limits;

            if (Set_IndividuallyProp.boolValue)
                jointLimits.max = Sus_Forward_LimitProp.floatValue + Sus_AnglesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(number - 1).floatValue;
                jointLimits.min = -(Sus_Backward_LimitProp.floatValue - Sus_AnglesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(number - 1).floatValue);
                jointLimits.max = Sus_Forward_LimitProp.floatValue + Sus_AngleProp.floatValue;
                jointLimits.min = -(Sus_Backward_LimitProp.floatValue - Sus_AngleProp.floatValue);
            hingeJoint.limits = jointLimits;
            // Reinforce SphereCollider
            SphereCollider sphereCollider = armObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider> ();

            sphereCollider.radius = Reinforce_RadiusProp.floatValue;
            // Set Layer
            armObject.layer = Layer_Settings_CS.Reinforce_Layer;
Exemple #3
    void Generate()
        LineRenderer lineRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));

        // If the left mouse button is clicked for the first time
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0) && firstClick == false)
            lineRenderer.positionCount = 2;
//			print ("enters loop start");
            // Store the position as the start point
            startPoint = hit.point;
//			print (startPoint + " " + hit.point);
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, startPoint);
            firstClick = true;
//		// If the left mouse button is clicked a second time
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0) && firstClick == true)
            lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, endPoint);
            lineRenderer.positionCount = 1;
//			print ("enters loop second");
            // Store the mouse position as the end point
            endPoint = hit.point;
//			print (endPoint + " " + hit.point);
            // Calculate the distance between the two points
            middle = (startPoint - endPoint) / 2;
            // Calculate the vector from start point to end point
            Vector3 direction = endPoint - startPoint;
            // Calculate the angle of the direction vector by comparing it to our reference vector
            float angle = Vector3.Angle(direction, angleReference);

//			// If the horizontal position of the start point is smaller than the one of the end point
            if (startPoint.x < endPoint.x)
                // If the angle of the vector is less than 90degrees
                if (angle < 90)
                    // Modify the Hingejoints limits values
                    limitMinAngle = -90;
                    limitMaxAngle = 0;
                // If the angle of the vector is more or equal than 90degrees
                if (angle >= 90)
                    // Modify the Hingejoints limits values
                    angle         = -angle;
                    limitMinAngle = 0;
                    limitMaxAngle = 90;
                // Instantiate in the Flippers List a left Flipper object at the click position, with the angle of the vector
                flippersList.Add((GameObject)Instantiate(leftFlipper, new Vector3(hit.point.x + 2 * middle.x, hit.point.y + middle.y, channel.transform.position.z), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle)));
                // Add one to the amount of Flippers
                // Modify the HingeJoint values to the correct ones
                HingeJoint  hj     = flippersList[amountFlippers].GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
                JointLimits limits = hj.limits;
                limits.min = limitMinAngle;
                limits.max = limitMaxAngle;
                hj.limits  = limits;

            // If the horizontal position of the start point is bigger than the one of the end point
            if (startPoint.x > endPoint.x)
                // Instantiate in the Flippers List a right Flipper object at the click position, with the angle of the vector
                flippersList.Add((GameObject)Instantiate(rightFlipper, new Vector3(hit.point.x + 2 * middle.x, hit.point.y + middle.y, channel.transform.position.z), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle)));

            // Put the new instantiation as the selected flipper index
            indexSelected = amountFlippers;
            // Reset the active flipper

            // Ignore collision with the postsynaptic neuron
            Physics.IgnoreCollision(postSynaptic.GetComponent <Collider>(), flippersList[amountFlippers].GetComponent <Collider>());

            //Put back the firstClick to false
            firstClick = false;
Exemple #4
        protected override bool DetectSetup()
            // detect axis
            doorHinge = GetDoor().GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
            if (doorHinge && !doorHingeCreated)
                direction = Direction.autodetect;
            finalDirection = (direction == Direction.autodetect) ? DetectDirection() : direction;
            if (finalDirection == Direction.autodetect)
            if (doorHinge && !doorHingeCreated)
                // if there is a hinge joint already it overrides axis selection
                direction = finalDirection;

            // detect opening direction
            Bounds doorBounds = VRTK_SharedMethods.GetBounds(GetDoor().transform, transform);

            if (doorHinge == null || doorHingeCreated)
                if (handles)
                    // determin sub-direction depending on handle location
                    Bounds handleBounds = VRTK_SharedMethods.GetBounds(handles.transform, transform);
                    switch (finalDirection)
                    case Direction.x:
                        if ((handleBounds.center.z + handleBounds.extents.z) > (doorBounds.center.z + doorBounds.extents.z) || (handleBounds.center.z - handleBounds.extents.z) < (doorBounds.center.z - doorBounds.extents.z))
                            subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.y > doorBounds.center.y) ? -1 : 1;
                            secondaryDirection = Vector3.up;
                            subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.z > doorBounds.center.z) ? -1 : 1;
                            secondaryDirection = Vector3.forward;

                    case Direction.y:
                        if ((handleBounds.center.z + handleBounds.extents.z) > (doorBounds.center.z + doorBounds.extents.z) || (handleBounds.center.z - handleBounds.extents.z) < (doorBounds.center.z - doorBounds.extents.z))
                            subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.x > doorBounds.center.x) ? -1 : 1;
                            secondaryDirection = Vector3.right;
                            subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.z > doorBounds.center.z) ? -1 : 1;
                            secondaryDirection = Vector3.forward;

                    case Direction.z:
                        if ((handleBounds.center.x + handleBounds.extents.x) > (doorBounds.center.x + doorBounds.extents.x) || (handleBounds.center.x - handleBounds.extents.x) < (doorBounds.center.x - doorBounds.extents.x))
                            subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.y > doorBounds.center.y) ? -1 : 1;
                            secondaryDirection = Vector3.up;
                            subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.x > doorBounds.center.x) ? -1 : 1;
                            secondaryDirection = Vector3.right;
                    switch (finalDirection)
                    case Direction.x:
                        secondaryDirection = (doorBounds.extents.y > doorBounds.extents.z) ? Vector3.up : Vector3.forward;

                    case Direction.y:
                        secondaryDirection = (doorBounds.extents.x > doorBounds.extents.z) ? Vector3.right : Vector3.forward;

                    case Direction.z:
                        secondaryDirection = (doorBounds.extents.y > doorBounds.extents.x) ? Vector3.up : Vector3.right;
                    // TODO: derive how to detect -1
                    subDirection = 1;
                // calculate directions from existing anchor
                Vector3 existingAnchorDirection = doorBounds.center - doorHinge.connectedAnchor;
                if (existingAnchorDirection.x != 0)
                    secondaryDirection = Vector3.right;
                    subDirection       = existingAnchorDirection.x <= 0 ? 1 : -1;
                else if (existingAnchorDirection.y != 0)
                    secondaryDirection = Vector3.up;
                    subDirection       = existingAnchorDirection.y <= 0 ? 1 : -1;
                else if (existingAnchorDirection.z != 0)
                    secondaryDirection = Vector3.forward;
                    subDirection       = existingAnchorDirection.z <= 0 ? 1 : -1;

            if (doorHingeCreated)
                float extents = 0;
                if (secondaryDirection == Vector3.right)
                    extents = doorBounds.extents.x / GetDoor().transform.lossyScale.x;
                else if (secondaryDirection == Vector3.up)
                    extents = doorBounds.extents.y / GetDoor().transform.lossyScale.y;
                    extents = doorBounds.extents.z / GetDoor().transform.lossyScale.z;

                doorHinge.anchor = secondaryDirection * subDirection * extents;
                doorHinge.axis   = Direction2Axis(finalDirection);
            if (doorHinge)
                doorHinge.useLimits       = true;
                doorHinge.enableCollision = true;

                JointLimits limits = doorHinge.limits;
                limits.min        = openInward ? -maxAngle : 0;
                limits.max        = openOutward ? maxAngle : 0;
                limits.bounciness = 0;
                doorHinge.limits  = limits;
            if (doorSnapForceCreated)
                float forceToApply = (-5f * GetDirectionFromJoint());
                doorSnapForce.relativeForce = GetThirdDirection(doorHinge.axis, secondaryDirection) * (subDirection * forceToApply);

Exemple #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //first we need to define the Game object we're looking at

        Robot = GameObject.FindWithTag("Robot");
        Debug.Log("found Robot ");

        //made mistake of not finding the Hips at all! Will do that and then overwrite itself.
        Torso = Robot.transform.Find("Torso").gameObject;
        Debug.Log("found Torso");

        //Here we will set up the lowerAbs

        lowerAbs1 = Torso.transform.Find("lowerAbs1").gameObject;
        upperAbs1 = Torso.transform.Find("upperAbs1").gameObject;
        lowerAbs2 = Torso.transform.Find("lowerAbs2").gameObject;
        upperAbs2 = Torso.transform.Find("upperAbs2").gameObject;
        //now we make sure we have found that hip assembly
        if (lowerAbs1 != null && lowerAbs2 != null && upperAbs1 != null && upperAbs2 != null)
            //Now we need to do our assignments which are the joint Hinges

            //==========LOWER ABS=============//
            LowerAbs1Joint = lowerAbs1.GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
            LowerAbs1Motor = LowerAbs1Joint.motor;
            //Next we need to set up the Motor action
            setUpMotor(LowerAbs1Joint, LowerAbs1Motor);

            //Now we set up our joint limits
            LowerAbs1Limits = LowerAbs1Joint.limits;

            //Hinge2 lower
            LowerAbs2Joint = lowerAbs2.GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
            LowerAbs2Motor = LowerAbs2Joint.motor;
            //Next we need to set up the Motor action
            setUpMotor(LowerAbs2Joint, LowerAbs2Motor);

            //Now we set up our joint limits
            LowerAbs2Limits = LowerAbs2Joint.limits;

            //==========UPPER ABS=============//
            UpperAbs1Joint = upperAbs1.GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
            UpperAbs1Motor = UpperAbs1Joint.motor;
            //Next we need to set up the Motor action
            setUpMotor(UpperAbs1Joint, UpperAbs1Motor);

            //Now we set up our joint limits
            UpperAbs1Limits = UpperAbs1Joint.limits;

            //Hinge2 upper

            /*=================================NOT NEEDED UNTIL UPPER BODY IS ADDED====================
             * UpperAbs2Joint = upperAbs2.GetComponent<HingeJoint>();
             * UpperAbs2Motor = UpperAbs2Joint.motor;
             * //Next we need to set up the Motor action
             * setUpMotor(UpperAbs2Joint, UpperAbs2Motor);
             * //Now we set up our joint limits
             * UpperAbs2Limits = UpperAbs2Joint.limits;
             * //Now we do our last little debug
             * if (UpperAbs2Joint != null && UpperAbs1Joint != null && LowerAbs2Joint != null && LowerAbs1Joint != null)
             * {
             *  Debug.Log("Abs fully assigned");
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  Debug.Log("Ab Joints not found");
             * }*/
            Debug.Log("Ab objects not found");
 private static JointLimits UpdateLimits(JointLimits jointLimits, float min, float max)
     jointLimits.min = min;
     jointLimits.max = max;
Exemple #7
        protected override bool DetectSetup()
            finalDirection = (direction == Direction.autodetect) ? DetectDirection() : direction;
            if (finalDirection == Direction.autodetect)

            Bounds doorBounds = Utilities.GetBounds(getDoor().transform, transform);

            if (handles)
                // determin sub-direction depending on handle location
                Bounds handleBounds = Utilities.GetBounds(handles.transform, transform);
                switch (finalDirection)
                case Direction.x:
                    if ((handleBounds.center.z + handleBounds.extents.z) > (doorBounds.center.z + doorBounds.extents.z) || (handleBounds.center.z - handleBounds.extents.z) < (doorBounds.center.z - doorBounds.extents.z))
                        subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.y > doorBounds.center.y) ? -1 : 1;
                        secondaryDirection = Vector3.up;
                        subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.z > doorBounds.center.z) ? -1 : 1;
                        secondaryDirection = Vector3.forward;

                case Direction.y:
                    if ((handleBounds.center.z + handleBounds.extents.z) > (doorBounds.center.z + doorBounds.extents.z) || (handleBounds.center.z - handleBounds.extents.z) < (doorBounds.center.z - doorBounds.extents.z))
                        subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.x > doorBounds.center.x) ? -1 : 1;
                        secondaryDirection = Vector3.right;
                        subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.z > doorBounds.center.z) ? -1 : 1;
                        secondaryDirection = Vector3.forward;

                case Direction.z:
                    if ((handleBounds.center.x + handleBounds.extents.x) > (doorBounds.center.x + doorBounds.extents.x) || (handleBounds.center.x - handleBounds.extents.x) < (doorBounds.center.x - doorBounds.extents.x))
                        subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.y > doorBounds.center.y) ? -1 : 1;
                        secondaryDirection = Vector3.up;
                        subDirection       = (handleBounds.center.x > doorBounds.center.x) ? -1 : 1;
                        secondaryDirection = Vector3.right;
                switch (finalDirection)
                case Direction.x:
                    secondaryDirection = (doorBounds.extents.y > doorBounds.extents.z) ? Vector3.up : Vector3.forward;

                case Direction.y:
                    secondaryDirection = (doorBounds.extents.x > doorBounds.extents.z) ? Vector3.right : Vector3.forward;

                case Direction.z:
                    secondaryDirection = (doorBounds.extents.y > doorBounds.extents.x) ? Vector3.up : Vector3.right;
                subDirection = 1;

            if (doorHjCreated)
                doorHj.anchor = secondaryDirection * subDirection * 0.5f;
                switch (finalDirection)
                case Direction.x:
                    doorHj.axis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

                case Direction.y:
                    doorHj.axis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

                case Direction.z:
                    doorHj.axis = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            if (doorHj)
                doorHj.useLimits       = true;
                doorHj.enableCollision = true;

                JointLimits limits = doorHj.limits;
                limits.min        = openInward ? -maxAngle : 0;
                limits.max        = openOutward ? maxAngle : 0;
                limits.bounciness = 0;
                doorHj.limits     = limits;
            if (doorCfCreated)
                doorCf.force = getThirdDirection(doorHj.axis, secondaryDirection) * subDirection * -50f;

Exemple #8
        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (joint == null)
            float jointAngle = GetJointAngle();
            bool  flag       = GrabManager.IsGrabbedAny(joint.gameObject);

            if (!grabbed && flag)
                grabbedInGear = gear;
            grabbed = flag;
            if (grabbed)
                if (jointAngle <= (reverseAngle + neutralAngle) / 2f)
                    gear = -1;
                else if (jointAngle <= (neutralAngle + firstAngle) / 2f)
                    gear = 0;
                else if (jointAngle <= (firstAngle + secondAngle) / 2f)
                    gear = 1;
                    gear = 2;
                JointLimits limits = joint.limits;
                limits.min = reverseAngle;
                if (grabbedInGear < 1)
                    if (gear == 2)
                        gear = 1;
                    limits.max = firstAngle;
                    limits.max = secondAngle;
                if (steeringWheel != null)
                    JointSpring spring = steeringWheel.spring;
                    spring.spring        = ((gear != 2) ? centeringSpring1st : centeringSpring2st);
                    steeringWheel.spring = spring;
            float       value   = 0f;
            JointSpring spring2 = joint.spring;

            switch (gear)
            case -1:
                spring2.targetPosition = reverseAngle;
                value = reverseValue;

            case 0:
                spring2.targetPosition = neutralAngle;
                value = 0f;

            case 1:
                spring2.targetPosition = firstAngle;
                value = firstValue;

            case 2:
                spring2.targetPosition = secondAngle;
                value = secondValue;
Exemple #9
 public static JointValues RandomJointValues(JointLimits limits, Random rng = null)
     return(JointValues.Random(limits, rng ?? ThreadSafeRandom.Generator));
Exemple #10
        void InitializeFingerJoints()
            hinges = new HingeJoint[3];
            for (int i = 1; i < bones.Length - 1; ++i)
                if (bones[i] != null)
                    if (i == 1)
                        rootJoint = Palm.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
                        rootJoint.configuredInWorldSpace = false;
                        rootJoint.connectedBody          = bones[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                        origJointRotation       = new Quaternion(bones[i].rotation.x, bones[i].rotation.y, bones[i].rotation.z, bones[i].rotation.w);
                        origPalmRotation        = new Quaternion(Palm.rotation.x, Palm.rotation.y, Palm.rotation.z, Palm.rotation.w);
                        origPalmToJointRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(origPalmRotation) * origJointRotation;

                        rootJoint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;

                        rootJoint.enablePreprocessing          = true;
                        rootJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                        rootJoint.anchor          = Palm.transform.InverseTransformPoint(bones[i].TransformPoint(new Vector3(0f, 0f, (bones[i].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().radius) - (bones[i].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().height / 2f))));
                        rootJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector3(0f, 0f, (bones[i].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().radius) - (bones[i].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().height / 2f));
                        //rootJoint.axis = Palm.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bones[i].transform.right);
                        //rootJoint.secondaryAxis = Palm.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bones[i].transform.forward);
                        rootJoint.enableCollision = false;

                        rootJoint.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor;

                        rootJoint.xMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                        rootJoint.yMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                        rootJoint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                        //rootJoint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                        //rootJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;

                        JointDrive motorMovement = new JointDrive();
                        motorMovement.maximumForce   = 5000000f;
                        motorMovement.positionSpring = 5000000f;

                        rootJoint.slerpDrive = motorMovement;

                    if (i + 1 < bones.Length)
                        HingeJoint Hinge = bones[i].gameObject.AddComponent <HingeJoint>();
                        Hinge.enablePreprocessing          = true;
                        Hinge.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                        Hinge.connectedBody   = bones[i + 1].gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                        Hinge.anchor          = bones[i].InverseTransformPoint(bones[i + 1].TransformPoint(new Vector3(0f, 0f, (bones[i + 1].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().radius) - (bones[i + 1].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().height / 2f))));
                        Hinge.connectedAnchor = new Vector3(0f, 0f, (bones[i + 1].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().radius) - (bones[i + 1].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().height / 2f));
                        Hinge.axis            = bones[i].InverseTransformDirection(bones[i + 1].transform.right);
                        Hinge.enableCollision = false;

                        Hinge.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor;

                        Hinge.useMotor  = true;
                        Hinge.useLimits = true;
                        JointLimits limit = new JointLimits();
                        limit.min    = -70f;
                        limit.max    = 15f;
                        Hinge.limits = limit;

                        hinges[i] = Hinge;
Exemple #11
    public void Apply()
        isActive = true;
        skeleton = skeletonAnim.Skeleton;
        mix      = 1;

        var ragdollRootBone = skeleton.FindBone(startingBoneName);

        startingBone = ragdollRootBone;

        rootRigidbody             = boneTable[ragdollRootBone].GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        rootRigidbody.isKinematic = pinStartBone;

        rootRigidbody.mass = rootMass;

        List <Collider> boneColliders = new List <Collider>();

        foreach (var pair in boneTable)
            var       b               = pair.Key;
            var       t               = pair.Value;
            Bone      parentBone      = null;
            Transform parentTransform = transform;

            boneColliders.Add(t.GetComponent <Collider>());

            if (b != startingBone)
                parentBone      = b.Parent;
                parentTransform = boneTable[parentBone];
                ragdollRoot        = new GameObject("RagdollRoot").transform;
                ragdollRoot.parent = transform;

                if (b == skeleton.RootBone)
                    ragdollRoot.localPosition = new Vector3(b.WorldX, b.WorldY, 0);
                    ragdollRoot.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, GetCompensatedRotationIK(b));
                    parentTransform           = ragdollRoot;
                    ragdollRoot.localPosition = new Vector3(b.Parent.WorldX, b.Parent.WorldY, 0);
                    ragdollRoot.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, GetCompensatedRotationIK(b.Parent));
                    parentTransform           = ragdollRoot;

                rootOffset = t.position - transform.position;

            var rbParent = parentTransform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            if (rbParent != null)
                var joint = t.gameObject.AddComponent <HingeJoint>();
                joint.connectedBody = rbParent;
                Vector3 localPos = parentTransform.InverseTransformPoint(t.position);
                localPos.x           *= 1;
                joint.connectedAnchor = localPos;
                joint.axis            = Vector3.up;
                joint.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass = joint.connectedBody.mass * massFalloffFactor;
                JointLimits limits = new JointLimits();
                limits.min            = -rotationLimit;
                limits.max            = rotationLimit;
                joint.limits          = limits;
                joint.useLimits       = true;
                joint.enableCollision = enableJointCollision;

        for (int x = 0; x < boneColliders.Count; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < boneColliders.Count; y++)
                if (x == y)
                Physics.IgnoreCollision(boneColliders[x], boneColliders[y]);

        var utilityBones = GetComponentsInChildren <SkeletonUtilityBone>();

        if (utilityBones.Length > 0)
            List <string> destroyedUtilityBoneNames = new List <string>();
            foreach (var ub in utilityBones)
                if (ub.mode == SkeletonUtilityBone.Mode.Override)

            if (destroyedUtilityBoneNames.Count > 0)
                string msg = "Destroyed Utility Bones: ";
                for (int i = 0; i < destroyedUtilityBoneNames.Count; i++)
                    msg += destroyedUtilityBoneNames[i];
                    if (i != destroyedUtilityBoneNames.Count - 1)
                        msg += ",";

        if (disableIK)
            foreach (IkConstraint ik in skeleton.IkConstraints)
                ik.Mix = 0;

        skeletonAnim.UpdateWorld += UpdateWorld;
        protected override void OnSimulateStart()
            //BrakeKey = GetKey(Brake);
            HJ        = GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
            Colliders = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>();
            MyId      = GetComponent <BlockVisualController>().ID;

            angleDrag = GetComponent <Rigidbody>().angularDrag;

            JointLimits jl = HJ.limits;

            jl.min    = jl.max = jl.bounciness = jl.bounceMinVelocity = 0;
            HJ.limits = jl;

            HJ.spring = new JointSpring()
                damper = 10000, spring = 10000, targetPosition = 0

            if (Collider)
                foreach (Collider c in Colliders)
                    if (c.name == "CubeColliders")
                        c.enabled = false;

                WheelCollider = new GameObject("Wheel Collider");

                mFilter      = WheelCollider.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mFilter.mesh = WheelMesh = SimpleMesh.MeshFromObj(Application.dataPath + "/Mods/Resources/BlockEnhancement/Wheel.obj");

                mCollider        = WheelCollider.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                mCollider.convex = true;

                PM = mCollider.material;

                PM.staticFriction = Friction;
                PM.dynamicFriction = Friction;
                PM.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Multiply;
                PM.bounciness = 0;
                PM.bounceCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;

                mRenderer = WheelCollider.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                mRenderer.material.color = Color.red;

                PaS pas = GetPositionAndScale(MyId);

                WheelCollider.transform.parent     = mCollider.transform.parent = transform;
                WheelCollider.transform.rotation   = mCollider.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
                WheelCollider.transform.position   = mCollider.transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position) + pas.Position);
                WheelCollider.transform.localScale = mCollider.transform.localScale = pas.Scale;
                WheelCollider.AddComponent <DestroyIfEditMode>();
            else if (FrictionT)
                foreach (Collider c in Colliders)
                    if (c.name == "CubeColliders")
                        PhysicMaterial PM = c.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().material;

                        PM.staticFriction = Friction;
                        PM.dynamicFriction = Friction;
                        PM.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Multiply;
                        PM.bounciness = 0;
                        PM.bounceCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;

            if (MyId == (int)BlockType.Wheel || MyId == (int)BlockType.LargeWheel)
                CMCH = GetComponent <CogMotorControllerHinge>();
                CMCH.speedLerpSmooth = Lerp;
Exemple #13
 protected virtual void Start()
     car   = FindObjectOfType <CarMovementControl>().gameObject;
     joint = GetComponent <HingeJoint>();
     limit = joint.limits;
		private void INTERNAL_get_limits(out JointLimits value){}
        void DoSetProperties()
            JointSpring _springJoint = _joint.spring;
            JointMotor  _jointMotor  = _joint.motor;
            JointLimits _jointLimits = _joint.limits;

            if (!connectedBody.IsNone)
                _joint.connectedBody = connectedBody.Value.rigidbody;

            if (!anchor.IsNone)
                _joint.anchor = anchor.Value;
            if (!axis.IsNone)
                _joint.axis = axis.Value;
            if (!useSpring.IsNone)
                _joint.useSpring = useSpring.Value;
            if (!spring.IsNone)
                _springJoint.spring = spring.Value;
                _joint.spring       = _springJoint;
            if (!damper.IsNone)
                _springJoint.damper = damper.Value;
                _joint.spring       = _springJoint;
            if (!targetPosition.IsNone)
                _springJoint.targetPosition = targetPosition.Value;
                _joint.spring = _springJoint;
            if (!useMotor.IsNone)
                _joint.useMotor = useMotor.Value;
            if (!targetVelocity.IsNone)
                _jointMotor.targetVelocity = targetVelocity.Value;
                _joint.motor = _jointMotor;
            if (!force.IsNone)
                _jointMotor.force = force.Value;
                _joint.motor      = _jointMotor;
            if (!freeSpin.IsNone)
                _jointMotor.freeSpin = freeSpin.Value;
                _joint.motor         = _jointMotor;
            if (!useLimits.IsNone)
                _joint.useLimits = useLimits.Value;
            if (!min.IsNone)
                _jointLimits.min = min.Value;
                _joint.limits    = _jointLimits;
            if (!max.IsNone)
                _jointLimits.max = max.Value;
                _joint.limits    = _jointLimits;
            if (!minBounce.IsNone)
                _jointLimits.minBounce = minBounce.Value;
                _joint.limits          = _jointLimits;
            if (!maxBounce.IsNone)
                _jointLimits.maxBounce = maxBounce.Value;
                _joint.limits          = _jointLimits;
		private void INTERNAL_set_limits(ref JointLimits value){}
 public void writeKeyVal(string key, JointLimits val)