Exemple #1
        public void TestBondOptionPrice()
            var settleDate         = new Date(2008, 1, 17);                                                    // Option related
            var maturityDate       = new Date(2009, 8, 1);                                                     // Bond related
            var forwardDate        = new Date(2008, 4, 17);                                                    // Forward related
            var notional           = 1000000.0;                                                                //
            var annualCouponRate   = 0.13;                                                                     // According to JSE Bond Pricer for R153
            var couponMonth1       = 2;                                                                        //
            var couponDay1         = 28;                                                                       //
            var couponMonth2       = 8;                                                                        //
            var couponDay2         = 31;                                                                       //
            var booksCloseDateDays = 10;                                                                       //
            var zaCalendar         = new Calendar("Test");                                                     //
            var bondOptionR153     = new JSEBondOption(forwardDate, maturityDate, PutOrCall.Call, settleDate); //

            var bondForwardR153 = new JSEBondForward(forwardDate, maturityDate, notional, annualCouponRate, couponMonth1,
                                                     couponDay1, couponMonth2, couponDay2, booksCloseDateDays, zaCalendar, TestHelpers.ZAR);

            var ytm    = 0.0930; //
            var repo   = 0.1075; // See example
            var strike = 0.09;   //
            var vol    = 0.07;   //

            var results = JSEBondOptionEx.BlackOption(bondOptionR153, strike, vol, repo, bondForwardR153, ytm);

            Assert.AreEqual(103.8547113436135, (double)results.GetScalar(JSEBondOptionEx.Keys.BlackOption), 1e-8);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bondforward"></param>
        /// <param name="settleDate"></param>
        /// <param name="ytm"></param>
        /// <param name="repo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ResultStore ForwardPrice(this JSEBondForward bondforward, Date settleDate, double ytm, double repo)
            var N            = 100.0;
            var couponamount = N * bondforward.underlyingBond.annualCouponRate / 2;
            var forwardDate  = bondforward.forwardDate;

            if (settleDate > forwardDate)
                throw new ArgumentException("settlement date must be before forward date.");

            // get all-in price of underlying bond
            var results = bondforward.underlyingBond.GetSpotMeasures(settleDate, ytm);
            var AIP     = (double)results.GetScalar(BesaJseBondEx.Keys.RoundedAip);

            // calculate Unadjusted Forward Price
            var dt           = (double)(forwardDate - settleDate) / 365;
            var ForwardPrice = AIP * (1 + repo * dt);

            // get coupon dates between settlement and forward date and calculate equivalent value function
            var CouponDates = GetCouponDates(bondforward.underlyingBond, settleDate, forwardDate);

            // adjust forward price for any coupons the counterparty might receive
            var EV = new List <double>();

            double AdjustedForwardPrice = 0;

            if (CouponDates.Any())
                foreach (var date in CouponDates)
                    if (date <= forwardDate)
                        EV.Add(1 + repo * (forwardDate - date) / 365);
                        EV.Add(Math.Pow(1 + repo * (date - forwardDate) / 365, -1));

                AdjustedForwardPrice = ForwardPrice - couponamount * EV.Sum();
                AdjustedForwardPrice = ForwardPrice;

            var resultStore = new ResultStore();

            resultStore.Add(Keys.ForwardPrice, AdjustedForwardPrice);
Exemple #3
        public static double BesaJseForwardPrice(
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "The underlying bond.")]
            JSEBondForward bondforward,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "The settlement date of the bond.")]
            Date settleDate,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "The yield to maturity of the bond.")]
            double ytm,
            [ExcelArgument(Description = "The repo rate of the bond.")]
            double repo)

            var result = (double)bondforward.ForwardPrice(settleDate, ytm, repo).GetScalar(JSEBondForwardEx.Keys.ForwardPrice);

Exemple #4
        // HelpTopic = "http://www.quantsa.org/")] // TODO:
        public static double FormulaBondOption([ExcelArgument(Description = "The underlying bond option.")]
                                               JSEBondOption bondOptionR153,
                                               [ExcelArgument(Description = "The strike/struck rate of the option.")]
                                               double strike,
                                               [ExcelArgument(Description = "Annualized volatility.")]
                                               double vol,
                                               [ExcelArgument(Description = "The repo rate of the deal.")]
                                               double repo,
                                               [ExcelArgument(Description = "The yield to maturity of the bond.")]
                                               double ytm,
                                               [ExcelArgument(Description = "The underlying bond forward from which the forward price is derived.")]
                                               JSEBondForward bondForward)

            var bondOptionPrice = (double)JSEBondOptionEx.BlackOption(bondOptionR153, strike, vol, repo, bondForward, ytm).GetScalar(JSEBondOptionEx.Keys.BlackOption);

Exemple #5
        public void TestSettlementDateGreaterThanForwardDate_ReturnArgumentException()
            var settleDate         = new Date(2006, 6, 20);
            var forwardDate        = new Date(2006, 6, 19);
            var maturityDate       = new Date(2026, 12, 21);
            var notional           = 1000000.0;
            var annualCouponRate   = 0.105;
            var couponMonth1       = 6;
            var couponDay1         = 21;
            var couponMonth2       = 12;
            var couponDay2         = 21;
            var booksCloseDateDays = 10;
            var zaCalendar         = new Calendar("Test");
            var bondForward        = new JSEBondForward(forwardDate, maturityDate, notional, annualCouponRate, couponMonth1,
                                                        couponDay1, couponMonth2, couponDay2, booksCloseDateDays, zaCalendar, TestHelpers.ZAR);

            var ytm  = 0.0715;
            var repo = 0.065;

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => bondForward.ForwardPrice(settleDate, ytm, repo));
Exemple #6
        public void TestBondForwardPrice()
            var settleDate         = new Date(2008, 1, 17);
            var forwardDate        = new Date(2008, 4, 17);
            var maturityDate       = new Date(2009, 8, 1);
            var notional           = 1000000.0;
            var annualCouponRate   = 0.13;
            var couponMonth1       = 2;
            var couponDay1         = 28;
            var couponMonth2       = 8;
            var couponDay2         = 31;
            var booksCloseDateDays = 10;
            var zaCalendar         = new Calendar("Test");
            var bondForward        = new JSEBondForward(forwardDate, maturityDate, notional, annualCouponRate, couponMonth1,
                                                        couponDay1, couponMonth2, couponDay2, booksCloseDateDays, zaCalendar, TestHelpers.ZAR);

            var ytm  = 0.0930;
            var repo = 0.1075;

            var results = bondForward.ForwardPrice(settleDate, ytm, repo);

            Assert.AreEqual(106.76579546732876, (double)results.GetScalar(JSEBondForwardEx.Keys.ForwardPrice), 1e-8);
Exemple #7
        // No books close date that lies in between settlement and forward date
        public void TestForwardPriceCase3()
            var settleDate         = new Date(2006, 6, 1);
            var forwardDate        = new Date(2006, 6, 8);
            var maturityDate       = new Date(2026, 12, 21);
            var notional           = 1000000.0;
            var annualCouponRate   = 0.105;
            var couponMonth1       = 6;
            var couponDay1         = 21;
            var couponMonth2       = 12;
            var couponDay2         = 21;
            var booksCloseDateDays = 10;
            var zaCalendar         = new Calendar("Test");
            var bondForward        = new JSEBondForward(forwardDate, maturityDate, notional, annualCouponRate, couponMonth1,
                                                        couponDay1, couponMonth2, couponDay2, booksCloseDateDays, zaCalendar, TestHelpers.ZAR);

            var ytm  = 0.0715;
            var repo = 0.065;

            var results = bondForward.ForwardPrice(settleDate, ytm, repo);

            Assert.AreEqual(140.63595504, (double)results.GetScalar(JSEBondForwardEx.Keys.ForwardPrice), 1e-8);
Exemple #8
        public static ResultStore BlackOption(JSEBondOption bondoption, double strike, double vol, double repo, JSEBondForward bond, double yieldToMaturity)
            var settleDate        = bondoption.settleDate;
            var timeToMaturity    = bondoption.timeToMaturity;
            var ytm               = yieldToMaturity;
            var bondforwardprice1 = (double)bond.ForwardPrice(settleDate, ytm, repo).GetScalar(JSEBondForwardEx.Keys.ForwardPrice);

            var discountFactor = Math.Exp(-repo * timeToMaturity);

            var optionPrice = BlackEtc.Black(PutOrCall.Call, strike, timeToMaturity, bondforwardprice1, vol, discountFactor);

            var resultStore = new ResultStore();

            resultStore.Add(Keys.BlackOption, optionPrice);