private void UpdateFieldOfView(FieldOfView leftEyeFov, FieldOfView rightEyeFov) { CardboardDeviceParams cdp = mHmd.getCardboard(); ScreenParams screen = mHmd.getScreen(); Distortion distortion = cdp.getDistortion(); float idealFovAngle = (float)Math.ToDegrees(Math.Atan2(cdp.getLensDiameter() / 2.0F, cdp.getEyeToLensDistance())); float eyeToScreenDist = cdp.getEyeToLensDistance() + cdp.getScreenToLensDistance(); float outerDist = (screen.getWidthMeters() - cdp.getInterpupillaryDistance()) / 2.0F; float innerDist = cdp.getInterpupillaryDistance() / 2.0F; float bottomDist = cdp.getVerticalDistanceToLensCenter() - screen.getBorderSizeMeters(); float topDist = screen.getHeightMeters() + screen.getBorderSizeMeters() - cdp.getVerticalDistanceToLensCenter(); float outerAngle = (float)Math.ToDegrees(Math.Atan2(distortion.distort(outerDist), eyeToScreenDist)); float innerAngle = (float)Math.ToDegrees(Math.Atan2(distortion.distort(innerDist), eyeToScreenDist)); float bottomAngle = (float)Math.ToDegrees(Math.Atan2(distortion.distort(bottomDist), eyeToScreenDist)); float topAngle = (float)Math.ToDegrees(Math.Atan2(distortion.distort(topDist), eyeToScreenDist)); leftEyeFov.setLeft(Math.Min(outerAngle, idealFovAngle)); leftEyeFov.setRight(Math.Min(innerAngle, idealFovAngle)); leftEyeFov.setBottom(Math.Min(bottomAngle, idealFovAngle)); leftEyeFov.setTop(Math.Min(topAngle, idealFovAngle)); rightEyeFov.setLeft(Math.Min(innerAngle, idealFovAngle)); rightEyeFov.setRight(Math.Min(outerAngle, idealFovAngle)); rightEyeFov.setBottom(Math.Min(bottomAngle, idealFovAngle)); rightEyeFov.setTop(Math.Min(topAngle, idealFovAngle)); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { var terrainAffected = false; var localLevel = Level; var maxDistance = Distance(); Ballistica.Distance = Math.Min(Ballistica.Distance, maxDistance); var chars = new List <Character>(); for (var i = 1; i < Ballistica.Distance; i++) { var c = Ballistica.Trace[i]; Character ch; if ((ch = Actor.FindChar(c)) != null) { chars.Add(ch); } var terr =[c]; switch (terr) { case Terrain.BARRICADE: case Terrain.DOOR: levels.Level.Set(c, Terrain.EMBERS); GameScene.UpdateMap(c); terrainAffected = true; break; case Terrain.HIGH_GRASS: levels.Level.Set(c, Terrain.GRASS); GameScene.UpdateMap(c); terrainAffected = true; break; } CellEmitter.Center(c).Burst(PurpleParticle.Burst, pdsharp.utils.Random.IntRange(1, 2)); } if (terrainAffected) { Dungeon.Observe(); } var lvl = localLevel + chars.Count; var dmgMin = lvl; var dmgMax = 8 + lvl * lvl / 3; foreach (var ch in chars) { ch.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.NormalIntRange(dmgMin, dmgMax), this); ch.Sprite.CenterEmitter().Burst(PurpleParticle.Burst, pdsharp.utils.Random.IntRange(1, 2)); ch.Sprite.Flash(); } }
private int GetClippedWidth(int viewHolderWidth, float dX, int measured) { if (viewHolderWidth <= 0) { return(0); } return(Math.Min(measured, (int)Math.Ceil(Math.Abs(dX)))); }
protected override void OnMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { base.OnMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); _viewWidth = MeasureSpec.GetSize(widthMeasureSpec); _viewHeight = MeasureSpec.GetSize(heightMeasureSpec); // Rescales image on rotation if (_oldMeasuredHeight == _viewWidth && _oldMeasuredHeight == _viewHeight || _viewWidth == 0 || _viewHeight == 0) { return; } _oldMeasuredHeight = _viewHeight; _oldMeasuredWidth = _viewWidth; if (System.Math.Abs(_saveScale - 1) < Tolerance) { //Fit to screen. if (Drawable == null || Drawable.IntrinsicWidth == 0 || Drawable.IntrinsicHeight == 0) { return; } var bmWidth = Drawable.IntrinsicWidth; var bmHeight = Drawable.IntrinsicHeight; Debug.WriteLine($"bmWidth: {bmWidth } bmHeight : {bmHeight}"); var scaleX = _viewWidth / (float)bmWidth; var scaleY = _viewHeight / (float)bmHeight; var scale = Math.Min(scaleX, scaleY); _matrix.SetScale(scale, scale); // Center the image var xspacedinges = scale * bmWidth; var redundantYSpace = _viewHeight - scale * bmHeight; var redundantXSpace = _viewWidth - xspacedinges; redundantYSpace /= 2; redundantXSpace /= 2; _matrix.PostTranslate(redundantXSpace, redundantYSpace); OrigWidth = _viewWidth - 2 * redundantXSpace; OrigHeight = _viewHeight - 2 * redundantYSpace; ImageMatrix = _matrix; } FixTrans(); }
private float computeMinimum(float[] offsets) { float min = (1.0F / 1.0F); foreach (var o in offsets) { min = Math.Min(o, min); } return(min); }
protected override void onPullImpl(float scaleOfLayout) { float angle; if (mRotateDrawableWhilePulling) { angle = scaleOfLayout * 90f; } else { angle = Math.Max(0f, Math.Min(180f, scaleOfLayout * 360f - 180f)); } mHeaderImageMatrix.SetRotate(angle, mRotationPivotX, mRotationPivotY); mHeaderImage.ImageMatrix = mHeaderImageMatrix; }
//public static Task<Bitmap> DecodeBitmapAsync(string path, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight) // { // return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DecodeBitmap(path, desiredSize)); // } public static Bitmap DecodeStream(Stream stream, int width, int height, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight) { var sampleSize = 1; if (height > desiredHeight || width > desiredWidth) { var heightRatio = Math.Round(height / (float)desiredHeight); var widthRatio = Math.Round(width / (float)desiredWidth); sampleSize = Math.Min(heightRatio, widthRatio); } var options = new BitmapFactory.Options { InSampleSize = sampleSize }; return(BitmapFactory.DecodeStream(stream, null, options)); }
public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, bool isCurrentlyActive) { var measuredsize = GetMeasuredSize(GetContainerArea(dX), viewHolder); if (measuredsize.width <= 0 || measuredsize.height <= 0) { return; } var clippedX = dX >= 0 ? Math.Min(dX, measuredsize.width) : Math.Max(dX, -measuredsize.width); if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ActionStateSwipe) { if (_currentSwipeState != SwipeState.Default) { if (_currentSwipeState == SwipeState.LeftOpen) { clippedX = Math.Max(clippedX, measuredsize.width); } if (_currentSwipeState == SwipeState.RightOpen) { clippedX = Math.Min(clippedX, -measuredsize.width); } base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, clippedX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive); } else { SetTouchListener(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive); } } if (_currentSwipeState == SwipeState.Default) { base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, clippedX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive); } DrawButtons(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive, _currentSwipeState, false); }
public static Bitmap DecodeBitmap(string path, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight) { var options = new BitmapFactory.Options { InJustDecodeBounds = true }; BitmapFactory.DecodeFile(path, options); var height = options.OutHeight; var width = options.OutWidth; var sampleSize = 1; if (height > desiredHeight || width > desiredWidth) { var heightRatio = (int)Math.Round((float)height / (float)desiredHeight); var widthRatio = (int)Math.Round((float)width / (float)desiredWidth); sampleSize = Math.Min(heightRatio, widthRatio); } options = new BitmapFactory.Options { InSampleSize = sampleSize }; return(BitmapFactory.DecodeFile(path, options)); }
protected internal override void Fx(int cell, ICallback callback) { cell = Ballistica.Trace[Math.Min(Ballistica.Distance, Distance()) - 1]; CurUser.Sprite.Parent.Add(new DeathRay(CurUser.Sprite.Center(), DungeonTilemap.TileCenterToWorld(cell))); callback.Call(); }
private static float clamp(float val, float min, float max) { return(Math.Max(min, Math.Min(max, val))); }