Exemple #1
 internal P2DGearJoint(Joint2DExt jointA, Joint2DExt jointB, float ratio)
     : base(jointA._internalJoint._bodyA, jointA._internalJoint._bodyB)
     _jointType  = JointType.Gear;
     this.jointA = jointA;
     this.jointB = jointB;
     this.ratio  = ratio;
Exemple #2
        static void UpgradeJointsInScene()
            if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
                    "Upgrade Joints to Physics 2D Extensions?",
                    "Are you sure you want to upgrade all joints in this scene? This cannot be undone.", "Upgrade", "Cancel"))

            var joints = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Joint2D)) as Joint2D[];

            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; ++i)
                var joint    = joints[i];
                var spring   = joint as SpringJoint2D;
                var distance = joint as DistanceJoint2D;
                var hinge    = joint as HingeJoint2D;
                var slider   = joint as SliderJoint2D;
                var wheel    = joint as WheelJoint2D;

                FieldReferenceInfo[] refs     = null;
                Joint2DExt           newJoint = null;
                SpringJoint2DExt     newSpring;
                DistanceJoint2DExt   newDistance;
                HingeJoint2DExt      newHinge;
                SliderJoint2DExt     newSlider;
                WheelJoint2DExt      newWheel;

                if (spring != null)
                    Debug.Log("[Physics 2D Extensions] Upgrading SpringJoint2D", spring.gameObject);

                    newJoint = newSpring = spring.gameObject.AddComponent <SpringJoint2DExt>();
                    newSpring.connectedBody = spring.connectedBody;
                    newSpring.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                    newSpring.anchor                = spring.anchor;
                    newSpring.connectedAnchor       = spring.connectedAnchor;
                    newSpring.autoConfigureDistance = false;
                    newSpring.distance              = spring.distance;
                    newSpring.dampingRatio          = spring.dampingRatio;
                    newSpring.frequency             = spring.frequency;


                    refs = FindObjectsReferencing(spring);
                else if (distance != null)
                    Debug.Log("[Physics 2D Extensions] Upgrading DistanceJoint2D", distance.gameObject);

                    newJoint = newDistance = distance.gameObject.AddComponent <DistanceJoint2DExt>();
                    newDistance.connectedBody = distance.connectedBody;
                    newDistance.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                    newDistance.anchor                = distance.anchor;
                    newDistance.connectedAnchor       = distance.connectedAnchor;
                    newDistance.autoConfigureDistance = false;
                    newDistance.distance              = distance.distance;
                    newDistance.maxDistanceOnly       = distance.maxDistanceOnly;


                    refs = FindObjectsReferencing(distance);
                else if (hinge != null)
                    Debug.Log("[Physics 2D Extensions] Upgrading HingeJoint2D", hinge.gameObject);

                    newJoint = newHinge = hinge.gameObject.AddComponent <HingeJoint2DExt>();
                    newHinge.connectedBody = hinge.connectedBody;
                    newHinge.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                    newHinge.anchor          = hinge.anchor;
                    newHinge.connectedAnchor = hinge.connectedAnchor;
                    newHinge.useMotor        = hinge.useMotor;
                    newHinge.motor           = hinge.motor;
                    newHinge.useLimits       = hinge.useLimits;
                    newHinge.limits          = hinge.limits;


                    refs = FindObjectsReferencing(hinge);
                else if (slider != null)
                    Debug.Log("[Physics 2D Extensions] Upgrading SliderJoint2D", slider.gameObject);

                    newJoint = newSlider = slider.gameObject.AddComponent <SliderJoint2DExt>();
                    newSlider.connectedBody = slider.connectedBody;
                    newSlider.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                    newSlider.anchor          = slider.anchor;
                    newSlider.connectedAnchor = slider.connectedAnchor;
                    newSlider.angle           = slider.angle;
                    newSlider.useMotor        = slider.useMotor;
                    newSlider.motor           = slider.motor;
                    newSlider.useLimits       = slider.useLimits;
                    newSlider.limits          = slider.limits;


                    refs = FindObjectsReferencing(slider);
                else if (wheel != null)
                    Debug.Log("[Physics 2D Extensions] Upgrading WheelJoint2D", wheel.gameObject);

                    newJoint = newWheel = wheel.gameObject.AddComponent <WheelJoint2DExt>();
                    newWheel.connectedBody = wheel.connectedBody;
                    newWheel.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
                    newWheel.anchor          = wheel.anchor;
                    newWheel.connectedAnchor = wheel.connectedAnchor;
                    newWheel.suspension      = wheel.suspension;
                    newWheel.useMotor        = wheel.useMotor;

                    newWheel.motor = wheel.motor;

                    refs = FindObjectsReferencing(wheel);

                if (refs != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < refs.Length; ++j)
                        var reference = refs[j];
                        var obj       = reference.obj;
                        var fieldInfo = reference.fieldInfo;

                            fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, newJoint);
                            Debug.Log(string.Format("Upgraded object reference {0} on {1}", fieldInfo.Name, obj.name), obj);
                            Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Unable to set field {0} on {1} - this object reference must be changed manually", fieldInfo.Name, obj.name), obj);
