public byte[] OptimizeImage(byte[] inputImage, ImageOptimizeParams imageOptimizeParams = null) { if (imageOptimizeParams == null) { imageOptimizeParams = GetDefaultParams(); } using (var c = new JobContext()) using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { c.AddInputBytesPinned(0, inputImage); c.AddOutputBuffer(1); //string commandString = $"dpi={72}&maxwidth={1024}&maxheight={1024}&quality={80}"; string commandString = $"dpi={imageOptimizeParams.Dpi}&maxwidth={imageOptimizeParams.MaxWidth}&maxheight={imageOptimizeParams.MaxHeight}&quality={imageOptimizeParams.QualityPercent}"; var response = c.ExecuteImageResizer4CommandString(0, 1, commandString); var data = response.DeserializeDynamic(); var outputStream = c.GetOutputBuffer(1); //Assert.Equal(200, (int)data.code); //Assert.Equal(true, (bool)data.success); outputStream.CopyTo(ms); return(ms.ToArray()); //httpContext.Response.ContentType = "image/png";//cbb.Properties.ContentType; //await outputStream.CopyToAsync(httpContext.Response.Body); } }
public async Task <BuildJobResult> FinishAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var inputByteArrays = await Task.WhenAll(_inputs.Select(async pair => new KeyValuePair <int, ArraySegment <byte> >(pair.Key, await pair.Value.GetBytesAsync(cancellationToken)))); using (var ctx = new JobContext()) { foreach (var pair in inputByteArrays) { ctx.AddInputBytesPinned(pair.Key, pair.Value); } foreach (var outId in _outputs.Keys) { ctx.AddOutputBuffer(outId); } //TODO: Use a Semaphore to limit concurrency; and move work to threadpool var response = ctx.Execute(new { framewise = ToFramewise() }); foreach (var pair in _outputs) { using (var stream = ctx.GetOutputBuffer(pair.Key)) { await pair.Value.CopyFromStreamAsync(stream, cancellationToken); } } return(BuildJobResult.From(response, _outputs)); } }
public void TestExecute() { using (var c = new JobContext()) { c.AddInputBytesPinned(0, Convert.FromBase64String( "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAACklEQVR4nGMAAQAABQABDQottAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")); c.AddOutputBuffer(1); var message = new { framewise = new { steps = new object[] { new { decode = new { io_id = 0 } }, "flip_v", new { encode = new { io_id = 1, preset = new { libjpegturbo = new { quality = 90 } } } } } } }; var response = c.SendMessage("v0.1/execute", message); var data = response.DeserializeDynamic(); _output.WriteLine(response.GetString()); Assert.Equal(200, (int)data.code); Assert.Equal(true, (bool)data.success); } }
public void TestIr4Execute() { using (var c = new JobContext()) { c.AddInputBytesPinned(0, Convert.FromBase64String( "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAACklEQVR4nGMAAQAABQABDQottAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")); c.AddOutputBuffer(1); var response = c.ExecuteImageResizer4CommandString(0, 1, "w=200&h=200&scale=both&format=jpg"); var data = response.DeserializeDynamic(); _output.WriteLine(response.GetString()); Assert.Equal(200, (int)data.code); Assert.Equal(true, (bool)data.success); } }
internal async Task <BuildJobResult> FinishAsync(JobExecutionOptions executionOptions, SecurityOptions securityOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var inputByteArrays = await Task.WhenAll(_inputs.Select(async pair => new KeyValuePair <int, ArraySegment <byte> >(pair.Key, await pair.Value.GetBytesAsync(cancellationToken)))); using (var ctx = new JobContext()) { foreach (var pair in inputByteArrays) { ctx.AddInputBytesPinned(pair.Key, pair.Value); } foreach (var outId in _outputs.Keys) { ctx.AddOutputBuffer(outId); } //TODO: Use a Semaphore to limit concurrency var message = new { security = securityOptions?.ToImageflowDynamic(), framewise = ToFramewise() }; var response = executionOptions.OffloadCpuToThreadPool ? await Task.Run(() => ctx.Execute(message), cancellationToken) : ctx.Execute(message); using (response) { foreach (var pair in _outputs) { using (var stream = ctx.GetOutputBuffer(pair.Key)) { await pair.Value.CopyFromStreamAsync(stream, cancellationToken); } } return(BuildJobResult.From(response, _outputs)); } } }
public void TestGetImageInfo() { using (var c = new JobContext()) { c.AddInputBytesPinned(0, Convert.FromBase64String( "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAACklEQVR4nGMAAQAABQABDQottAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==")); var response = c.SendMessage("v0.1/get_image_info", new { io_id = 0 }); var data = response.DeserializeDynamic(); _output.WriteLine(response.GetString()); Assert.Equal(200, (int)data.code); Assert.Equal(true, (bool)data.success); Assert.Equal(1, (int); Assert.Equal(1, (int); Assert.Equal("image/png", (string); Assert.Equal("png", (string); } }