void QueryList() { string page = Request.Params["page"]; string pagesize = Request.Params["rows"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page)) { page = "1"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesize)) { pagesize = "15"; } mg_insertco_customerordertable cot = new mg_insertco_customerordertable(); string sql = @" SELECT co.OrderID, isnull (co.CustomerNumber, '') AS CustomerNumber, isnull (co.JITCallNumber, '') AS JITCallNumber, isnull (co.SerialNumber, '') AS SerialNumber, isnull (co.VinNumber, '') AS VinNumber, isnull (co.PlanDeliverTime, '') AS PlanDeliverTime, isnull (prod.ProductNo, '') AS ProductNo, isnull (prod.ProductName, '') AS ProductName FROM mg_CustomerOrder_3 co INNER JOIN mg_Customer_Product coprod ON co.OrderID = coprod.CustomerOrderID INNER JOIN mg_Product prod ON coprod.ProductID = prod.ID WHERE co.OrderType = 3 and datediff(day,co.CreateTime,getdate())<15 and prod.IsUseing=1 ORDER BY co.CreateTime DESC"; DataTable dt; dt = SqlHelper.GetDataDataTable(SqlHelper.SqlConnString, CommandType.Text, sql, null); int iPage = Convert.ToInt32(page); int iPageZize = Convert.ToInt32(pagesize); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; if (i < (iPage - 1) * iPageZize || i >= (iPage * iPageZize)) { continue; } mg_insertco_customerorder itm = new mg_insertco_customerorder(); itm.OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["OrderID"]); itm.CustomerNumber = dr["CustomerNumber"].ToString(); itm.JITCallNumber = dr["JITCallNumber"].ToString(); itm.SerialNumber = dr["SerialNumber"].ToString(); itm.VinNumber = dr["VinNumber"].ToString(); itm.PlanDeliverTime = dr["PlanDeliverTime"].ToString(); itm.ProductNo = dr["ProductNo"].ToString(); itm.ProductName = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); cot.rows.Add(itm); } cot.total = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); string jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <mg_insertco_customerordertable>(cot); Response.Write(jsonStr); Response.End(); }
void QueryPart(string strProductList) { mg_insertco_parttable pt = new mg_insertco_parttable(); DataTable dt; string sql = @" SELECT part_id, part_no, part_name, part_desc FROM mg_part WHERE charindex (',' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR (20), productID) + ',', '," + strProductList + @",') > 0"; dt = SqlHelper.GetDataDataTable(SqlHelper.SqlConnString, CommandType.Text, sql, null); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { mg_insertco_part itm = new mg_insertco_part(); itm.part_id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["part_id"]); itm.part_no = dr["part_no"].ToString(); itm.part_name = dr["part_name"].ToString(); itm.part_desc = dr["part_desc"].ToString(); pt.rows.Add(itm); } pt.total = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); string jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <mg_insertco_parttable>(pt); Response.Write(jsonStr); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 查询全部宣传口号 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string QueryAndonTaglinesList() { List <Andon_Taglines> tempList = AndonTaglinesDAL.QueryAndonTaglinesList(); String jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <Andon_Taglines> >(tempList); return(jsonStr); }
public static Vector3 ReadVector3(Dictionary <string, object> inDict, string inVector3Name, out bool outSuccess, Vector3 inDefaultValue = default(Vector3)) { Vector3 returnVal = inDefaultValue; if (inDict.ContainsKey(inVector3Name) == true) { outSuccess = false; List <float> floatList = JSONTools.ReadFloatList(inDict[inVector3Name]); if (floatList != null) { if (floatList.Count == 3) { returnVal.x = floatList[0]; returnVal.y = floatList[1]; returnVal.z = floatList[2]; outSuccess = true; } } } else { outSuccess = false; } return(returnVal); }
public string GetClassInfo() { DataTable dt = Production_Report_BLL.GetClassInfo(); string json = JSONTools.DataTableToJson(dt); return(json); }
private void extractGameInfos(JSONObject json) { max_cards_action_played = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "max_cards_action_played", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); tablespeed = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "tablespeed", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); rtc_mode = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "rtc_mode", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); game_result_neutralized = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "game_result_neutralized"); neutralized_player_id = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "neutralized_player_id"); Debug.Assert(JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeObject(json, "actions")); JSONObject actions = json.GetField("actions"); action_nbr = JSONTools.GetIntValue(actions, "action_nbr", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); playerorder = new List <string>(); Debug.Assert(JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeArray(json, "playerorder")); foreach (JSONObject id in json.GetField("playerorder").list) { Debug.Assert(id.IsString || id.IsNumber); if (id.IsString) { playerorder.Add(id.str); } else { playerorder.Add(Mathf.RoundToInt(id.n).ToString()); } } Debug.Assert(playerorder.Count == 2); }
public static Quaternion ReadQuaternion(Dictionary <string, object> inDict, string inQuatName, out bool outSuccess, Quaternion inDefaultValue = default(Quaternion)) { Quaternion returnVal = inDefaultValue; if (inDict.ContainsKey(inQuatName) == true) { outSuccess = false; List <float> floatList = JSONTools.ReadFloatList(inDict[inQuatName]); if (floatList != null) { if (floatList.Count == 4) { returnVal.x = floatList[0]; returnVal.y = floatList[1]; returnVal.z = floatList[2]; returnVal.w = floatList[3]; outSuccess = true; } } } else { outSuccess = false; } return(returnVal); }
public static TEnum ReadEnum <TEnum>(Dictionary <string, object> inDict, string inVariableName, out bool inSuccess, TEnum inDefaultValue) // With Unity 4.3.4 and VS Express 2012 WP8 having the contraint causes an exception #if !UNITY_WP8 where TEnum : struct, System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible #endif { TEnum returnVal = inDefaultValue; if (typeof(TEnum).IsEnum == false) { throw new System.ArgumentException("TEnum must be an enumerated type"); } if (inDict.ContainsKey(inVariableName) == true) { returnVal = JSONTools.ReadEnum(inDict[inVariableName], inDefaultValue); inSuccess = true; } else { inSuccess = false; } return(returnVal); }
public static string QueryPartForPartidList() { List <mg_partModel> list = mg_PartDAL.QueryPartForPartidList(); string jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_partModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public void SetOnlineGame(string viewerId, BGA.TableData table, JSONObject bgaData) { Logger.Instance.Log("LOG", "NWInterface: SetOnlineGame()"); try { Clear(); BGA.BoardData board = new BGA.BoardData(viewerId, table); string bgaDataDebugString = JSONTools.FormatJsonDisplay(bgaData); foreach (string chunk in splitInLineChunks(bgaDataDebugString, 500)) { Logger.Instance.Log("DETAIL", chunk); } GameStateReader gameStateReader = new GameStateReader(bgaData, board); if (!gameStateReader.IsValid) { Logger.Instance.Log("ERROR", "invalid gamestate received from server"); } gamestate = gameStateReader.convertToGameState(); gameData.SetOnlineGame(board, gameStateReader.initMoveId, gameStateReader.initPacketId); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Instance.Log("ERROR", e.ToString()); BGA.BoardData board = new BGA.BoardData(viewerId, table); gamestate = null; gameData.SetOnlineGame(board, 0, 0); } }
public string GetListNew(HttpContext context) { string start_time = context.Request["start_time"]; string end_time = context.Request["end_time"]; int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["rows"]); int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]); StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); string where = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); start_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } string StartTime = start_time.Substring(0, 10); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(end_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; end_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } string EndTime = end_time.Substring(0, 10); int StartIndex = (PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1; int EndIndex = PageIndex * PageSize; DataListModel <Production_AlarmModel> userList = Production_AlarmTrendReport_BLL.GetListNew(StartTime, EndTime, StartIndex, EndIndex); string json = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <DataListModel <Production_AlarmModel> >(userList); return(json); }
private bool ParseData(JSONObject json) { /*if (_HasFieldOfTypeString(json, "time")) * { * DateTime outtime; * if (DateTime.TryParseExact(json.GetField("time").str, "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out outtime)) * { * _time = outtime; * } * }*/ if (JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeString(json, "uid")) { uid = json.GetField("uid").str; } if (JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeString(json, "log")) { log = json.GetField("log").str; } if (JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeString(json, "type")) { type = StringToType(json.GetField("type").str); } if (JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeContainer(json, "args")) { args = json.GetField("args"); } if (CheckValidity()) { _status = Status.SLEEPING; } return(isValid); }
public GameStateReaderToken(JSONObject json, bool initialState = false) { id = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "id", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); player_id = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "player_id"); category = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "category"); type = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "type"); if (!initialState) { location = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "location"); location_arg = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "location_arg"); x = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "x", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); y = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "y", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); wounded = JSONTools.GetBoolValue(json, "wounded", 1); wounded_this_turn = JSONTools.GetBoolValue(json, "wounded_this_turn", 1); blocked_this_turn = JSONTools.GetBoolValue(json, "blocked_this_turn", 1); additional_actions = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "additional_actions", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); } else { location = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "initial_location"); location_arg = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "initial_location_arg"); x = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "initial_x", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); y = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "initial_y", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); wounded = false; wounded_this_turn = false; blocked_this_turn = false; additional_actions = 0; } Debug.Assert(isValid); }
public static string getList(int PageSize, int StartIndex, int EndIndex, string SortFlag, string sortOrder, string wherestr) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SortFlag)) { SortFlag = " st_no,step_startTime"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder)) { sortOrder = "asc"; } List <mg_sys_log> list = new List <mg_sys_log>(); int total = 0; string query_sql = " select * from(select row_number() over(order by " + SortFlag + " " + sortOrder + " ) as rowid,report.* from View_mg_sys_log report where 1 = 1 " + wherestr + ") as Results where rowid >=" + StartIndex + " and rowid <=" + EndIndex + " "; string count_sql = "select count(*) as total from View_mg_sys_log where 1 = 1 " + wherestr; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.GetDataSetTableMapping(SqlHelper.SqlConnString, System.Data.CommandType.Text, count_sql + query_sql, new string[] { "count", "data" }, null); if (DataHelper.HasData(ds)) { DataTable dt1 = ds.Tables["count"]; total = NumericParse.StringToInt(DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(dt1.Rows[0], "total")); DataTable dt2 = ds.Tables["data"]; foreach (DataRow row in dt2.Rows) { mg_sys_log model = new mg_sys_log(); model.sys_id = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "sys_id"); model.op_id = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "op_id"); model.op_name = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "op_name"); model.fl_id = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "fl_id"); model.fl_name = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "fl_name"); model.st_id = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "st_id"); model.st_no = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "st_no"); model.PartOrderID = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "PartOrderID"); model.or_no = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "or_no"); model.part_no = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "part_no"); model.step_order = NumericParse.StringToInt(DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "step_order")); model.step_startTime = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "step_startTime"); model.step_endTime = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "step_endTime"); model.step_duringtime = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "step_duringtime"); model.AngleResult = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "AngleResult"); model.TorqueResult = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "TorqueResult"); model.scanCode = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "scanCode"); model.scanResult = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "scanResult"); model.sys_desc = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "sys_desc"); model.ScrewCount = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "ScrewCount"); model.MenderName = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "MenderName"); model.ReviseTime = DataHelper.GetCellDataToStr(row, "ReviseTime"); list.Add(model); } } DataListModel <mg_sys_log> allmodel = new DataListModel <mg_sys_log>(); allmodel.total = total.ToString(); allmodel.rows = list; string jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <DataListModel <mg_sys_log> >(allmodel); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryStationForStepEditing(string fl_id) { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_stationModel> list = mg_StationDAL.QueryStationForStepEditing(fl_id); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_stationModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string queryPartForStepSearching() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_partModel> list = mg_PartDAL.queryPartForStepSearching(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_partModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public bool toBool() { if (null != obj && obj.GetType() == typeof(string)) { return(bool.Parse(obj.ToString())); } return(JSONTools.ReadBool(obj)); }
public GameStateReaderPlayer(JSONObject json) { id = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "id"); score = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "score", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); color = JSONTools.GetStrValue(json, "color"); order = JSONTools.GetIntValue(json, "player_no", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); Debug.Assert(isValid); }
static string queryJSONStringByPropertyType(string type) { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_MaterialPropertyModel> list = mg_MaterialPropertyDAL.queryJSONStringByPropertyType(type); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_MaterialPropertyModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryDepartmentsForUser() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_DepartmentModel> list = mg_DepartmentDAL.QueryDepartmentsForUser(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_DepartmentModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryPositionsForUser() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_PositionModel> list = mg_PositionDAL.QueryPositionsForUser(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_PositionModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string queryProductidForPart() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_ProductModel> list = mg_ProductDAL.queryProductidForPart(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_ProductModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryTestList() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_TestModel> list = mg_TestDAL.QueryTestList(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_TestModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryStationStnoList() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_stationModel> list = mg_StationDAL.QueryStationStnoList(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_stationModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryMaterialPropertyTypeForEditing() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <Mg_MaterialPropertyTypeModel> list = mg_MaterialPropertyDAL.QueryMaterialPropertyTypeForEditing(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <Mg_MaterialPropertyTypeModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public float toFloat() { if (null != obj && obj.GetType() == typeof(string)) { return(float.Parse(obj.ToString())); } return((float)JSONTools.ReadDouble(obj)); }
public static string querySupplierForBOM(string type) { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <Mat_SupplierListModel> list = mg_MaterialPropertyDAL.querySupplierForBOM(type); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <Mat_SupplierListModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
private void extractNotifications(JSONObject json) { Debug.Assert(JSONTools.HasFieldOfTypeObject(json, "notifications")); JSONObject notifications = json.GetField("notifications"); last_packet_id = JSONTools.GetIntValue(notifications, "last_packet_id", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); move_nbr = JSONTools.GetIntValue(notifications, "move_nbr", GameStateReader.INVALID_INT); }
public static string queryFlowLineidForPart() { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_FlowlingModel> list = mg_FlowLine1DAL.queryFlowLineidForPart(); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_FlowlingModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }
public static string QueryODSByStepid(string step_id) { string jsonStr = "[]"; List <mg_ODSModel> list = mg_StepDAL.QueryODSByStepid(step_id); jsonStr = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize <List <mg_ODSModel> >(list); return(jsonStr); }