public OperationInfo(Operation operation, MethodBody body)
            Operation  = operation;
            MemberInfo = operation.Instance;

            IsVariable = operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("ldloc") ||
                         operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("stloc") ||
                         operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("ldsfld") ||
                         operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("stsfld") ||
                         operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("ldfld") ||

            if (IsVariable)
                bool isLoad = operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("ldloc");
                IsLocalVariable = isLoad || operation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("stloc");

                if (IsLocalVariable)
                    int localVarIndex;

                    int diff = OpCodes.Stloc_0.Value - OpCodes.Ldloc_0.Value;

                    if (isLoad)
                        if (operation.OpCode.Value >= OpCodes.Ldloc_0.Value && operation.OpCode.Value <= OpCodes.Ldloc_3.Value)
                            localVarIndex = Convert.ToInt32(operation.OpCode.Name[^ 1].ToString());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method resolver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Method will be compiled.</param>
        private static void CompileResolve(CompileContext context)
            if (context.Method.Name == "MapWithJitex")
                MethodBody body = new MethodBody((MethodInfo)context.Method);

                //All operations on method
                IList <Operation> operations = body.ReadIL().ToList();

                foreach (Operation operation in operations.Where(c => c.OpCode != OpCodes.Nop))
                    if (operation.Instance is MethodInfo methodInfo && methodInfo.IsGenericMethod && methodInfo.GetGenericMethodDefinition() == MethodMap)
                        //Generic type passed: IMapper.Map<Type>();
                        Type typeDestination = methodInfo.GetGenericArguments().First();

                        //Variable passed by argument: IMapper.Map<Type>(variable);
                        Operation sourceOperation = null;

                        //Start block from Map call.
                        Operation startMapper = null;

                        //It's necessary find start operation of Mapper.Map call
                        //A basic call will generate these operations:

                        //IL_0000: ldsfld       IMapper
                        //IL_0005: ldarg.0      // this
                        //IL_0006: ldfld        Variable passed by argument
                        //IL_000b: callvirt     IMapper.Map<T>(obj)
                        //IL_0010: ret

                        //We are currently in IL_000b, so we need go until IL_0000.
                        //A way to do this, is check the type of variable|field until find a IMapper.
                        //If variable|field is typeof IMapper, that's start of operation block call, if not, is the variable|field passed by argument.
                        for (int i = operation.Index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            Operation previousOperation = operations[i];

                            //Operation starts (IL_0000)
                            if (previousOperation.Instance is FieldInfo field && field.FieldType == typeof(IMapper))
                                startMapper = previousOperation;

                            //Field passed by argument in our case.
                            //That can be a variable (ldloc), method (callvirt|call), ...
                            if (previousOperation.OpCode.Name.StartsWith("ldfld"))
                                sourceOperation = previousOperation;

                        //Store all properties to make bind.
                        PropertyInfo[] sourceProperties       = sourceOperation.Instance.FieldType.GetProperties();
                        PropertyInfo[] destionationProperties = typeDestination.GetProperties();

                        //To start bind, we need firstly instantiate our destiny variable.
                        ConstructorInfo defaultConstructorDest = typeDestination.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);

                        List <byte> ilToReplace = new List <byte>

                        //TypeDestination variable = new TypeDestionation();
                        byte[] defaultCtor = BitConverter.GetBytes(defaultConstructorDest.MetadataToken);

                        foreach (PropertyInfo sourceProperty in sourceProperties)
                            //Bind only property with same name (default config to AutoMapper)
                            PropertyInfo destProperty = destionationProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == sourceProperty.Name);

                            if (destProperty != null)
                                //Generate a simple get and set:
                                //variable.Property1 = variablePasseedByArgument.Property1

                                //Load field (_person) passed by argument on IMapper.Map

                                byte[] fieldToken = BitConverter.GetBytes(sourceOperation.MetadataToken.Value);

                                //Load getter and setter
                                MethodInfo getMethod = sourceProperty.GetGetMethod();
                                MethodInfo setMethod = destProperty.GetSetMethod();

                                byte[] getToken = BitConverter.GetBytes(getMethod.MetadataToken);
                                byte[] setToken = BitConverter.GetBytes(setMethod.MetadataToken);

                                //callvirt instance variablePasseedByArgument.Property1 (get)

                                //callvirt instance variable.Property1 (set)

                        //Replace operations from AutoMapper

                        int endMapperIndex = startMapper.ILIndex;

                        //All operations BEFORE IMapper.Map
                        byte[] startIL = body.IL[..endMapperIndex];