private void fromJSONArtistName(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field ArtistName of MusicAlbumResultJSON is not a string."); } setArtistName(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONUberClientId(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field UberClientId of GetClientUberClientIdCommandJSON is not a string."); } setUberClientId(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONBearerToken(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field BearerToken of UberAccessDataJSON is not a string."); } setBearerToken(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONURL(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field URL of MusicBuyLinkJSON is not a string."); } setURL(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONNumber(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Number of DialExactContactCommandJSON is not a string."); } setNumber(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONDescription(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Description of TypeNativeDataJSON is not a string."); } setDescription(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONTimeZone(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field TimeZone of FlightStatusAirportJSON is not a string."); } setTimeZone(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONKeyFieldName(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field KeyFieldName of UserContactsModifyRequestJSON is not a string."); } setKeyFieldName(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONWrittenUnits(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field WrittenUnits of UnitsValue_TemperatureJSON is not a string."); } setWrittenUnits(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONCorrectAnswer(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field CorrectAnswer of CorrectAnswerJSON is not a string."); } setCorrectAnswer(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONLabel(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Label of UserCurrentLocationIntentJSON is not a string."); } setLabel(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONdateLocal(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field dateLocal of FlightStatsTimesJSON is not a string."); } setdateLocal(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONProviderURL(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field ProviderURL of AttributionJSON is not a string."); } setProviderURL(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONEmailAddress(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field EmailAddress of CalendarAttendeeJSON is not a string."); } setEmailAddress(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONID(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field ID of PlaylistStateItemJSON is not a string."); } setID(json_string.getData()); }
private JSONValue extraActionURIsToJSON() { JSONArrayValue generated_array_1_ActionURIs = new JSONArrayValue(); for (int num1 = 0; num1 < storeActionURIs.Count; ++num1) { JSONStringValue generated_string_ActionURIs = new JSONStringValue(storeActionURIs[num1]); generated_array_1_ActionURIs.appendComponent(generated_string_ActionURIs); } return(generated_array_1_ActionURIs); }
private void fromJSONSpokenUnits(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field SpokenUnits of UnitsValue_PrecipitationJSON is not a string."); } setSpokenUnits(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONTitle(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Title of DescriptiveTextTemplateJSON is not a string."); } setTitle(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONerrorMessage(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field errorMessage of FlightStatsErrorJSON is not a string."); } seterrorMessage(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONScheduledEventNameSpoken(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field ScheduledEventNameSpoken of ScheduledEventSpecJSON is not a string."); } setScheduledEventNameSpoken(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONWhat(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field What of ForgetUserLocationNuggetJSON is not a string."); } setWhat(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONPageName(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field PageName of StoredPageMatchReadDataJSON is not a string."); } setPageName(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONZodiacSign(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field ZodiacSign of ChineseZodiacQueryStateJSON is not a string."); } setZodiacSign(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONDigits(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Digits of ExplicitPhoneNumberDerivationJSON is not a string."); } setDigits(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONName(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Name of TerrierUploadBlockJSON is not a string."); } setName(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONiata(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field iata of FlightStatsEquipmentJSON is not a string."); } setiata(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONTracksLabel(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field TracksLabel of MusicArtistJSON is not a string."); } setTracksLabel(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONOutcome(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field Outcome of StockGlobalHistoricalJSON is not a string."); } setOutcome(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONChartTitle(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field ChartTitle of MusicChartsInformationNuggetJSON is not a string."); } setChartTitle(json_string.getData()); }
private void fromJSONSpokenLabelSSML(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONStringValue json_string = json_value.string_value(); if (json_string == null) { throw new Exception("The value for field SpokenLabelSSML of PropertyJSON is not a string."); } setSpokenLabelSSML(json_string.getData()); }