private void fromJSONHighPriceEstimate(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field HighPriceEstimate of UberTripEstimatesJSON is not a number."); } } setHighPriceEstimateText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONLayoverDuration(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field LayoverDuration of FlightSegmentDetailsJSON is not a number."); } } setLayoverDurationText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONDurationMS(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field DurationMS of HoundPartialTranscriptJSON is not a number."); } } setDurationMSText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONOffset(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field Offset of TimezoneLookupConversationStateJSON is not a number."); } } setOffsetText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONBankroll(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field Bankroll of TypeNativeDataJSON is not a number."); } } setBankrollText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONRationalValue(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field RationalValue of StockAttributeValueJSON is not a number."); } } setRationalValueText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONMovementAmount(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field MovementAmount of CarControlWindowCommandJSON is not a number."); } } setMovementAmountText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONTaxesandFees(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field TaxesandFees of FlightFareBreakdownForPassengerTypeJSON is not a number."); } } setTaxesandFeesText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONHTTPTimeout(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field HTTPTimeout of SenderConfigJSON is not a number."); } } setHTTPTimeoutText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONFrequency(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field Frequency of SevenDigitalRadioStationJSON is not a number."); } } setFrequencyText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONMinimumDistanceMiles(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field MinimumDistanceMiles of AstronomyDistanceFromEarthCommandJSON is not a number."); } } setMinimumDistanceMilesText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONInterestRatePercentage(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field InterestRatePercentage of MortgageCalculatorInputVariableInterestRateJSON is not a number."); } } setInterestRatePercentageText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONSurgeMultiplier(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field SurgeMultiplier of UberCompositeRequestJSON is not a number."); } } setSurgeMultiplierText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONZoomAmount(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field ZoomAmount of MapControlIntraQueryStateJSON is not a number."); } } setZoomAmountText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONChannel(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field Channel of FMChannelCommandIntentJSON is not a number."); } } setChannelText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONValueNumeric(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field ValueNumeric of SportsStatsTypeAndValueJSON is not a number."); } } setValueNumericText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONVolume(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field Volume of HomeAutomationSetVolumeCommandJSON is not a number."); } } setVolumeText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONlatitude(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field latitude of UberRequestEndpointJSON is not a number."); } } setlatitudeText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONLongitude(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field Longitude of MapLocationForContactsJSON is not a number."); } } setLongitudeText(the_rational_text); }
private void fromJSONLowerBound(JSONValue json_value, bool ignore_extras) { Debug.Assert(json_value != null); JSONRationalValue json_rational = json_value.rational_value(); string the_rational_text; if (json_rational != null) { the_rational_text = json_rational.getText(); } else { JSONIntegerValue json_integer = json_value.integer_value(); if (json_integer != null) { the_rational_text = json_integer.getText(); } else { throw new Exception("The value for field LowerBound of RandomNumberGeneratorNumberRequestResultJSON is not a number."); } } setLowerBoundText(the_rational_text); }