public IAsyncOperation <StorageResult> replace(string parameters)
            return(AsyncInfo.Run((token) =>
                                 Task.Run <StorageResult>(() =>
                    // deserialize the parameters passed in as an array of strings
                    string[] paramStrings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(parameters);

                    // the first is the collection name
                    string collectionName = paramStrings[0];

                    // the second is an array of documents to replace
                    JArray documents = JArray.Parse(paramStrings[1]);

                    // the third argument is a JSON object of options
                    JSONStoreReplaceOptions options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONStoreReplaceOptions>(paramStrings[2]);

                    // get the collection
                    JSONStoreCollection collection = JSONStore.getCollectionWithName(collectionName);
                    if (collection == null)
                        return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR, JSONStoreConstants.JSON_STORE_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN);
                        int numReplaced = collection.replaceDocuments(documents, !options.isRefresh);
                        return new StorageResult(Status.OK, numReplaced);
                catch (JSONStoreException jsonException)
                    if ( != null)
                        // catch a JSONStore specific exception and return the failed update data
                        return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR,;
                        // catch a JSONStore specific exception and return the error code
                        return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR, jsonException.errorCode);
                catch (Exception)
                    // unexpected error
                    return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR, JSONStoreConstants.JSON_STORE_PERSISTENT_STORE_FAILURE);
            }, token)));
        public IAsyncOperation <StorageResult> change(string parameters)
            return(AsyncInfo.Run((token) =>
                                 Task.Run <StorageResult>(() =>
                    // deserialize the parameters passed in as an array of strings
                    string[] paramStrings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(parameters);

                    // the first is the collection name
                    string collectionName = paramStrings[0];

                    // the data to be changed in the collection
                    JArray dataArray = JArray.Parse(paramStrings[1]);

                    // the third argument is a JSON object of options
                    JSONStoreReplaceOptions options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONStoreReplaceOptions>(paramStrings[2]);

                    // get the JSONStoreCollection to add the new data to
                    JSONStoreCollection collection = JSONStore.getCollectionWithName(collectionName);

                    if (collection == null)
                        return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR, JSONStoreConstants.JSON_STORE_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN);
                        int updatedOrAdded = collection.changeData(dataArray, options);
                        return new StorageResult(Status.OK, updatedOrAdded);
                catch (JSONStoreException jsonException)
                    // catch a JSONStore specific exception and return the error code
                    return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR, jsonException.errorCode);
                catch (Exception)
                    return new StorageResult(Status.ERROR, JSONStoreConstants.JSON_STORE_PERSISTENT_STORE_FAILURE);
            }, token)));