//Implements Join 2 Data Tables logic
        //INNER vs. LEFT OUTER join logic is driven by matchingRowsOnly flag
        //Disambiguation logic is driven by joinMatchType
        public static DataTable JoinTables(
                                                            DataSet ds,
                                                            DataTable dtLeft,
                                                            DataTable dtRight,
                                                            List<string> joinLeftColumnList,
                                                            List<string> joinRightColumnList,
                                                            bool matchingRowsOnly,
                                                            JoinDisambiguationTypeEnum joinMatchType

            DataTable left_dt, right_dt, joined_dt;

            //Make sure both tables are in the DataSet otherwise can't use Relationships 
            left_dt = dtLeft;
            bool detach_left_dt = false;
            if (!ds.Tables.Contains(left_dt.TableName))
                if (left_dt.DataSet != null)
                    left_dt = dtLeft.Copy();
                detach_left_dt = true;

            right_dt = dtRight;
            bool detach_right_dt = false;
            if (!ds.Tables.Contains(right_dt.TableName))
                if (right_dt.DataSet != null)
                    right_dt = dtRight.Copy();
                detach_right_dt = true;

            //create a relationship between the two tables
            List<DataColumn> left_join_col = new List<DataColumn>();
            foreach (string col_name in joinLeftColumnList)
                string use_col_name = col_name;
                if (use_col_name.IndexOf(".") > -1)
                    use_col_name = GetFieldFromDelimString(use_col_name, '.', -1);

            List<DataColumn> right_join_col = new List<DataColumn>();
            foreach (string col_name in joinRightColumnList)
                string use_col_name = col_name;
                if (use_col_name.IndexOf(".") > -1)
                    use_col_name = GetFieldFromDelimString(use_col_name, '.', -1);

            DataRelation joinRelation = new DataRelation("_JOIN_RELATION_",

            //build the detached temporary table to contain ALL columns from both joined tables
            List<string> join_table_col_names = GetTableColumnNames(left_dt, ".");
            join_table_col_names.AddRange(GetTableColumnNames(right_dt, "."));

            //foreach (string right_join_col_nm in joinRightColumnList)
            //    join_table_col_names.Remove(right_join_col_nm); //no need repeating columns we join on

            joined_dt = BuildOutputTable(ds, join_table_col_names);
            joined_dt.Columns.Add("JoinMatch", System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            joined_dt.TableName = "_"
                                                    + left_dt.TableName
                                                    + "_TO_"
                                                    + right_dt.TableName
                                                    + (matchingRowsOnly ? "_INNER_" : "_LEFT_")
                                                    + "JOIN_RESULT_";

            List<DataRow> matched_left_rows = new List<DataRow>();
            List<DataRow> matched_right_rows = new List<DataRow>();

            foreach (DataRow dr_left in left_dt.Rows)
                //Get the related rows from the "right" table
                DataRow[] drs = dr_left.GetChildRows("_JOIN_RELATION_");

                if (drs.GetLength(0) > 0)
                    bool leftRowMatched = false;
                    bool rightRowMatched = false;

                    foreach (DataRow dr_right in drs)
                        leftRowMatched = matched_left_rows.Contains(dr_left);
                        rightRowMatched = matched_right_rows.Contains(dr_right);

                        //Add new row if 
                        //  a) STANDARD disambiguation mode
                        //  b) SOFT disambiguation mode and this Left row has not been matched yet
                        //  d) SOFT_FIRST_RIGHT disambiguation mode and this is first Right row has not been added
                        //  d) SOFT_MOVING_RIGHT disambiguation mode and Right row has not been added
                        bool addNewRow = false;
                        switch (joinMatchType)
                            case JoinDisambiguationTypeEnum.STANDARD:
                                addNewRow = true;
                                if (!leftRowMatched)
                                if (!rightRowMatched)

                            case JoinDisambiguationTypeEnum.SOFT_FIRST_RIGHT:
                                addNewRow = (!leftRowMatched);
                                if (!leftRowMatched)
                                if (!rightRowMatched)

                            case JoinDisambiguationTypeEnum.SOFT_MOVING_RIGHT:
                                addNewRow= (!leftRowMatched && !rightRowMatched);
                                if (addNewRow)
                                    if (!leftRowMatched)
                                    if (!rightRowMatched)


                        if (addNewRow)
                            bool rowAdded = false;

                                DataRow dr_dest = joined_dt.NewRow();
                                dr_dest["JoinMatch"] = true;
                                CopyDataRowValues(dr_left, dr_dest, true);
                                CopyDataRowValues(dr_right, dr_dest, true);

                                rowAdded = true;

                                if (!rowAdded)
                                    rowAdded = true;


                    //Check if Left row is still left unmatched that happens in SOFT_MOVING_RIGHT mode
                    //when left side has more matching rows than right
                    //OUTSTANDING: Is "matchingRowsOnly" mode really applicable here???
                    if (!matched_left_rows.Contains(dr_left) && !matchingRowsOnly)
                        DataRow dr_dest = joined_dt.NewRow();
                        dr_dest["JoinMatch"] = false;
                        CopyDataRowValues(dr_left, dr_dest, true);
                    if (!matchingRowsOnly)
                        //No matching rows, just copy from left table
                        DataRow dr_dest = joined_dt.NewRow();
                        dr_dest["JoinMatch"] = false;
                        CopyDataRowValues(dr_left, dr_dest, true);

            //delete the temporary relationship we created above
            if (detach_left_dt) ds.Tables.Remove(left_dt);
            if (detach_right_dt)  ds.Tables.Remove(right_dt);
            return joined_dt;
Exemple #2
        private void PropertyInitialize()
            _ds = new DataSet();
            _joinType = JoinTypeEnum.INNER;
            _joinDisambiguationType = JoinDisambiguationTypeEnum.STANDARD;
            _leftTable = String.Empty;
            _rightTable = String.Empty;
            _outputTableName = string.Empty;

            _leftJoinColumns = new List<string>();
            _rightJoinColumns = new List<string>();
            _outputColumns = new List<string>();

        // Join two data tables together by providing interface to underlying main functionality method
        // Adds ability to do "right" and "full" join types
        // Add ability to define Output Data Table using specific fields formulas from Joined Table
        // Output Column List members are expected to follow notation "ColumnName=SourceTable.SourceColumn" or 
        // in case of formula "ColumnName=(expression <i.e. ISNULL(SourceTable1.SourceColumn1, SourceTable2.SourceColumn1)>, optional data type)
        public static DataTable JoinTables(
                                                            DataSet ds,
                                                            DataTable dtLeft,
                                                            DataTable dtRight,
                                                            List<string> joinLeftColumnList,
                                                            List<string> joinRightColumnList,
                                                            List<string> outColumnList,
                                                            JoinTypeEnum joinType,
                                                            JoinDisambiguationTypeEnum joinMatchType
            if (dtRight.TableName == "")
                dtRight.TableName = "__RIGHTTABLE__";
            if (dtLeft.TableName == "")
                dtLeft.TableName = "__LEFTABLE__";

            DataTable output_dt = null;
            //what kind of join is this?
            switch (joinType)
                case JoinTypeEnum.INNER:
                    output_dt = JoinTables(ds, dtLeft, dtRight, joinLeftColumnList, joinRightColumnList, true, joinMatchType);

                case JoinTypeEnum.LEFT:
                    output_dt = JoinTables(ds, dtLeft, dtRight, joinLeftColumnList, joinRightColumnList, false, joinMatchType);

                case JoinTypeEnum.RIGHT:
                    //Flip the arguments and do left join
                    output_dt = JoinTables(ds, dtRight, dtLeft, joinRightColumnList, joinLeftColumnList, false, joinMatchType);

                case JoinTypeEnum.FULL:
                    output_dt = JoinTables(ds, dtLeft, dtRight, joinLeftColumnList, joinRightColumnList, false, joinMatchType);
                    DataTable temp_dt_right = JoinTables(ds, dtRight, dtLeft, joinRightColumnList, joinLeftColumnList, false, joinMatchType);

                    DataRow[] drs = temp_dt_right.Select("JoinMatch = false");
                    foreach (DataRow dr in drs)
                        DataRow dr_out = output_dt.NewRow();
                        CopyDataRowValues(dr, dr_out, false);

                    throw new ApplicationException("SQL syntax error: Unknown Join type '" + joinType + "'");


            //build the detached output table with limited specified columns returned if outColumnList is specified
            //otherwise return full joined result
            if (outColumnList.Count > 0)
                DataTable specified_output_dt = new DataTable();
                specified_output_dt.TableName = output_dt.TableName;

                //First separate Output Column Names from their underlying source column names and formulas
                //to apply formulas and build an output table
                SortedList<string, string> outColumnSourceList = new SortedList<string, string>();
                foreach (string outColumnName in outColumnList)
                    if (outColumnName.IndexOf("=") > -1)
                        string outColName = GetFieldFromDelimString(outColumnName, '=', 0);
                        string outColSourceName = GetFieldFromDelimString(outColumnName, '=', 1);

                        if (outColSourceName.IndexOf(".") > -1)
                            outColSourceName = MakeColumnName(GetFieldFromDelimString(outColSourceName, '.', -2),
                                                                                            GetFieldFromDelimString(outColSourceName, '.', -1));
                        if (!outColumnSourceList.ContainsKey(outColName))
                            outColumnSourceList.Add(outColName, outColSourceName);

                        if (!output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColName) && !output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColSourceName))

                                //Take entire expression after first "=" separating column name from expression
                                outColSourceName = GetFieldFromDelimString(outColumnName, '=', 1, 999);
                                //Add formula column to Joined Table
                                foreach (DataColumn joinTableColumn in output_dt.Columns)
                                    string joinTableColName = joinTableColumn.ColumnName;
                                    string joinTableColSrcTblName = string.Empty;
                                    string joinTableColSrcName = string.Empty;
                                    if (joinTableColName.Length > dtLeft.TableName.Length)
                                        if (joinTableColName.Substring(0, dtLeft.TableName.Length) == dtLeft.TableName)
                                            joinTableColSrcTblName = dtLeft.TableName;
                                            joinTableColSrcName = joinTableColName.Substring(dtLeft.TableName.Length + 1,
                                                                                        joinTableColName.Length - dtLeft.TableName.Length - 1);
                                    if (joinTableColName.Length > dtRight.TableName.Length)
                                        if (joinTableColName.Substring(0, dtRight.TableName.Length) == dtRight.TableName)
                                            joinTableColSrcTblName = dtRight.TableName;
                                            joinTableColSrcName = joinTableColName.Substring(dtRight.TableName.Length + 1,
                                                                                        joinTableColName.Length - dtRight.TableName.Length - 1);
                                    if (joinTableColSrcTblName.Length > 0 && joinTableColSrcName.Length > 0)
                                        outColSourceName =
                                            outColSourceName.Replace(joinTableColSrcTblName + "." + joinTableColSrcName,
                                output_dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(outColName));
                                output_dt.Columns[outColName].Expression = outColSourceName;
                            catch (Exception exc)
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Error '{0}' occured while creating expression ({1}) column {2}",
                                                                                      exc.Message, outColSourceName, outColName));
                            finally {}

                        if (!specified_output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColName) 
                                        || output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColSourceName)
                            //Add column from Joined Table to Output Table
                            DataColumn c, c_in;
                            if (output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColSourceName))
                                c_in = output_dt.Columns[outColSourceName];
                                c_in = output_dt.Columns[outColName];

                            c = new DataColumn(outColName);
                            c.DataType = c_in.DataType;
                            c.MaxLength = c_in.MaxLength;


                //Copy values from Joined Table to Specified Output table
                foreach (DataRow dr in output_dt.Rows)
                    DataRow dr_out = specified_output_dt.NewRow();
                    //CopyDataRowValues(dr, dr_out, false);
                    foreach (string outColName in outColumnSourceList.Keys)
                        if (specified_output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColName) )
                            string colSourceName = outColumnSourceList[outColName];

                            //Formula - names in both tables will be the same
                            if (!output_dt.Columns.Contains(colSourceName)  && output_dt.Columns.Contains(outColName))
                                colSourceName = outColName;

                            if (output_dt.Columns.Contains(colSourceName))
                                dr_out[outColName] = dr[colSourceName];
                output_dt = specified_output_dt;
            return output_dt;