public Record(JSONDataMap init) : base() { if (init==null) throw new WaveException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR+"Record.ctor(init(map)==null)"); ctor(init); }
protected override void DoAfterWork(WorkContext work, JSONDataMap matched) { var txt = matched[VAR_ERROR].AsString(); if (txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) throw new WaveException(txt); else work.Aborted = true; }
public DropBoxContentObjectMetadata(JSONDataMap dataMap) : base(dataMap) { if (dataMap != null) { _photoMetadata = dataMap["photo_info"] as JSONDataMap; _metadata = dataMap; } }
public Record(JSONDataMap init) : base() { if (init == null) { throw new WaveException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "Record.ctor(init(map)==null)"); } ctor(init); }
/// <summary> /// If non null or empty parses JSON content and sets the RoundtripBag /// </summary> public void SetRoundtripBagFromJSONString(string content) { if (content.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return; } m_RoundtripBag = content.JSONToDataObject() as JSONDataMap; }
protected override void DoBeforeWork(WorkContext work, JSONDataMap matched) { work.Log( matched[VAR_TYPE].AsEnum<MessageType>(MessageType.Info), matched[VAR_TEXT].AsString(work.About), matched[VAR_FROM].AsString("{0}.Before".Args(GetType().FullName)), pars: matched.ToJSON(JSONWritingOptions.CompactASCII) ); }
public object EchoJson(JSONDataMap data) { return new { ServerMessage = "Echo response", ServerDateTime = DateTime.Now, RequestedData = data }; }
public void JSONDataMapFromURLEncoded_KeyEmptyEqNormal() { var dict = JSONDataMap.FromURLEncodedString("a=&b&&=&=14&c=3459"); Assert.AreEqual(3, dict.Count); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, dict["a"]); Assert.AreEqual(null, dict["b"]); Assert.AreEqual("3459", dict["c"]); }
public static Schema FromJSON(JSONDataMap map, bool readOnly = false) { if (map == null || map.Count == 0) { throw new DataException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "Schema.FromJSON(map==null|empty)"); } var name = map["Name"].AsString(); if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new DataException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "Schema.FromJSON(map.Name=null|empty)"); } var adefs = map["FieldDefs"] as JSONDataArray; if (adefs == null || adefs.Count == 0) { throw new DataException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "Schema.FromJSON(map.FieldDefs=null|empty)"); } var defs = new List <Schema.FieldDef>(); foreach (var mdef in adefs.Cast <JSONDataMap>()) { var fname = mdef["Name"].AsString(); if (fname.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new DataException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "Schema.FromJSON(map.FierldDefs[name=null|empty])"); } var req = mdef["IsRequired"].AsBool(); var key = mdef["IsKey"].AsBool(); var vis = mdef["Visible"].AsBool(); var desc = mdef["Description"].AsString(); var minLen = mdef["MinLen"].AsInt(); var maxLen = mdef["MaxLen"].AsInt(); var valList = mdef["ValueList"].AsString(); var strKind = mdef["Kind"].AsString(); var dataKind = strKind == null ? DataKind.Text : (DataKind)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataKind), strKind); var strCase = mdef["CharCase"].AsString(); var chrCase = strCase == null ? CharCase.AsIs : (CharCase)Enum.Parse(typeof(CharCase), strCase); var tp = mdef["Type"].AsString(string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); var tpn = mdef["Nullable"].AsBool(); var type = JSONMappings.MapJSONTypeToCLR(tp, tpn); var atr = new FieldAttribute(required: req, key: key, visible: vis, description: desc, minLength: minLen, maxLength: maxLen, valueList: valList, kind: dataKind, charCase: chrCase); var def = new Schema.FieldDef(fname, type, atr); defs.Add(def); } return(new Schema(name, readOnly, defs)); }
public void MakeURI_T1_noprefix() { var pattern = new URIPattern("/news/{year}/{month}/{title}"); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1981" }, { "month", 12 }, { "title", "some_title" } }; var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map); Assert.AreEqual(new Uri("/news/1981/12/some_title", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), uri); }
public object Echo(JSONDataMap data) { return(new { ServerMessage = "You have supplied content and here is my response", ServerDateTime = DateTime.Now, RequestedData = data }); }
public static Task <JSONDataMap> GetValueMapAsync(Uri uri, RequestParams request) { return(GetStringAsync(uri, request) .ContinueWith((antecedent) => { var response = antecedent.Result; return response.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? JSONDataMap.FromURLEncodedString(response) : null; })); }
protected override void DoAfterWork(WorkContext work, JSONDataMap matched) { work.Log( matched[VAR_TYPE].AsEnum <MessageType>(MessageType.Info), matched[VAR_TEXT].AsString(work.About), matched[VAR_FROM].AsString("{0}.After".Args(GetType().FullName)), pars: matched.ToJSON(JSONWritingOptions.CompactASCII) ); }
public void MakeURI_T2_params() { var pattern = new URIPattern("{year}/values?{p1}={v1}&par2={v2}"); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1980" }, { "p1", "par1" }, { "v1", 10 }, { "v2", "val2" } }; var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map); Assert.AreEqual(new Uri("1980/values?par1%3D10%26par2%3Dval2", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), uri); }
public RemoteTerminalInfo(JSONDataMap map) { TerminalName = map["TerminalName"].AsString(); WelcomeMsg = map["WelcomeMsg"].AsString(); Host = map["Host"].AsString(); AppName = map["AppName"].AsString(); ServerLocalTime = map["ServerLocalTime"].AsDateTime(); ServerUTCTime = map["ServerUTCTime"].AsDateTime(); }
private Address doValidateAddress(ShippoSession session, IShippingContext context, Address address, Guid logID, out ValidateShippingAddressException error) { error = null; var cred = (ShippoCredentials)session.User.Credentials; var body = getAddressBody(address); body["validate"] = true; // validate address request var request = new WebClient.RequestParams(this) { Method = HTTPRequestMethod.POST, ContentType = ContentType.JSON, Headers = new Dictionary <string, string> { { HDR_AUTHORIZATION, HDR_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN.Args(cred.PrivateToken) } }, Body = body.ToJSON(JSONWritingOptions.Compact) }; var response = WebClient.GetJson(new Uri(URI_API_BASE + URI_ADDRESS), request); Log(MessageType.Info, "doValidateAddress()", response.ToJSON(), relatedMessageID: logID); // check for validation errors: // Shippo API can return STATUS_INVALID or (!!!) STATUS_VALID but with 'code'="Invalid" var state = response["object_state"].AsString(STATUS_INVALID); var messages = response["messages"] as JSONDataArray; JSONDataMap message = null; var code = string.Empty; var text = string.Empty; if (messages != null) { message = messages.FirstOrDefault() as JSONDataMap; } if (message != null) { code = message["code"].AsString(string.Empty); text = message["text"].AsString(string.Empty); } // error found if (!state.EqualsIgnoreCase(STATUS_VALID) || code.EqualsIgnoreCase(CODE_INVALID)) { var errMess = StringConsts.SHIPPO_VALIDATE_ADDRESS_INVALID_ERROR.Args(text); Log(MessageType.Error, "doValidateAddress()", errMess, relatedMessageID: logID); error = new ValidateShippingAddressException(errMess, text); return(null); } // no errors var corrAddress = getAddressFromJSON(response); return(corrAddress); }
public GoogleDriveHandle(JSONDataMap info) { Id = info[Metadata.ID].AsString(); Name = info[Metadata.TITLE].AsString(); IsFolder = info[Metadata.MIME_TYPE].Equals(GoogleDriveMimeType.FOLDER); Size = info[Metadata.FILE_SIZE].AsULong(); CreatedDate = info[Metadata.CREATED_DATE].AsDateTime(); ModifiedDate = info[Metadata.MODIFIED_DATE].AsDateTime(); IsReadOnly = !info[Metadata.EDITABLE].AsBool(); }
public PayPalOAuthToken(JSONDataMap response, int expirationMargin) { m_ObtainTime = App.TimeSource.Now; m_ExpirationMargin = expirationMargin; m_ApplicationID = response[APP_ID].AsString(); m_ExpiresInSeconds = response[EXPIRES_IN].AsInt(); m_AccessToken = response[ACCESS_TOKEN].AsString(); m_Scope = response[SCOPE].AsString(); m_Nonce = response[NONCE].AsString(); }
/// <summary> /// DEVELOPERS do not use! /// A hack method needed in some VERY RARE cases, like serving an error page form the filter which is out of portal scope. /// </summary> public void ___InternalInjectPortal(Portal portal = null, Theme theme = null, WorkMatch match = null, JSONDataMap matchedVars = null) { m_Portal = portal; m_PortalTheme = theme; m_PortalMatch = match; m_PortalMatchedVars = matchedVars; }
public void MakeURI_T1_prefix() { var pattern = new URIPattern("{year}/{month}/{title}"); var prefix = new Uri(""); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1981" }, { "month", 12 }, { "title", "some_title" } }; var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map, prefix); Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(prefix, ""), uri); }
public void MakeURI_T2_params() { var pattern = new URIPattern("{year}/values?{p1}={v1}&par2={v2}"); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1980" }, { "p1", "par1" }, { "v1", 10 }, { "v2", "val2" } }; var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map); Aver.AreObjectsEqual(new Uri("1980/values?par1%3D10%26par2%3Dval2", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), uri); }
public void MultipartMap(JSONDataMap map) { var fld = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(map["field"].AsString()); var txt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(map["text"].AsString()); var bin = map["bin"] as byte[]; var output = WorkContext.Response.GetDirectOutputStreamForWriting(); output.Write(fld, 0, fld.Length); output.Write(txt, 0, txt.Length); output.Write(bin, 0, bin.Length); }
private static Amount?parseAmount(JSONDataMap map) { if (map == null) { return(null); } var currencyISO = map["currency"].AsString(); var value = map["value"].AsDecimal(); return(new Amount(currencyISO, value)); }
public static JSONDataMap GetValueMap(Uri uri, IWebClientCaller caller, HTTPRequestMethod method = HTTPRequestMethod.GET, IDictionary <string, string> queryParameters = null, IDictionary <string, string> bodyParameters = null, IDictionary <string, string> headers = null) { string responseStr = GetString(uri, caller, method, queryParameters: queryParameters, bodyParameters: bodyParameters, headers: headers); var dict = JSONDataMap.FromURLEncodedString(responseStr); return(dict); }
public void MakeURI_T1_noprefix() { var pattern = new URIPattern("/news/{year}/{month}/{title}"); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1981" }, { "month", 12 }, { "title", "some_title" } }; var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map); Aver.AreObjectsEqual(new Uri("/news/1981/12/some_title", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), uri); }
/// <summary> /// Used for injection of pre-parsed value list /// </summary> public FieldAttribute( JSONDataMap valueList, string targetName = ANY_TARGET, StoreFlag storeFlag = StoreFlag.LoadAndStore, bool key = false, DataKind kind = DataKind.Text, bool required = false, bool visible = true, object dflt = null, object min = null, object max = null, int minLength = 0, int maxLength = 0, CharCase charCase = CharCase.AsIs, string backendName = null, string backendType = null, string description = null, string metadata = null, bool nonUI = false, string formatRegExp = null, string formatDescr = null, string displayFormat = null ) : base(targetName, metadata) { if (valueList == null) { throw new DataException("FieldAttribute(JSONDataMap valueList==null)"); } StoreFlag = storeFlag; BackendName = backendName; BackendType = backendType; Key = key; Kind = kind; Required = required; Visible = visible; Min = min; Max = max; Default = dflt; MinLength = minLength; MaxLength = maxLength; CharCase = charCase; Description = description; NonUI = nonUI; FormatRegExp = formatRegExp; FormatDescription = formatDescr; DisplayFormat = displayFormat; m_CacheValueListPresetInCtor = true; m_CacheValueList_Insensitive = valueList; m_CacheValueList_Sensitive = valueList; ValueList = null; }
////////private void drawSet(Graphics gr, float startX, int dataWidth, int height, CPUUsage[] cpuData, RAMUsage[] ramData) ////////{ //////// //======= CPU //////// using (var br = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, dataWidth, height), //////// Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x40, 0x00), //////// Color.FromArgb(0x20, 0xFF, 0x00), //////// 90f)) //////// { //////// using (var lp = new Pen(br, 1f)) //////// { //////// float x = startX; //////// for (int i = 0; i < cpuData.Length - 1; i++) //////// { //////// var datum = cpuData[i]; //////// gr.DrawLine(lp, x, height, x, (int)(height - (height * (datum.Value / 100f)))); //////// x += 1f; //////// } //////// } //////// } //////// //========= RAM //////// using (var br = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, dataWidth, height), //////// Color.FromArgb(0xA0, 0xff, 0xc0, 0xff), //////// Color.FromArgb(0x50, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xff), //////// 90f)) //////// { //////// using (var lp = new Pen(br, 1f)) //////// { //////// float x = startX; //////// for (int i = 0; i < ramData.Length - 1; i++) //////// { //////// var datum = ramData[i]; //////// gr.DrawLine(lp, x, height, x, (int)(height - (height * (datum.Value / 100f)))); //////// x += 1f; //////// } //////// } //////// } ////////} private void addError(JSONDataMap datum, string type, Message msg, DateTime?lastErrorSample) { if (msg == null) { return; } if (!lastErrorSample.HasValue || (msg.UTCTimeStamp - lastErrorSample.Value).TotalSeconds > 1) { datum[type] = msg.UTCTimeStamp.ToString("dd HH:mm:ss"); datum["LastErrorSample"] = msg.UTCTimeStamp; } }
public void MakeURI_T1_prefix() { var pattern = new URIPattern("{year}/{month}/{title}"); var prefix = new Uri(""); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1981" }, { "month", 12 }, { "title", "some_title" } }; var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map, prefix); Aver.AreObjectsEqual(new Uri(prefix, ""), uri); }
public void MakeURI_T2_params_prefix() { var pattern = new URIPattern("{year}/values?{p1}={v1}&par2={v2}"); var map = new JSONDataMap { { "year", "1980" }, { "p1", "par1" }, { "v1", 10 }, { "v2", "val2" } }; var prefix = new Uri(""); var uri = pattern.MakeURI(map, prefix); Assert.AreEqual(new Uri("", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), uri); }
protected override void DoAfterWork(WorkContext work, JSONDataMap matched) { var txt = matched[VAR_ERROR].AsString(); if (txt.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new WaveException(txt); } else { work.Aborted = true; } }
private string extractVerifier(JSONDataMap inboundParams) { var oauthToken = inboundParams[OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAMNAME].AsString(); var oauthVerifier = inboundParams[OAUTH_VERIFIER_PARAMNAME].AsString(); if (oauthToken.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || oauthVerifier.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new NFXException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + GetType().Name + ".ExtractVerifier(inboundParams.Contains({0}&{1}))".Args(OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAMNAME, OAUTH_VERIFIER_PARAMNAME)); } return(oauthVerifier); }
public override JSONDataMap Make(WorkContext work, object context = null) { var result = base.Make(work, context); if (result == null) { return(null); } foreach (var match in m_ANDMatches.OrderedValues) { var capture = match.Make(work, context); if (capture == null) { return(null); } if (CaptureMatches && match.CompositeCapture) { result.Append(capture, true); } } var any = false; JSONDataMap orCapture = null; var compositeCapture = false; foreach (var match in m_ORMatches.OrderedValues) { any = true; orCapture = match.Make(work, context); if (orCapture != null) { compositeCapture = match.CompositeCapture; break; } } if (any && orCapture == null) { return(null); } if (CaptureMatches && compositeCapture && orCapture != null) { result.Append(orCapture); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Decides whether the specified WorkContext makes the match per this instance and if it does, returns the match variables. /// Returns null if match was not made /// </summary> public virtual JSONDataMap Make(WorkContext work, object context = null) { if ( !Check_Methods(work) || !Check_AcceptTypes(work) || !Check_ContentTypes(work) || !Check_IsLocal(work) || !Check_Hosts(work) || !Check_Ports(work) || !Check_Schemes(work) || !Check_UserAgents(work) || !Check_UserHosts(work) || !Check_Permissions(work) || !Check_Cookies(work) || !Check_AbsentCookies(work) || !Check_IsSocialNetBot(work) || !Check_IsSearchCrawler(work) || !Check_Headers(work) || !Check_AbsentHeaders(work) || !Check_ApiVersions(work) ) { return(null); } JSONDataMap result = null; if (m_PathPattern != null) { result = m_PathPattern.MatchURIPath(work.Request.Url); if (result == null) { return(null); } } if (m_NotPathPattern != null) { if (m_NotPathPattern.MatchURIPath(work.Request.Url) != null) { return(null); } } if (!Check_VariablesAndGetValues(work, ref result)) { return(null); } return(result ?? new JSONDataMap(false)); }
#pragma warning disable 1570 /// <summary> /// Parses query string (e.g. "id=457&name=zelemhan") into dictionary (e.g. {{"id", "457"}, {"name", "zelemhan"}}) /// </summary> #pragma warning restore 1570 public static JSONDataMap ParseQueryString(string query) { if (query.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return(new JSONDataMap()); } var dict = new JSONDataMap(); int queryLen = query.Length; int startIdx = 0; while (startIdx < queryLen) { int ampIdx = query.IndexOf('&', startIdx); int kvLen = (ampIdx != -1) ? ampIdx - startIdx : queryLen - startIdx; if (kvLen < 1) { startIdx = ampIdx + 1; continue; } int eqIdx = query.IndexOf('=', startIdx, kvLen); if (eqIdx == -1) { var key = Uri.UnescapeDataString(query.Substring(startIdx, kvLen)); dict.Add(key, null); } else { int keyLen = eqIdx - startIdx; if (keyLen > 0) { string key = Uri.UnescapeDataString(query.Substring(startIdx, keyLen)); string val = null; int valLen = kvLen - (eqIdx - startIdx) - 1; if (valLen > 0) { val = Uri.UnescapeDataString(query.Substring(eqIdx + 1, kvLen - (eqIdx - startIdx) - 1)); } dict.Add(key, val); } } startIdx += kvLen + 1; } return(dict); }
protected override void DoAfterWork(WorkContext work, JSONDataMap matched) { var code = matched[VAR_CODE].AsInt(); var error = matched[VAR_ERROR].AsString(); if (code > 0) { throw new HTTPStatusException(code, error); } else { work.Aborted = true; } }
public payoutBatch(JSONDataMap map) { if (map.ContainsKey("batch_header")) { BatchHeader = new payoutBatchHeader(map["batch_header"] as JSONDataMap); } else { throw new PaymentException(GetType().Name + ".ctor(batch_header is null)"); } var items = (map["items"] as JSONDataArray) ?? Enumerable.Empty <object>(); Items = new List <payoutItemDetails>(items.Select(item => new payoutItemDetails(item as JSONDataMap))); }
public void JSONDataMapFromURLEncoded_Esc() { string[] strs = { " ", "!", "=", "&", "\"zele/m\\h()an\"" }; foreach (var str in strs) { var query = "a=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(str); var dict = JSONDataMap.FromURLEncodedString(query); Aver.AreEqual(1, dict.Count); Aver.AreObjectsEqual(str, dict["a"]); } }
private JSONDataMap doObject() { fetchPrimary(); // skip { var obj = new JSONDataMap(); if (token.Type != JSONTokenType.tBraceClose) //empty object {} { while (true) { if (token.Type != JSONTokenType.tIdentifier && token.Type != JSONTokenType.tStringLiteral) { errorAndAbort(JSONMsgCode.eObjectKeyExpected); } var key = token.Text; if (obj.ContainsKey(key)) { errorAndAbort(JSONMsgCode.eDuplicateObjectKey); } fetchPrimary(); if (token.Type != JSONTokenType.tColon) { errorAndAbort(JSONMsgCode.eColonOperatorExpected); } fetchPrimary(); var value = doAny(); obj[key] = value; fetchPrimary(); if (token.Type != JSONTokenType.tComma) { break; } fetchPrimary(); } if (token.Type != JSONTokenType.tBraceClose) { errorAndAbort(JSONMsgCode.eUnterminatedObject); } } return(obj); }
/// <summary> /// Generates JSON object suitable for passing into WV.RecordModel.Record(...) constructor on the client. /// Pass target to select attributes targeted to ANY target or to the specified one, for example /// may get attributes for client data entry screen that sees field metadata differently, in which case target will reflect the name /// of the screen /// </summary> public static JSONDataMap RowToRecordInitJSON(Row row, Exception validationError, string recID = null, string target = null, string isoLang = null) { var result = new JSONDataMap(); if (row==null) return result; if (recID.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) recID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); result["OK"] = true; result["ID"] = recID; if (isoLang.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) result["ISOLang"] = isoLang; //20140914 DKh if (row is FormModel) { result[FormModel.JSON_MODE_PROPERTY] = ((FormModel)row).FormMode; result[FormModel.JSON_CSRF_PROPERTY] = ((FormModel)row).CSRFToken; } var fields = new JSONDataArray(); result["fields"] = fields; var schemaName = row.Schema.Name; if (row.Schema.TypedRowType!=null) schemaName = row.Schema.TypedRowType.FullName; foreach(var fdef in row.Schema.FieldDefs.Where(fd=>!fd.NonUI)) { var fld = new JSONDataMap(); fields.Add(fld); fld["def"] = fieldDefToJSON(schemaName, fdef, target); fld["val"] = row.GetFieldValue(fdef); var ferr = validationError as CRUDFieldValidationException; //field level exception if (ferr!= null && ferr.FieldName==fdef.Name) { fld["error"] = ferr.ToMessageWithType(); fld["errorText"] = localizeString(schemaName, "errorText", ferr.ClientMessage); } } //record level if (validationError!=null && !(validationError is CRUDFieldValidationException)) { result["error"] = validationError.ToMessageWithType(); result["errorText"] = localizeString(schemaName, "errorText", validationError.Message); } return result; }
#pragma warning disable 1570 /// <summary> /// Parses query string (e.g. "id=457&name=zelemhan") into dictionary (e.g. {{"id", "457"}, {"name", "zelemhan"}}) /// </summary> #pragma warning restore 1570 public static JSONDataMap ParseQueryString(string query) { if (query.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) return new JSONDataMap(); var dict = new JSONDataMap(); int queryLen = query.Length; int startIdx = 0; while (startIdx < queryLen) { int ampIdx = query.IndexOf('&', startIdx); int kvLen = (ampIdx != -1) ? ampIdx - startIdx : queryLen - startIdx; if (kvLen < 1) { startIdx = ampIdx + 1; continue; } int eqIdx = query.IndexOf('=', startIdx, kvLen); if (eqIdx == -1) { var key = Uri.UnescapeDataString(query.Substring(startIdx, kvLen)); dict.Add(key, null); } else { int keyLen = eqIdx - startIdx; if (keyLen > 0) { string key = Uri.UnescapeDataString(query.Substring(startIdx, keyLen)); string val = null; int valLen = kvLen - (eqIdx - startIdx) - 1; if (valLen > 0) val = Uri.UnescapeDataString(query.Substring(eqIdx + 1, kvLen - (eqIdx - startIdx) - 1)); dict.Add(key, val); } } startIdx += kvLen + 1; } return dict; }
/// <summary> /// Converts request body and MatchedVars into a single JSONDataMap. Users should call WholeRequestAsJSONDataMap.get() as it caches the result /// </summary> protected virtual JSONDataMap GetWholeRequestAsJSONDataMap() { var body = this.RequestBodyAsJSONDataMap; if (body==null) return MatchedVars; var result = new JSONDataMap(false); result.Append(MatchedVars) .Append(body); return result; }
private Transaction createPayoutTransaction(PaySession session, ITransactionContext context, JSONDataMap response, Account to, Amount amount, string description = null) { var batchID = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_BATCH_HEADER, RESPONSE_BATCH_ID); object itemID = null; var items = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ITEMS) as JSONDataArray; if (items != null && items.Count > 0) { // for the moment there is only one possible payment in a batch itemID = ((JSONDataMap)items[0]).GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ITEMS_ITEMID); } var processorToken = new { batchID = batchID.AsString(), itemID = itemID.AsString() }; var transactionDate = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_BATCH_HEADER, RESPONSE_TIME_COMPLETED) .AsDateTime(App.TimeSource.UTCNow); var transactionID = PaySystemHost.GenerateTransactionID(session, context, TransactionType.Transfer); return new Transaction(transactionID, TransactionType.Transfer, this.Name, processorToken, Account.EmptyInstance, to, amount, transactionDate, description); }
/// <summary> /// Converts BSON document to JSON data map by directly mapping /// BSON types into corresponding CLR types. The sub-documents get mapped into JSONDataObjects, /// and BSON arrays get mapped into CLR object[] /// </summary> public virtual JSONDataMap BSONDocumentToJSONMap(BSONDocument doc, Func<BSONDocument, BSONElement, bool> filter = null) { if (doc==null) return null; var result = new JSONDataMap(true); foreach(var elm in doc) { if (filter!=null) if (!filter(doc, elm)) continue; var clrValue = DirectConvertBSONValue(elm, filter); result[elm.Name] = clrValue; } return result; }
protected virtual JSONDataMap FieldDefToJSON(string schema, Schema.FieldDef fdef, string target, string isoLang = null) { var result = new JSONDataMap(); result["Name"] = fdef.Name; result["Type"] = MapCLRTypeToJS(fdef.NonNullableType); var key = fdef.AnyTargetKey; if (key) result["Key"] = key; if (fdef.NonNullableType.IsEnum) { //Generate default lookupdict for enum var names = Enum.GetNames(fdef.NonNullableType); var values = new JSONDataMap(true); foreach(var name in names) values[name] = name; result["LookupDict"] = values; } var attr = fdef[target]; if (attr!=null) { if (attr.Description!=null) result["Description"] = OnLocalizeString(schema, "Description", attr.Description, isoLang); var str = attr.StoreFlag==StoreFlag.OnlyStore || attr.StoreFlag==StoreFlag.LoadAndStore; if (!str) result["Stored"] = str; if (attr.Required) result["Required"] = attr.Required; if (!attr.Visible) result["Visible"] = attr.Visible; if (attr.Min!=null) result["MinValue"] = attr.Min; if (attr.Max!=null) result["MaxValue"] = attr.Max; if (attr.MinLength>0) result["MinSize"] = attr.MinLength; if (attr.MaxLength>0) result["Size"] = attr.MaxLength; if (attr.Default!=null) result["DefaultValue"] = attr.Default; if (attr.ValueList.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var vl = OnLocalizeString(schema, "LookupDict", attr.ValueList, isoLang); result["LookupDict"] = FieldAttribute.ParseValueListString(vl); } if (attr.Kind!=DataKind.Text) result["Kind"] = MapCLRKindToJS(attr.Kind); } if (attr.Metadata!=null) { foreach(var fn in METADATA_FIELDS) { var mv = attr.Metadata.AttrByName(fn).Value; if (mv.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) continue; if (fn=="Description"||fn=="Placeholder"||fn=="LookupDict"||fn=="Hint") mv = OnLocalizeString(schema, fn, mv, isoLang); result[fn] = mv; } } return result; }
public void T_14_RowCycle_TransitiveCycle_3() { var root = new JSONDataMap(); root["a"] = 1; root["b"] = true; root["array"] = new JSONDataArray(){1,2,3,true,true,root}; //TRANSITIVE(via another instance) CYCLE!!!! var rc = new RowConverter(); var doc = rc.ConvertCLRtoBSON(null, root, "A");//exception }
public object InboundJSONMapEcho(JSONDataMap data) { return data; }
public object JSONMapAndPrimitive_JSONFirst(JSONDataMap map, int n, string s) { map["ID"] = n; map["Name"] = s; return map; // or you could write: new JSONResult(map, JSONWritingOptions.CompactRowsAsMap); }
public void Templatization_Recursive() { var map1 = new JSONDataMap { { "a", 1 } }; var map2 = new JSONDataMap { { "b", 2 }, { "c", map1 } }; map1.Add("d", map2); var qry = new BSONDocument("{ rec: '$$value' }", true, new TemplateArg("value", map1)); }
protected virtual Schema.FieldDef GetFieldDefFromJSON(JSONDataMap def) { var name = def["Name"].AsString(); var type = MapJSToCLRType(def["Type"].AsString()); var key = def["Key"].AsBool(false); var description = def["Description"].AsString(null); var required = def["Required"].AsBool(false); var visible = def["Visible"].AsBool(true); var minValue = def["MinValue"]; var maxValue = def["MaxValue"]; var minLength = def["MinSize"].AsInt(0); var maxLength = def["Size"].AsInt(0); var defaultValue = def["DefaultValue"]; var kind = MapJSToCLRKind(def["Kind"].AsString()); var charCase = MapJSToCLRCharCase(def["Case"].AsString()); var stored = def["Stored"].AsNullableBool(); var storeFlag = (stored == false) ? StoreFlag.OnlyLoad : StoreFlag.LoadAndStore; var lookupValues = def["LookupDict"] as JSONDataMap; var metadata = Configuration.NewEmptyRoot(); foreach (var kvp in def) { if (kvp.Value == null) continue; metadata.AddAttributeNode(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } var mcontent = metadata.ToLaconicString(LaconfigWritingOptions.Compact); var attr = lookupValues == null ? new FieldAttribute( targetName: TargetedAttribute.ANY_TARGET, storeFlag: storeFlag, key: key, kind: kind, required: required, visible: visible, dflt: defaultValue, min: minValue, max: maxValue, minLength: minLength, maxLength: maxLength, charCase: charCase, description: description, metadata: mcontent // nonUI = false, // formatRegExp = null, // formatDescr = null, // displayFormat = null ) : new FieldAttribute( valueList: lookupValues, targetName: TargetedAttribute.ANY_TARGET, storeFlag: storeFlag, key: key, kind: kind, required: required, visible: visible, dflt: defaultValue, min: minValue, max: maxValue, minLength: minLength, maxLength: maxLength, charCase: charCase, description: description, metadata: mcontent // nonUI = false, // formatRegExp = null, // formatDescr = null, // displayFormat = null ); var fdef = new Schema.FieldDef(name, type, attr); return fdef; }
/// <summary> /// Tries to match the pattern against the URI path section and returns a JSONDataMap match object filled with pattern match or NULL if pattern could not be matched. /// JSONDataMap may be easily converted to dynamic by calling new JSONDynamicObject(map) /// </summary> public JSONDataMap MatchURIPath(Uri uri, bool senseCase = false) { JSONDataMap result = null; if (m_MatchChunks.Count==0) return new JSONDataMap(false); var segs = uri.LocalPath.Split('/'); var ichunk = -1; chunk chunk = null; var wildCard = false; foreach(var seg in segs) { if (seg.Length==0) continue;//skip empty //// if (!wildCard) { ichunk++; if (ichunk>=m_MatchChunks.Count) return null; chunk = m_MatchChunks[ichunk]; } if (chunk.Portion!=chunkPortion.Path) return null; if (chunk.IsWildcard) { wildCard = true; if (result==null) result = new JSONDataMap(false); if (!result.ContainsKey(chunk.Name)) result[chunk.Name] = seg; else result[chunk.Name] = (string)result[chunk.Name] + '/' + seg; } else if (chunk.IsVar) { if (result==null) result = new JSONDataMap(false); result[chunk.Name] = seg; } else if (!chunk.Name.Equals(seg, senseCase ? StringComparison.InvariantCulture : StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return null; }//foreach ichunk++; while(ichunk<m_MatchChunks.Count) { chunk=m_MatchChunks[ichunk]; if (!chunk.IsVar) return null;//some trailing elements that are not vars and do not match if (result==null) result = new JSONDataMap(false); if (!result.ContainsKey(chunk.Name)) result[chunk.Name] = chunk.DefaultValue; ichunk++; } return result ?? new JSONDataMap(false); }
private void ctor(JSONDataMap init) { m_Init = init; var schema = MapInitToSchema(); __ctor(schema); LoadData(); }
/// <summary> /// Internal method. Developers do not call /// </summary> internal void ___SetWorkMatch(WorkMatch match, JSONDataMap vars){m_Match = match; m_MatchedVars = vars;}
public DropBoxPhotoObjectMetadata(JSONDataMap dataMap) { if (dataMap == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataMap"); _dataMap = dataMap; }
public object JSONMapAndPrimitive_JSONMiddle(int n, JSONDataMap map, string s) { map["ID"] = n; map["Name"] = s; return map;//new JSONResult(map, JSONWritingOptions.CompactRowsAsMap); }
protected override void DoObtainTokens(SocialUserInfo userInfo, JSONDataMap request, string returnPageURL) { var code = request[ACCESSTOKEN_CODE_PARAMNAME].AsString(); if (code.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) throw new NFXException( StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + GetType().Name + ".GetUserInfo(request should contain code)"); FacebookSocialUserInfo fbUserInfo = userInfo as FacebookSocialUserInfo; string returnURL = PrepareReturnURLParameter(returnPageURL); fbUserInfo.AccessToken = getAccessToken( code, returnURL); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string parsed into key values as: val1: descr1,val2: desc2... /// </summary> public static JSONDataMap ParseValueListString(string valueList, bool caseSensitiveKeys = false) { var result = new JSONDataMap(caseSensitiveKeys); if (valueList.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) return result; var segs = valueList.Split(',','|',';'); foreach(var seg in segs) { var i = seg.LastIndexOf(':'); if (i>0&&i<seg.Length-1) result[seg.Substring(0,i).Trim()] = seg.Substring(i+1).Trim(); else result[seg] = seg; } return result; }
private static void checkPayoutStatus(JSONDataMap response) { var batchStatus = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_BATCH_HEADER, RESPONSE_BATCH_STATUS); if (batchStatus.AsString() != RESPONSE_SUCCESS) { var errorName = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ERRORS_NAME); var errorMessage = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ERRORS_MESSAGE); var errorDescription = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ERRORS_DETAILS); var message = StringConsts.PAYPAL_PAYOUT_DENIED_MESSAGE.Args(errorName ?? EMPTY, errorMessage ?? EMPTY, errorDescription ?? EMPTY); throw new PayPalPaymentException(message); } }
private void checkPayoutStatus(JSONDataMap response, PayPalSession payPalSession) { var batchStatus = response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_BATCH_HEADER, RESPONSE_BATCH_STATUS).AsString(); if (!batchStatus.EqualsIgnoreCase(RESPONSE_SUCCESS)) { throwPaymentException(response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ERRORS_NAME).AsString(), response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ERRORS_MESSAGE).AsString(), response.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ERRORS_DETAILS).AsString()); } var items = response[RESPONSE_ITEMS] as JSONDataArray; if (items == null || items.Count<=0) return; // for the moment there is only one possible payment in a batch var item = (JSONDataMap)items[0]; var status = item[RESPONSE_ITEM_TRAN_STATUS].AsString(); //todo: cancel unclaimed transaction? if (status.EqualsIgnoreCase(RESPONSE_ITEM_UNCLAIMED)) { var itemID = item[RESPONSE_ITEMS_ITEMID].AsString(); cancelUnclaimedPayout(itemID, payPalSession); throwPaymentException(item.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS_NAME).AsString(), item.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS_MESSAGE).AsString(), EMPTY); } //todo: other statuses if (!status.EqualsIgnoreCase(RESPONSE_ITEM_SUCCESS)) { throwPaymentException(item.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS_NAME).AsString(), item.GetNodeByPath(RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS, RESPONSE_ITEM_ERRORS_MESSAGE).AsString(), status); } }