private void connect() { controller = JeromeController.create(currentConnection.jeromeParams); if (currentTemplate.uartEncoder) { controller.usartBytesReceived += usartBytesReceived; } controller.onDisconnected += onDisconnect; controller.onConnected += onConnect; controller.usartBinaryMode = true; if (currentConnection.hwLimits) { controller.lineStateChanged += lineStateChanged; } controller.asyncConnect(); updateGUI( delegate() { connectionsDropdown = new ToolStripMenuItem[miConnections.DropDownItems.Count]; miConnections.Text = "Отключиться"; miConnections.DropDownItems.CopyTo(connectionsDropdown, 0); miConnections.DropDownItems.Clear(); Text = + " идет соединение"; lCaption.Text = Text; Icon = (Icon)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(CommonInf.icons[currentConnection.icon]); }); }
private void rotate(int newTarget) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Rotate to " + newTarget.ToString()); target = newTarget; if (activeConnection.controller == null || !activeConnection.controller.connected || position == newTarget) { return; } if (rotateTask == null) { rotateTask = TaskEx.Run(async() => { JeromeController controller = activeConnection.controller; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("start rotate to " + target.ToString()); blinkTimer.Change(1000, 1000); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.enable, 0); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.ptt, 1); while (target != position && controller.connected) { int dir; if (position == -1) { dir = target == buttonPositions[buttonPositions.Length - 1] ? 1 : -1; } else { dir = target < position ? -1 : 1; } controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.dir, dir == -1 ? 0 : 1); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.pulse, 1); await TaskEx.Delay(5); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.pulse, 0); await TaskEx.Delay(5); if (position != -1) { position += dir; } /*if (position == 0 || position == buttonPositions[buttonPositions.Count() - 1]) * { * System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limit reached " + position.ToString()); * break; * }*/ } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Rotated to " + position.ToString()); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.pulse, 0); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.enable, 1); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.ptt, 0); blinkTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); clearRotateTask(); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { lRotation.Visible = false; }); if (position != target) { rotate(target); } }); } }
protected void connect(JeromeConnectionParams cp) { connections[cp].active = true; connections[cp].controller = JeromeController.create(cp); connections[cp].controller.onDisconnected += controllerDisconnected; connections[cp].controller.onConnected += controllerConnected; writeConfig(); connections[cp].controller.asyncConnect(); }
public FWX0B(JCAppContext _appContext, int __idx) : base(_appContext, __idx) { appContext = _appContext; _idx = __idx; InitializeComponent(); fStatus = new FWX0BStatus(this); foreach (WX0BTerminalSwitchTemplate st in TerminalTemplate.switches) { switches[st] = new WX0BTerminalSwitch(st); if (st.isDefault) { defaultSwitch = switches[st]; activeSwitch = switches[st]; } } defForeColor = cbConnectTerminal.ForeColor; if (config.terminalConnectionParams == null) { config.terminalConnectionParams = new JeromeConnectionParams(); } updateTerminalConnectionParamsCaption(); terminalJConnection = JeromeController.create(config.terminalConnectionParams); terminalJConnection.onConnected += TerminalJControllerConnected; terminalJConnection.onDisconnected += TerminalJControllerDisconnected; terminalJConnection.lineStateChanged += TerminalJConnectionLineStateChanged; foreach (WX0BControllerConfigEntry cConfig in config.controllers) { createController(cConfig); } if (config.terminalConnectionParams != null) { cbConnectTerminal.Enabled = true; if (config.terminalActive) { //new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(x => connectTerminal()), null, 5000, Timeout.Infinite);*/ connectTerminal(); } } else { cbConnectTerminal.Enabled = false; } if (config.activeController != -1 && config.activeController < controllers.Count) { controllers[config.activeController].jConnection.asyncConnect(); } else { setActiveController(-1); } if (config.statusOnly) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } }
public void switchLine(JeromeController controller, int line, int state) { controller.switchLine(enLine, 0); controller.switchLine(line, state); //Thread.Sleep(1); controller.switchLine(clkLine, 1); //Thread.Sleep(1); controller.switchLine(clkLine, 0); controller.switchLine(enLine, 1); }
protected void controllerConnected(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool senderFound = false; KeyValuePair <JeromeConnectionParams, JeromeConnectionState> senderEntry = connections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.controller == sender && (senderFound = true)); if (!senderFound) { return; } JeromeConnectionParams cp = senderEntry.Key; this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { connections[cp].watch = false; menuControl[cp].Checked = true; this.Text =; updateButtonsMode(); }); JeromeController controller = connections[cp].controller; string linesState = controller.readlines(); controller.setLineMode(controllerTemplate.dir, 0); controller.setLineMode(controllerTemplate.pulse, 0); controller.setLineMode(controllerTemplate.enable, 0); controller.setLineMode(controllerTemplate.ptt, 0); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.enable, 1); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.pulse, 0); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.ptt, 0); for (int co = 0; co < controllerTemplate.relays.Length; co++) { controller.setLineMode(controllerTemplate.relays[co], 0); controller.switchLine(controllerTemplate.relays[co], 0); } foreach (int line in controllerTemplate.limits.Values) { controller.setLineMode(line, 1); } controller.lineStateChanged += controllerLineStateChanged; if (linesState[controllerTemplate.limits[-1] - 1] == '0') { limit = -1; } else if (linesState[controllerTemplate.limits[1] - 1] == '0') { limit = 1; } if (position == -1) { rotate(0); } }
private async void disconnect() { if (timeoutTimer != null) { timeoutTimer.Dispose(); timeoutTimer = null; } if (adcTimer != null) { adcTimer.Dispose(); adcTimer = null; } if (controller != null) { if (engineStatus != 0) { engine(0); } if (engineTask != null) { await engineTask; engineTask.Dispose(); engineTask = null; } if (engineTaskActive) { clearEngineTask(); } if (currentTemplate.ledLine != 0) { toggleLine(currentTemplate.ledLine, 0); } if (currentTemplate.uartEncoder) { controller.usartBytesReceived -= usartBytesReceived; } if (closingFl) { controller.onDisconnected -= onDisconnect; } controller.onConnected -= onConnect; if (currentConnection.hwLimits) { controller.lineStateChanged -= lineStateChanged; } controller.disconnect(); controller = null; } }
protected void connect(JeromeConnectionParams cp) { foreach (JeromeConnectionParams c in connections.Keys) { if (connections[c].active) { disconnect(c); menuControl[c].Checked = false; } } connections[cp].active = true; connections[cp].controller = JeromeController.create(cp); connections[cp].controller.onDisconnected += controllerDisconnected; connections[cp].controller.onConnected += controllerConnected; writeConfig(); connections[cp].controller.asyncConnect(); activeConnection = connections[cp]; }
private void connect() { miConnections.Enabled = false; if (controller == null) { controller = JeromeController.create(currentConnection.jeromeParams); } UseWaitCursor = true; if (controller.connect()) { miConnections.Text = "Отключиться"; controller.usartBinaryMode = true; if (currentConnection.hwLimits) { controller.lineStateChanged += lineStateChanged; } controller.usartBytesReceived += usartBytesReceived; controller.disconnected += onDisconnect; connectionsDropdown = new ToolStripMenuItem[miConnections.DropDownItems.Count]; miConnections.DropDownItems.CopyTo(connectionsDropdown, 0); miConnections.DropDownItems.Clear(); miConnectionGroups.Visible = false; //miConnectionParams.Enabled = false; setLine(currentTemplate.ledLine, 0); foreach (int[] dir in currentTemplate.engineLines.Values) { foreach (int line in dir) { setLine(line, 0); toggleLine(line, 0); } } setLine(currentTemplate.uartTRLine, 0); foreach (int line in currentTemplate.limitsLines.Values) { setLine(line, 1); } timer.Enabled = true; miSetNorth.Visible = true; miSetNorth.Enabled = true; Text =; lCaption.Text =; if (currentConnectionGroup != null) { Text += " (" + + ")"; } Icon = (Icon)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(CommonInf.icons[currentConnection.icon]); if (currentConnection.hwLimits) { string lines = controller.readlines(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> kv in currentTemplate.limitsLines) { if (lines[kv.Value - 1] == '0') { onLimit(kv.Key); } } } else if (currentConnection.northAngle != -1) { currentConnection.limits = new Dictionary <int, int> { { 1, currentConnection.northAngle + 180 }, { -1, currentConnection.northAngle + 180 } } } ; scheduleTimeoutTimer(); } else { showMessage("Подключение не удалось", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } miConnections.Enabled = true; UseWaitCursor = false; }
public WX0BController(WX0BControllerConfigEntry _config) { config = _config; jConnection = JeromeController.create(config.connectionParams); }